Always Yours (11 page)

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Authors: Kari March

BOOK: Always Yours
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"Fuck, Cara that was...amazing," he praised me. "We
be doing that again soon, only next time I'm going to come in that sugar coated mouth of yours."

He stood up and pulled me close to him, kissing me fiercely. The temperature from his body warming me as our bodies molded together.

Breaking the kiss he looked down at me. "I'm gonna grab a condom and then I'm gonna fuck the shit out of you. I hope you're ready for this." He picked me up and sat me back on the tailgate before turning to walk away.

"I'm on the pill."

He stopped and slowly spun around with a devilish smile on his face. "So, I get to feel all of you?"

With my lip between my teeth, I looked at him through my lashes and nodded.

He sauntered over to me and grabbed the nape of my neck, titling my head back. He looked into my eyes before gently pressing his lips to mine—the softness of the kiss throwing me off guard.
Where'd the domineering Cam go?
His other hand reached up and cradled my face as his tongue compassionately stroked mine. My stomach filled with butterflies and a pleasurable moan escaped me, instantly, switching Cam back into his overassertive self. His grip around my neck became stronger and his hand fell from my face.

Stepping between my legs he cupped my breasts and squeezed them hard. "God, Cam, fuck me," I shouted out.

He climbed onto the tailgate and I scooted back. When I laid down the cold truck bed made a shiver run up my spine. Hovering over me, he pressed his hardness against my opening and slid right in—filling me and stretching me in ways I had never felt before.

"Christ, you're soaking wet," he grunted, as he drove into me harder. He was so large I almost couldn't take all of him when he pushed into me. I wanted to scream, but when I opened my mouth no sound came out.

He continued moving deeper into me with each thrust and I could feel my orgasm building. The metal beneath me was digging into my back, adding to the intense pleasure I was feeling and I burrowed my nails into the skin on his arms.

"Oh fuck," he growled as he picked up the pace. Our bodies were now covered in beads of moisture and our breaths were labored.

Leaning down he began sucking on my nipple and it pushed me over the ledge. I lost control as the overwhelming sensations took over my body. "Cam, I'm going to come!" I screamed in ecstasy.

He stopped moving and looked at me firmly. "No, you won't. I told you, I own this." He plunged into my sex, forcefully. "You will come when I tell you to." Pushing up on his arms he pounded into me harder. There was no way I was going to be able to last. Fighting every nerve in my body, I held off my release as he rocked into me. Just when I thought there was no way I could take anymore he called out, "Let go and come all over me, Cara."

I was spiraling out of control as the best orgasm I ever had ripped through me in waves—crashing down on me over and over again until I was weak from pleasure. Closing my eyes I rode them out, moaning loudly and praising Cam's name under my breath.

When I finally calmed, I had forgotten where I was until I felt the strong arms of Cam enclose around my waist. He pulled me to him, brushing kisses across my shoulder, tickling my now very sensitive skin.

"Damn, firecracker, that was—"

"Impressive?" I interrupted him.

"To say the least." He laughed, propping up on his elbow. He leaned over me and kissed me possessively. "We are definitely doing that again."

"Anytime, you just say the word," I agreed. "But right now I need to get off of this hard truck bed, my back is killing me." I started laughing and he helped me sit up.

"Yeah, sorry about that, I wasn't very prepared, I'll make sure there are some blankets or something in the truck next time," he said, wrapping his arms around me.

In the distance you could hear the rumbling of a vehicle and it was growing louder by the second. Looking around I spotted two headlights bouncing down the bumpy 4x4 trail.


"Ummm, Cam, I think we need to go," I said worriedly as I started to jump off the tailgate. I was getting the feeling we had overstayed our welcome. Quickly, I started searching in the dark for my clothes.

"Whoa, where's the fire, Cara?" Cam asked nonchalantly.

"It's heading up the trail," I said, nudging my head in the direction of the oncoming car.

Cam turned and looked, his eyes growing larger when he spotted the headlights. "Shit!" he bellowed as he flew off the back of the truck with urgency. Tripping over each other and cracking up hysterically, we scrambled as we tried to grab our clothes off the ground. When I looked up again, the vehicle, which I could now identify as an old Ford truck, was coming to a stop.

"Come on, firecracker, we have to go," Cam shouted as he snatched his jeans from the back and headed for the driver side door. We leaped into the truck, still naked and laughing, and Cam revved up the engine. He floored the truck and the tires spun, dirt and rocks went flying behind us and the truck fish-tailed down the path. "Shit, that was close," Cam said, looking behind us as he held his clothes so they covered his lap.

My adrenaline was still pumping as I began sorting through my belongings. It was bumpy in the truck as I tried to dress myself and I kept catching Cam peering at me out of the corner of his eye. His lips twisted up into a goofy, playful smile.

"What are you looking at?" I asked, putting my bra and shirt on.

