America's Great Depression (60 page)

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Authors: Murray Rothbard

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National Association of Real Estate


Boards, 244

cause of depressions, 6, 87

National Board of Farm

liquidity trap, 39

Organizations, 225


America’s Great Depression

National Bureau of Economic

New York Stock Exchange, 159,

Research, 195–96, 206

163, 246, 316

National Civil Federation, 201

Money Committee, 125

National Coal Association, 284

Newton, Walter H., 187, 209

National Consumers League, 176

Niemeyer, Otto, 179

National Credit Corporation,

Non-Partisan League, 191

274–76, 285, 296

Norbeck, Peter, 163

National Economy League, 290

Norbeck–Burtness Bill, 226

National Education Association, 176

Norman, Montagu, 144–45,

National Electric Light Association,

147–48, 151, 153–55,


164–65, 172, 178–79, 240,


National Farmer Labor Party, 122

North Carolina, 269

National Farmers’ Union, 244, 308,


North Dakota, 235–36, 301

Norway, 152

National Grange, 176, 225, 244,


Noyes, C. Reinold, 167

National Housing Conference, 286

Nutt, Joseph R., 297

National Industrial Conference

Board, 205–06

National Monetary Association, 175

Oakwood, John, 269–70

Ogburn, William F., 197

National Recovery Act, 207

Ohio, 301, 327

National Recovery Administration,

Oil, See Petroleum controls

277, 280, 323

Oklahoma, 283

National Unemployment League,


Olds, Marshall, 201–02

O’Leary, Paul M., 251

National Wool Marketing

Corporation, 232–33

Olson, Floyd, 236–37

Nebraska, 222, 235, 323

O’Neal, Edward A., 310

Nebraska Farmers’ Union, 233

Oregon, 301

Overproduction, See Capital goods

Nelson, R.W., 25, 56, 101, 167, 171,

174, 332

Owen, Robert L., 310

Netherlands Bank, 259

New Jersey, 301

Page, Walter Hines, 155

New York, 97, 146, 149, 155, 191,

269, 301, 316, 346

Paley, William S., 273

New York Federal Reserve Bank,

Palmer, A. Mitchell, 218

119, 123–25, 127–29, 132,

Palyi, Melchior, 149

144–45, 151–52, 154–55,

Parker, Governor, 222

158, 164, 166, 173, 240, 258,

Parkinson, Thomas I., 197, 251

260, 263

Parks, national, 284



Patman, Wright, 309

Price supports, 225

Patterson, Ernest M., 292, 314

butter, 234

Patterson, S. Howard, 251

cotton, 232

Paul, Randolph, 288

wheat, 226, 228–30

Pearson, Frank, 6, 176

wool, 233

Peek, George N., 225, 228, 280


Peixotto, Jessica, 252

in a free market, 71

Pennsylvania, 266, 301, 327

stabilization of, 5, 59, 86,

Pepper, George H., 197

169–81, 198, 206, 220, 233,

Perkins, Frances, 250

309–10, 314

Perlman, Selig, 292

Prochnow, Herbert V., 91

Pershing, John J., 290

Producers’ goods, See Capital goods

Person, H.S., 278

Production, See Consumption;

