American Mirror: The Life and Art of Norman Rockwell (78 page)

Read American Mirror: The Life and Art of Norman Rockwell Online

Authors: Deborah Solomon

Tags: #Artist, #Biography & Autobiography, #Nonfiction, #Norman Rockwell, #Retail

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Four Vagabonds

Foxy Grandpa

Franklin, Benjamin

Freedom from Fear

Freedom from Want
color insert

Freedom of Speech
; oil-on-board study for

Freedom of Worship

Freud, Anna

Freud, Sigmund

Friedman, Lawrence

frontier myth

Frost, David

Fuchs, Emil

Fuoss, Robert

Galerie St. Etienne, New York

Garber, Marjorie

Gary Cooper as The Texan
color insert

genealogical theme

General Electric

Germany; World War I; World War II

G.I. Bill

Gibson, Charles Dana; illustrations by

Gibson, William

Gibson Girl

Gifford, Sanford

Gingrich, Arnold

Girl at Mirror

girls and girlhood; African-American; s
ee also

girls’ heads illustrations

Glueck, Grace

Going and Coming

Golden Age of Illustration

Golden Rule

Goldman, Emma

Goldsmith, Oliver: “The Deserted Village”

Goldwater, Barry

Good Housekeeping

Goodman, Andrew

Gorky, Arshile

Gossips, The

Goya, Francisco

Graphic Arts USA

Great Britain; illustration; Pre-Raphaelites; World War I; World War II

Great White Dope, The

Greenberg, Clement; “Avant-Garde and Kitsch”

Greenwich Village

Gregory, Richard

Groth, Harold

Guggenheim (Solomon R.) Museum, New York; 2001 Rockwell exhibition

Gunn, Anita

Gunn, David

Gunn, Lynda

Guptill, Arthur L.

Guthrie, Arlo; “Alice’s Restaurant”

Haemer, Alan


Hale, Robert Beverly

Hall, Ernie

Hall, Frank

Hall, Joyce C.

Hallmark cards

Hallmark Gallery Artists Group

Hals, Frans

Halsman, Philippe

Hard, Sadie F.

Harlow, Jean

Harper’s Magazine

Harper’s Monthly

Harper’s Weekly

Hartford Courant

Hartley, Francis, Jr.

Harvard Lampoon

Harvard University

Haverford College

Hawthorne, Charles

Hearst, William Randolph

Hecht Co.

Helck, Peter

Held, John, Jr.

Heller, Steven

Hemingway, Ernest;
The Old Man and the Sea

Henry, Barbara

Henry, Stuart

“He Paints the Town” (article)

Hepworth, Barbara

Heritage Press; Rockwell’s illustrated Twain editions for

Hess, Carl

Hibbs, Ben

Hildebrandt, Fred; as model; Rockwell and

Hill, Amy Eliza

Hill, Ann Patmore

Hill, Howard; art career of;
Bevy of Quail
; death of; decline of;
Family of Grouse in a Landscape
Game Bird and Family

Hill, Percy

Hill, Susan Ann

Hill, Thomas J.;
Chipmunks Home

Hitler, Adolf;
Mein Kampf

Hoboken, New Jersey

Hockney, David;
Secret Knowledge: Rediscovering the Lost Techniques of the Old Masters

hobo theme

Hoff, Mardee

holiday themes:
see specific holidays

Hollander, Anne


Hollywood Talent Scouts
(TV show)

Homecoming G.I.

Homer, Winslow

Homestead Inn

homoeroticism; Rockwell and

Hoover, Herbert

Hope, Bob

Hopper, Edward;
Early Sunday Morning


Hotel des Artistes, New York

House & Garden

Howard, Edgerton

Howard, George

Howard Johnson’s

Hoyt, Rose

Hubert, Don, Jr.

