Always Enough (2 page)

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Authors: Stacy Borel

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary

BOOK: Always Enough
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Things had been going really well, but then he was asked to go on tour with the band Down Glory Road. Ky told me that nothing had to change, and we could Skype, text, call, email. He was even willing to fly me out to whatever town he would be performing in. As much as I had really considered it, I knew it just wouldn’t work. I led a very busy life, and I wasn’t about to play second fiddle to a band on tour, wondering if my man was shacking up with some groupie whore at the end of each night. I’d told Kyler that we weren’t working and he needed to head out on the road, as a single man. I’ll never forget that night for as long as I live. He was pissed at first. He had thrown his hands up in the air and yelled and cursed a blue streak. He begged me not to do this to him, to us, but he must have seen the resolve in my eyes. I had no intentions of budging. He stared and said that we weren’t over, and that was the last thing he said before he walked away. I’ve heard from him every day since. The first few emails that I
read were all about what he had been doing, where they were performing, how exhilarating it had been standing in front of those huge crowds.

He also included how much he missed me.

I was glad that he seemed to be having a good time, but I didn’t want to know that he missed me. I’d made up my mind that he must be with a new girl every night. Why wouldn’t he? I was a red-blooded female, and I could see how hot he was. There was only so long that a man could say no. I started deleting the emails after that, not even bothering to open and read them. With my finger hovering over the delete button, I tapped it and got up from the table. I had work to do. I headed out the door and made my way across town to get the house ready to show.



I got to the Meadow Estates subdivision and pulled up to the house that I was working to sell. I was more than happy selling homes in this area of town because they showed well. Finn had bought a home in this area a few months back. The neighbors kept their yards manicured, and the curb appeal was a dream for both the buyer, and the realtor selling it. When a house in this area went on the market it usually took less than a month a sell. I was certain the couple that I was meeting would be putting in an offer. They were eager to purchase since their lease was going to be up in just over a month.

Pulling up the driveway, I got out and walked up the stone path to the front door. The home was vacant and there was a lock box on the front door. While I was putting in the combination, my cell phone started ringing. I swear to god if it was the couple calling to tell me they need to reschedule, fuck the commission, I was going to dump them on Bruce—my newest employee who was struggling to make sales. Pulling out my phone, I saw the name “Michael” on the screen.

Michael Brandt was a good friend. We’d hooked up on occasion, and he’d helped me get Harper Realty off the ground. He was a good-looking guy, not as hot as Ky, but I was certainly attracted to him. I hated to call him a “fuck buddy”, but it was inevitable that when we got together our clothes would come off.

“Well good morning, stranger,” I said in a flirtatious voice.

“Hey beautiful, what are you doing?”

I was walking through the empty house, turning on lights and making sure that it was lit up. A dark house didn’t sell as well as one with natural light, or one that was brightly lit.

“I’m about to show a house, how about yourself?”

I could hear his smile through the phone. “Well, I was sitting here thinking about you and wondering if you would let me take you out tonight?”

Not even needing to think about it, I said yes. “What time will you be by?”

“I can come pick you up at seven and we can go try that new place Mexican restaurant in Twin Falls. Sound good?” He sounded so confident it was sexy.

“I’ll be ready by seven,” I told him.

“Great. See you later, beautiful.”

Michael had that way about him—he didn’t just
I was beautiful; he made me feel like I
beautiful. He commanded your attention, be he also gave his own back, one hundred percent.

Despite the house being vacant, there were two bar stools still at the kitchen counter. I sat down and waited for my couple to show. When they finally did, they loved the house and decided that they wanted to make an offer—just as I knew they would. I told them I’d call the listing agent and make the offer, and be in touch. After shutting off all the lights in the house, I got in my car and made my way back to the office.

The day continued right on track as far as my appointments went, and I even managed to stay on time—a rarity for me. It was six forty-five when I looked up at the clock. “Fuck, I’m going to be late,” I said to myself, shutting down my computer and walking through the now empty office. I was always the last one to leave. I didn’t want anybody else to be responsible for locking my businesses doors besides me. Making a quick call to Michael on my way home, I let him know I was running about thirty minutes late but he was more than welcome to come and hang out while I got ready. I shook my head. Of course I managed to be on time all day, but when it came to doing something for myself I was late.

Go figure.



The food at the restaurant was delicious and I would for sure be going back. Michael looked just as appetizing as the ‘melt in your mouth’ fried ice cream I ate for dessert. And that was pretty good if you asked me because fried ice cream was my very favorite treat. We’d just pulled up to my place when Michael got out of the car and walked me up the steps to my front door. He leaned in to kiss me, lightly touching his lips to mine.

“Mmm … you’re coming in.” It was a statement, not a question.

He smiled against my lips. “So bossy. What if I say no?”

