American Exit Strategy: Book 1 (13 page)

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Authors: Mark Goodwin

Tags: #Religion & Spirituality, #Dystopian, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Christianity, #Christian Fiction, #Science Fiction, #Fiction, #Christian Books & Bibles, #Literature & Fiction

BOOK: American Exit Strategy: Book 1
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"Hey Wes." Matt replied. "What do you think about the news?"

"It’s a load of horse crap." Wesley said. "The militia sites are blowing up on the internet.  There are a lot of people ready to fight."

"Does that include you and your brother?" Matt said. He knew they had trained with the Eastern Kentucky Militia before.

"I'll send you an encrypted e-mail later. I'm not saying more on the phone. We have already triggered Prism protocol and the NSA is storing this call to be reviewed by an analyst." Wesley warned.

"Sorry, I wasn't thinking." Matt apologized.

"It probably won't matter tomorrow." Wesley stated. "You guys should probably try to get up here. I think you should leave today and drive straight through. If there is trouble, you won't want to be traveling. Randall is no quitter; I know he’s not going to let this go. I think he owes it to the American people to not let it go."

"Thanks for the offer. I will keep my ear to the tracks and make a decision by tonight." Matt said. He knew Wesley was right. Things could get bad fast.

Back at the ranch in Texas, Paul Randal was regaining his composure. Sonny walked into his office. "Sir, Juan Marcos is reading his concession speech in ten minutes. Will you be watching it with us?"

"I don't think so Sonny, you all go ahead." Randall said. Paul Randall's thoughts were racing a million miles an hour. The vote was legal, but the Congress had not acted in the interest of the American people, they had done what they always do. They acted in their own political interest. He was stuck. To fail to recognize Anthony Howe as the president elect would be to tear the country in pieces. To recognize Anthony Howe as president would betray those who had made him the winner of the popular vote and handed him the highest amount of electoral votes.

Calls of support came in from several state governors and other senators. Sheriffs from all over the country called to give Paul Randall their support. The governor of Texas, Larry Jacobs also called. He told Paul that he would back him 100% in any decision he made.

Sonny came in the room with a look of dire importance. "Paul, President Mustafa Al Mohammad is on the phone."

"OK, I'll take it." Paul responded. "Mr. President" he said as he took the phone.

"Paul, I just called to tell you how sorry I am for the way things worked out. I know better than anybody how hard you worked and what it took to finish the race.” President Mohammad said.

"Thank you for your condolences sir." Paul replied respectfully.

"I am calling Governor Howe as soon as we finish, Paul. Can I let him know when you will be offering your concession speech?" Al Mohammad asked.

"Our attorneys are looking at everything as we speak Mr. President. As soon as they conclude whether or not the Congress acted in good faith, I will decide what I’m going to say and when I’m going to say it." Paul said in a manner that let the President know he would not be bullied by him.

"Paul, there are a lot of inflammatory statements coming out by your supporters. Some of the things that are being said are seditious and those who are saying them are in jeopardy of federal prosecution. I think the wise thing for you to do is to make a statement that will put this sense of ill will to rest. You know the rules for the Congress, and they followed those rules." the president said.

"Mr. President, there is some question as to whether or not the Congress has a right to vote their own personal opinion in the votes or if they have a fiduciary duty to vote the will of their respective constituents. As soon as I am advised by our attorneys, I will issue a statement." Paul Randall replied.

"Now listen Paul, tread carefully. If you say anything that would add fuel to the fire that your supporters are starting, it may be considered treason if it is construed to be inciting violence against this office or this country. I would be very careful if I were you. We have all been very patient with you and your accusations throughout the campaign. You crossed some lines with some of the things you said in the debates. We all say things during the campaigns. I’ve been through it twice. I know how nasty it gets, but now is time to begin the healing process so we can all work together." Mustafa Al Mohammad lectured.

"Every accusation I made in the campaign was true. The Constitutional violations have been appalling throughout your presidency Mustafa, and now you dare call me and try to suppress my First Amendment right to free speech. How dare you sir? You do what you have to do, and I'll do what I have to do!" Randall exclaimed.

President Al Mohammad hung up without saying goodbye.

Paul Randall was mad. This was not the time to make a decision, but it had to be made soon. He knew what the lawyers would say. It is a grey area. Randall could take it to court, and if he won, Howe would appeal the decision. This would go on and on, all the way to the Supreme Court. Four of the Justices had been appointed by Mustafa Al Mohammad over the past eight years; and they would no doubt rule in Howe's favor. People tend to forget when they elect a president for four years that he has the power to elect Supreme Court Justices that may be there for the next four decades. Those people's decisions have done more to degrade our country into the cesspool that it is than all the other politicians combined.

Paul Randall knew he could not issue a concession speech nor could he call for a coup. The fact of the matter was that he had neither won nor lost. As the lawyers would tell him, it was a grey area. Paul Randall saw things in black and white. He did not operate in grey areas and this was not a situation he wanted to be in. Sonny was good with grey areas. Maybe he could write a speech for him. Paul knew better. This had to come from himself; this had to come from the heart.

Later that afternoon, Sonny came in with the phone again. "Governor Jacobs." he said as he handed Paul the phone.

"Larry, good to hear from you again. To what do I owe the pleasure?" Paul asked. The Governor had held several fund raisers for Paul at the Governor's Mansion in Austin. It was only about 70 miles from Randall's Ranch.

"Highway patrol chopper spotted a convoy of six DHS armored vehicles out of Austin headed south on 35 toward San Antonio. You’re doing anything to make new friends in DC?" Governor Jacobs asked.

