Alutia Rising, Anniversary Edition (Alutia Rising Series, Book 1) (54 page)

Read Alutia Rising, Anniversary Edition (Alutia Rising Series, Book 1) Online

Authors: Craig Gerttula

Tags: #romance, #drama, #adventure, #space opera, #intrigue, #science ficiton

BOOK: Alutia Rising, Anniversary Edition (Alutia Rising Series, Book 1)
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“We were led to a Royal Room where I was able
to present Trent with the Star of Terra and the Eye of the
Emperor,” she reached down and caressed the elaborate choker around
Trent's neck. “We were then forced to flee into an old abandoned
research complex. It was terrifying, Tiana,” Sasha reached out,
grasping one of Tiana’s hands, “and we found ourselves alone and
isolated...only one route of escape. So we talked, more then I have
ever talked to any man in my life, Tiana. The emotions, both I and
Trent let free, led us both to express our undying love for each
other,” Tiana squeezed Sasha’s hand, hoping beyond hope that Trent
deserved her loved. “I wasn't thinking of the consequences of the
exchange at the time, but the words were enough for Vin to...”
Sasha removed her hand from the chocker around Trent's neck and
clutched his hand. A crazy thought suddenly popped into Tiana's
mind, one that she couldn't believe possible.

“It didn't!” she bellowed in disbelief before
she could stop herself. Sasha glanced up at Tiana, blushing, a
gentle smile crossing her lips.

“Yes,” Tiana gasped, “Vin interpreted our
declaration of love as courtship final vows and officially named
Trent my consort,” Gil'Da gurgled, then
to the floor with a grunt. Tiana rushed to her
side, but Gil’Da had already come too and was climbing back to her

“Oh no, oh no, oh no,” she muttered, “your
are going to skin me alive. I let
you out of my sight for less than a day and you...and
elope,” her voice cracked. Tiana stared at Gil'Da, then to Sasha,
and couldn't contain herself any longer, breaking out into
hysterical laughter at the ridiculousness of it all. Sasha soon
followed suit as Gil'Da looked between the two laughing women as if
they'd both gone crazy.

“Where did I go wrong,” she buried her face
in her hands.

“I am so sorry, Gil'Da,” Sasha hugged their
old servant and tutor, “it all just...happened. We promised to
publicly keep it as courting until we hold an official elevation
ceremony. But in the eyes of the emperor, and the official database
on Origin, we are married,” Sasha explained.

“I understand,” Gil'Da sighed in resignation,
glaring at Trent, “but I refuse to allow you to wash him below the
waist in my company! I shall, as is my duty as your servant, Your
Grace, handle that task,” Gil'Da's words made both her and Sasha
look at the portion of Trent still covered by the sheet.

“Yes, Gil'Da,” They responded playfully
together with a blush, though Sasha still stared possessively at
Trent,”but you better not try to steal him,” Sasha scolded, a hint
of humor in her voice. Gil'Da rolled her eyes as Tiana burst out

“Let us began...shall we?” Tiana and Sasha
followed Gil'Da into the washroom, giggling together at the
absurdity of it all and of friends finally reunited.



Chapter 21

Steamy hot water cascaded through her hair,
trickling over her face, shoulders, and bosom, its soothing warmth
cleansing the dense layer of filth that had clung to her body and
soul ever since she'd escaped the hidden research complex deep
within the Earth.

The feeling was indescribable.

It had taken them only a few minutes to
finish bathing Trent's upper body, and at Gil'Da's insistence, she
had removed herself to the washroom while the older servant’s
trained hands dealt with cleaning the rest. The idea of bathing all
of Trent she found to be, surprisingly, rather appealing. But she
knew her mind and heart were not quite ready for that
soon though, Sasha, soon.

Tiana, who had returned to the mocking
lady-in-waiting Sasha so fondly remembered, insisted on joining her
in the shower to aid in the removal of the gunk that had stubbornly
clung to her long black hair. A mischievous grin spread across her
lips when she noticed Sasha's skin turning crimson.

“Are you thinking of Gil'Da cleaning Trent's
naughty parts, my princess?” Tiana teased playfully, making Sasha’s
blush intensify, and her elbow to move on its own to lightly crash
into the younger girl’s stomach. A grunt escaped Tiana's lips as
she pulled on Sasha's hair in response, almost causing them both to
slide to the showers floor. Playful laughter echoed within the
shower a moment later.

