America's Great Depression (61 page)

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Authors: Murray Rothbard

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Ludwig von

Watkins, Gordon S., 251

von Windegger, F. R., See

Watkins, Myron W., 292

Windegger, F.R. von

Watkins, Ralph J., 284

Wehle, Louis, 276

Wendt, Paul F., 274


West, Bradford W., 319

during a depression, 14, 19, 40,

Weyforth, William O., 251

44, 47, 50, 52–53, 171,

Wheat, 132, 223–25, 227, 229, 231,

185, 212, 246, 248, 265,

242, 248, 273

267–70, 293, 331–32,

Wheeler, Burton K., 308


White, William Allen, 189, 273

government coercion of, 43,

45–46, 202

Whitney, A.F., 212, 306

in Britain

Whitney, George, 163, 274

Keynesian theory of, 42, 50

Whitney, Richard, 246

marginal productivity theory

Whittlesey, Charles R., 312

applied to, 43

Wicksell, Knut, 157

Wager Act, 250–52, 264–65, 293

Wiggin, Albert H., 249, 274, 317

Wagner, Robert F., 197, 250,

Wilbur, Ray Lyman, 209, 284

265–66, 272, 292

Willcox, W.F., 292

Wald, Lillian, 194, 251

Williams, Carl, 228

Walker, Amasa, 28, 34, 36

Williams, John H., 315

Wallace, Henry A., 174, 221, 223,

Williams, John Skelton, 121

225, 310, 313

Willis, H. Parker, 76, 118, 121, 132,

Wallace, Henry C., 220, 225

135, 150, 156, 167, 175, 248,

Walrasian system, 66, 69, 70, 73

314, 327


America’s Great Depression

Willits, Joseph H., 197, 251, 264,

Wool, 224, 232, 248

295, 312

Woolley, Clarence, 195

Willoughby, William F., 251

Work hours, See Hours of labor

Wilson, Charles S., 228

World War I, 279, 328

Wilson, Huntington, 174

World War II, 45

Wilson, William B., 189

Wright, C.W., 314

Wilson, Woodrow, 117, 137, 174,

Wright, Ivan, 311, 314

189, 192–94, 219

Winant, John G., 174, 197

Wright, Quincy, 313

Windegger, F.R. von, 325

Wyatt, Walter, 275

Wisconsin, 196, 235–36, 323

Wyoming, 269

Wise, Stephen S., 194

Witte, Edwin E., 251, 292

Woll, Matthew, 195, 212, 251, 273,

Yellen, Samuel, 202


Yntema, Theodore O., 314

Wolman, Leo, 194–95, 205, 253,

Yoder, Dale, 333

264, 266–68, 312

Young, Allyn A., 175, 181

Wood, Robert E., 309

Young, Owen D., 175, 189, 195,

Woodhouse, Chase Going, 251

211, 273, 278, 294

Woods, Arthur, 246–47, 253

Young, Roy, 163, 240

About the Author

Murray N. Rothbard, the author of 25

books and thousands of articles, was

the dean of the Austrian School of eco-

nomics. The S.J. Hall Distinguished

Professor of Economics at the University

of Nevada, Las Vegas, he was also Academic Vice President of the Ludwig von Mises Institute.

Document Outline
  • Cover
  • Acknowledgments
  • Contents
  • Intro to Fifth Edition
  • Intro to Fourth Edition
  • Intro to Third Edition
  • Intro to Second Edition
  • Intro to First Edition
  • Part I Business Cycle Theory
  • 1. The Positive Theory of the Cycle
  • 2. Keynesian Criticisms of the Theory
  • 3. Some Alternative Explanations of Depression: A Critique
  • Part II Theory Inflationary Boom: 1921-1929
  • 4. The Inflationary Factors
  • 5. The Development of the Inflation
  • 6. Theory and Inflation: Economists and the Lure of a Stable Price Level
  • Part III The Great Depression: 1929-1933
  • 7. Prelude to Depression: Mr. Hoover and Laissez-Faire
  • 8. The Depression Begins: President Hoover Takes Command
  • 9. 1930
  • 10. 1931 - "The Tragic Year"
  • 11. The Hoover New Deal of 1932
  • 12. The Close of the Hoover Term
  • Appendix: Government the National Product, 1929-1932
  • Index

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