Always Yours (4 page)

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Authors: Kari March

BOOK: Always Yours
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Just as I was about to walk away, I felt his finger under my chin. Lifting it, he tilted my head so I was looking into his sparkling eyes—his touch sending butterflies straight to my stomach.

"I like it better when you're staring," he stated as the laugh lines on his face framed his perfect smile.

Lowering his hand from my chin, he winked before he started to walk away and my whole body tingled with excitement.
How could a complete stranger have an effect on my body like this?
I should've diverted my eyes elsewhere as he passed, but I just couldn't. I was the moth, yet again, as his toned and muscular physique pulled me in, keeping me in a trance.

As I roamed over his body, I couldn't help but notice the bicep tattoo that was peeking out from under his sleeve. Unfortunately, I couldn't make out what it was because he was moving too fast and I was sure it would bug me all night that I didn't get a better look. I kept admiring him, my thumb pressed against my lips, as he joined his friends. Glancing back at me, he began jumping up and down with the rest of the group, belting out the words to the song and fist pumping to the beat—now he was the one staring. Shaking my head in a mixture of disbelief and amusement, I flashed him an awkward smile, then turned and walked away—heading straight for my stash of Cinnamon Bears.


As hard as I tried to fight it, I couldn't stop staring at her. Everything about her was beautiful and dangerous at the same time.
She will use you, just like all the rest! Once she finds out who you are, you're screwed!

Tonight was just what I needed—a night away from my reality. A night where I could get drunk, let loose and get laid. The fire academy had been kicking my ass for the past two and a half months. This was the longest I had ever gone without a piece of ass and my dick was fucking screaming at me. I knew the next two weeks were going to be hell and all I wanted was a quick, no strings attached lay to get me through until training was over...but then

I had been hard as hell since I noticed her gaping at me with those large brown eyes. Like the deviant I was, I couldn't help but take in her small, curvy figure. I detected the way her body reacted physically when I roamed over the length of her. It was the same reaction I was used to getting from females, but when my eyes connected with hers again, sex was no longer the only thing on my mind. There was something about that girl that caught me off guard. I could tell she was out of the ordinary but in a superior way. I needed to talk to her but I had no clue how I was going to do it. After watching her work behind the bar for nearly two hours, I finally saw my chance and nothing will ever compare to that moment when I finally heard her speak.

Her voice was full of fire for someone so small and even though she took me by surprise with her attitude, I still found her irresistible. She wasn't like any other woman I had met. She didn't throw herself at me or try to flirt shamelessly. She actually treated me like shit, despite her staring problem. She didn't fall down at my feet or bat her eyelashes at me and I think that was the reason I was so attracted to her. She was like a little firecracker—harmless until you lit the fuse.

My whole life, I had been used because of who my father was—Mitchell Greer, the owner and CEO of Greer Talent Agency. It all started when I was a child. I had three sisters that were perfection when it came to talent. One was a staggering model, the other an up and coming actress and the third was making her debut in the music industry; all because of my father and his managing capabilities. GTA Inc. had been the most elite talent agency in Denver, Colorado for the past ten years. Every girl I ever dated abused our relationship, hoping to make it big, by getting in good with my father. GTA created superstars and most girls figured I was their best way to get noticed.
Shit, were they wrong.
Half the time they would walk away after finally coming to the conclusion that I wasn't going to introduce them to my father. The smarter ones played me even harder, holding on for months, stringing me along, until I had no choice but to introduce them. But it always had the same outcome; as soon as they found out my father wasn't interested, they always bailed—leaving me broken-hearted and alone all over again.

I was a naive dumbass in high school though, thinking girls were actually interested in me and not just using me to get their foot in the door of GTA. Never again would I let myself fall for the superficial type. That was the main reason I stuck to just sex—it was easier that way. When you left emotions out of the picture, you couldn't open yourself up to being hurt.

"Dude, what's up with you tonight?" Blake asked as he raised his beer bottle to his mouth and took a sip. "You practically forced all of us out tonight and now you're brooding in the corner like a bitch. Don't tell me you're still pissed about coming here instead of the club." He looked at me like I was pathetic and I was.

Honestly, I had been pretty mad earlier about coming to a local bar. I was pretty much guaranteed a piece of ass by going to a club and when we started this night that was all I wanted. But once I saw
I couldn't help but feel lucky that I got voted out.

"Fuck off, Blake. I'm not brooding, I'm just thinking. I's just...." Hesitating, I debated whether or not I wanted to disclose what had been on my mind. Blake Bentley had become one of my best friends since we started the academy together but I didn't really want to talk about all this shit with him, especially here. "You know what, forget it. It's not important." Standing up I decided to stop sulking about my past and do what I came here to do. "Shots?" I asked him, tilting my head and raising my eyebrows. "I'm nowhere near drunk enough!"

"Hell yeah," he said readily as he pushed out the chair. "But we better get ‘em from the bar. I haven't seen the waitress since my comment on the shit load of cleavage that just happened to be spilling out of her shirt." Laughing, he cautiously looked around making sure the waitress wasn't in ear shot. "I don't know why she got so embarrassed anyway? I was giving her a fucking compliment."

"Bentley, telling a girl that you want to motorboat her tits is not a compliment."

He shrugged in response.

Blake was your typical run of the mill asshole when it came to women but for some reason they still flocked to him. He never treated any of them with respect or gave them any attention unless he was looking to get laid. His flirting techniques were quite unusual as well— so blunt and degrading. Just like he was with the waitress, but I had no doubt that he would be taking her home tonight, despite the condescending remarks he made about her.

