America's Galactic Foreign Legion - Book 3: Silent Invasion (19 page)

Read America's Galactic Foreign Legion - Book 3: Silent Invasion Online

Authors: Walter Knight

Tags: #galactic foreign legion science fiction military adventure spider aliens chupacabra

BOOK: America's Galactic Foreign Legion - Book 3: Silent Invasion
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“I didn’t do anything,” said Gotti, checking
his armpits. “I smell it too, but it’s not me. Perhaps you stepped
in dragon shit again.”

“It smells like skunk,” said Guido, checking
his boots for guano. He found none. Guido looked out from his
bunker, trying to locate a source of the smell. Perhaps a rotting
carcass was hidden in the brush. The sounds of explosions and
gunfire from camp put both legionnaires on alert. As they checked
to their rear, two spider commandos threw a web net over them.
Guido and Gotti fell helpless to the ground.

“This one is Gotti,” said the Special Forces
team leader. “Kill the other human pestilence.”

“Wait,” said Guido. “I know you.”

“Guido?” asked the team leader. “Is that you?
You lead a charmed life, and you owe me money.”

“There is twenty thousand dollars in my left
boot,” said Guido. “You are welcome to it.”

“It is not enough,” said the team leader.
“Fixing that dragon fight in Camp Alaska wiped me out.”

“If you kill me, my dragon will hunt you down
and kill you slow,” threatened Guido. “But we’re friends. There is
ten thousand more dollars in my right boot.”

“I am more afraid of wolves than that worn
out old dragon of yours,” said the team leader, as he took Guido’s
boots and money. “But this is a start. How much money do you have
on your card?”

“Millions,” said Guido. “I thought we were
tight. You would rob and kill me for a few dollars?”

“No of course not, Guido,” said the team
leader. “I will kill you for free. I only want two hundred thousand
dollars more for the trouble you are causing me. You can make a
transfer from your card to my card.”

“What would keep me from canceling the
transaction after you leave?” asked Guido. “The bank will not
approve a transaction that large unless they talk to me first.”

“Your electronic checks are always good,”
said the team leader. “I am not worried about that. It would be bad
for future business if word got out you welched on a check.”

“No one would blame me for canceling a check
written under coercion,” said Guido.

“Coercion?” asked the team leader. “I am not
forcing you to do anything. I am only asking for just compensation
for money you cheated out of me. Not killing you is treason. Would
you have me take that risk without compensating me?”

“Fine,” said Guido, entering the transaction
into his note pad. “I can see friendship means nothing to spiders.
It’s done. Check your card.”

“Hey!” said Gotti. “What about me? I can pay
you, too!”

“You have nothing I want,” said the team
leader. “Your life has no value.”

“Sure it does,” said Gotti. “There is a key
on a chain around my neck. The key is to a bank safe deposit box
full of jewels. It’s yours if you let me go. Cut this web off

The team leader snatched the chain off Gotti
and tossed it to Guido. “Gotti, you are under arrest for criminal
conspiracy and murder. You will stand trial on Arthropoda and then
will be executed.”

“So we have a deal?” asked Guido, struggling
with the web restraints. “You are taking Gotti and letting me

“Not yet,” said the team leader, drawing a
large jagged combat knife and poking the tip just under Guido’s
chin. “I want some information. What is the Legion and its
scientists doing with the wolves? Tell me about their

“The eggheads think they can make friends
with the wolves and train them to attack spiders,” said Guido.
“They’re crazy.”

“The wolves are already attacking us,” said
the team leader. “What have the scientists accomplished? Tell me
all you know, or else.”

“They have some wolves eating handouts of dog
food,” said Guido. “Most wolves still refuse all food put out for
them. The scientists are trying to establish a common language by
using hand signals and short commands. They are having some
success. We have a kind of truce with them in that the wolves have
not probed our positions or attacked recently. But you can tell by
the look in the wolves’ eyes that they can not be trusted. The
wolves hate us with every fiber of their being. Only fear and
common sense holds them back.”

“The wolves have common sense?” asked the
team leader. “What do you mean by that?”

“Nothing,” said Guido. “What I mean is fear
of humanity is bred into them from their ancestors’ experience on
Earth. But they are getting bolder.”

