Alphas on the Prowl (35 page)

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Authors: Catherine Vale,Lashell Collins,Gina Kincade,Bethany Shaw,Phoenix Johnson,Annie Nicholas,Jami Brumfield,Sarah Makela,Amy Lee Burgess,Anna Lowe,Tasha Black

BOOK: Alphas on the Prowl
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Declan met her gaze and let out a long silent breath. He gripped her hand tightly, squeezing it before he dropped it and darted around the corner.

Marcia gasped as terror coursed over her. Bones splintered, and she stood frozen in horror as a whimper echoed throughout the room.
No. Please don’t let anything happen to him—to either of us.
Saying a silent prayer, she balled her fists, stifling a cry as her bones broke and reshaped into paws. Armed, she darted out of her hiding spot.

Declan and another wolf were throwing blows at each other. Two other wolves sat back, watching the brawl. She launched herself at her closest enemy, using her momentum to tackle him to the ground.

The man blinked up at her startled, using his distraction to her advantage, she swiped her nails across his throat. Blood splattered her top and dotted her face. She flinched at the warm spray, standing up as the man coughed, choking on his own blood.

Arms wrapped around her from behind.
Damn it. I let him distract me
. Flexing her paws she drove her hand backward, sinking her sharp nails into the man’s leg. He howled, but instead of releasing her, his grip tightened
. No. I won’t go back to the pack.

Determined to get away, she stomped her foot down and rammed her elbow backwards. Marcia inhaled sharply as the man’s grip loosened. She burst forward and spun around, throwing a roundhouse kick at him. Her foot connected with his jaw, causing his head to snap backward.

The wolf spit blood at her and lunged. Marcia ducked out of the way.
If he grabs you, you’re done.
She had the speed, but he had the strength. She darted to the left, tossing a sidekick into his abs as her enemy moved to grab her. Her attacker clutched his side, spewing out expletives as he glared at her.
Good job, Marcia, keep moving and get a hit in when you can.

Declan grunted to her right, and she darted her gaze over in his direction for a split second. He had their other enemy  in a choke hold. The man just needed to pass out.
It’d be nice if he hurried that up a bit
, she thought to herself.

Out of the corner of her eyes, she saw the other wolf charge her. She zipped out of the way and drove her elbow out and into his side. He caught her arm, jerking her violently to him.

Marcia snarled, swinging her pawed hand at his face. He caught her other arm, twisting it at an awkward angle.
Crap that hurts
. She wiggled in his grasp, determined to free herself. Lifting her foot, she kicked with all her might, aiming straight for his groin.
Take that you bastard!

He crumpled forward, and she swiped her claws across his chest. The man sputtered as he fell to the floor. She dove, ramming her nails into his neck. The wolf’s eyes widened as he gasped, after a second, they clouded over, and he collapsed face first to the floor.

“Marcia?” Declan asked as he dropped his enemy unceremoniously to the floor. “Are you all right?” He raced forward and cupped her cheeks.

“I’m okay,” she assured, checking him over. There were a few cuts and bruises, but he appeared otherwise unscathed. “We have to go.”

Declan placed a chaste kiss to her forehead, then pulled back and jogged to the door. He opened it and peered his head out into the hallway. “All clear. At least for the moment.”

Marcia ran a hand through her tangled locks as she scampered to grab her purse. She slipped her feet into the flip-flops she’d purchased and followed Declan into the hallway. They weren’t going to get captured. Not today—not ever.


Chapter Six

Declan glanced over at Marcia. Her head rested against the car window, and her beautiful long locks covered her face like a curtain.
How did I get so lucky to find her?

The blinding white of headlights drew his gaze back to the road. He blinked against the offensive light and tried to divert his gaze to the side.
Why do people drive with their brights on?

Marcia groaned as she stirred in her seat. She stretched, lifting her hands up to the ceiling. Her shirt crept up, and he licked his lips, taking in her sculpted belly. His cock stirred remembering how her soft flesh felt pressed against him.

“Where are we?” Marcia asked, turning to glance at him.

“Just outside of Ohio,” he told her. They’d be entering the state any moment. Their trek to Florida wasn’t the best, but hopefully it would keep their enemies out of their hair.

“It’s getting late,” she commented. Her eyes flitted to the dashboard and back to him. “I can drive for a bit.”

“I’m good. Wolves are nocturnal,” he reminded her.

Marcia grinned and shook her head. “Even if we are nocturnal, you have to be exhausted.”

“A little,” he admitted. “Next chance we can change.”

“I think we should drive as long as we can. We’ll keep switching drivers when needed. It will help make sure they can’t find us again. I’m a little surprised they found us so quickly before,” she sighed as she dragged a hand through her hair. “I wish I knew how they did that.”