Persons, Warren M., 175, 311, 313

Capital goods

Petroleum controls, 283

Psychology and business cycles,

Phelps, Clyde W., 94


Philippines, the, 233, 235

Public works,
see also

Phillips, C.A., 25–26, 32, 56, 60,

Herbert C., 192–93, 195–96,

101, 120, 167, 171, 174, 314,

198, 243, 245, 248, 250, 265,


267, 285, 289, 292–95, 299,

Phillips, Charles F., 218

313–14, 322–23, 331

Pigou, Arthur Cecil, 176

Purchasing power, See Money

Pinchot, Gifford, 203

Putnam, George E., 140, 270

Pittman, Key, 242

Pittman Act of 1918, 117

Railroads, 70, 203–04, 210, 286,

Planned economy, See Socialism

297–300, 319, 331, 336

Poland, 226

Plumb Plan, 203

Pollak Foundation for Economic

Railway Labor Act of 1926, 204

Research, 198

Ramseyer, Christian, 309

Pomerene, Atlee, 297, 307

Rand, James H., Jr., 175, 309

Population growth, 70

Ratner, Sidney, 256, 287

Portugal, 152

Recession, See Depression

Pound, Roscoe, 197

Reconstruction Finance

Pratt, Ruth, 155, 197

Corporation, 219, 276, 285,

President’s Conference on

295–96, 298–01, 307, 313,

Unemployment, 191, 195,

315, 317, 322


Red Cross, 231–32, 271

Public Works Committee, 193

Rediscount rate, 104–05, 118,

President’s Emergency Committee

120–24, 137, 139, 156, 161,

for Employment, 335

165, 215, 240, 262


America’s Great Depression

penalty rate, 118–19, 160

Rothschild of Vienna, 257–58

see also
Federal Reserve System

Rovensky, John E., 175

Reed, Clyde M., 231

Rumely, Edward A., 309

Reed, Harold L., 134, 158, 251

Ruml, Beardsley, 264

Reeve, Joseph E., 294

Russia, 231

Reichsbank, 260

Ryan, John A., 197, 251, 253, 313

Relief, See Direct relief

Reno, Milo, 235

Republican Party, 189

Sachs, Alexander, 316

Reserves, See Banking

Saloutos, Theodore, 122, 218, 226,

Revenue Act of 1932, 286


Reynolds, Jackson E., 240

Salter, Arthur, 157

Richberg, Donald R., 204, 252, 311

Sammons, Robert L., 131, 138

Rist, Charles, 144–45, 154–55, 171,


Sapiro, Aaron, 223

Ritchie, Albert C., 327

Saving, 9, 11, 17, 20, 22, 37–40,

51–52, 60, 63, 66, 68–69, 71,

Robbins, Lionel, 85, 131, 143, 146

78, 90, 96, 100, 253, 329,

Robertson, Sir Dennis H., 38, 173,



see also

Robey, Ralph West, 125, 167

Savings and loan associations, 90,

Robins, Mrs. Raymond, 197

93, 114

Robinson, Edgar E., 228

Savings banks, 89, 99–101

Robinson, Joseph, 275, 296

Sawyer, D.H., 265

Robinson, Leland Rex, 316

Sayre, Francis B., 251

Robinson, Henry Morton, 163

Scandanavia, 145

Rockefeller Foundation, 264

Schacht, Hjalmar, 131, 148, 151,

Rogers, James Harvey, 174, 177,



Schilling, William F., 228

Rohlfing, Charles C., 319

Schlesinger, Arthur M., Jr., 189,

Roosevelt, Archibald R., 290

272, 278–79, 282

Roosevelt, Franklin D., 186, 189,

Schroeder of England, 257

195, 217, 234, 266, 280–81,

Schultz, Henry, 314

290, 294, 300, 318, 324,

Schumpeter, Joseph A., 3, 70,


72–75, 80

Root, Elihu, 175, 290

Schumpeterian business cycle theo-

Rorty, Malcolm C., 174, 294, 310

ry, 72–75

Rosenwald, Julius, 189, 197, 210,

Schwab, Charles M., 200–01, 205,



Rosenwald, Lessing J., 309

Schwenning, Gustav T., 251

Rothschild, Louis, 175

Scott, W.R., 55



Seager, Henry R., 251

South Carolina, 223, 269, 275

Securities and Exchange

South Dakota, 235, 323

Commission, 317

Speculative demand, 40–41, 49

Selden, Richard, 90

Sprague, Oliver M.W., 121, 151

Seligman, Edwin R.A., 292, 313

Spreckels, Rudolph, 279

Sellin, Thorsten, 251

Stable Money Association, 209

Sexauer, Fred H., 309

Stable Money League, 174–75

Shannon, Fred A., 236

Stamp, Josiah, 175

Shaviro, Sol, 331–32

Standard Oil , 190, 211, 335

Shelby, Donald, 96

State, Department of, 141–42,

Shibley, George H., 177, 310

242–43, 319

Shideler, James M., 222, 224

Steel industry,
see also
United States Shientag, Bernard L., 251

Steel, 171, 200–02, 211, 248,

Silver, 94, 106, 116–17, 137, 151,

