Read Always Summer Online

Authors: Criss Copp

Always Summer (43 page)

BOOK: Always Summer
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strength leant towards the musical persuasion... he’d wanted to learn the
guitar from the age of four.

I had let
him start at aged five.
He was already
exceptional at the instrument... ‘Gifted’, his music teacher had praised.

I rounded
the fourth and last door of the hallway and made my way to the art studio.

“Blake!” I
called out... walking in to the studio.

I paced
around some of the paintings but I couldn’t see him.

“Blake!” I
called out again.

I felt the
warm heat of his breath at the back of my neck... it sent ripples of desire
through my body.

called!” Blake said, nuzzling my neck behind my ear.

“Your son
painted his wall again.” I said, turning around to confront my husband face to

“My son?!”
he clarified with a chuckle.

“Yes, your
son!” I confirmed, poking him in the chest.

leave it there.” He said, shrugging and pulling my hips forward to crash into
him; before leaning in to kiss my throat.

“Why?” I
asked, attempting to calm the sensations he was causing me to experience.

looked up, pulling me towards him even tighter... into his growing erection...
oh dear!
He smirked at me,

“He just
keeps painting things there anyway, it’ll just be something else next time if
we remove it... so
just leave it!
get sick of it soon enough, and that way, maybe he’ll learn his lesson!” Blake

“It’s on
your head then Mr. Austen!” I argued.

“It always
is when those two do something wrong!” he chuckled, leaning back down to
flutter kisses across my jawbone and towards my ear.

“As it should be!”
I laughed disjointedly... he was affecting me.

stepped to one side and dropped his hand so that it could pull the front of my
skirt up and access the front of my panties.

“Blake!” I
scowled and hit his hand away.
“The boys
could run in and see you!”

He gave me
a cheeky grin.

“When do
Nan and Pop come to get them?” Blake asked.
Smoothing my skirt down, but paying particular
attention to my mound.

I looked up
at the clock on his wall, “Shit!
I said, and
pushed out of his arms before running out of the room.

Mom and Dad
were already in the living room, I could hear them asking the boys to grab
their bags.

I went
straight to them and gave them kisses.

“Sorry, I
was out the back with Blake.” I said breathlessly.

Mom smiled
and gave me a knowing look.
It was
obscene the amount of attention my husband gave me in public.
Everyone wouldn’t hesitate to guess that he
was very sexual in private.

Mom and Dad
had easily forgiven Blake after my return from being kidnapped... they could
understand... so, life eventually went on like Blake hadn’t even hurt anyone’s

Max!” Blake hollered from behind me.

Mom went in
for a hug from him, and Dad a healthy handshake!

I walked
back to the boy’s bedroom, and grabbed their bags.

It was a
tradition since the boys were 3-years-old, to have them spend two weeks during
break with my parents, their Nan and Pop...
and another two weeks with Blake’s parents, their Grandma and Grandpa.
On the middle weekend, Blake and I would go
to see the boys and our families.

Apart from
Christmas which was spent with us in New York, with everyone... the other
holidays were spent in whatever capacity the three families could manage...
This now included Julie and
her partner Carly, a gorgeous Puerto Rican girl that she had committed to two
years previously; and Elspeth and Phoebe... both still unmarried and committed
to their careers.
All the Aunties
spoiled the boys’ silly.


Living in
New York had its perks.
After a year of
absence, I had returned to modeling part-time, which I continued.
I had finished college and obtained my degree
in English Lit., and in recent years had successfully authored several
fictional YA stories; I wasn’t a big name or anything, I earned better money from
modeling, but I was doing something I liked and it made me happy.
Blake earned the greater portion of our
finances... he had a regular and successful exhibition at our local art
gallery, and he had a great gig illustrating children’s books.

Jordan had
pleaded not guilty on the grounds of insanity... He was sentenced, but he was
sentenced to a psychiatric unit.
I don’t
know what happened to him, I couldn’t spend any energy on that part of my life.
I hoped that he did get help though... Blake
still wanted to kill him... that would never change.
I still felt sorry for him... all that
potential, fucked up!


Mom and Dad
stayed for some lunch, but they adored the boys... and they always were keen to
get them home and have them to themselves.
Especially now that they were semi retired.
So they left promptly after lunch.

I moved
back through the townhouse after the boys had gone, cleaning as I went.
Blake’s and my clean ways had yet to rub off
on our progeny.

Blake had
been talking for two years about trying for a girl... The gap with the boys
would be a little big, but since we were only 25 years old, and were still so
young, I had finally acquiesced a month ago.
This was our first month off the pill.

And of
course, with the fire that remained burning between Blake and
; it would be no time at all before he managed to succeed
in putting a bun in the proverbial oven.
Blake was always telling me that he could never get enough of me... he
reasoned it with losing me and then getting a second chance after I
I guess I feel the same...
helped that my husband was a
Fucking Hot



She was
scooting around cleaning up after the boys...