“Interesting,” said the team leader. “I will
let you live and leave you here.”


* * * * *




Arthropodan authorities today announced the
arrest of most-wanted fugitive Louis Gotti. The Mafioso kingpin had
been sought in connection with the conspiracy that carried out the
murder of the Arthropodan Emperor. Arthropodan sources say Gotti
was hiding in plain sight by enlisting in the United States
Galactic Foreign Legion and assuming an alias.

Gotti was captured when his Legion unit
strayed across the border and was confronted by Arthropodan customs
officers. Gotti has already confessed to traveling to Arthropoda,
where he paid Mafia associates to assassinate the Emperor. Gotti is
expected to be tried and executed next month.

In other galactic news, the new Arthropodan
Emperor announced the choosing of a Queen. Rainbow, an Americanized
brown spider from New Colorado, was presented at Royal Court today
to a surprised press corps and to an adoring public. Apparently the
secret romance blossomed during a recent rock concert at New
Memphis. It is hoped that Queen Rainbow will be a voice of reason
and moderation to the young Emperor. The last few Emperors have
favored military adventurism to solve border conflicts on New

The Emperor described his fiancée as an
‘independent thinker’ and an ‘awesome biker babe.’ Queen Rainbow
caused raised eyebrows and stretched mandibles when she stated she
will retain duel citizenship.

In other news from New Colorado, the Special
Forces Commander and newly appointed Governor of the spider North
Territory, said he is looking forward to face-to-face negotiations
with General Kalipetsis to resolve Arthropodan claims on New
Disneyland. The Special Forces Commander stated that the
predominately spider population of New Disneyland demands inclusion
back into the Empire. Arthropodan armored units have recently been
moved to the sparsely populated Battle Creek area, ostensibly for
training purposes and routine rotation. Elements of the Legion’s
First Division have also been moved to Battle Creek, also for
training purposes. Battle Creek is about half way between
Finisterra and New Disneyland. The Special Forces Commander also
insisted on interviews with inmates held at the New Disneyland
prison to investigate reports of abuse of Arthropodan citizens and
to ensure that no political prisoners are still being held.

When asked to comment, the spider Mayor of
New Disneyland said he looks forward to participation in the
upcoming negotiations and hopes all parties involved are committed
to principles of democracy and the rule of law.

General Kalipetsis, when asked about the
prospect of turning New Disneyland back over to the spiders, said,
“What? Are you crazy? If the border is moved at all, it should be
to the New Mississippi where it divides Finisterra. I am sick and
tired of concessions to the spiders that only encourage their
imperialistic tendencies. We need to stop pussyfooting around with
those spiders.” When asked to comment on reports that the fugitive
Gotti had been hiding in the Legion, General Kalipetsis said,
“Enemy propaganda has no bounds. I can assure you that enlistees
are thoroughly screened and checked by computers for criminal
records. Computers do not lie.”


Return to Table of





Chapter 15


Sergeant Nesbit was seeing a lot more gate
traffic than usual going through the Battle Creek checkpoint.
Traffic was mostly spider oil rig workers going home to New
Disneyland for the holidays. Sergeant Nesbit approached yet another
truck full of spiders to check their papers. This one would be

“Show me your identification, residency
permit, work permit, embedded computer chip information, and
library card,” said Sergeant Nesbit. “What is your destination and
business in America?”

“I am taking oil rig workers home to New
Disneyland to celebrate Christmas,” said the spider driver,
producing the necessary documentation.

“Since when do spiders celebrate Christmas?”
asked Sergeant Nesbit.

“I will take any excuse for a three day
weekend,” said the driver. “We have a saying: ‘When in America, do
as the Americans do.’”

“What company do you work for?” asked
Sergeant Nesbit, as he scanned the driver’s ID bar code. Sergeant
Nesbit also scanned the driver’s embedded computer chip and did a
retina scan.

“I work for the Chevron Oil Corporation,”
said the driver. “Security seems kind of tight. What is up?”