"I had a heated conversation with Mustafa a couple hours ago. I'm not south, I am west. If they were coming here, they would have taken 290 west to 16.” Randall replied.

"That’s the way you would come." Larry Jacobs countered. “Those are the back roads, not the highway. DHS is big government; they would never do anything the most efficient way. They may be headed to San Antonio and then hook back up 10 towards Kerrville. I’m going to have 50 State Troopers rendezvous at Comfort, Texas and form a road block on the north side of town. You should get a bag ready and head somewhere else. Do you have somewhere you can go? Don't tell me, you shouldn't say anything on the phone. I'll call you if they are spotted heading north on 10. You will only have about 30 minutes if they get around the road block. They could roll right over the Squad cars if they are determined. You should start getting things ready now. Stay in Texas, you know we will protect you here. I am sending two Highway Patrolmen to escort you and they will let me know where you are. I will arrange plain clothes protection and counter surveillance for wherever you decide to bug out to."

"Thanks Larry. I guess I am America’s most wanted." Paul said.

"There is no telling what kinda stuff Mustafa will pull. You just keep your head down." Larry said.

Paul right away began getting things together. He had Kimberly get a bag together and also the twins. The boys were 18, so they understood when things were urgent without being told all the details. His first thought was his ranch foreman's house in Boerne, but that was south, the same direction DHS would be coming from.

Paul's friend and fellow rancher, Jimmy Thompson, had a cabin on Lake Meredith. Paul and Kimberly had visited them there before and stayed several days.

As soon as he thought of the cabin, Paul called Larry back. "Larry, would it be too much to ask for a lift in the Highway Patrol helicopter?” he asked.

"I'll do better than that; I'll send you my chopper." Larry replied.

"You don't know how much I appreciate it." Paul said.

"I am so happy to have the opportunity to help you out Paul." Larry added.

Jimmy Thompson had left an open invitation to use the cabin whenever they wanted. This is not exactly what he had in mind when he made the offer, but Jimmy was a patriot and would be glad to help if he knew the situation. Paul did not want to make any calls on their phones so he couldn't exactly call to ask permission. He gave Sonny a list of supplies and some cash so credit card transactions wouldn't be tracked. He gave him a map of where the cabin was and told him to come up in two days. He sent Sonny out the door right away, so he wouldn't get caught up in the nonsense.

Larry called back about the time the helicopter landed. "The chopper should be there soon."

"It just landed in the back field." Paul replied.

"The DHS convoy turned north on 10. They are heading your way. I bet when you were fighting the NDAA indefinite detention clause, you never thought it might be used on you.” Larry commented.

"I knew it would be used on Americans, which is why I fought it. It allows them to hold any citizen without charging them. It is an abomination to the Constitution. You don't build a police state unless you intend to use it." Paul said.

The men cut their conversation short so Paul could get going. The Randalls grabbed their bags and an assortment of rifles, shotguns and pistols. He trusted Texas Governor Larry Jacobs to provide protection for them at the cabin, but Paul, Kimberly and the twins were ready to get involved if need be. Shooting was a regular pastime for them. They all trained together in the back forty of the ranch.

The Randall's boarded the helicopter and headed to the cabin.







































“If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen.”

-Samuel Adams


Paul Randall slept only a few hours. He was tired, angry and unhappy about the turn the country had just taken. This speech was not to be a call to arms, nor was it to be a concession speech. It was to be an American Exit Strategy. It was to be the last harbinger to prepare for the coming social and economic meltdown.

Paul installed the encryption software to be sure the Skype message being telecast to the networks could not be tracked to his location. He also set the recorder so the message could be uploaded to an assortment of social media networks and alternative media websites if the networks shut him down.

Ed Nolan of CNC interrupted the program that was on air. "Senator Paul Randall will be making a much anticipated statement regarding the outcome of the election. We have had no news of the Senator's whereabouts, nor have we received any advanced notification of a concession speech. We are going to the Skype speech now."

Paul Randall appeared on CNC and the screens of all the major networks.

"America" Paul began "Today is a sad day for us all. I am being forced to come to you from a remote location, because the present administration was afraid of what I might say.

DHS agents went to my home to detain me without cause. They came in six armored personnel carriers armed with automatic weapons to hold me under the NDAA citing that I could be detained as I was a potential terrorist threat. Fortunately, my family and I were not home when they arrived.

There has been a great intellectual awakening since the previous election. People are educating themselves rather than believing the media and what they are taught in school. People are learning about economics and the legitimate role of the federal government as prescribed by The Constitution. They are learning about the prosperity of the past when our nation enjoyed individual liberty and workers kept the fruit of their labor. Because of this awakening America elected me to be your next president through the popular vote. That opportunity has been taken away by congressional representatives that failed to recognize the will of their constituents. There is the possibility of recourse through the law, but know it would be appealed to the Supreme Court where the efforts would be lost on the liberal majority that would, all but certainly, rule in favor of Anthony Howe.

There are those among you who are ready to fight. This would bring about needless bloodshed. I am not cowering or acknowledging the legitimacy of Anthony Howe's presidency. I do not recognize the legitimacy of the present corrupt administration either. I believe through their acts against The Constitution, they are enemies of The Constitution and therefore enemies of America.

To those of you who are ready to take up arms, I say stand strong with your arms but do not be the aggressor. I say stand up for your Second Amendment right that Anthony Howe has vowed to steal from you in January. The Second Amendment so eloquently says:

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