Alpha Scent (Amber Woods Shifters) (14 page)

BOOK: Alpha Scent (Amber Woods Shifters)
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“Good morning”

“Good morning, I liked your breakfast in bed approach” she teased.

“Every morning will be like that Brianna. I promise you that. But on a more serious note you must be starving and I can’t have my mate going hungry”

A knock at the door downstairs had him scowling.

“Sorry, pack business, won’t take long”

She moaned as he plunged a finger inside of her, then licked the fluid off it.

“You’re a tease”

“And you taste delicious”

As he left the room she shouted after him.

“Are you getting dressed?”

” he laughed.

Yes she was going to have to get used to pack life but answering the door in her birthday suit, might be a long way off. Besides, she did not think Marcus would ever allow anyone to see her naked.
Deciding a long hot shower would help start the day she did some investigating and found the bathroom. Holy cow, it was luxurious. Marble tiles and floors, a huge sunken bath in the middle and a mosaic tiled wet room. She smiled as she saw her favourite toiletries on shelf, yep she was officially moved in. After a little bit of fiddling she managed to get the shower working. The power of the jets stung in a pleasurable way against her bite marks, and boy was she covered in them. She could make a route map out of them. Closing her eyes against the suds she rinsed her hair. Feeling for the soap, she wrapped her fingers around it, she felt long fingers cover hers.

“Starting without me?” he asked.

“I thought you were busy!”

“I was, that was Connor, we have developments on the stakeout, I have a meeting organised in half hour”

“Really? We need to hurry up then”

“I agree, it is important, but all I can think about is taking you again, my cock aches for you”

Brianna looked down to see it hard and bobbing toward her.

“Then let me see if I can take care of it for you”

Dropping to her knees, she stroked the length of him with the palm of her hand. He tensed, before gripping the side of her head firmly. Darting her tongue out, she licked the pre-cum off the end.

“Fuck Brianna, take me in your mouth”

Opening wide, she slowly took him to the back of her throat. His grip on her hair tightened, shifting his hips he angled her to where he wanted her.

“Now suck baby”

A gentle pattern of sucking began before he took over, stopping her motions. Marcus need it hard and fast and just watching her pink lips take him in her mouth had him wanting to come. Fucking her with his mouth was so beautiful and raw. Feeling his release imminent, his wolf growled in anticipation. He roared as he released in her mouth, hard jets of warm salty fluid hit the back of her throat and she swallowed obligingly.

“All of it, don’t waste a drop”
he hissed.

Gently he collared her throat in ownership and she drank the last essence. Pulling out of his mouth she stood next to him, looking down in a sassy manner.

“I would say that takes care of it”

She moved out of his reach
as he went to grab her. Marcus finished showering before dressing and joining her in the bedroom. She was just starting to get dressed.


“Don’t tell me you want more your insatiable” she laughed.

“I will have more which is why I want you to do something for me”

Piquing her interest she turned, underwear in hand.


“From now on I don’t want you wearing panties, I want to be able to be inside of you at a moment’s notice. I would hate to destroy your underwear collection. Knowing that you are walking around wet and ready for me will make me very happy”

Nobody had ever talked to her like that, but her wolf practically raised her backside in anticipation, she and her were going to have words soon enough.
And so it was the submission thing again. When he reached her his hands took the silky garments out of her fingers, dropping them to the floor. Picking up her jeans he handed them to her.

“I will see you downstairs
, I have started breakfast, don’t be late baby”

And just like that he was gone. Blinking, her head was in totally the different zone right now. Right breakfast then work, in that order.
Looking at her discarded underwear she licked her lips. Bloody hell could she do this? Underwear was the staple of most women. Look at all the lingerie market, billions spent on lace and silk. She did not want to roll over and submit but it was such a new concept and a daring one, and one thing was for sure Brianna loved a challenge, so technically it was not submitting just doing research. She kept telling herself that as she followed the smell of freshly ground coffee.

She felt so stuffed with food all she wanted to do was sleep, but she had taken her coffee with her and sitting in the meeting room she noticed a screen had been set up.
The males all inclined their head in respect of their new alpha female. She had been a little late as Marcus asked her if she would wear a top that exposed her neck. Alpha males and ownership went hand in hand, domination went with the territory. Ensuring all other males saw his marks kept his hierarchy in the pack, and reinforced respect and loyalty to him. In other words touch my mate and pay the fuckin consequences.

“Alpha, everybody is here now, we may begin” Connor spoke.

Marcus nodded once.

“What do we have?”

Luke tapped on a laptop and the screen came to life. At first it was grainy, but after some adjustments the image cleared. Brianna shifted to get a clearer view. The van that she had first seen was clear, parked in a bay outside
riverside hotel.

“We tracked to this van and hotel as per the address supplied. Initially the van was missing but after an hour of waiting he showed up. Tristan posed as a business manager looking for a room for the night. He managed to steal a glance at the booking sheet. He is using his former alphas name of Michael
Jenson, staying in room 12 first floor” Luke advised.

“Did he stay there all night?” Brianna asked

“No, he left just after one this morning. Matt and Andy did a search of his room whilst Luke and I followed him” Tristan replied.