Hudson River

Hudson River School

Hughes, George;
Readying for First Date

Hughes, Robert

Hunt, Leigh, “Abou Ben Adhem”

Hurd, Henriette

Hurd, Peter; portrait of Lyndon Johnson

Hurlburt, Allen

Hurston, Zora Neale


identity crisis (phrase)

illustration; British; correspondence schools; fine art vs.; girls’ head; Golden Age of; modernism vs.; New Rochelle; 1950s criticism of; photography vs.; rise of advertising and; World War I; World War II; younger generation of;
see also specific artists, works, styles and publications


Impressionism: American; French


Inness, George

Institute of Living, Hartford, Connecticut

It’s a Wonderful Life

Ives, James Merritt

James, Clive

James, Henry

Japan, World War II

Jarman, Rufus


Jerrild, Asger

Jersey City, New Jersey

Jessup, Phebe


Joe Jinks

Joe’s Car

Johns, Jasper

Johnson, Frank Tenney

Johnson, Lady Bird

Johnson, Lyndon; Hurd’s portrait of; Rockwell’s portrait of; Vietnam War and

Johnson, Vinnie


journalism; conflicts of interest and; effect of
on; photography and; yellow;
see also
magazines; newspapers;
specific publications

(TV show)

Jury, The

juvenile fiction

Kalischer, Clemens

Kallir, Otto


Kansas City, Missouri

Kasson, John F.

Kellogg’s Corn Flakes

Kelly, William P.

Kendall, Dorothy

Kennedy, Jacqueline

Kennedy, John F.; assassination of; Rockwell’s portraits of

Kent, Rockwell

Kerouac, Jack:
On the Road

Khrushchev, Nikita

King, Charles

King, Martin Luther, Jr.

Kipling, Rudyard, “Wee Willie Winkie”

kissing theme

Kitchener, Lord

Kleberg, Robert, Jr.

Klenke, Adelaide

Kline, Franz

Knight, Robert P.

Kokoschka, Oskar

Kooper, Al

Kreisman, Norman

Kronfeld, Blackie

Ku Klux Klan

Kuniyoshi, Yasuo

Kuntz, Charley

Ladies’ Home Journal

La Farge, John

Lamone, Louie

landscape painting

Lardner, Ring;
You Know Me Al

Lawless, William

Leete, Alfred, British recruiting poster by

Lenox Library

Leonardo da Vinci;
Mona Lisa

Leslie’s Weekly

Levy, Julien

Levy, Philip

Lewis, Jerry

Leyendecker, Augusta

Leyendecker, Frank X.; death of

Leyendecker, Joseph C.; Arrow Collar Man; death of;
New Year’s Baby
covers; Rockwell and


; circulation; cover price; debut of (1936); logo; original version of; Pollock article;
Saturday Evening Post

Lifton, Robert Jay

Lift Up Thine Eyes

Limited Editions Club

Lincoln, Abraham

Lindbergh, Charles

Lindbergh kidnapping

Lindsay, John

Linkletter, Art

Lippi, Fra Filippo


Lischke, Franklin; as model

Literary Digest
; covers


Live Adventures of Mike Bloomfield and Al Kooper

Locke, Eddie

Loeb, John Jacob


Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth,
Tales of a Wayside Inn

; editorial offices; Rockwell’s work for

Loomis house

Lorimer, George Horace; politics of; retirement of; Rockwell and

Los Angeles

Los Angeles Times


Loveless, Virginia

Lowell, Orson

Lubalin, Herb

Lucas, George

Luce, Henry

Ludekens, Fred

Luther, Martin

Maar, Dora

Mabry, Thomas D.