As we moved towards the bar I spotted her immediately. Her actions were effortless, moving in sync to the beat of the music drifting over from the dance floor, as she tossed bottles into the air. She was the sexiest girl I had ever seen. I couldn't help but wonder what her body looked like under those clothes...what her skin felt like...or what it felt like to be inside her. Vivid visions of her laid out on top the bar, me pounding into her and her crying out my name seeped into my mind. I stopped dead in my tracks from the mental picture, my gaze still locked on her, and as if she could sense what I was thinking, her eyes darted up from the drink she was making and found mine.

We got lost in each other as the images continued to spark in my head and a devilish smile spread across my face. Pushing my tongue out I slowly wetted my lips and her eyes got wide, filling with that familiar thirst I had seen many times. She knew exactly what I was thinking, and by her reaction, she was thinking precisely the same fucking thing. Her cheeks filled with a flash of pink before she broke her stare and continued to take orders. I chuckled a little at her embarrassment, then pushed my way past the swarms of people and took a seat next to Blake.

Waiting for her to make her way down to us, I was unable to keep my eyes off of her. I caught her several times peeking in my direction and every time I did that adorable pink color filled her face again.

A few minutes had passed and she still hadn't ventured to our end of the bar and Blake was starting to get impatient as he tapped his fingers on the counter, letting out irritated sighs and grunts.

I stood up and raised my hand in the air. "Excuse me, Miss...." I shouted over the crowd in her direction.

Her head shot up and as soon as she realized who was talking, she took a deep breath. She pushed a loose piece of hair behind her ear before slowly making her way over to us.

"It's about damn time!" Blake rudely blurted out.

She rested her hands on the edge of the bar on either side of her, and leaned into them, never once taking her eyes off of Blake. She looked pissed as hell and I could tell she was not up for his attitude.

Staring daggers at him, she bit back, "Oh, I'm sorry, did you need something before you set out on your motorboatin' trip?"

Blake's eyes grew to the size of golf balls, his face turned red, and his chin about hit the floor. I fought so hard to hold in my hysterics but it was no use....Within seconds I busted out laughing.

"What are you laughing at?" she scolded as her head snapped in my direction.

"Nothin' at all, ma'am," I said, raising my hands defensively with a huge grin on my face. I couldn't believe that there was this much fire coming from someone so small. I could tell she was trying to hide her smirk as she returned her attention to Blake.
Damn, she's adorable.

"What's your name?" she asked Blake in the sweetest voice I had ever heard.

Blake looked almost terrified as he looked up at her. Playing it cool, he took a deep breath and gave a typical Blake response. "Wouldn't you like to know, princess?"

Her eyes narrowed and the fake smile on her lips faded.
Oh, shit!
He's gonna get it.
I already learned that the one thing you didn't want to call this girl was princess.

"His name's Blake," I blurted out with a small chuckle.

Blake's head spun towards me and he gave me a dirty look. "Dude?" he exclaimed.

Trying hard not to laugh I shrugged my shoulders at him. "Sorry, man. I couldn't help myself. This is way too much fun watching you squirm."

"Excuse me, boys," she interrupted us. "Personally, I don't care who you are. But the one thing you will remember is that in this bar we treat people, especially women, with respect." She laid into him again, this time her hand on her hip. "So, Blake was it? If you can't handle that or don't like it, then I suggest you hightail it out of here."

I looked back at Blake and I could tell his ego had been bruised. He was slouching in his barstool, arms folded over his chest and the biggest scowl on his face. It took everything in me to keep from cracking up again. I had never met anyone like this girl, and to top it off, she was chastising Blake in front of everyone. I loved the guy like he was my fucking brother but it was funny as shit to see him like this.

Standing up, I could tell Blake wanted to lay into her but he refrained from it. Throwing her a dirty look, he told me to get the shots and meet him back over at the table, and then walked back towards the rest of our friends. I hadn't known Blake long, but I couldn't help but think that this was the first time he had ever been talked to like this from a female.

"I think you may have crushed his ego a bit," I said, leaning onto the bar, raising my eyebrow at her.

"Unfortunately, he'll recover," she censured.

I couldn't help but chuckle, this girl said exactly what was on her mind and I loved it. "Name’s Cam," I told her, holding out my hand.

As she looked down at my offered gesture I prayed she wouldn't tell me to fuck off, we hadn't gotten off to the best start tonight, but once she placed her hand in mine and replied, "Cara," I was done for. Her soft, sweet voice, mixed with the tenderness of her touch and the way she was looking at me, almost brought me to my knees. In the brighter light, I could see her eyes clearly, and they were like nothing I had ever seen. At first glance they were your typical light brown but as I stared into them I could see bright intermixing flecks of green and gold.

We stood there; hands and eyes linked together, for what felt like hours, but were only mere seconds. My palm was sweating and that's when I realized what a complete idiot I must have looked liked.

Shit, she probably thinks I'm crazy. Maybe I am? No one had ever had this effect on me, not even Amber.

Clearing my throat, I slowly released her and exhaled the breath that I had subconsciously been holding. Averting her eyes, she seemed a little on edge as she hastily grabbed a rag and started wiping down the bar.

"Um, so...what can I get you?" she asked apprehensively as she looked up at me through her lashes.

"Oh, yeah, four shots of Captain should do it. Thanks," I answered, taking a seat again.

"You got it."

Just like that she was back to work mode. Grabbing shot glasses one at a time, she flipped them in the air and caught them, before slamming them down on the counter in a straight line. Calling out to her partner in crime on the other side of the bar, she asked for the Captain. The other bartender wasted no time grasping the neck of the bottle and without even looking she tossed it with ease, behind her back to Cara. Naturally, Cara caught it and right away started filling up the glasses.

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