Always Enough (9 page)

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Authors: Stacy Borel

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary

BOOK: Always Enough
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Just as we were finishing up he said, “I can’t wait for this game to start. Nobody can beat the Giants.”

“Seriously? I think I just threw up in my mouth. I’m excited to see a game, but the Giants
be beaten by the Cowboys.” I stuck my finger in my mouth, and made a gagging noise.

“What in the hell are you talking about? There’s no way the Cowboys are going to win this with Romo as their Quarterback!”

“Care to make a wager?” I asked, lowering my fork.

“You know I don’t back down from a bet. What do you have in mind?” He raised an eyebrow.

“The Cowboys win, you forget all about this idea of you sleeping in a room by yourself, I want you in my bed. If they lose, well, then I guess we get to stay in separate rooms.”

He chuckled. “You’re a high roller, aren’t you?”

He was teasing of course, but he knew that this could lead to something very tempting.

“Always. So what do you say?”

He reached his hand across the table, to shake on it, but I didn’t want a handshake—I wanted his mouth. I got up and moved around the table to stand in front of him. His eyes watched me as I approached. When I was standing in front of him, he opened his legs so I could step in between them. I bent forward and grabbed his shirt, bringing him towards me.

“I think this is a bit more promising than a handshake.”

I pressed my lips to his and kissed him, effectively sealing the deal. He sucked my lower lip into his mouth and I felt his tongue swept across the sensitive flesh. I moaned and opened my mouth, granting him entrance. He tasted like merlot, and it was a decadent flavor. His hand weaved into my hair at the base of my neck and he pulled me down onto his lap. Just as the kiss was heating up, a server came in to remove our dinner plates. Instead of feeling embarrassed about being interrupted, I felt turned on. My skin was overheated and I was wet with need. Ky’s eyes were lust-filled and it was clear that if we hadn’t been interrupted, I may have gotten what I’d been craving from him.

I went back to my seat and sat down. As I watched him looking at me, he watched me with curiosity and desire. We sat there sipping our wine until the game started.

The Cowboys started off with a bang. They scored a touchdown in the first two minutes of the game, which was quickly followed by an interception by the Cowboys defensive back, Morris Claiborne. By halftime the scoreboard read twenty-one to seven, and I started to think I had the bet in the bag.

“Don’t get overzealous over there, Harper. This game is far from over.”

I laughed. “Well, your precious Giants can’t seem to get their shit together, so I’m thinking you might as well start packing your bags to move across the hall.”

He shook his head and the side of his mouth tipped up in a half smile. “We’ll see.”

And boy, was he right. During the last half the Giants ended up scoring three touchdowns in a row, and the Cowboys had two turnovers. By the end of the fourth quarter, the score was thirty to twenty-one, and I was pissed. How in the hell did the Cowboys lose so much momentum and practically give away the game in the last half?

“Hey, Harper,” he said from directly behind me. “My Giants won.”

I was still standing at the large window staring down at the field while all of the fans trickled out of the stadium.

“What the fuck just happened?”

Ky chuckled and it sent a shiver down my spine. “What happened is you learned you should never bet against me. Next time you should try being on my side.”

I didn’t miss his double-meaning with that statement. He put his hand on my shoulder and turned me around. His eyes were serious, instead of his usual animated self.

“Harper, I know that a bet is a bet, but if you really want me to come stay in your room, I will.”

I wanted Ky to stay with me … I wanted him close. I wanted to be able to roll over and feel him next to me. The fact that he was willing to give up the bet, when Ky
gave up a bet, melted me. I felt another little piece of my wall crumble. I would stick to my deal though.

“No, a bet is a bet. There’ll be other opportunities to get you in my bed,” I said teasingly, even though I was disappointed.

I could tell that Ky saw through my façade, but he didn’t say anything more. He led me out of the stadium and to one of the many cabs waiting by the curb.

“You know, something just occurred to me.”

“What’s that?” Ky asked.

“How come we’ve been out running around the city all day and nobody has stopped you for an autograph yet?” It was true. I’d expected to get interrupted several times during our day in the city, but we hadn’t.

He shrugged his shoulders. “I do sometimes. But I’ve found that in New York there are quite a few celebrities walking around town, and the people here either are just used to it, or they don’t want to bother them. Besides, I’ve only just joined the band, so I’m not that recognizable. In fact, to tell you honestly, I’m not sure I want to be.”

I was confused. “What do you mean? I thought this was what you always wanted.”

“It was. But I see what the guys go through every day, and I’m starting to think that this life is more than I actually wanted.”

Our cab made its way through the city to our hotel. I wasn’t sure why we hadn’t walked because it was only a few short blocks. Ky and I walked through the lobby of the hotel, and when we got into the elevator he continued his explanation.

“The guys are never home, they hardly get to see their families, and they’re hounded every time they step outside. I’m just not sure I want to live my life like that. Before I joined DGR I thought this was what I had wanted. Turns out it isn’t as glamorous as you’d think. The money is great, but really, how often do you get to enjoy it? I mean, the one big plus that has come from it is that I’m able to make sure my dad has everything he needs to hopefully keep him comfortable.”

Wow, I hadn’t expected this from him at all. Since he was a kid, Ky had talked non-stop about playing in a band and being rich and famous. The idea of him changing his mind about everything and maybe wanting something else from life was shocking. I could see the relief in his eyes, and the emotion behind his words about his father. His dad was such a sweet man, and he’d always welcomed me into their house with open arms. But unfortunately, earlier in the year he had been diagnosed with stage three pancreatic cancer. It had been a devastating blow to the Lewis family. From what I knew, pancreatic cancer was terminal and extremely painful. For Mr. Lewis there wasn’t much the doctors could do besides pump him full of chemicals to help prolong his life. It wasn’t a subject that I brought up a lot because I knew it hurt Ky to talk about it.

