Always Us (The Jade Series #8) (11 page)

Read Always Us (The Jade Series #8) Online

Authors: Allie Everhart

Tags: #Romance, #new adult romance, #young adult romance, #romantic suspense, #contemporary romance

BOOK: Always Us (The Jade Series #8)
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I see my reflection in the mirror and, shit, I’m a mess. My hair’s sticking up everywhere and I almost have a full beard. For me it only takes one day without shaving to get a beard going. I take my razor from my travel bag, which Jade left on the counter. I didn’t even unpack yesterday. Jade must’ve done it because the suitcase is put away. I didn’t hear her unpacking. The only thing I remember from last night is having sex. And then I fell asleep again. I didn’t even hear her leave this morning.

Jade left. And she’s alone. Shit!

I drop my razor in the sink and race back to the bedroom to get dressed, then stop, realizing she’s okay. He can’t hurt her. This is over.

I relax and go back in the bathroom and turn on the shower.
It’s over. This is over.
I keep repeating the words as I stand under the hot water.

I finish my shower, get dressed, and check my phone. I see a string of messages but I call Jade first to make sure she’s okay.

“Hey, you’re awake.” She sounds happy, probably trying to cheer me up.

“Yeah. Where are you?”

“I’m still at the library. I’m done with my meeting but I had to look up some stuff. Do you want me to come home? I can do this later.”

“Just stay there and finish. You want to meet for lunch?”

“Okay. Can we go to the coffee shop? Maybe meet at noon?”

“Sure. I’ll see you then.”

“Garret, how are you feeling?”

“I’m fine. I feel better now that I slept and took a shower.”

“You grew a beard overnight.” She laughs a little.

“Yeah. I’ll shave. See you soon.”

“Wait. Garret?”


“You heard, right?”

“Heard what?”

“About your grandfather.”

When she says it I realize I forgot to check the news this morning. I didn’t even think to check. I just assumed he passed away overnight. But if he had, Jade wouldn’t have left this morning. She’d want to be with me. And she’d sound sad. She doesn’t sound sad.

“What happened?”

“Your grandfather made it through the night.” She sounds happy, hopeful.

I’m neither of those. Truthfully, I’m disappointed. Fuck, that’s messed up. He’s my grandfather, but shit, he’s pure evil and I wanted him gone.

“Garret, did you hear me?”

“Yeah. So they said he’s getting better?”

“I’m not sure. He’s still in a coma. You should call your dad.”

“I will. I’ll do it right now. I’ll see you at lunch.”

After we hang up, I turn the TV on and search for any updates. I find one on a financial channel.

“…condition remained the same overnight. His wife, Eleanor, has asked that her husband be transferred to a medical facility closer to their home in Connecticut.” The camera pans to the other news anchor. “The stock market took a nosedive yesterday as reports of—”

I click the TV off and call my dad.

“Yes, Garret.” He sounds like he’s in a hurry.

“What’s going on?”

“It’s not a good time to talk. I’m in crisis mode here. One of our plants had a fire last night and this morning one of our distributors wants to—”

“Not about the company. What’s going on with Grandfather?”

He sighs. “My mother is moving him to a different facility.”

“Wait. Back up a minute. So he’s better? He’s recovering?”

“His condition hasn’t changed. And it doesn’t look like it will.”

“By different facility, you mean the clinic?”

“Yes. Not the one you were at, but a different one. It’s in the Hamptons. It has the latest equipment. A top notch staff.”

“What does this mean? You think they can help him?”

“I don’t think so. I’d be surprised if he made it through the week.”

“You said he wouldn’t make it through the
, but he did.”

“Garret, I really can’t talk right now. I have at least 10 people waiting outside my office. We’ll talk later.” He hangs up.

So it sounds like my grandfather’s still going to die, but now it’s happening later this week. Dammit. I just wanted this to be over. And it will be. In a few more days. Until then, I need to start acting normal so Jade will stop wondering what’s wrong with me. I need to start eating and sleeping and going to class. And when my grandfather dies, I need to play along and act sad.

At noon I meet Jade at the coffee shop for lunch. She’s sitting at one of the small round tables but she gets up when she sees me. She has on jeans and a light pink sweater that reminds me of the pink flowers we had at our wedding. Her hair is pulled up in a ponytail with a few loose strands falling down around her face. I see her every day, but sometimes I have these moments where I see her and realize how lucky I am that this beautiful woman is my wife. That she’s all mine.

