Always Be Mine~ (2 page)

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Authors: G.V. Steitz

BOOK: Always Be Mine~
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I slowly rise from my chair, holding the file in one hand covering the evidence of my pathetic dirty mind, holding my other out to shake hers.

“I do as well, Emma. I look forward to having dinner tonight I say taking her soft hand into mine. We shake hands carefully, and she smiles and winks ever so slightly brushing her breasts across my arm, as she reaches for her briefcase while she shakes my hand with the other.

I force myself to swallow, trying to keep my eyes on her face, praying my damn eye balls don
’t roll to the back of my head. I nod. “See you tonight then.” I was able to get out, without a groan or growl for that matter.

We separate hands and she begins to move from the table.

“Oh, I almost forgot,” She says as she reaches out and grabs my forearm, softly squeezing it she leans in a little closer and softly says the words that now hammer that last nail in my coffin. “This is business tonight, correct?”

Now, what the hell do I say to that loaded question? Shit.

I smirk with a wink, “of course Emma.”  Emma then nods once and pats my arm before she walks out of the conference room. I watch her leave and fall back into my chair. Slowly, slamming my forehead into the table, pounding my head. “What. The. Hell. Is. Wrong. With. ME!” I say each word with a slam to my forehead on the table.

The day goes at snail speed of course. Since it
’s only been a few weeks since I actually had the company of woman for dinner, I have no idea why I am acting as if this is prom for Pete’s sake! I get back to my penthouse. Grab a quick shower before deciding on how to dress to play out this ‘business dinner’ I am having with Emma. Riiiiiight… “Business, Matt!” I say out loud to myself. Don’t bring condoms I keep telling myself. If I do, it looks like I was planning on that happening. If I don’t it looks like I am what? Stupid? Maybe not prepared looks better. Not planning on anything. Right. Ok, whatever. Apparently, taking care of myself in the shower, proved to be of no help to my problem. The greedy son of a bitch between my legs has a mind of its own agenda. Just great. Ugh! I stand in front of the mirror combing my hair.

Black suit and gray dress shirt. Got to love Armani. Simple slate and black colored silk tie, silver cuffed links, chunky, silver watch and black leather shoes. Armani, great designer for all men
’s ware, as far as I am concerned, I stride out of the apartment trying to figure out if I should bring flowers or not. No I better not. Business, right? Riiiight. You just keep telling yourself that big guy.”









Chapter 2~Emma



Ok, try not to panic. It’s just dinner. It’s a business dinner right? I did ask him that. Didn’t I? Shit… I can’t believe how damn sexy that man is. This isn’t the first time we have met, but he seemed to have a certain look today. He was different. He was hot, that’s what he was.

Old? Was he kidding me? Please don
’t make a fool of yourself tonight Emma I tell myself as I look into the mirror once more.

Why am I acting like this is a date. This isn
’t a date. I have my briefcase ready. Business… Business…

I take a deep breath, turning from side to side to see how much my ass sticks out in this damn dress. Me and Chocolate. Damn it!

Trying to keep my look toned but dressed… I feel like I am a ball of nerves. How on earth am I going to get through an entire meal with this man? I could barely breathe in his office. This man is sooooo out of my league.

I hope I don
’t look like some stupid idiot when we go out.
For a business dinner
. I remind myself.

I left my hair down. It was playing nice today for me, thank God. I found a little black dress, came to my knees. Cinched in at the waist on the side of the dress a gold loop the dresses wrap tied through and knotted to hang down on one side. I had just purchased these new leather knee high boots that looked pretty sharp with this dress. They had 4 inch heels and zipped up the inside of each leg. Looked sharp I thought. Well, I hope. The dress had long sleeves, and the dress was a scoop neckline. Showing off the swell from my breasts that were incased in black lace and matching black lace panties. Not a thong and not granny panties but bikini. Looked rather slimming, even though I was not a size zero by any stretch. More like 14 but hell, I had some serious boulders to lug around. They were probably ten pounds themselves for God sake. I had a small waist, which some would think is a nice contrast to show off the hips and ass. However, when you have generous proportions of both assets, well let
’s just say I think it makes me look worse. Being short did help at least I didn’t look like a big sashcaquach walking around. I wore simple diamond stud earrings from Daddy I got on my eighteenth birthday. A Simple, gold charm bracelet, with my gold locket, holding my mothers picture in it dangling from the end.

The door bell rings and I take a deep cleansing breath. Ok, business dinner. Don
’t forget. Just try not to drool and stay calm and don’t BLUSH whatever you do! Right.

Coming.” I yell as I walk over to the front door. I live in the house I grew up in, no one in here but me. Daddy is in a nursing home with round the clock care that I can barely cover most times even with his medi-care and supplemental insurance. But I would throw myself under a bus for him. And no matter what the expense, I adore him for everything he has given me my entire life.

I open the door and smile as I try to swallow down a dry gulp. Dear God in Heaven please help me not rip his clothes off.

“Hi” I say softly.







Chapter 3~Matthew




I nearly fell backwards when she opened the front door. Sweet Jesus she looked amazing! It was autumn outside, and nippy at the very least, so she was dressed so complete for the evening.

“Hi, yourself. You look amazing.” I said smiling at her. I decided not to bring flowers in fear of scaring her half to death and slamming the door in my face.

Well thanks, so do you.” She complimented me back. Could her eyes sparkle anymore? As is there was a beam of moon ray, shining down directly unto her face, she glowed. Her eyes were dazzling.

Um, please come in, let me just get my briefcase
… I ah… Left here somewhere…” She said looking around like she lost it. Please God don’t let her find it. Please.

