Ambushed (5 page)

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Authors: Shara Azod

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Romantic, #Contemporary, #Romance

BOOK: Ambushed
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was so much better than her dreams. The hands

traveling along her back, cupping her ass, pressing her

hard against the thickest erection she’d ever felt

couldn’t be reproduced with mere words.

To hell with it;
if this isn’t a dream
, she thought,

please, please, please don’t let me ever wake up!

Not exactly the way Tex had imagined their

reunion going, but hell, he’d take it. Alexandria fit

perfectly against him, her curvy little body snuggling

right up against all his important parts. And her

mouth—may the cowboy gods have mercy, she was

sweeter than anything he’d ever tasted. When she

lifted one leg and hooked it around him, he was a

goner. With something between a growl and grunt, he

lifted her clear off the ground, pushing her against the

bookshelves along the wall. Her skirt was shoved up to

her waist with impatient hands until all that stood

between them was his jeans and her tiny scrap of


He had to stop before their first time together

was over far too soon for his liking. That didn’t prevent

him from rocking against her, nestling his painfully

rigid dick right up against her crotch. He could feel her

heat through the denim of his pants, making his cock

twitch with desperate need to be free of the confining

material that held it in. Every time he rubbed against

her, a little mewing sound escaped her luscious lips,

driving him crazy with the need to see her loose

herself completely.

Moving his lips from hers was hard, but he

wanted to taste more of her. He trailed kisses all

across her face, down to her neck while his hand

moved to unbutton her blouse. He wanted her so bad

he was shaking with it. After so many wasted years, he

was finally going to fulfill an intense yearning it had

taken him far too long to realize he had.


“I’ve wanted you for so long, so damn bad,

Alexandria.” Her eyes widened at his confession, like

she couldn’t believe what he was telling her. “I never

did anything about it back in high school because you

were so sweet, so innocent. I thought I would scare

you away. You meant too much to me—I didn’t ever

want to lose you.”

Most men probably wouldn’t have put it all out

there like that, but Tex was tired of wanting and never

having, looking but never touching. Reading her

books, he knew down to the pit of his gut she felt the

same way. There was something of him in almost all of

the men she wrote about, especially the cowboys.

Little things they said, little things they did were all

things he’d done a time or two. His pride didn’t mean

a damn thing if he couldn’t have the woman of his

dreams, so he let it all out, hoping and praying she

would be his.

“Oh Tex,” Alexandria sighed his name, making

him even harder. He hadn’t thought that could be

possible. “I’ve always wanted you. All you had to do

was ask.”

The admission went straight up his spine and

wrapped around his balls. Damn, the woman could tie

him up in knots! He rocked a little harder than he’d

intended, but was rewarded by sharp nails digging into

his shoulders as she squealed out one of the most

beautiful orgasms it had ever been Tex’s pleasure to


He needed more. Sliding down to his knees, he

placed her thighs over his shoulders, his hands

cupping her perfect, full breasts. With a heartfelt

moan, he used his teeth to push her thong to the side,

then slid his tongue along the lips of her pussy. She


was bare, waxed smooth and all pink and pretty. Her

taste was as intoxicating as one-hundred proof

moonshine, going straight to his head and making him

dizzy with desire. He wanted to go slower, to seduce

her thoroughly, but hell, she tasted too good and he

wanted her way too bad. His mouth devoured her, his

tongue thrusting as deeply as he could inside her, then

moving up to flick at her clit. He wanted all that sweet

love dew down his throat. He didn’t want a drop to go

to waste.

He reluctantly let go of one breast, using his

fingers to keep her open wide for his oral assault. His

other hand compensated by lavishing equal attention

on her long, erect nipples. He twisted her upper

nubbins, then flicked her clit with his other hand

before burrowing three fingers deep into her tight

pussy. Man, she was surely going to be a snug fit. Just

thinking of sliding inside had him all too close to

erupting in his pants. That just couldn’t happen. He

wanted every drop of his seed to be deposited deep

inside her womb, where it belonged.

Tex became merciless, driving her higher and

higher until she was bucking against his mouth, her

hands yanking painfully on his hair. He welcomed the

sting. It helped him keep from disgracing himself

before his dick got anywhere near where it was

supposed to go. It wasn’t until she screamed out his

name, her thighs tightening against his head, that he

lifted his mouth, sliding his body back up against the

soft contours of hers.

“Oh shit, baby, that had to be the most delicious

thing I’ve ever tasted. You’re going to have to do that

for me again.” But not now. He wanted the night to

last. He had to do this right. He stepped back, putting

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