“Hi.” She gives me a hug and I smell the fresh, flowery scent of her hair. I hold on to her for just a moment longer when she tries to pull away.

“You look beautiful.” I kiss her head, then slowly let her go.

“Thanks.” She gives me a funny look as she glances down at herself. She obviously disagrees, which I don’t understand, but maybe if I keep telling her, she’ll eventually realize that she really is beautiful.

“So did you call your dad?” she asks as we sit down at the table.

“Yeah. He said my grandfather’s condition hasn’t changed.” I put my arm around her. “Let’s not talk about this. I need a break from it. Talk about something else.”

“Well, it’s not a fun topic, but Sean called yesterday. And then I called Harper.”

“I don’t like the sound of this. Did something bad happen?”

“Kind of.” She tells me about Sean moving to LA for that job he was offered back in September. Then she says Harper wants Sean back and doesn’t care if her parents disown her.

“But you told her to leave him alone, right?”

“Yeah, but I don’t know if she will. She really wants him back.”

I’m not surprised she’s trying to get Sean back. I kind of thought she would. She doesn’t know the real story behind why her parents threatened to disown her if she didn’t break up with Sean. And I knew if she thought about it, she’d realize that her parents’ disapproval of him was not enough of a reason for her to lose the person she loves.

Sara comes up to the table. “Sorry I haven’t been over here. It’s been super busy.” She turns to me. “Garret, I’m really sorry about your grandfather. Jade told me before you got here.”

“I’m surprised you hadn’t already heard about it. It’s all over the news.”

“I don’t have time to watch the news. I barely have time to take a shower.” She gets her order pad out. “Do you guys know what you want?”

We give her our order, then she leaves and I look back at Jade. “You have to tell Harper to let Sean go.”

“I did. And I’ll keep telling her that. It’s just hard because she really misses him and doesn’t want to accept that it’s over. Maybe when she starts classes again she won’t have time to think about him.” Jade threads our hands together. “I tried that last spring. I tried to keep busy so I wouldn’t think about you, but it didn’t work. You were all I could think about.”

“At least you had stuff to keep you busy. I was stuck in a house in the woods every weekend. I thought about you constantly.”

She gazes down at our hands. “Someday I want you to tell me what you did all those weeks we weren’t together. I don’t want to know right now. It’s still too fresh in my mind. But years from now, when I know for sure you’ll never be taken from me, I want you to tell me.”

“Jade, I’m not going anywhere. Nobody’s going to take me.”

She nods. “I’ll believe that someday. I’m just not there yet.”

If she only knew how close we were to being separated again. This time for good.

I can’t tell her what almost happened. I don’t want her ever knowing what my grandfather had planned. He’ll be dead soon, and once he is, I don’t want to think about this ever again.

Our food arrives and as we’re eating, Grace calls to check on me. She worries about me as much as she worries about Jade. She’s such a nice lady. She’s more like a grandmother to me than my own grandmother.

I called my grandmother several times yesterday and again today and she hasn’t returned my calls. I haven’t talked to her since the Fourth of July. I know she’s been avoiding me because my grandfather forbid her from talking to me. But now he can’t control her so I don’t know why she hasn’t called me back.

Sometimes I get so freaking tired of my family and all their drama. I don’t know why we can’t just act normal and get along. Why does everything have to be so damn difficult? I just want to live my life and be happy, without them interfering. So today, that’s what I’m going to do. I’ve been miserable ever since my grandfather showed up last week. But today, I’m going to be happy.

When we’re finished eating lunch, I put my arm around Jade and say, “You know what we should do?”


“We should get a Christmas tree.”

“But it’s still November.”

“Yeah? So? December’s only three days away. And when my mom was alive we always put the tree up the day after Thanksgiving. Well, my mom did most of the work while my dad and I watched football, but I’d help her with the ornaments.” I slide Jade’s chair closer to mine and kiss her cheek. “Come on. I need this. It’ll make me feel better.”

She smiles. “Then let’s get one. We’ll go right after class. Do they sell them already?”

“They’ve had the fake ones out since before Halloween. I don’t know about the real ones. You want a real one?”

“Maybe we should get a fake one. If we get a real one it might be all dried out by Christmas.”