“The room search came up with a jackpot. We found a stash of syringes and one vial of clear liquid taped under a cabinet drawer”

Brianna looked to the younger male who had spoken.

“Do you have the vial?” she asked.


He pulled out a clear bag with the container in it, making it look like an episode of
real time CSI. Her hands clasped around it, carefully she opened the bag making sure not to touch the glass. The smell hit her harder than before and she retched, pushing the bag away. Marcus ripped it out of her hands, stroking her hair, soothing her.

’m ok, I think that it is in a purer form, it is so much stronger than before”

Marcus passed it around the room for each wolf to smell. By the look on their faces they were confused.

“I cannot smell anything” Tristan offered.

Murmurs around the group echoed his thoughts.

“My enhanced smell will be able to pick up even the faintest of smells, but you must be able to pick up on the chemicals in it”

Every wolf passed the bag between each other again but again they shook their heads.

“If I can smell it and males cannot then I think that the original theory may be that it is some sort of masking agent so that the females cannot be traced”

Brianna looked to her mate, whose grim expression matched her mood.

“Matt, get the vial to Michael, I want an analysis done straight away so we know what the hell we are dealing with here”

Matt quickly obeyed and departed the room.

“We tracked the vehicle to a location twenty miles from here. It looks like an old sub-station, nestled deep in a valley. The perimeter runs about an eight mile circuit.” Connor said.

Luke tapped on the laptop again before the image shifted to the location they were describing. The energy of the wolves was palatable, knowing that the females may be held there.

“Bradley left his vehicle a mile back and trekked to the location, and looking around, roads are pretty inaccessible after that point. The place is well guarded, shifters every hundred yards, three guarding the back entrance and four the front” Tristan emphasised.

“Then we should be able to overpower them quickly, take them down” Marcus asked.

“Not so easy Marcus” Luke interrupted.

Changing the screen he pulled up
a still of the whole complex.

“They are armed, heavily armed, from what I and the second team could
see and smell, they are using silver bullets. The fact that they are all wearing reinforced gloves adds to that conclusion”


Marcus jumped up to take a closer look at the screen.

“Whoever is behind this fuckin
operation is one sick fuck” he yelled.

Brianna stared at the screen, she knew that if Marcus was to take his enforcers into the complex it would be like leading lambs to a slaughter. Silver bullets were fatal to a wolf
, whoever indeed was behind this was clever and prepared. How to dodge a shooting bullet? A light bulb went off in her head. Her eyes found Luke’s who she already knew had been searching hers. Tilting her head she questioned him through their telepathic link.

There is a way

Brianna you cannot ask that of her, she is a submissive wolf

Don’t you think I know that, but unless you have any other ideas Sherlock then she is our ticket in

She was aware the room had gone silent and all eyes were on her and Luke. Marcus came around the table to stand in front or her.

“Care to share baby?”

Looking at Luke
, she saw him visibly exhale sharply.

“Brianna, you cannot ask her, there has to be another way”

“With me helping her we could get in Luke!” she snapped

“Brianna? Talk to me
, ask who?” Marcus asked.

His hands traced her cheek, before rubbing the pad of his thumb against her bottom lip. Licking her lips
she looked at Connor, she knew he would probably blow a gasket and could she truly let her friends secret become common knowledge?

“Look guys, what I have to tell you is strictly confidential, it is not to leave the room at all,
do I make myself clear?”

All the males pledged their

Folding her arms across her chest she moved to the front of the room.
Luke looked nervous and he had every reason to be, hopefully her friend would see the true benefit of her gift, to use it to help those women.

Lizzy was born with a gift, a very powerful gift. She can telepathically manipulate metal objects”

Connor jumped up, hands on hips, staring down at her.

“She’s a telekinetic?” he whispered.

“Yes, although she sees it as a curse rather than a gift, but that is not for me to tell. The fact is I think she can get us into the complex by using her powers to manipulate the weapons, including the silver bullets”

“No way Brianna, I will not have her in danger, there has to be another way in, something else” Connor shouted.

Marcus looked around the room at his pack. They needed to get in that complex one way or another, but like his Beta he was reluctant to use a submissive female wolf, that could spell disaster. The other thing bugging him was that they had no confirmed sightings of the women yet, it could be a trap.

“I know it has its risks but everything we do in life has some degree of risk, believe me if there was another way I would be using it, I don’t want my best friend at risk any more than you do”

Connor threw his hands up in the air, frustration all over his face. Brianna glanced at the screen, noticing that there was still 2mins of footage left on the tape.

“ls there anything else on the tape that we can use?” she asked Luke.

“I don’t think so, one of the guards was doing a perimeter check, even though we were careful to stay out of sight and scent we did not want to take any chances, so we left soon after”

“Can I see the rest, there may be something?”

Nodding he set the film running again. As Brianna watched closely, she felt Marcus wrap his arms around her waist, in comfort and solidarity. The main footage was the guards and the perimeter, but something caught her eye to the back of the building. A male shifter was
manhandling someone of smaller build, his non-verbal signs were that he was angry with them, before they disappeared back inside the complex. From the footage distance, it looked like two guards fighting.

“Wait, Luke go back to frame 9 and pause”

Marcus came around the side of her, Tristan and Connor exchanging glances with him. The film froze at where she wanted it, but the image very grainy.

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