Alutia Rising, Anniversary Edition (Alutia Rising Series, Book 1) (55 page)

Read Alutia Rising, Anniversary Edition (Alutia Rising Series, Book 1) Online

Authors: Craig Gerttula

Tags: #romance, #drama, #adventure, #space opera, #intrigue, #science ficiton

BOOK: Alutia Rising, Anniversary Edition (Alutia Rising Series, Book 1)
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“Your Grace, such words wound me gravely,”
she grasped her chest dramatically. “I would never do anything
unscrupulous in a young ladies presence,” Tiana snickered, Vickie
glaring at the girl in response, who stuck out her tongue

“What about in her presence, Your Grace?”
Vickie pointed to Tiana, eyes aflame. Sasha smiled...
time for
some more much needed revenge.

“Oh,” she tapped her lip, feigning thought,
“Tiana is at an age where I believe anything is appropriate. Do
with her as you wish,” Sasha instructed, waving an airy hand in
Tiana’s direction. Tiana's expression went dark as Vickie laughed

“Sasha, you do not know what you've just
done!” Tiana cried as Sasha couldn’t help but join in the laughter.
Tiana's face went scarlet, scrunching in frustration.

“One other matter, Your Grace,” Vickie
started towards the door, “as is customary, I will now officially
relinquish command of my personal servant to you,” Vickie curtsied,
an ominous smile spreading across her puffy red lips. Tiana, who
had already recovered, started bouncing in place, as she had a
habit of doing when she was excited.

A common beautiful woman, with brunette
shoulder length hair, that could be no more than 20, glided into
the room wearing the same transparent fabric dress as Tiana, but
without anything underneath. Sasha gasped in surprise, her two
ladies breaking out into immediate laughter, then, as if they
shared a mind, skipped out of the bedchamber as Sasha's icy stare
fell upon them.

“I am Til'Ma, Your Grace. Will you be
requiring my services now or shall I return later this evening?”
Her use of the word “services” made Sasha fidget, knowing it
likely, given Vickie’s romantic standing, that Til’Ma was more than
a standard personal servant.

“Report to Gil'Da and have her find you more
appropriate attire. In addition, have her instruct you on the
proper etiquette for one of my servants,” Til'Ma curtsied politely,
before leaving in search of Gil'Da. Sasha sighed, following close
behind, prepared to scold her two ladies-in-waiting, feeling like
she had become the mother of two deviant children, but decided
against it when she found them playing...
hiding more
...with a few of the trainees in the corner. She turned
to a young blond girl who was sitting by herself staring at an
exotic piece of programmable matter art.

“Miss, could you do me a favor? Do you
remember the three boys and girl who carried the man into the
bedchamber earlier?” The young girl's eyes went wide, nodding
crisply. “Could you go inform them that they are needed in Lady
Vickie's bedchamber?” The young girl hurried to her feet, bowing
clumsily before scurrying into the hall without a word. A few
minutes passed and the requested trainees entered, heads hug

“You called for us, Your Grace,” the lead boy
asked, voice unsteady.

“Yes, could you please move this dining
table, along with the four chairs into the the
right side of the bed, if you please,” she pointed to the unused
table against the wall. The trainees nodded, completing their
assigned task without a question, and were about to leave when one
of them caught Tiana’s eye.

“Lady Tiana, Tomi wanted me to ask what we
should do now.” Tiana looked up from her play, first at the boy,
then to Sasha.

“Stay in orbit and try to keep as silent as
possible,” Sasha decided to err on the side of caution, “but I’d
still like to keep an eye out for any additional survivors. Other’s
may have escaped into orbit,” the trainees bowed low, then hurried
into the corridor. Sasha turned to her ladies still playing in the

“Tiana, go find Regalia and bring her here.
Vickie, please join me in your bedchamber.” The two ladies looked
at each other, like children who were about to be scolded, before
reluctantly agreeing to her demands. Sasha sighed, returning to the
bedchamber and taking the seat closest to Trent. She ran a finger
over his cheek, finding it warm and soft, then grasped his empty
hand. Color had finally started to return to his flesh and Sasha
felt the weight of concern slowly lifting, the constant worry for
his wellbeing beginning to ease. Vickie entered the room slowly,
taking the seat directly across from her, a devious grin creeping
to her lips. Sasha thought to voice a question, but decided against
it, turning back to Trent as she waited for her other ladies to

Regalia rushed in first, diving into her
arms. Tiana followed close behind, taking a seat beside Vickie,
nodding with a smile. Sasha held Regalia close, stroking her golden
locks, glad to see her young lady-in-waiting safe. Regalia wiped a
tear from her eye, taking the seat adjacent hers.