"I was just admiring the view, that's all," he expressed, looking back at the road.

I looked around, trying to find my underwear but couldn't find them anywhere. "Crap!" I huffed. "My freakin' thong is missing." I slid my jeans back on and Cam dissolved into a fit of laughter. Narrowing my eyes at him, I swatted his arm. "It's not funny, I loved that thong." I crossed my arms over my chest and slunk down in the seat.

"Stop pouting, you big baby, I'll buy you a new one," he said, rolling his eyes at me. Instantly, I perked back up. I knew I could just go buy a new one myself, but the fact that he offered made me smile. "Now can you come take the wheel so I can get dressed?"

I slid across the bench seat and took hold of the wheel while he dressed himself. It was unreal how easy things were between us. When we didn't think and we just felt, everything flowed naturally. But I knew it wouldn't last. We were both still dwelling on our pasts and I didn't think we would ever be able to move on. All it was going to take was one fight, one moment, and one of us was going to run.

All I could see was the back of his head and her arms wrapped around his waist as he pushed his tongue down her throat. Tears trickled along my face and landed on my now showing, pregnant belly. Today was supposed to be a day filled with happy memories but now all I would ever remember was how they looked tangled in each other's arms.

I had to get out of here

Pushing my way past them, I accidently bumped into her, causing them to come apart. She glared at me with evil in her eyes.

"Well, look what we have here," she hissed at me in an icy tone. "If it isn't the class whore." Everyone at the graduation party started to laugh at me. "You know, Lance told me what you did."

I looked at her in confusion and then over to Lance who had his back to me. My heart was slamming in my chest and I couldn't utter a single word as fear took over.

"Did you really think getting pregnant was going to make him stay with you?" she asked me in the bitchiest tone possible.

"Wha...what do you mean? I didn't do this on purpose," I argued. "Why would you think that?"

A high-pitched cackle escaped her and I looked back at Lance, begging him to turn around and defend me, but he didn't.

"Oh, come on, Cara. He told me everything. You knew he was going to break up with you after graduation. Getting pregnant was the only way you thought he would stay with you."

I didn't believe what she was saying. It wasn't true. He was supposed to love me, why would he tell her this? Blocking her out, I moved towards Lance. "Why is she saying this, Lance. Tell her she's wrong," I begged him, my voice cracking from the tears that were building up behind my eyes, but he didn't move.

Putting my hand on his shoulder, he finally turned around and my heart sunk when it was Cam's face that I saw. "Whore!" he shouted at me. "Whore, whore, whore..." he continued to repeat, each word like a dagger to my heart, piercing it deeper and deeper. Placing my hands over my ears I turned and ran away.

I woke up in a cold sweat, beads of moisture dripping from my forehead. My nightmare was like a foresight into the future. I couldn't help but fear that history was going to repeat itself and Cam was going to be the cause of my heartbreak. I needed to cut the ties now before it was too late, before I fell any harder than I already had. This was the moment I had feared —it was time to start running.


I raised my right hand and shot a rewarding look over to Blake. This was it, the academy was over and we fucking made it. We had been to hell and back multiple times in the last twelve weeks but standing here, preparing to take the firefighters’ oath made it all worth it. Tomorrow, Blake and I would officially be rookies at station #34 and I was fucking stoked.

Looking out into the crowd, I spotted my father and while I was honored that he came to support me, the one person I wanted to see wasn't out there. I hadn't seen her since I dropped her off at her car the night we got lost. I drove away from her that night thinking she was the type of girl I could have a relationship with—a long time from now. I even called her the next day, and I never called women after screwing them. It was then when I realized not everything was as good as I thought it was. Her attitude towards me seemed different, distant almost and it hadn't even been twenty-four hours.

The rest of the week I'd been so busy with the academy I hadn't had time to stop by Maggie's Place. I knew if I could just see her in person, I could fix whatever the issue was. I texted her, but her responses were always impersonal and vague. Her shit was starting to get old and I had too much on my plate this week to deal with it.

Last night, I had gone to Maggie's Place to see her. I had to find out what was going on but she wasn't there. Shay told me she had called in sick and I knew from the conversation we had last week that she never called in sick. Something was up with her. Shay wouldn't give me her address so I had no choice but to call her. When I did, she didn't answer. I called her two more times and when she finally picked up, she sounded bothered, aggravated even.

Maybe it was crazy to ask her to come—shit, I knew it was—but I couldn't help it, it just came out. Stumbling over her words she told me she had plans already and there was no way she was going to be able to make it. I knew she was lying—she was a horrible liar, but I didn't want to fight with her. If she didn't want to come, it was her loss. I didn't need to put up with her hot and cold bullshit anyway. I just wanted to fuck her again—at least that's what I kept telling myself.

"Cadets, please repeat after me," the fire chief said, pulling me from my jumbled thoughts.

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