“I think you'll need to learn to tie-up this
hair of yours next time you go gallivanting on one of these little
adventures,” Tiana instructed, “...Yuk...” before pulling free a
rather disgusting clump of something nasty, which vanished down the
water reclaimer set in the shower floor. Sasha tried to respond,
but her hair was being repeatable tugged as Tiana continued to work
out the stubborn knots, kept her silent.

The thought of having to go through something
like that again was not in the least bit appealing, but she knew
the choice of such matters would not always be hers. She, like all
ruling NHA nobility, were caught in a massive wave, one that would
force her to endure constant travels across not only her own
holdings, but the universe itself.
But I doubt any other
“adventures” will be like this
, she knew, her further travels
more likely being boring trade or diplomatic missions.

“Thank you, Tiana, that is much better,” she
thanked Tiana when she noticed the tugging had finally ceased, her
hair smooth and clean, and prepared to exit the shower. A shadow
appeared just beyond the semitransparent shower door, causing both
her and Tiana to squeal in surprise.

“Your Grace,” Gil’Da’s voice echoed through
the washroom, “I have finished bathing Sir Trent. Lady Vickie is
currently seeing to his needs. I will be returning to the care of
the children if you no longer require my services,” she listened
intently, ignoring Tiana who playfully nudged her in the back.

“Did you prepare my clothing?” she asked
hurriedly, learning that Vickie was alone, tending to Trent, gave
her pause. Still not trusting the woman who gave off airs of a
traditionalist paramour or realist romantic...she wasn’t quite sure
which would be worse.

“I refuse to clean that jumpsuit you arrived
in, Your Grace, but Lady Vickie was kind enough to lend you one of
her dresses. If you'll excuse me,” Gil'Da exited hastily. Tiana
giggled as she continued running her fingers through Sasha's hair,
searching for any remaining knots.

“I think you better hurry, Your Highness.
Lady Vickie may be in the process of stealing poor Trent's honor,”
Tiana’s teased, Sasha knew, but that didn't mean her rising concern
was unjustified. She exited the shower, drying herself quickly,
then wrapped the auto-drying towel lightly around her bosom as she
exited into Vickie's bedchamber.

Vickie kneeled over Trent, staring down into
his sleeping face. Sasha swiftly crossed the room and cleared her
throat from the other side of the bed. Vickie looked up, a smile of
mocking delight crossing her lips.

“I must say, Your Grace, it has been so very
long since I've been in the presence of a real man,” she started
lifting up the sheet, lowering her head to look beneath, “and a
naked one at that,” she purred. Sasha jumped across the bed,
forcing the sheet back down with her body. A joyous laugh escaped
from Vickie as she retreated with a

“Your Grace,” Vickie leaned forward, her
voice sultry, “I do not mind staying for the festivities, but only
if I may join in as well,” Sasha stared in confusion
, what does
she mean by “festivities”?
She was about to ask when she felt a
cool breeze caress her back and, to her rising horror, her exposed

“Your Highness!” A gasp escaped from the
washroom door, “to assault a sleeping man in such a manner is very
unbecoming!” Tiana scolded, her tone of obvious mocking. Sasha
recovered her feet, fixing the fallen towel and finding the rising
fear subside at her friend’s light hearted teasing. But a longing
for the good old days followed. For times when all she had to worry
about was being shot at by Sir Simwa's followers and getting to
know Trent. Both Tiana and Vickie snickered whenever they caught
her eyes. Sasha could only sigh.

The dress Vicki provided was of a wispy dark
red, and of a style she would have never chosen for herself. A half
hanging belt, only one side resting on her hip while the other sat
on her thigh, cinched the dress close to her skin. The hem was cut
at an angle, the side where the belt hung low fluttered just below
the knee, while the other ended just below her hip, leaving almost
her entire right leg exposed. The top was little better, being cut
well lower then she would have usually preferred, while hanging low
off both shoulders to cover just below the elbow. For some reason
the whole ensemble made her feel very sensual, the design
highlighting her womanly curves, while the fabric felt as if she
was wearing nothing at all. Terra seemed to enjoy the fact that he
had twice the customary space to lounge in, squeaking happily as he
rolled over between her bosoms. Vickie, who Sasha had reluctantly
agreed to allow adjust the dress, cleared her throat.