“Not a chance in hell, Brandt. You smell good, look good, and I need to get laid.” I grabbed him by the tie and dragged him into my house, kicking the door shut with my heel.

Walking me backwards, he pushed my back against the wall of my entryway. I looked up at him, and marveled at his gorgeous face—he looked like he wanted to devour me. Michael was six foot one, with strong cheekbones and bright blue eyes. His hair was a little grown out, but still shorter than Kyler’s, and a lighter brown. He was wearing a gray, button-down dress shirt, and black slacks. He always dressed nicely because of his job. He helped companies get off the ground and a good presence was necessary. I loved a man in a suit—the total opposite of how Ky dressed everyday, and what he performed in on stage. God, I needed to shake the thoughts of Ky from my head.

Running one of his hands down my hip, he reached to grip my thigh to wrap around him. I moaned as he ground his pelvis into me. I could feel his erection pushing just above where I needed him to be. His other hand held the back of my neck, tilting my head so he could deepen the kiss. As dominant as I could be during my everyday life, I loved a man who took charge in the bedroom—or against a wall as it happened to be right then.

My hands wove into his hair and gripped the short spikes as I moaned into his mouth. He took that as his cue to lift my body up, forcing my other leg up to around his hips. My breath came in short pants as I started to unbutton his shirt, running my hands up and down his chest. His mouth nipped and sucked a trail from my mouth to my chin, and over to my earlobe.

I scratched my nails down his front and he hissed. “Fuck, Harper,” he growled, sliding my dress up so he could hold my bare ass. Who needed underwear anyway?

I heard a sound in the distance, but I was so preoccupied I didn’t care what it was, or where it was coming from. Continuing to kiss Michael, I had just bitten down on his lip, when he pulled away, frustrated by the interruption. “Your cell phone keeps ringing. Maybe you should answer it?”

I whined as I slid my legs back down until my feet touched the floor. Reaching over toward the entry table, I grabbed my phone. Christ, I was wet. I was going to murder whoever it was. Seeing I had three missed calls from Em and a text from Finn, my head cleared.


Finn: Em’s in labor. She needs you. Call me!


“Oh shit,” I whispered as I looked through my contacts and found Finn’s number.

Michael came up behind me to ask what was going on.

“Em’s in labor. I have to go.”

He’d seemed disgruntled when we were first interrupted but hearing my news, he started smiling. “Well hot damn! That’s great news. I’ll drive you to the airport.” Michael adored Finn and Em.

I called Finn to find out how Em was doing, letting him know I was catching the first flight out and I’d be there in a few hours. My best friend was having a baby and I needed to be there for her. I was going to be an Aunt … wow. Michael drove me all the way to Boise and told me to give the new parents a “Congratulations” hugs from him. A short hour later, I was on a flight to Los Angeles. I was still reeling from my ‘almost sexathon’ evening that it was cut short, but becoming an aunt was worth the buzz kill.



Arriving at the airport four hours after receiving Finn’s text, I called him to let him know that I was there and would take a cab to the hospital. He sounded tense and nervous. Who wouldn’t be? He was about to become a father.

Pulling up to the main entrance of UCLA Medical Center, I looked around for a directory to tell me where I needed to go. Unfortunately, it was after hours and the front desk wasn’t manned. Over by the elevators on my left, I saw a map of the different floors. Scanning for Labor and Delivery, I located it on the third floor, in the west wing. Hitting the elevator button, I made my way up. When I arrived on the third floor, there were two large double doors that had a button to electronically open it. Walking inside I found a circular desk that housed at least twenty computers and monitors that I assumed were the monitors of all the women in labor. From the looks of things, most of the rooms were occupied. Nurses were walking all around, pushing carts, carrying IV bags, and some were chatting amongst themselves behind the desk. Approaching it, one of them stopped and looked up at me.

“Hi, I’m looking for Emilyn Morgan’s room.”

She pushed a few buttons on a screen in front of her then said, “She’s just down the hall in room three twenty-five.”

“Thank you,” I said and walked in direction she had pointed.

I found Em’s room all the way down the end of the hall. Knocking, I heard Finn’s voice on the other side saying, “Come in.”

As soon as I set foot in the room, Em saw me and burst out crying.

“Oh, honey, don’t cry.” I rushed to her side. Finn was standing on her other side by the window, holding her hand.

“I’ve missed you so much, Harper. I’m so glad you’re here.” She wiped away her tears.

“Where else would I be? You’re about to make me an aunt.”

She smiled at me and I smiled back. I glanced around the room and saw that Em was hooked up to an IV and a machine was feeding the line. In one corner was a wooden rocking chair and an exercise ball.
What on earth do you need an exercise ball for?
Em must have seen the look on my face.

“That’s for me to sit on. It’s just another tool I can use to help me move around and maybe help the baby move down.”

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