Ah here it is.” She hurried to pick it up and carry it towards me standing by the door. I looked around the house. Seemed nice, simple, A bit outdated but whom am I to judge. She certainly doesn’t act the youthful age I am positive she is. Odd come to think of it. And I have never met anyone who made me so damn nervous.  I just roll back on my heels, keeping both my hands firmly in my pocket. I am sure if I attempt to touch her, my fingers my catch on fire she looks so good. Ugh, I am going to be torturing myself the entire dinner.

Nice house you have here.” I say looking around casually. I look back at her as she looks around her place. She shrugs, “hmm, it’s the house I grew up in so there is a sense of belonging I feel here. But it’s just me so; it gets a little strange some times.” She looks off to someplace not here. I feel bad. I think she is saddened by my comment. She slowly shakes herself out of it with a smile. I smile back looking down at her.

Hey, ah I am positive you have everything memorized with the proposal and all, so how about we ditch the briefcase hmm?” I ask trying to get her to drop that damn ball and chained she has such death drip on as if it were her life line in a stormy sea.

Sure, ok.” She answers as she puts it back down near her sofa in the living room.

Shall we?” I say stepping back out onto the front porch and to the side to let her come out.

Yes, we shall.” She answers giggling. Making me give her a wink as she locks up and I lead her to my car with my hand on the small of her back. She is holding some sort of wrap which surprises me she isn’t wearing.

Are you cold?” I ask as I open her side of the car for her.

Nope. I have a wrap just in case though.” She says holding it up for me to see in case I haven’t noticed everything she wearing and holding. Little does she know I have already memorized how she looks already? I now have the pleasure of staring at her from across a table as we share a meal together.

I walk around to my side from the back letting out a low whistle. Ok, here goes nothing

I carefully make my way around the curves of the street. My car hugging the road as we drive through the darkness to a dining experience I pray that she never has ever experienced something like tonight before.

“Nice car.” She says almost like its something sacred whispered between her beautiful lips. Making me chuckle, I look down over at her. Watching her look around like she never had been in a car before.

It’s just a car.” I say making no big deal out of it.

Really? No big deal?” She laughs.

Yeah. Just a bunch of chrome and metal taking us to our destination.” I say looking back over at her moving her hands over the supple leather seats. Running her fingers gently over the buttons on her side of the door, she seems nearly afraid to touch something like it might fall off the car if she did. I bite the inside of my cheek to keep from laughing out loud. I don’t want to make her feel self conscience.

So where are we off to for this ’business dinner’? She asks looking back over to me.

And here we go with the business shit again. Ugh. How do I get her out of that mode? I haven
’t scared her to jump from the moving car to plummet to her death yet, so there is still hope I suppose the evening to go well. I think. Jesus, snap out of it already Matt.

Well, I was thinking about a special restaurant I sort of like a great deal. It’s fairly new. I thought you might enjoy it.

We drive for about 40 minutes and pull up to our destination. Valet has my door open no sooner than I put it in park. I slide out handing the keys over along with a fifty to the kid.
“Thank you Mr. Daniels. How are you this evening sir?” He asks as he smiles after seeing his tip. He makes me chuckle. I slap him on the arm, walking around to scoop up my date from the other nit wit scoping her out. I don’t think so pal. “Thanks gentlemen. You both have a good evening.” I say taking the place of the other valet helping Emma from my car, why do I feel to be territorial all over this woman already. I slap a fifty in his hand as I motion to walk her up the stairs to the door of the restaurant.

Are you sure you can actually get in this place on such a short notice?” I hear there is a six month waiting list to get in here.” She nearly pants out in disbelief. God, this woman is so refreshing.

I look up at the place, and back at her with my eye brows raised.
“Really? I know it’s pretty good food. I come often so I think that’s why I get in so easily.” I say walking up to the man holding the door for us. Spot him a fifty. “Thank you Mr. Daniels.” He says as he gives a short bow to us both. I nod. “Thanks Alex.”

Emma just stares at all of this going on. I love watching her looking at everything through her eyes. Seeing someone look at something through their eyes for them to experience something for the first time with you, is really one of God
’s greatest gifts I think. I get such a high from watching people having a great experience or receiving something they prayed for so long to get. I adore experiencing things like that through the eyes of the person receiving. I think I get more out of watching them experience they special moment more than they actually get from the experience themselves.

We walk up to the coat check. I help her out of her wrap she had draped around herself I think to just feel secured with something to hold on to close to her body. God I wish it was my arms she was holding on to.

I see Tammy, always so sweet. Mid aged woman, never have I seen her frown a day in her life. I place a fifty in her hand thanking her.

Good Evening Mr. Daniels. Thank you, Sir.” Tammy says taking Emma’s wrap. I smile, placing my hand on the small of her back again, leading her towards the host. “Thanks Tammy. How is the family?” I ask her. “Very well sir. Thank you for asking. You both have a good evening.” She replies with a wink to Emma. I wink back towards Tammy.

I look down at Emma; she is blushing, a little. She is so adorable.

“Tony. How are you tonight?” I ask the host as we walk up to him as he waits with two leather bound menus to escort us to our table.

Very well sir. Welcome back. Good to see you again so soon.” He replies as I hand him a fifty. “Thank you, Sir. Please, follow me. Miss, Mr. Daniels.” Tony gives a small bow as we follow him.

Emma is looking all over the place. God I love watching her soaking up the ambiance. We get escorted to a private dining area that I exclusively use to entertain my guests in. Candles lit on the table. Wine selected, wrapped and set in the silver bucket next to the table. I walk around to hold the chair for Emma, nodding as I do for Tony to not worry about it himself. She carefully sits down and a help her scoot in towards the table a bit. I walk around sitting myself as Tony hold my chair for me.
“Thank you Tony.” I say with a nod.

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