“Well ladies, I will be reviewing my
messages, and may require your input, which is why I requested your
presence. Feel free to request beverages and chat, I will let you
know if I need your assistance.” They all nodded. Sasha, satisfied
the games were done, located a BAP with her BC node, queuing her
level one messages while ignoring the thousands of level two
messages she knew were for continued support of Duke Zehman and Sir

“Grand Duchess Sasha Alutia, I hope this
message finds you well. Duke Zehman's fleet attempted to penetrate
the sovereignty of the Earth star system and I'm pleased to report
he was successfully repulsed. The TSB fleet engaged in a passing
battle with the larger HZBF invasion fleet, sustaining the most
grievous of losses. However, their actions slowed the enemy fleet
enough to allow the Alutia Battle Fleet to arrive before any
additional TSB starships were lost.

“Four ABF battle groups, the two we expected,
and two more which had been transferred from the King's Fleet as a
gift from your brother, under the command of a Knight High-Admiral
Baric, successfully entered close range combat with seven battle
groups of the HZBF invasion fleet. The HZBF forces were taken by
complete surprise and almost totally annihilated, with the
survivors surrendering.

“Unfortunately, Duke Zehman's personal
super-capital and escort retreated before the final battle and was
able to escape the system during the fray. A small force has been
sent in pursuit, but a successful interception is unlikely.

“A report has been received of an occurrence
on Earth and we are currently on route to investigate. I hope you
will join us once the shuttle I sent arrives at TSB Fleet Base. I
look forward to seeing you safely. Knight Admiral Bhool.” The news
was better than she ever expected. Little hope did she have that
they could defend against the larger HZBF force, their resources
only allowing them two trustworthy battle groups. But thanks to her
brother's strange definition of...
not getting directly
they were able to close the gap in firepower and win
the day. She would have to remember to send her thanks as soon as

She hastily dictated a response to Knight
Admiral Bhool informing her of their current location, and the
treachery on the TSB Fleet and Earth Bases. She thought of
including the information on the Human Devolution Phenomenon, but
decided against it, knowing it would be best to deliver that
particular piece of news personally.

“We won,” she said plainly. Tiana grinned,
Regalia smiled, but Vickie looked dubious.

“Is he dead? Did they kill him?” Vickie
asked, voice of ice and eyes aflame.

“Duke Zehman escaped,” Sasha answered.

“That traditionalist bastard. Let me guess,
he sacrificed his fleet so he could flee?” Vickie seethed, like a
vengeful god ready to smite any who dared oppose her.

“Yes,” Sasha nodded.

“And Sir Simwa?” Vickie growled.

“I do not know. I assume he fled to TSB Fleet
Base before Earth Base was destroyed,” Sasha let a snarl cross her
lips to match Vickie’s. “But do not worry, Lady Vickie. He will be
held personally responsible for everything that has occurred....he
will pay, oh yes, he will pay,” Vickie held her fury for a moment
longer, then, like it had never existed in the first place, it
faded, a smile of pure pleasure breaking through to the

“That, dear Sasha, is the greatest gift I
have ever received. I thank you,” she lowered her eyes in
reverence. Sasha could only nod back, knowing the gift yet to be
delivered, then turned her attention to Tiana.

“Tiana, could you inform the crew to expect
company? It seems our escort fleet will be arriving shortly,” Tiana
nodded, rushing from the bedchamber. Regalia stood as well.

“May I join her, Sasha?” she asked politely,
there being no way Sasha could refuse her.

