Always Be Mine~

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Authors: G.V. Steitz

BOOK: Always Be Mine~
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Matthew Davis, a 39 year old self made billionaire meets with an advisor from an architectural firm he is considering to hire to design their new HQ addition to his global corporation that is thriving beyond any known measures.

Emma is the advisor whom he makes the pleasure of meeting. And meeting he did. Emma met Matthew in every single one of his fantasies and every night in his dreams. He wanted her. But how?

Emma's barely was keeping everything together as she supports her allying father's MS medical expenses. After having Emma loose her mother to breast cancer when Emma was barely ten years old, has put her under and extreme amount of stress at her young life of only twenty five years old.

Emma desperately craves of having a personal and up close relationship with Matthew but Emma thinks he is completely out of her league.

Her barely wet behind the ears experience with men gives her the innocence Matthew wants all for himself. Matthew finally found Emma, and he refuses to let her go. Even if Emma tries everything to keep her distance from Matthew, after finding out of her own illness, she begins to battle the same illness she lost her mother to.

Find out how their story not only completely puts passion in their path's between each other, but how they both rescue and heal each others pain.








G.V. Steitz



This book contains content that is not suitable for readers 17 and under.




Copyright 2013, G.V. Steitz




This book is a work of Fiction. All of the names, places, characters, organizations and events described in this book are completely fictional and products of the author
’s imagination used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance or similarity to any individual, organization, events, or persons, living or dead, is completely coincidental.




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Enjoy~ G.V. Steitz




To all of the woman I have been close with through out my life, which have battled breast cancer, watched a love one fight it, loose their battle with it, or conquered it. You are all in my thoughts and prayers.

You are all true warriors and wonderful role models.

Elena, Marisa, Pam, Patti, Kimmy, Barbara and Rosanne


















Chapter 1~ Matthew

Chapter 2~ Emma

Chapter 3~ Matthew

Chapter 4~ Emma

Chapter 5~ Matthew

Chapter 6~ Emma

Chapter 7~ Matthew

Chapter 8~ Emma

Chapter 9~ Matthew

Chapter 10~ Emma

Chapters 11~ Matthew

Chapter 12~ Emma

Chapter 13~ Matthew

Chapter 14~ Emma

Chapter 15~ Matthew

Chapter 16~ Emma

Chapter 17~ Matthew

Chapter 18~ Emma

Chapter 19~ Matthew

Chapter 20~ Emma

Chapter 21~ Matthew


Epilogue Emma~ 5 years later

Epilogue Matthew~ 23 years later


























Chapter 1~Matthew






Emma was an average looking woman. She wasn’t petite in size really, she only stood at 5’3” However, and she was the first to admit she was curvy. Too curvy she thought. Most men ogled at her walking down the street but because her breasts were perky and bouncy. Her hips swayed without realizing it and her ass, rounded but firm. And she was as elusive as the God damn unicorn for Christ sake! She had the longest dark brown chestnut color hair I had ever seen before. Her eyes sparkled like emeralds and her eye lashes couldn’t be real for as thick as they appeared as they fanned up and down when she blinked.

Matt couldn
’t take his eyes off of her. Sitting in a conference with a room full of business associates, colleagues, and financial investors, he was listening to her proposal with the utmost interest. His Interest in her. Emma could be talking gibberish for all he knew, truthfully, he really didn’t care either. He just loved her voice, she sounded simply angelic.  Listening to her go over her demographics and financial spread sheets sounded practically like she was talking down right sexual and naughty. I am sure it would normally sound like sand streaming through and hour glass for as much as excitement as spread sheets normally go. But this woman spoke so alluring, I couldn’t imagine how anything she would say ever could sound boring. Sure, I’ll sign on the dotted line. Whatever she was selling, I would definitely buy. I bet she sold girl scout cookies. Probably made a fortune from those pigs too. Fuck, why am I thinking about her selling me cookies. 2x2 is 4, 4x2 is 8, 8x2 is 16... “Mr. Daniels?” She asks softly put direct, confidently.

Hmm, oh um, I apologize Ms. Evans, I was thinking about your… Demographics.. Uh.. What was the question again?” I ask, sitting up more straight. Shit, I hope no one notice me acting like some high school punk.

I asked if the financial spread sheet coincides correctly with what you are expecting from our proposal?” She asks me. I look around, wondering if every man in here, thinks what Emma just said, sounds like she was reading erotica poetry, like I think she was. Anyone besides me? No? Ok, just a thought, and they all better keep it that way too, if they like their jobs here.

