Alpha Scent (Amber Woods Shifters) (22 page)

BOOK: Alpha Scent (Amber Woods Shifters)
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, why are you up, you should be resting?”

Picking her up, he sat her at the breakfast table, fussing around her. The whole of the pack were
now gathered around her. Lizzy and Luke were vying for her attention and all of a sudden the room appeared too small.

“Guys, please I need air” she laughed.

Marcus just looked at everyone who all took one step back. Brianna rolled her eyes.

“How are you feeling?” L
izzy asked.

“A little stiff on my leg, but otherwise good to go”

“No way baby, you get going when I say, not before, I will ask Michael to come straight here after his shift so that he can check you over” Marcus responded.

Looking at the array of foods she licked her lips, nodding in their direction.

“Are they for anyone?”

“For everyone, but more for you Brianna” Cora chuckled.

The breakfast was the best she had ever eaten and it was so warming to see the whole pack gathered in her kitchen with her mate. They had all fussed around her and made her feel like pack, which is a feeling she had not experienced in many years. Drinking the last of her coffee she pushed the cup away, Marcus had been holding her hand, rubbing small circles in her knuckles, the action so reassuring yet simple.

“So then update me what happened after I inconveniently passed out”

Marcus looked at his pack who waited for him to speak.

“Well, Justin has taken Bradley Turner aka Michael Jenson to the high council for
trial starting tomorrow, which gives us a chance to get all the evidence we gathered on him to them so they can sort out his punishment for the crimes he committed”

“That’s great, oh what about the
Mckenzie girl, you know we really should be calling her by her first name by now, poor thing!” She laughed.

“Her pack drove through the night to come and collect her, they were very grateful for all our help. Her name is Maria and she is well, no side-effects of the drug”

Brianna looked around the room searching for the pack women. She caught Lizziy’s eyes, Connor had once again left her friend’s side.

“Oh they are having some well-deserved time with their mates and Niamh is in the medical room, being observed as she suffered the most out of the drug”

“Do we know any more on the long term damage?”

“Initial blood results from all the women showed that the drug was only temporary, but because they were injected every four to five days it basically kept there levels high. Niamh suffered the worse because of her younger age”
Connor answered.

She really was so proud of what they had achieved, her colleagues her pack. And that was the question she really did not want to ask, the one which would have the room explode in aggression. Marcus picked up on her thoughts.

One day baby I will tell you what happened to Rhett but not now

I understand, just wish it would have been me that finished him off

Never, I would not even allow you within ten miles of him, which by the way we need to have a serious discussion about why you ran after him

I was wondering when this would come up

Oh it will come up, amongst other things

She giggled in her head at his suggestive comments.
Her body felt weary again and she stifled a yawn.

“Come on back to bed, I told you to rest”

“No Marcus I need to keep muscles moving”

“Listen to your mate Brianna, he knows what’s best for you. Besides you will need lots of rest to prepare you for the mating ceremony, which by the way Alpha we have not set a date yet” Cora scowled.

Brianna giggled, Cora was probably the only one who could make comments like that and get away with it.

“The next full moon is one month away, so that will be when it is”

The room erupted in cheers and congratulations. Which is when the deal she made with Marcus about a witnessed claiming popped into her head.

Glad you remembered our deal baby, I wil
l keep my side of the bargain and only have two of my best enforcers and my Beta present.

That makes me feel so much better

I guarantee you will love it

I hope so

I know so



One month later

“I can’t believe I am having a mating ceremony today”

Brianna had felt the last month had gone by so fast, so much had happened since leaving her job behind in Lunar Securities
. Tonight she would be officially alpha female, she did not even have any worries anymore about the witnessed claiming. Each day that she had spent with the pack, was a day she felt more integrated, her wolf settled into pack life remarkably well. Maybe it had something to do with the small spark of life growing in her. Pregnant with twins! When she told Marcus he had been elated, then gone into complete over protective mode to the point where she had to tell him for the fifth time that she could have a shower by herself without slipping. Or maybe he was just being the typical horny mate she had grown to love. Staring at her reflection in the mirror, her blue eyes sparkled, her black hair was piled up on her head in a soft chignon, loose curls framed her face. Marcus had picked her dress for her, a gorgeous sapphire satin knee length strapless number, that hugged every curve of her, even now a small bump was present and she was only a five weeks pregnant, but that was shifter pregnancies for you, everything was detected sooner. She had argued over the choice of shoes, but had to agree that it was more sensible to wear low sandals, rather than the heeled boots she used to wear.

“I know, I am so proud of you honey”

Lizzy kissed her cheek, tears in her eyes. Brianna turned to her friend.

“Hey what’s with the tears, is it not me that’s supposed to cry today?”

Lizzy gave her friend the biggest hug, after today she would not see her for a very long time, she would not see anyone maybe ever again. She had made her decision last night after watching Luke play with the cubs, so at peace in the pack. She could never give him what he wanted as long as her wolf was bound. She knew he was her mate and he had said on many occasions that she was his. He wanted to wait until after the mating ceremony to finally acknowledge that fact, her body burned up every time they kissed or touched. Last night they had nearly went into the next territory, clothes had been ripped apart and his mouth had driven her wild. She could still remember the most beautiful orgasm he gave her after getting on his knees and licking her endlessly until she screamed her release. His huge erection was testament to the feelings he had for her, but he had said that was a taster, to wait until tomorrow until the alpha female had been claimed, then it was his turn.