“Of course,” Regalia smiled, jumping down
from her chair, curtseying swiftly, but graciously, before skipping
out behind Tiana.
Was it just her imagination, or had Regalia
seemed happier?
She wondered if it had to do with spending time
amongst children close to her own age, which as she knew well, was
difficult for most noble girls of ruling nobility. She glanced to
Vickie, who was “node locked”. A wicked smirk appeared on her

“Now Sasha,” Vickie spoke while still using
her BC node, an impressive feat usually taking decades of practice,
“I hope you do not mind if I refer to you without honorifics from
now on,”

“Not at all,” she responded. “I actually
prefer it,” returning a smile she hoped was just as impish. Vickie
laughed with delight as she released her node.

“Good! I requested some beverages. It seems
you and your boy here have yet to get intimate?” Vickie asked,
matter-of-factly. Sasha's jaw dropped. “I'll take that as a yes,”
Vickie grinned mischievously. “Shall we discuss your first evening
together? Let us start with the best way to make Trent putty in
your hands. Men, you must understand, really love it when you...”
Vickie, with a clarity that painted vivid images within her mind,
explained acts of such depravity, such carnal desire, that her body
flushed, heart and mind running free through a field of flowers. In
that field, Trent chased her like a wild beast, taking her in ways
Sasha could have never imagined on her own. Then, like Vickie held
control of her flesh, she took control, no longer a woman of little
experience in love, but one that made Trent a slave to her flesh in
a way, again, she could never have done on her own.

A knock ripped her free of the Vickie’s
trance. She looked up to find a smiling Tiana at the door.

“Well, well, well, Your Highness, I hate to
disturb your fantasy, but it appears they have finally arrived.”
Sasha looked to Vickie, finding her staring longingly at Trent, her
dress askew.

“About time,” Sasha exploded to her feet.
“Vickie, you shall accompany me,” she ordered, storming from the
room, ignoring the feigned cries of protest from Vickie as she
marched off to greet her victorious fleet.




Vivid visions of he and Sasha passionately
embracing, making love in ways Trent never before imaged, appeared
within his dying mind. They seemed, at first, figments of his
imagination; such carnal acts of eroticism beyond even his wildest
fantasies. But he quickly realized the origin beyond him; being
born of a story told by a mysterious woman, with such a sensual and
seductive tenor, that all rational thoughts fled at its touch,
unrestrained desire flowing to take its place. He drowned himself
in the voice until it vanished, and the total darkness of final
death returned, his consciousness fading for the last time.

A gentle swaying broke him free of the prison
that held his consciousness captive for years eternal. A sharp
pressure pressed against his distant skin, forcing the glacier
encasing his flesh to slowly melt away. His senses gradually
returned, but his mind still felt detached. His eyes wouldn’t open,
and his limbs wouldn’t respond to his thoughts, but he could
clearly hear, discerning individual voices, while feeling the
temperate air tumbling across his skin.

“...I agree with Medical Officer Quo’Moy,” a
woman’s voice he didn’t recognize became crystal clear, like
someone had just turned up the volume of the world around him. “It
is the wisest course of action and will speed up his recovery time

“I understand,” a voice he would never forget
responded, “but if we can do without tubing, I would prefer to
pursue that option. Trent may have witnessed something that I
missed or have forgotten. So it is paramount that I can call upon
his testimony once he awakens,” a gentle touch caressed his

, he wanted to cry out. The
knowledge that she was safe, alive, calling forth a sense of relief
beyond anything he had ever felt before. He wanted to see her,
touch her, hold her in his arms, to pour out his soul, and beg her
forgiveness for failing to protect her.

“If you believe that best, Your Grace,” the
other woman responded reluctantly. “Medical Officer Quo’Moy, escort
Trent to the medical bay and let us know when he awakens,” the
thought of being separated from Sasha again caused the relief of
moments before to vanish, “Your Grace, I shall escort you to your
temporary apartments, if you would please follow me,”

“No,” he forced his eyes open against their
will, “I will stay with her...always,” his voice cracked painfully
as he spoke with all his strength.

Sasha appeared before his clearing eyes,
concern overflowing as she stared down upon, but also love. Beside
her stood a hard faced, but attractive woman, with shoulder length
brown hair and eyes that showed wisdom well beyond her physical
appearance. Next to her stood a thin man, a head shorter then both
Sasha and the older woman, who at first glance appeared
malnourished. But as he leaned over, studying a projected diagram
of Trent, he found that tight bunches of muscles flexed against his
olive skin.

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