Declan nodded in agreement. Maybe they hadn’t lost them as they’d thought. The enforcers shouldn’t have found them that quickly. Their scent should’ve disappeared the moment they got in the car. They’d ditched his cell, figuring that was the likely cause, but he’d feel better knowing they were safe.

“We’ll shake them this time,” she said determinedly.

“I hop so. Bray will never admit it, but I think he’s nervous being alone with Rhea,” Declan voiced his concerns. While Bray was outgoing and social, he wasn’t a fighter, not like Declan was.

“Us women are scary,” Marcia teased.

Declan chuckled. “This is true.”

“Hey,” Marcia gasped, placing her hand on her chest in mock hurt.

“Enforcers should be afraid of you. You’re smart,” he complimented.


“It’s an advantage. They think you’re weak, but their underestimation of you is what does them in,” he explained. How long would Killian’s men think that way? Surely, they would notice her scent was on some of the dead bodies. He was a great fighter, but taking on three enforcers himself would be tough, it’d be hard for anyone.

“I was weak when I was in the pack. I always did what Killian asked of me. I’d never considered running, or freedom until Astrid showed up at my door that night. As soon as the opportunity presented itself, I was gone. It makes me sick to think of who I used to be,” she whispered, turning to stare out her window. She wrapped her hands around her center and sighed heavily. “I won’t go back.”

“Our pasts have shaped us into who we are. We’ve all done things we aren’t proud of. I’ve brought in bitten females for the sole purpose of giving them to the alpha, betas, or omegas. Never once thought to think it could be someone’s sister, mother, or daughter, “he admitted through clenched teeth. His stomach turned at the thought. Even if he lived his entire life, could he ever do enough good to make up for the crimes he’d committed? “I’ve done horrible things.”

Marcia shivered and seemed to shrink closer to the door. Great thing to say. Now she probably hates you.

“We’ve both done stupid thins and listened to our alpha when we thought there was no other choice. It’s important that we move forward and learn from our pasts,” she finally said. Marcia twisted in her seat and hesitantly placed her hand on his elbow. “From this day forward, we do what we want, when we want, and answer to no one but ourselves.”

Declan let out a long breath, thankful that she wasn’t ready to jump out of the car screaming.
I really need to filter what I say before I speak. 

“To a fresh start,” he stated, gripping the wheel tighter as they crossed the border into Ohio.

“To a fresh start,” Marcia repeated, leaning over the center console so she could rest her head against his shoulder.


Marcia sipped her complimentary orange juice at the Florida Welcome Center. She closed her eyes, letting the cool liquid slide down her parched throat. Between her and Declan, they’d driven straight through only stopping now for a break. It’d been a long night and day, but they weren’t being followed.

She stared up at the setting sun. They had to drive to Tallahassee, but that shouldn’t take too long. They were ahead of schedule.

“What do you say we walk around this tourist trap and stretch our legs a little?” she asked.

Declan ran a hand over his stubble as he looked around. “We can.”

“Not your thing?” she guessed.

“Not really, but if you want to,” he said, glancing around their surroundings.

“Let’s get some real food. All the drive thru food is killing me,” Marcia admitted. If she ate one more cheap burger she’d vomit.  There was a big difference between fast food and restaurant quality burgers. Frozen beef didn’t taste the same as fresh, not by a long shot. Her wolf stirred, eager to sink its teeth into a juicy rare burger.

“Steakhouse or diner?” Declan asked stopping to point at a map.

“Steakhouse,” she grinned. “I could go for a steak and a burger,” she laughed. Thank God for superhuman metabolism. Werewolves had to maintain a healthy diet to trigger shifts. It was nice being able to eat what she wanted, but a little hard on the grocery bill.

“Me too.”

“Oh and sweet potato fries sound good too,” Marcia groaned as her taste buds began to salivate
. I’m starving.

Declan scrunched up his nose in disgust. “I’m a meat and potato guy.”

“Sweet potatoes are potatoes,” she sassed back with a grin.

“If you say so,” he said shaking his head.

“Come on,” she urged, wrapping her hand around his, and leading him to their car. She smiled, shivering as gooseflesh erupted over her arms. His touch was warm and comforting, and she couldn’t wait for the hotel room later tonight when they would be able to hold each other again. Her core tightened and she let out a content hum. Tonight was going to be fun.


Marcia led the way into the diner, scanning the empty booths for their family. Friday had finally come. She and Declan were both eager to meet up with their families. They were early, but she didn’t mind having Declan to herself for a few more minutes. She wanted to reunite with her friends and his family, but she would miss their time alone.

“Let’s get this booth over here.” She pointed as she led the way to a quaint, but large table in the back of the diner.

Marcia slid in taking the furthest spot. Declan slipped in next to her, and she linked her arm with his and rested her head on his shoulder.