267, 331

242, 308

Stewart, Walter W., 161

Silver, Abba Hillel, 273

Stimson, Henry, 174, 270

Silver, Gray, 224

Stine, Oscar C., 234

Simkhovitch, Mary K., 251

Stock Growers’ Finance

Simonds, Alvin T., 310

Corporation, 220

Simons, Henry C., 292, 314

Stock market

Simpson, John A., 310

loans, 76–78, 123–24, 157, 159

Slichter, Sumner H., 251, 292, 312

crash of 1929, See Depression,

stock market crash

Sloan, Alfred P., 211, 308

Smith, Alfred E., 192, 197, 290, 294

Stocking, George W., 283

Stone, James C., 228, 232

Smith, Edwin S., 251, 280

Stone, Nahum I., 197, 251

Smith, J. G., 140

Stone, Nathan J., 192

Smith, J. Russell, 280

Strakosch, Henry, 175, 178–79

Smith, Vera C., 186

Straus, Oscar, 189

Smoot, Reed, 242, 308

Strong, Benjamin, 119, 123,

Smoot–Hawley Tariff, 241

133–34, 138, 143, 145–47,

Snowden, Philip, 181

151, 153–57, 159–62, 164,

Snyder, Carl, 161, 173, 175, 263

172–73, 176–77, 263


Strong, James G., 172, 177

industrial cartels, 222–24

Sugar, 132, 242

Socialist Party, 175, 250

Swift, Linton B., 300

Solo, Carolyn Shaw, 74

Switzerland, 145

Soule, George, 251, 266, 280, 292,

Swope, Gerard, 197, 253, 277–78,


282, 323

South America, 132

Swope, Herbert Bayard, 280


America’s Great Depression

Taber, Louis J., 290, 310

Tucker, Rufus S., 316

Taft, William Howard, 174

Tugwell, Rexford Guy, 280–81

Tannenbaum, Frank, 251

Tarbell, Ida M., 194

Tariffs, 140, 227, 241, 249–50, 257,

Underwood, Oscar W., 174

313, 322

Unemployment, 14, 19, 23, 29, 41,

Taus, Esther Rogoff, 135

43–45, 48–50, 52–53, 87,

Taussig, Frank W., 189, 242, 251,

179, 185, 192, 199, 239, 243,

292, 313

250, 260, 267, 269, 282, 293,


311–13, 330, 336

capital gains, 164, 249

during depression, 44, 211, 333,

during a depression, 22


estate, 286–87

in Britain, 153

income, 256, 286–87

Keynesian prescription for, 40,

Taylor, A. Wellington, 316

42, 45

Taylor, George R., 266

see also

Taylor, J.S., 265

Unemployment insurance, 20, 196,

Tead, Ordway, 251, 292

200, 253, 266, 271, 315

Teagle, Walter C., 211, 273, 308,

Unions, 43–44, 48, 150, 200,


203–04, 212, 244, 282,

Teague, C.C., 228


Tennessee Valley Authority, 247

United Mine Workers of America,

Terborgh, George, 69

176, 189, 282

Texas, 222, 269, 283

United States Chamber of

Thomas, Albert, 179

Commerce, 194, 196, 210,

Thomas, Norman, 175, 250, 294

212, 227, 229, 244, 272, 277,

Thompson, Sam H., 228


Thorp, Willard L., 251, 266

United States Conference of

Time deposits, See Banking

Mayors, 294

Time preference, 5, 9–11, 17, 22,

United States government, See

32, 35, 38–40, 52, 69, 71

Government, and names of

see also
Consumption; Interest

specific agencies and persons

rate; Saving

Tippetts, Charles S., 312, 314

United States government securities,

Trafton, George H., 199

See Government securities

Traylor, Melvin A., 276

United States Steel, 190, 200,

Treasury, U.S., 106–08, 111,

202–03, 270

113–14, 116–17, 119, 125,

United States Tariff Board, 192

158, 167, 191, 221, 278, 299,

United States Warehouse Act of

302, 317, 343

1916, 217

Trust companies, 297

Utah, 301



Valgren, V.N., 218

Walsh, David I., 309

Van Buren, Martin, 186

War Finance Corporation, 122, 191,

Vandenberg, Arthur H., 235

218–20, 274–75

Vanderlip, Frank A., 309

Warbasse, J.P., 251

Vanderlip, Mrs. Frank A., 197

Warburg, Felix M., 194

Van Kleeck, Mary, 194–95, 251

Warburg, Paul M., 127–29, 132,

Veblen, Thorstein, 78

155–56, 175


Ware, Norman J., 266

bonuses, 289–90, 323

Warne, Colston E., 251

loans, 264, 289

Warren, George F., 176

Villard, Oswald Garrison, 251

Warren, Harris Gaylord, 141,

Viner, Jacob, 141, 292, 312, 314

189–90, 200, 232, 247, 284,

Vissering, G., 178, 259

288, 290, 319

von Mises, Ludwig, See Mises,

Warren, Robert B., 151, 316

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