American Mirror: The Life and Art of Norman Rockwell (79 page)

Read American Mirror: The Life and Art of Norman Rockwell Online

Authors: Deborah Solomon

Tags: #Artist, #Biography & Autobiography, #Nonfiction, #Norman Rockwell, #Retail

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New Television Set, The

New York; Armory Show; art world; bohemia; Rockwell’s childhood in; Rockwell’s exhibitions in; studios; turn-of-the-century; Wall Street crash

New Yorker
; profile on Rockwell; “Talk of the Town”

New York Herald, The

New York Herald Tribune

New York Journal

New York School of Art (Chase School)

New York Times

New York

Nicholson, Ben

Niebuhr, Reinhold

Night Watchmaker

Nixon, Richard; Rockwell’s portraits of

Norman Rockwell Album, The

Norman Rockwell: Artist and Illustrator
(monograph); sales and royalties

Norman Rockwell, Illustrator


No Swimming

Noyes, Nippy

nuclear disarmament


Oakwood Friends School

Obanhein, William J.

object-in-foreground technique

O’Connor, Catherine

O’Connor, Henry

O’Connor, Irene:
Rockwell, Irene (née O’Connor)

Office of War Information; Bureau of Graphics; war-bond sales campaign

Ogden, Buddy

oil paint

Old Corner House, Stockbridge, Massachusetts

Old Masters; Christmas cards

old men

Olmsted, Frederick Law

Once a Week

O’Neil, James P.

on-the-road freedom

Opper, Frederick

Orange Crush soda

Orpen, John

Otis College of Art and Design


Ouija Board

ouija boards

Our Town
view of America

Paddock, Frank


Pall Mall

Palmer, Arnold

Pan Am


Panic of 1873

Paramount Pictures


Park, David

Parker, Al

Parmelee, Dean

Parrish, Maxfield; advertising work;
The Dream Garden
The Errant Pan
A Good Mixer

Partisan Review

Patriots on Parade

Patterson, Robert

Paul, Arthur

Payne, Billy; death of; as model

Peace Corps

Peck, Edna


Peggy Best Studio and Gallery, Stockbridge, Massachusetts

Pelham, Gene

Pène du Bois, Guy

Penfield, Edward

Pennsylvania Gazette, The


Perceval, Norman Spencer

Perkins, Frances

Perrin, Noel

Perry Mason & Co.

Person to Person


Philadelphia Museum of Art

Philip, Anthony F.

Phillips, C. Coles; death of; Fade-Away Girl

photography; illustration vs.;
and; realism and; Rockwell’s use of


Picasso, Pablo;
Girl Before a Mirror




Pioneer suspenders


Pitter (dog)



Poe, Edgar Allan:
Tales of Mystery and Imagination

Policeman with Boys


politics and politicians; Rockwell’s portraits of

Pollock, Jackson;
article on; Rockwell and

Pop art

Portner, Leslie Judd

posters; Boy Scouts;
Four Freedoms
; World War I; World War II


Pound, Ezra:



Presidential Medal of Freedom

Price, Frederic

primitive art

Princeton University

prints, Currier & Ives

Problem We All Live With, The




Providence, Rhode Island

Provincetown, Massachusetts

psychoanalysis; Rockwell in


Pulitzer, Joseph


Punderson, Frank

Punderson, Nancy

Puppeteer, The

Putnam, Robert D.,
Bowling Alone

Pyle, Ernie

Pyle, Howard; death of; as influence on Rockwell



Rackham, Arthur

Rackin, Marty


Rakoff, David

Raleigh (dog)


Rapaport, David


realism; Dutch; hyperrealism; 1950s criticism of; photography and; Pop art and; social; Soviet


recruitment posters; World War I; World War II

Red Cross

Red Lion Inn, Stockbridge, Massachusetts


religion; Golden Rule and; saying grace; tolerance

Rembrandt van Rijn;
Anatomy Lesson

Remington, Frederic; studio

Reno, Nevada

reproduction; rights

Republican Party

Revere, Paul

Reverend and Indian picture

Rice, Helen

Riesman, David;
The Lonely Crowd

Riggs, Alice B.

Riggs, Austen Fox

Riggs (Austen) Center, Stockbridge, Massachusetts; Rockwell on board of trustees

Rinehart, Mary Roberts

Rivera, Diego

Rockefeller, John D., Jr.

Rockefeller Center, New York

Rockwell, Caroline

Rockwell, Cinnie

Rockwell, Gail; as model

Rockwell, Geoffrey; as model

Rockwell, Irene (née O’Connor); death of; divorce from Norman; marriage to Norman; as model

Rockwell, Jarvis (brother); athleticism of; death of; marriage of; relationship with brother Norman; as a toy designer

Rockwell, Jarvis (son); as an artist; birth of; as model; relationship with his father; school problems

Rockwell, John William

Rockwell, Mary Barstow; abortion and; alcoholism of; artwork by; death of; marriage to Norman; as model; as a mother; in Paris; sleeping pill abuse; therapy and hospitalizations; Vermont life; writing of

Rockwell, Molly Punderson; background of; courted by Norman; grammar of; marriage to Norman; Norman’s death and; Old Corner House and; “Willie, The Uncommon Thrush”