I love grandparent month... I get to fuck her
whenever I want... and right now... I want!

I had
already indicated I was on the prowl for her; I’d tried to cop a feel in the
art studio, and I knew she felt my arousal.

I wanted
another child... I was after a little girl like
and I was hankering to get that trying for a baby thing happening!
The last time we fell pregnant was a glorious
accident... this time there’ll be no accident about it!

Summer had
had a traumatic time birthing the boys, and of course the surrounding issues
were hard to subtract from the whole experience, so she had taken years to
She was also frightened at the
prospects of having another set of twins.
I was hoping for only one this time too.
Twins are fucking hard work!
However, since the boys were older now, hopefully they’d be good big

I followed
her down the hallway to the boy’s room, but before she got there I reached out
for her and pulled her back into my arms, turning her around so I could look at

“Hello.” I

“Hi!” she
said coyly, biting her bottom lip.

She’s so pretty... so insanely gorgeous to
me... my heart just speeds up every time I think of being with her!

I think she’s even more beautiful than she used
to be.

twenty-five, she’d truly grown into a woman.
The boys didn’t destroy her body like she’d worried about during her
The curves that she developed
from the pregnancy were sinfully sexy!

She was
wearing a pretty little pink buttoned up blouse, and a short and sweet, white,
flouncy skirt.

“You must
be hot!” I said, pulling at the hem of her shirt.

“Why?” she
asked, grinning like the Cheshire Cat.

“Because you have too many clothes on!”
I complained, leaning into her.

fault is that?” she asked, throwing her head back to look me dead straight in
the eyes.

I smiled
excitedly and began to undo the buttons of her blouse... slowly, one by one!

She did
nothing... just stood there waiting for me to open her blouse.
She’d dressed for the occasion.

Her breasts
were being held up by the sexiest bra I’d ever laid eyes on... and it was
definitely new!
lusty purple color... with a sateen lower cup that pushed her breasts up; and a
shear lace upper cup that held her nipples in, but otherwise did nothing to
hide them.
The twin straps had
tiny bows at the tops of the cups.

I slid her
blouse over her shoulders and down her arms, allowing it to fall behind her on
the floor.

I looked
into her eyes... they were smoldering... she was horny as hell!
But she was going to let me go at my pace...
for now.

I unzipped
her skirt at the side, and allowed it to fall to the floor.
Her panties matched her bra... a see through,
lacy, low riding hipster thong...

I had
intended to take things slow, but I wanted what was being promised... I knew
the quality of the goods... I wasn’t waiting around.

I grabbed
her up and cradled her in my arms... her arms went around my neck as I carried
her to our bedroom.
We’d get a chance to
rechristen the rest of the house later... this was a bedroom job!

I threw her
on the bed... she giggled, and I smiled.

I stripped
down in record time to my boxers.

She stayed
there, looking all innocently at me as I moved towards her.

“What do
you plan on doing to me?” she asked shyly.

God... I loved it when she played it up!

“Make you
scream my name!” I said confidently.

“Hah!” she
scoffed, smiling.
“You’ve gotta know
what you’re doing to get that reaction.” She chuckled, beginning to roll away.

I pounced
on her... grabbing her wrists and slamming them back into the bed.

“Where do
you think you’re going?” I snarled... enjoying this moment.

drawer... I have a cock in there that might make me scream...” she teased.

It was
true... there was a cock in the drawer that made her scream... when I used it
on her!

“I’ve got a
cock right here that’s bigger, better, and ready... right now!” I informed her.

“Do you
know how to use it?” she asked, lifting her hips to rub her pussy up my thigh.

I groaned.

I leant
down and began to devour her mouth, at the same time that I reefed her hands up
above her head and held them in one hand, and allowed my other hand to head
straight down for her clit.

I rubbed at
her through the sheer lacy fabric... her panties were moist, and she began
moaning against my mouth.

I pulled
back, remaining in control of her wrists and continuing to rub her clit.

“Fuck!” she

“Oh, I know
you like that!
You’re wet for me!” I

she said again... biting her bottom lip.

I let go of
her hands.

“Leave them
there.” I demanded... indicating her hands.

“Oh...” she

I pulled
the cups... well the lace, down off her breasts.

The several
silvery stretch marks that laced over the mounds of her breasts had done
nothing to detract from the beauty of her c-cup tits.
They reminded me every time that this woman
... they were my permanent mark that she was
mine... the mother of my children!
fuelled my possessiveness.

turns to suckle those nipples, I placed my hand into her panties to continue
bringing her to the brink of an orgasm using my fingers on her clit.

The moment
she was about to shatter into the throes of an orgasm, I ceased.

she screamed in frustration.

BOOK: Always Summer
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