Most definitely Ms. Evans, thank you. Does anyone have any questions for Ms. Evans?” I ask looking around the table. I glare at my executive team, silently daring them to open their mouths. Everyone catches on nicely.

After a few more minutes, everyone is on the same page and in agreement with Emma
’s plans. Thank God because I certainly have no clue what I agreed with. As everyone files out of the conference room, I stay seated, watching Ms. Evans sway her ass around, picking up proposal packets and putting things away.

You certainly have a knack for your craft Ms. Evans.” I say looking back down at the proposal on the table. Just trying to keep myself busy looking like I am not the most dirtiest thoughts racing in my mind about taking her right now as she is bent over the table reaching for her packets. I swallow a low groan inside my throat.

Well, thank you Mr. Daniels. I am so pleased to hear you think so.
” She says looking over to me with an innocent smile across her flawless face. Skin so creamy. She looked like a porcelin doll. Her full deep pink stained lips parting perfectly with that smile. 3x3 is 9, 4x3 is 12, 5x3 is 15.…

So do you think the board will approve of the proposal?” She asks while I am staring at her ass bent over again on this God damn table. I try making a mental note to make sure not get close to anything I can throw her on and rip her clothes off on. I quickly look back up to her face as she chuckles shaking her head.

Well, I am CEO. As far as I am concerned you certainly have my vote.” I say winking at her. I can’t believe I just winked at her. She can’t be much older than what, 22 or 23? And at twenty years her senior, I am positive she thinks I am some old dirty pervert. Old? Well, maybe not to most I think I look average as far as men go. Gifted with a fast metabolism thank God, I still think I look pretty good. Olive skin. Dark hair, a grey hair here or there. 6’4” and not fat but pretty solid. High School and College Football kept me looking good, as long as I got together with the guys once in awhile to toss the pig skin around a bit.

I ah… I was hoping to go over some more in depth discussions with you on your demographics you have here. Possibly over dinner maybe if you can spare time with an old fart like myself?” Ok, there I said it. Let’s see how pathetic I sound to her now. I am sure I am just digging my own grave here.

I look up at her face, waiting to get a reaction or answer either way. At least I could find out if I need to throw myself off the penthouse balcony tonight or not for making myself look so desperate.

She squints her emerald jewels at me. Shaking her head. Ok, here it comes…

Really, you honestly have the nerve to think of yourself as old?” She laughs.

Apparently I was holding my breath there for awhile. I didn
’t know how long I let out a deep sigh. My lips puckered out like I was whistling to exhale, thank God, still safe, I laugh and shrug my shoulder “I am old compared to you, that’s for sure Ms. Evans.” I say to her, silently pleading to still having a snow ball’s chance in hell to hear a “yes, dinner sounds good from her.”

Please, call me Emma. And I don’t think you are old Mr. Daniels.” She says gathering her briefcase and placing it on the floor near the table after everything has been neatly placed back inside.

Please, have a seat if you have the time. And call me Matthew. Or Matt. Mr. Daniels was my father.” I say trying to sound funny.

Very well, thank you Matthew.” She says as she pulls out a chair and sits down. Her black skirt rising over her knees. Dear God. She cross’s her legs and her leg that is crossed over the one firmly planted on the ground starts to swing  in a little back and forth motion. I look down at her shoes. 5x3 is 15, 6x3 is 18... How tall are those damn heels. Black paten leather 5 inches of loveliness showcasing her black silk covered legs.

I can do dinner I suppose.” She says nonchalantly.

What I wanted to do at that very moment was to do a few fist pumps in the air and jump up and down, but I stay calmly in my chair, nodding slowly.
“Great. Say 8 o’clock tonight? I can pick you up if you like.” I offer, trying not to get ahead of myself. I could have offered to have her meet me first, but I was clearly going for gold here. What the hell.

She takes a business card from her purse, and scribbles her address on the back, sliding it over to me on the table with her finger, pushing it to my hand. Leaving her hand on the card for a moment, she tilts her head slightly to one side as she stares at me. This of course was making me beg her inside my mind not to ask me to get up from this chair yet. I certainly would freak her out if she could see the damn tent I have in my pants right now. I better take care of that before I pick her up tonight for sure. She slowly stands. She taps her finger on the card she was still keeping held under one finger on the table.

Ok, here is my address,
I look forward to seeing you tonight. I should get out of here so you can get back to your day however. And thank you again for your interest in our proposal. I am looking forward to working with your firm in the near future if all goes as planned.” She says as she holds out her hand. FUCK I am going to die right now. She sounded so seductive saying my damn name. I bet my name being screamed from the top of her lungs would sound better with her bent over this table.

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