MacDonald, Dwight, “Masscult and Midcult”

MacLeish, Archibald

Macy, George


magazines; advertising and; black stereotypes in; children’s; delivery boys; humor; juvenile;
; mass readership and; of 1960s; Philadelphia publishing; photography vs. illustration; as Rockwell theme; television vs.; World War I;
see also specific publications

Magic Football (“I thought you were wrong”), The

Magic Realism

Main, Thomas

Main Street

male figures; Arrow Collar Man; father and son theme; movie stars; Navy
nude figure drawing; old men; policemen; politicians; sailors; working-class;
see also
boys and boyhood; models

Mallon, Thomas

Mamaroneck, New York

Mamaroneck High School

Mamet, David

Manet, Edouard

Man Hiking with Dog

Man in Steamer Chair (The Cruise)

Marble Champion

Marching and Chowder Society

Marling, Karal Ann

Marriage License
color insert

marrying couple

Marsh, Fred Dana

Marsh, Reginald

Martin, Pete

Masey, Jack

mass culture

mass media and; World War I as

Matisse, Henri

Mauldin, Bill;
Willie and Joe


Mayer, Milton: “The Case Against the Jew”

McBride, Nast & Company


McCarthy, Joseph


McCormick, Ken

McKee, Sheriff Harvey

McKinley, William

McManis, Tom

McNulty, William

Me Decade

Melville, Herman:

Memorial Day

Menand, Louis

Menninger Foundation

Meredith, George:
Diana of the Crossways

Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York

Metropolitan Opera


Mich, Dan

Michelangelo; figure of Isaiah on Sistine Chapel ceiling


Millais, Sir John Everett

Millet, Jean-François;

Millier, Arthur

Milnes, Eva

Milton Academy


Mirrielees, Edith


Miss America beauty contests


models; African-American; John Atherton; boys as; Eddie Carson; cast-off; dogs as; Mary Louise Doyle; Buddy Edgerton; Erik Erikson;
Four Freedoms
; Richard Gregory; Fred Hildenbrandt; Franklin Lischke; Eddie Locke; movie stars; Joseph Mugnaini; Buddy Ogden; old men as; Billy Payne; photographs of; Irene Rockwell; Mary Rockwell; Rockwell’s sons as; Mead Schaeffer; Charlie Schudy; self-portraits; Stockbridge; Bill Sundermeyer; James Van Brunt; Vermont; Mary Whalen;
see also specific models, paintings, and themes

modernism; Armory Show; British; illustration vs.; photography and; Rockwell and;
see also specific artists, movements, and styles

Moon landing

Moore, Merton S.

More, Kate

Morgan, Helen

Morgenthau, Henry, Jr.

Moses, Grandma; artistic limitations of; Christmas cards; as model; Rockwell and

Moses, Hugh

Mother Earth

Mother’s Day

Mount Whitney

Movie Spotlight

Movie Starlet and Reporters
color insert

Mrs. Frothingham’s boardinghouse

Mugnaini, Joseph A.; as model; multiculturalism

Murder in Mississippi

Murray, Arthur

Murrow, Edward R.

Museum of Modern Art, New York

museums; Brooklyn Museum retrospective; Corcoran exhibition; ethics; first Rockwell acquisition; as theme

music; album covers

Mussolini, Benito

My Adventures as an Illustrator
(Rockwell’s autobiography); critics on;
Family Tree
as last chapter of;
serialization of; writing of

My Studio Burns


Nabokov, Vladimir:

Nassau Inn, Princeton, New Jersey

Nasser, Gamal Abdel

Nation, The

National Academy of Design, New York; Annual Exhibitions

National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C.

National Portrait Gallery, Washington, D.C.

National Press Club

Navy, U.S.; cartoons



New Deal

New England; contemporary scenes;
see also specific states and towns

New Kids in the Neighborhood

New Left

Newman, Barnett

New Orleans

New Rochelle, New York; Artists’ Ball; illustrators; Lord Kitchener Road house; studios

New Rochelle Art Association; first annual juried exhibition

New Rochelle High School

New Rochelle Pioneer

New Rochelle Public Library

New Rochelle Tattler, The

New School of Design, New York

newspapers; cartoons; Hearst vs. Pulitzer; Navy; World War I; yellow journalism;
see also specific publications

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