Rockwell, Nancy; death of; as model

Rockwell, Norman Perceval; as an actor; advertising work; ancestors of; anxiety of; art library of; at Art Students League; art training of; attempts to make “real art”; awards, tributes, and honors; awkwardness with women; beginning of
career; bicycle injuries; birth of; boardinghouse life; boy models of; Boy Scouts and;
Boys’ Life
illustrations; Brooklyn Museum retrospective; calendars; in California; childhood of; Christmas cards; cleanliness obsession of; Colonial obsessions of; Corcoran exhibition; critics on; Danenberg exhibition; death and funeral of; death of Mary; dementia and decline of; depression of; Depression years; Walt Disney and; divorce from Irene; as draftsman; earliest known surviving work; early interest in art; education of; emphysema of; end of
career; experimentation with different styles; fame of; Famous Artists School and; as a father; finances and business affairs; first book cover; first four-color cover; first magazine cover; first museum acquisition; first
cover; first published illustrations; fishing trips;
Four Freedoms
series; gestation of ideas; Fred Hildebrandt and; homoeroticism and; humor of; hypochondria of; influences on; last
cover; late period of; lectures by; Leyendecker and; liberalism of;
illustrations; marriage to Irene; marriage to Mary; marriage to Molly; middle name of; as Miss America judge; modernism and; modesty of; monographs on; Grandma Moses and; move away from Vermont; Navy service and cartoons; New Rochelle life;
New Yorker
profile on;
Our Town
view of America; as Painter-Patriot; in Paris; photography used by; physical appearance of; politics of; prescription drugs taken by; press on; provincialism of; relationship with his brother; relationship with his parents; religion of; Rosie the Riveter and; sales and market value of; secrecy of; social realism of; in Soviet Union;
St. Nicholas
illustrations; Stockbridge life; studio fire; as a teacher; television appearances; in therapy with Erikson;
Tom Sawyer
illustrations; travels abroad; Vermont life; as a widower; work habits of; World War I and; World War II; N. C. Wyeth and;
see also
Saturday Evening Post
specific paintings, subjects, genres, themes, and motifs;

Rockwell, Peter; as an artist; bookshop of; marriage of; as model; psychological problems and therapy; school problems

Rockwell, Phebe

Rockwell, Richard

Rockwell, Thomas; birth of; bookshop of; as cowriter of Rockwell’s autobiography; marriage of; as model; psychological problems and therapy; relationship with his father

Rockwell, Waring; death of

Rockwell family, portrait of

Rockwellian (term)

Rodin, Auguste

Rogers, Buddy

Rolling Stones

romantic themes

Roosevelt, Eleanor

Roosevelt, Franklin D.; death of;
Four Freedom
series and

Roosevelt, Theodore

Rosen, Charles

Rosenberg, Harold

Rosenblum, Robert

Rose Parade

Rosie the Riveter

“Rosie the Riveter” (song)

Ross, Harold

Rothko, Mark

Runaway, The

Russell, Bertrand

Russell, George

Russell, Jane

Russian Schoolroom, The

Sailor Dreaming of Girlfriend

Salinger, J. D.: “De Daumier-Smith’s Blue Period”

Sanders, Colonel Harland D.

Sandow, Eugen


San Francisco

San Gabriel Mountains

sani-flat technique

Santa Claus

Sargent, John Singer

Saturday Evening Post
; anti-Semitic article in; Atherton illustrations; beginning of Rockwell’s career at; circulation and; cover price; deadlines; decline of; delivery boys; editorial offices; end of Rockwell’s career at; Fitzgerald stories;
Four Freedoms
series; full color bleed; girls’ heads covers; Hibbs as editor of; JFK memorial issue; letters-to-the-editor column; Leyendecker illustrations;
vs.; logotype; Lorimer as editor of; 1960s reinvention of; photography and; political endorsements; Rockwell’s autobiography serialized in; small-town America fantasy; Stout as editor of; World War II and;
see also Saturday Evening Post

Saturday Evening Post
covers; African-American models; altered; April Fool’s; of barbershops; California themes; of children; Christmas; civil rights movement; of Colonial America; criticized for being too provincial; of doctors; of dogs; duotone; Dutch realism and; of family outings; of family reunions; four-color; genealogical theme; hiatus from; of mirrors; most popular; of movie stars; of old men; of policemen; props for; for redesigned magazine; religious themes; reproduction; “Rockwell’s America” insert of; Rockwell’s first; Rockwell’s last; Rosie the Riveter; of runaways; self-portraits; western themes; Willie Gillis; World War I; World War II;
see also
specific paintings, genres, subjects, themes, and motifs

Saying Grace;
as most popular

Schaeffer, Elizabeth

Schaeffer, Mead; as model; Rockwell and

Schafer, Chris

Schafer, Roy

Schjeldahl, Peter

Schlesinger, Arthur, Jr.

school desegregation

Schorr, Collier

Schudy, Charlie

Schultze, Carl:
Foxy Grandpa

Schwerner, Michael

Scott, Walter H.

Scout Is Helpful, A

Scovill, Bill


self-portraits; first

sexual revolution, of 1960s

Shahn, Ben

Shakespeare, William

Shane, Joseph

Sherrod, Robert


shoes; cleanliness of; theme

Shrader, E. Roscoe

Shuffleton, Rob

Shuffleton’s Barbershop
color insert

Sid (dog)

Simon & Garfunkel:

Sinatra, Frank


small-town life;
see also specific paintings, subjects, themes, and towns

Smith, Julia M.

Smith, William D.


Snow, Stanley: “Partners”

Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs

Snyder & Black

social realism

Society of Illustrators

Solomon, Jack

Sontag, Susan

Sorrentino, Joe

Soviet Union

“So You Want to See the President!” (article)


Spielberg, Steven

split-screen painting

Spock, Benjamin

sportsman’s magazines


Stahl, Ben

Stalin, Joseph

Starr, Frances

Stars and Stripes

Steichen, Edward:
The Family of Man

Stein, Gertrude

Steinbeck, John;
Travels with Charley: In Search of America

Stermer, Dugald

Stevenson, Adlai

Stevenson, Robert Louis:
Treasure Island

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