“Sorry I am just really happy for you”

“You will have your day as well Lizzy, You have found your mate, Connor is yours”

nodded before fussing with Brianna’s hair for the millionth time. She felt guilty for not confiding in her friend, but she would not ruin her day. The letters had already been wrote, one for Brianna and one for Luke. Cowardly she knew but as long as she lived a half-life, a cursed life then she would never be fully accepted into a pack. She would take a life on the road and see where she ended up, if she was lucky she would find the whacko seer that did this to her and get everything reversed. Who knows?

A knock at the door had
her jumping back.

“Bloody hell Lizzy
you are more nervous than me” Brianna laughed.

The door opened and Luke walked in. He really did scrub up well in his suit, minus the tie, wolves just did not do things like that, too restricting.

“Hey beautiful, it’s time”

“Luke for today I am allowing you that comment but after that no more, we clear?” she joked.

“Very my alpha female” he mocked

“Why are you calling me alpha female, you are not staying at amber woods?”

“Ah but that is where you are wrong. I like it here, though I might stick around”

Brianna walked over to him.

“Really? Would that happen to have anything to do with a certain she wolf called Anna?”

“Maybe, I like her, she likes me,
our wolves are attracted”

playfully punched him in the shoulder.

“Oh Luke what will happen to our friends with benefits arrangements?”

Both women laughed as he turned a shade of red.

Erm Lizzy about that…………..”

“Don’t torture yourself Luke, it’s all in the past, I wish you well in your future”

“Thanks Lizzy” he grinned.


Marcus watched in awe as his beautiful mate walked arm in arm with Luke who would be representing her old life. Lizzy followed behind with a delicate sprig of heather clutched in her hand. He had never felt so blessed as he did today, his pack were united once more he was mated and he was going to become a father to twins. As he stepped next to him she coyly smiled at him before he kissed her warmly.

You look truly beautiful Brianna I love you so much

I love you back Marcus

The ceremony seemed to go over all too quickly
and before she knew it the moon was sitting high in the sky. Most of the pack had shifted and had taken off on a night run, the call of the moon a beacon in the night sky. Marcus had taken her deep into the forest. In a small clearing he carefully removed her clothes, her nipples peaked at the small chill. Her hands softly removed his suit until they were both standing naked under the moonlight.

“I am truly honoured to have met you Brianna, you are my world, my light,
my dreams”

The palm of his hand rested upon her abdomen.

“I am sorry I ran from you two years ago Marcus, I am no longer afraid of the power of being mated, I am yours”

“Mine” he growled as he kissed her firmly.

Powerful alpha energy rolled off him and Brianna felt her shift take place. The large black wolf circled her, rubbing his face against her body, before taking his place at the rear. Brianna’s wolf leaned down, raising her offering to him. His shaft was harder and longer tonight and she panted as he took her roughly from behind.

You are mine for eternity, I claim you as my own as my mate,
I will protect you and keep you safe.

I am yours my alpha

The submissive response from her had Marcus grip her hips tight before clamping his jaws on her neck. Brianna came hard, she was vaguely aware of Connor, Tristan and Jason in the tree line, but her world was only here and now, in this moment with her mate. She heard Marcus yell in her head as he came long and hard inside of her, marking her in the most primal way. His thrusts eventually slowed down until he released her neck and pulled out of her.

As the moon filtered through the trees Brianna and Marcus lay entwined in each other’s arms. Their wolves had retreated and the heat of the
ir naked skin settled between them.

“Do you think it will be boys or girls?” he asked.

“I don’t care, either way we made them and they will be loved so much”

Marcus kissed her again, he could never get enough of her.

“Maybe it will be one of each?”

“Who knows, it was fun making them though”

“Oh yes it was, and there will be lots of practice in between baby. I hear that a pregnant she wolf is likely to increase her demands for sex as the months go on and that her orgasms are more powerful!”

Oh and where did you hear that?”

“Oh you know, stories, gossip

Brianna giggled.

“So in other words, it’s a ploy to get more sex from your mate?”

“Of course, you still need my seed inside of you Brianna, I still need you claimed and marked in every way I can”

“I think the ceremony and the fact that I am pregnant with twins will ensure I have been thoroughly marked for a while”

“Thoroughly marked and thoroughly fucked” he growled as he nipped her ear.

“I can live with that”

She gave herself up to her mate once again. Life was going to get interesting around here, very interesting. Maybe she would even discover what a thingy was. Who knows?





Her hands shook as she placed the letters on the kitchen table in the pack house, she had taken time to explain in the best way that she could. Of course Brianna already knew about her curse but Connor had no idea. She had to write three different versions for him and each time ended up ripping it up. In the end it was a cowardly:

I love you but I can’t be with you. I need to move forward, please understand I never meant to hurt you, it tears me up even writing these words. Mate with one of your pack females, be happy,
move forward. I wish you well for your future. I am already long gone on the way to mine. You have given me so much happiness these past few weeks, I cannot even begin to describe what that has meant to me. But you can do better than me.

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