“Do you think your friends will be okay with us joining you?” Declan asked quietly.

“Yes,” she answered honestly. Astrid and Kendrick were easy going. “What about Bray and Rhea?”

“Rhea definitely. I think she’ll love having company. She’ll be thrilled we are…” he trailed off with a frown.

“That we are together?” she asked, hugging his forearm.

Declan nodded. “Are we? Together?”

Marcia leaned forward, kissing his cheek, and then his jaw, before lowering her lips to the bite mark on his neck. “Absolutely. I know we haven’t know each other long, but we have a connection and the more I get to know you the stronger it gets. Before we even met, I wanted to see you out, and I didn’t even know if you were friend or foe. Declan I…” she paused as the words filled her head.
I love him. You barely know him. Does it matter? When you fall you fall hard and fast. I love him.
“I love you,” she admitted aloud.

Declan stiffened and turned to her. His mouth opened and closed as he tried to process what she’d told him. “I can’t imagine not seeing you every day. The past few days…” he trailed off and sighed.

That’s not exactly what I was looking for.
She bit her lip as her heart sank.

“I’m getting it all wrong again, aren’t I? Marcia you’re the most important thing to me. I love you, and there isn’t anything I wouldn’t do for you,” he blurted in one breath. He reached up and traced his thumb over her cheek.

Marcia closed her eyes, leaning into his touch.
My sweet, loving, awkward Declan, I’m so lucky I found you.

“I hope we aren’t interrupting anything,” a male voice commented.

Marcia jolted away, shrinking into the cushioned seat at the sound of the unfamiliar voice.

“You’re a jerk,” Rhea muttered, whacking her brother in the back of the head.

Declan stood, tugging his two siblings into a tight hug while clapping them on the back. Marcia smiled, watching the trio.
It must be nice to have a family, someone who will watch your back. You have that now. Bray and Rhea are your family as well.

“Hi,” Rhea greeted as she slipped into the booth. “It’s nice to see you again.”

“You too,” Marcia beamed.

“I see you managed to get your flirt on,” Bray teased Declan as he scooted in beside Rhea.

“Bray. Stop,” Declan warned.

“Did you have a good trip down?” Marcia inquired in an attempt to change the subject. Bray and Kendrick should get along fine, she though offhandedly.

“Thankfully uneventful,” Rhea breathed as she sagged back into the cushions.

“What’s the plan for now?” Bray asked, leaning onto the table, getting straight to business. “Are we staying in Florida?”

“For the moment. We’ll sort out the details when Marcia’s friends get here,” Declan responded.

“Friends? Female friends? Are they hot?” Bray asked wagging his brows playfully.

Marcia laughed and shook her head as Rhea swatted her brother on the arm. “She’s mated,” Marcia giggled.

Bray snapped his fingers. “Darn.”

The door to the diner squeaked open, and Marcia peered around the occupants at her table. She held her breath as a dark head of hair ducked inside. A relieved breath left her lips, and she closed her eyes. Astrid and Kendrick made it. Her family was safe. “Astrid,” Marcia waved excitedly to the brunette.

Astrid’s eyes widened as she took in the table, but she quickly shook off her shock and hurried to them with Kendrick on her heels. Declan slid out of the booth so Marcia could greet Kendrick and Astrid.

Marcia hopped up and pulled Astrid into a tight hug.

“I’m so glad you’re safe,” Astrid murmured in her ear. “I was so worried the entire drive down.”

“Declan and I had each other’s backs,” Marcia said, pulling back and motioning to her wolf. Her wolf she laughed inwardly giddy at the sound of it.

“It’s nice to meet you,” Astrid said, offering her hand to Declan.

“You too. Marcia hasn’t stopped talking about you,” he greeted, giving her hand a firm shake.

Astrid giggled as she took the two of the min. “I’m glad you found her. Marcia deserves happiness.”

Marcia blinked surprised at how easily Astrid was giving her blessing. Marcia had certainly had her reservations about Kendrick. But once she’d seen how happy her friend was the rest was history. Astrid must see it too. I can’t believe I’m lucky enough to be here with Declan. Fate was funny. Who would’ve thought that a simple run in the park would lead her to the wolf of her dreams? She sighed as she Astrid and Kendrick introduced themselves to the rest of the table. Everything was perfect. Declan was right, they would start fresh.

Together, the six wolves would make a new life for themselves. Together, they would be a family. She smiled as Declan wrapped an arm around her waist everything was perfect.


Coming 5/26/15

Bitten, Wayward Wolves Book 3

Catalina and Bray’s story


About the Author

Bethany Shaw lives in Ohio with her husband and two kids. Writing has always been her passion, and she loves sharing her stories with readers. 
 When she isn't writing, she is spending time with her family. They enjoy bike rides, bowling, and board games.


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