“So what is it that you think you want to do then?”

“Well, I think when the tour is over I’ll find a house to buy, settle down, and stick to writing music. The band is great, and I love the guys, but I’ve already told them they will need to find a more permanent bass player. They’ll be starting auditions next month.”

“A house, huh? I know a pretty good realtor,” I joked, trying to lighten the mood.

We got to our room and walked inside. Ky unbuttoned the top three buttons of his shirt. My mouth started to water at the sight of his smooth tanned chest. As much as I wanted to go to him and undress him completely and ravage his body, now wasn’t the time.

He grinned at me and said, “Wanna give me her number? I’ll make sure the commission is worth her while.”

“Who said it was a she? I know this guy—”

He cut me off by wrapping his arms around me and holding me to his body. At first I tensed because I wasn’t expecting it, but then I melted into him. My head on his chest, listening to his calm heartbeat, brought me more comfort than I should have allowed. It was right there in that moment that I realized that I liked—no … I
Ky’s comfort. I rarely let a man hold me like that. But I wanted to be right here in this spot, on his chest, feeling his breathing, letting his strength support me. I only hoped that he knew I could offer the same.

I felt his mouth on the top of my head. He kissed me twice and ran his fingers very tenderly through my long, dark hair.

“I’m so glad you’re here, Harper,” he said, so quietly I wasn’t sure I’d heard him.

“Hmmm …” I hummed softly. “Me, too.”

“Despite all of the teasing, this right here is why I wanted you to come.”

We were still holding each other tightly in the middle of the living room.

“I don’t follow?”

He was about to answer that when the ‘Thong Song’ by Sisqo started playing. I glanced up at him and realized it was coming from my purse. His shoulders started to shake—he was laughing.
How in the hell had that dickhead managed to get hold of my phone?
God, he was sneaky.

“Seriously, Kyler, the ‘Thong Song?’ And when did you ever get a chance to get your hands on my phone?”

My arms dropped from him and I walked to where I’d set my purse down. Digging it out I looked at the screen, and saw it was Michael.

“Shit,” I whispered under my breath.

“What’s the matter?” Ky said from just over my shoulder.

“Nothing, it’s nothing,” I said, trying to clear the screen.

Ky must have seen it before I could clear Michael’s name. His mouth pressed into a firm line and his mood definitely shifted.

“Are you still seeing him?”

“What? No! We’ve gone out a few times but we’re not dating or anything. He was probably just calling to check up on me. He does that every now and then. Plus, he doesn’t even know I’m in New York.”

“Are you going to call him back?” Ky was mad, and I wasn’t sure I liked it.

“I don’t know. I might. Does it matter?” I leveled a glare at him.

He breathed in through his nose and spoke. “Of course it matters. You’re here with me, Harper. I won’t share you. When you go home, I want it known that you are
girl. That means no more Michael.”

That pissed me off. We’d never agreed to be in a monogamous relationship. I came out here so he could show me the city. I know he’d said he wanted to prove that we could be good together—and it had been very good over the past two days—but I would not be told what to do. I never had and I never would. My temper was flaring and I pushed back.

“You don’t get to tell me what to do, Kyler. Just because I came out here to see you, doesn’t mean we are automatically with each other and I’m proclaiming my undying love. That’s not what this trip was about.”

He turned his back towards me and dragged his hands through his hair. “Fuck,” was all he said.

I felt bad that the moment we had shared had been ruined by Michael’s phone call, but maybe it was a good thing. Kyler needed to know where he stood with me. Although, if you’d asked me where that was, I wasn’t so sure I could answer at that very moment. Needing to calm the situation, I reached out and touched his arm.

“Listen, I’m sorry that he called. There’s nothing going on between Michael and me. He’s a nice guy and that’s all there is to it. I won’t call him back if that makes you feel any better, but I will send him a quick text to tell him where I’m at so he doesn’t go knocking on my door back at home.”

I saw his shoulders rise and fall as he took a deep breath. He turned to face me again and the look in his brown eyes showed hurt. It made my heart ache.

“I know I don’t own you, Harper. I’d like to have you solely for myself, but I know you have a life outside of this little world we’ve created during these two days. If you want to call him, that’s fine.” He paused, then leaned forward and kissed me on the forehead. “Listen, I’m really beat. I think I’m going to get some shuteye. Make sure you get some rest, we have a busy day tomorrow.”

With that he turned and walked into his room. Why did it bug me that he’d just walked away from me? I was just pissed off that he was trying to stake his claim on me, but now that he wasn’t standing right in front of me, I felt like that was exactly what I wanted. I groaned and walked down to my room, frustrated at myself and my contradicting emotions.

I sent Michael a quick text to tell him I was in New York, and he sent one right back asking if I was there for work. I told him I was there with Kyler for the week. He didn’t respond after that. Part of me felt guilty, as if I was playing two different guys, but really Michael and I had
defined our relationship. He took me out every once in a while and he had turned into my fuck buddy. I know that didn’t make me sound good but again, I’d always been clear with him that we would never be

I walked into my room, and after I’d washed my face, I changed into a camisole and boxer shorts. My mind kept replaying what had happened that evening and it was wearing me out trying to sort out my feelings. I decided a call to Em was in order—after all, she knew me best. While I lay in bed, she told me what she thought of the day, the call from Michael, and Ky’s reaction towards it. She reminded me that I owed it to myself and to Kyler to be open to him while I was here. After I hung up the phone I stared up at ceiling, trying to feel at peace with how I handled everything. I ended up falling asleep pretty quickly and had a repeat dream of my father leaving me alone in bed and the feeling of desolation.

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