“Illegal immigration is increasing,” said
Sergeant Nesbit. “The Legion has been tasked with cracking down at
the border. Step out of the truck. I want to check your

About twenty spiders were seated in the rear
of the canvas-covered truck. Sergeant Nesbit again went through the
routine of checking papers and doing the required scans. As he
walked between the two rows of spiders, he almost stepped on a

“What’s with the wiener dog?” asked Sergeant
Nesbit. “Is he your Christmas dinner?”

The Dachshund angrily snarled and pulled on
his leash. A spider grabbed the dog by its collar and tried to
comfort it.

“Sampson is sensitive about being called
names,” said the spider, patting the dog’s head. “I would never
consider having him for dinner.”

Sergeant Nesbit scanned the spider’s retina.
No match was found in the database. He made the necessary data
entry. “Are you a newly employed worker?” he asked. “Who do you
work for?”

“The Arthropodan Imperial Oil Corporation,”
answered the spider. “Why?”

“I thought you all worked for Chevron,” said
Sergeant Nesbit. “Why don’t you?”

“All of Chevron’s human pestilence assets in
the North are being nationalized,” replied the spider. “Maybe it’s
not common knowledge yet.”

“You’re right,” said Sergeant Nesbit. “It’s
news to me.”

Sergeant Nesbit checked the spider’s
documentation again. Everything checked out. This spider was just
another oil rig worker. But, it was obvious that the spider was not
an oil rig worker. In fact, none of these passengers ever worked on
oil rigs. They did not smell like oil rig workers, and had no
telltale oil and grease stains on their exoskeletons. The spiders
were all well groomed and orderly, like spider Boy Scouts. No one
was even drunk. Sergeant Nesbit aimed his scanner at the Dachshund.
An embedded chip instantly gave ownership and bill of sale
information: George’s Pet Store & Grooming of West Finisterra.
Champion breed Dachshund named ‘Sampson’ sold via VISA credit card
to Arthropodan Marine Special Forces Military Intelligence

Sergeant Nesbit activated an alarm on his
belt. Tanks, armored cars, and legionnaire infantry converged on
the truck and took all the commandos into custody.

Usually illegal immigrants were just
identified, claw printed, and sent back across the border. Spies,
however, were sent to my office to be interrogated. Being that I
had just arrived and was just getting settled, I did not have time
for extensive interrogations. All of the spiders refused to answer
my questions, so I detailed Corporals Tonelli and Williams to
transport them by bus to the New Disneyland Prison.


* * * * *


Guido and Williams entered the prison bus and
walked down the aisle, checking prisoners and their restraints.
When they got to the Military Intelligence Officer, they stopped.
Guido grabbed the spider next to the Military Intelligence Officer,
dragging him off the bus.

“Where are you taking my team leader?” asked
the Military Intelligence Officer. “I protest our treatment.”

“I’m going to shoot him,” said Guido. “So
shut up.”

“He has rights afforded to him under the
rules of war and recent treaty agreements,” protested the Military
Intelligence Officer. “You will be held personally responsible for
his well being and safety!”

“We are not at war,” replied Guido, giving
the team leader a shove off the bus. “All of you may be shot for
being spies.”

Guido led the team leader to an outbuilding
and cut the spider’s restraints.

“I knew you would get me out of that mess,”
said the team leader, trying to give Guido a hug. Guido pushed him
away. “Guido, you are a true friend!”

“I want my money back,” demanded Guido. “All
of it!”

“I saved your life at Camp Alaska, and out
there in the sticks,” said the team leader. “Remember? We are even.
I even gave you the key to Gotti’s safe deposit box.”

“There was nothing in it except gambling
records and IOUs,” complained Guido. “I should shoot you now.”

“I had no way of knowing that,” said the team
leader. “It is my intent that counts. Gotti said it was full of

“Where is Gotti?” asked Guido. “I want him
back, too.”

“It is too late for Gotti,” said the team
leader. “Gotti has already been transported back to Arthropoda to
be tried and executed. Are you going to let me go or what?”

“Like I said earlier,” said Guido. “I’m going
to shoot you.”

“Oh come on,” argued the team leader. “Let’s
work something out. You said I owe you money? I am willing to
settle up. How much do you think I owe you?”

“All of it,” said Guido. “Give me your

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