“Your Grace,” Vickie looked up, expression
stern, “I have a favor to ask. Since in all honesty, you are the
only ruling noble who would seriously consider my request,” Sasha
glanced down at the woman whose voice was suddenly filled with
humility. “I would like to remove myself from Sir Simwa. I have
been trying for quite some time, mind you, but no one would respond
to my pleas for aid, in fear of Duke Zehman, that traditionalist
bastard, possible retribution,” a flame smoldered within her eyes,
“and since you seem to already be quite clearly outside his graces,
and do not appear to mind this fact, I was hoping you may be
willing to assist me with this matter.” Sasha glanced to Tiana, who
was in the process of smoothing her ankle length, white dress
that's transparency would have been very revealing had she not been
wearing a skintight green bodysuit underneath. Tiana grinned,
noticing her stare.

“She has been more then helpful, Sasha,” she
nodded. “Plus, I believe her presence may come in more
ways than one...” an understanding glance passed between Vickie and
Tiana. Sasha frowned, not liking the idea of being left in the
dark, but deciding to let them have their fun...
for now.

As she considered the ramifications of having
to deal with not one, but two Tiana's for the foreseeable future,
along with the further issues such an action may cause if other
ruling nobles learned she had interfered with a political marriage,
one benefit overrode them all...the chance to affront both Duke
Zehman and Sir Simwa.

“If I take you into my house, Lady Vickie,
you would be required to formally agree to certain ground rules and
officially forsake any relation to the Hulk'Zif Duchy and its
nobility. If you can agree to this, then I would be happy to take
your oath to become another of my loyal ladies-in-waiting,” she
told graciously, trying not to allow a devious smile to cross her

“Your Grace,” Vickie stood tall, “I would be
more then honored to accept a place as your lady-in-waiting, no
matter what conditions I may have to follow,” she curtsied deep and
Sasha stepped forward.

“Vin, enable logging, please,” she placed her
hand atop Vickie’s head. “Do you, Lady Vickie, renounce all
relation, both personal and professional, to the Hulk’Zif Duchy and
its nobility, and swear personal allegiance to me as my
lady-in-waiting till the day I release you,” Sasha recited,
recalling the words for naming a lady-in-waiting without a family

“I herby vow my eternal allegiance to you,
Grand Duchess Sasha Alutia,” Vickie declared, “and formally discard
all past relations to the Hulk'Zif Duchy, renounce my courtship to
the one Sir Simwa, and forfeit all rights and inheritance entitled
to a niece of the Duke of Hulk’Zif,” her voice hardened, and Sasha
knew that even though Vickie had little affection for Hulk’Zif, it
would still be difficult to discard completely ones past life.

“I accept, Lady Vickie, and formally welcome
you to the Alutia Duchy as my lady-in-waiting and...most of my family,” she released her hand, allowing Vickie to
stand, a single tear appearing in her eye, that vanished as the
amethyst flame within turned it to steam.

“Ceremony logged and approved. Lady Vickie
has officially been logged as lady-in-waiting to Grand Duchess
Sasha Alutia. Please be advised: Lady Vickie’s declaration of
intent to renounce courtship to Sir Simwa and relation to the blood
of Hulk’Zif cannot be formalized without the consent of Duke Zehman
Hulk’Zif, King Johan Vn’Oco, or Emperor Yuloo Origin,” Vin

“Thank you, Vin, I shall contact father when
I have a free moment,” Sasha grinned,
time for some revenge,
“...I’m sure he will grant my request when I explain how very kind
and helpful Lady Vickie has been and will be, listening to all my
requests without the constant teasing of one of my other ladies,”
Sasha glanced to Tiana, who looked away, whistling to herself.

“Oh, very well done, Your Grace,” Vickie
smiled with delight, “any regret I may have once felt has already
vanished and I am so looking forward to “serving” you in any way
you deem fit,” Vickie curtsied again, then returned her attention
to Sasha’s hem, which she was reluctantly lowering.

“Good. Though we still need to go over the
rules I spoke of,” she cleared her throat. “First rule: You will
keep your advances at Sir Trent to a minimum. He is a very kind and
sensitive man and I do not wish him placed in an uncomfortable
situation where he must resist your temptations,” Sasha couldn't
see Vickie's face, but she could picture a mischievous smile, like
the one Tiana was too slow in hiding. “Second rule: Lady Regalia is
still at a very formative age. Please refrain from any
...unscrupulous activities...while in her presence that would cause
her undo harm.” Vickie looked up in shock, then, like Tiana was so
frequent to do, forced a pout.

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