“We’ll get a fake one now and when it’s closer to Christmas we’ll get a real one.”

“Two trees? Really?” She gets that excited look I love so much. She’s a millionaire and yet she still gets excited over the littlest things.

I kiss her. “Yes. Two trees. Or maybe three.”

She laughs. “Two is good.”

I grab my backpack and stand up. “I need to go. Come home right after class and we’ll go shopping.”

As I leave, I look back and see a huge smile on her face. I’m going to make this the best Christmas she’s ever had. It’ll be the best one for me, too, because I no longer have to worry. There’s no deadline. Jade is safe.



Garret takes off out the door just as Sara comes over.

“What are you smiling about?” She sits down across from me. “Why do I even ask? You’re smiling because you have the hottest, sweetest husband in the world.”

I laugh. “That’s true, but that’s not why I’m smiling. Garret wants to get a Christmas tree today and I’m smiling because I’ve never had one.”

“I haven’t either. My mom had this small green metal one she put on the kitchen table but it was more like a decoration. It wasn’t an actual tree.”

“Are you getting one this year?”

“I don’t have the money for one, but Alex will have one up at his place.”

“Hey, are you on break? I need to hear about your weekend.”

“Yeah, I’ve got a few minutes. Tell me about yours first.”

“We didn’t really do much. We ate a ton of food and watched movies. Oh, and I gave that speech I told you about.”

“How’d it go?”

“Really well. One of the other speakers asked me to talk at a youth conference in March, and now Garret thinks I should give speeches for a living, but I don’t know. I need to think about it. So tell me about going to Alex’s house for Thanksgiving.”

“It was great. His parents’ house isn’t very big and there were 40 people there, so it was packed.” Sara props her elbow on the table and rests her chin on her palm, a big grin spreading across her face. “But I loved being there. It was so much fun. His sisters are awesome. They both have young kids but not babies, so when they saw Caleb, they went all baby crazy. He got so much attention. I didn’t talk to Alex’s brothers much, but I talked to their wives. They went all crazy for Caleb, too. And Alex’s parents are
super nice. His mom even invited me there for Christmas. Oh, and the dinner was so good. Caleb kept trying to feed himself sweet potatoes with his hand and it got all over his face. It was really funny.”

“See? I knew you’d have a good time. You worried for nothing. How was the hotel situation?”

“It was fine. I had my own bed and the hotel loaned us a crib for Caleb.”

“So again, you didn’t need to worry. Nothing happened.”

“I know but,” she lowers her voice, “I kind of wanted something to.”

“You did? Like you wanted to—”

“Shh. Don’t say it.” She sits up, checking to make sure we’re alone. “But yes, I wanted to do that. I wouldn’t, with Caleb there, but I wanted to.”

“Do you think Alex did?”

“He’s a guy. Of course he did.”

“So are you saying you’re done being just friends?”

“Yes.” She leans across the table, the grin appearing again. “Alex officially asked me to be his girlfriend. When he picked me up to go to his parents’ house, he brought me flowers and asked me if I’d go steady with him. He actually said ‘go steady’ as a joke and then he got serious and told me all this stuff about why he likes me and asked if I’d be his girlfriend.”

“That’s really sweet.”

“Yeah, it was. And then he asked Caleb for his permission. He gave him a mini football to sweeten the deal. His words, not mine.” She laughs.

“And what did Caleb say?”

“He threw the football at Alex’s face.” We both laugh. “Alex took that as a sign Caleb was okay with it.”

“So now what? I mean, you were kind of already dating him so does anything change?”

“Well, we can kiss without feeling like we shouldn’t be. And maybe do more than that.” She smiles again. “But other than that, not really. Friday, Alex is making dinner at his place so I’m bringing Caleb over there. He’ll be asleep by eight and then Alex and I can watch a movie or something.”

I raise my brows. “Or something?”

She swats my arm. “Not
. Not with Caleb there.”

“You said he’ll be sleeping.”

She rolls her eyes, but she’s still smiling. It’s good to see Sara so happy. She was convinced Alex wouldn’t stick around, but I think now she’s realizing that he will. It sounds like he really cares about her and Caleb. I’ve only seen Alex a few times so I don’t know that much about him. But maybe now that those two are dating, we can all go on a double date and I can get to know him better.

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