Alpha Scent (Amber Woods Shifters) (12 page)

BOOK: Alpha Scent (Amber Woods Shifters)
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Neither men spoke just grabbed a couple of menus and discussed amongst themselves what they would eat. Bri
anna raised an eyebrow at Lizzy who shrugged her shoulders.

“Is there something you would like or are you just passing through?” Brianna asked impatiently.

She watched Marcus place his menu down, fold his arms across his chest and turned to stare at her.

“Well Baby, there
is something I would like, how about an explanation why you left without permission?” his low gravelly voice had her wolf growling.

“Excuse me? Permission? I don’t need you
r approval to go places Marcus, I had work to do and needed a better signal”

Marcus looked over at Connor, a silent communication passed b
etween them. Connor took Lizzy’s hand much to her delight.

“Come on baby girl,
how about a tour of crescent falls coffee shops?”

blushed again at his small endearment before looking at Brianna, who smiled knowingly.

Standing with Connor she turned to get her bag.

“Is there cake involved?”

There is always cake involved, especially for you, I think you will need it to absorb that bucket of coffee you have just consumed”

“That’s the second one actually but I can always go one more”

“Seriously? Girl you will never sleep, cake and something caffeine free might be better for you right now”

“Caffeine free, what’s that?” she asked mischievously.

“Come on, before you try to bribe Katie for a fix” he laughed.

Brianna watched them both leave enjoying how they were so at ease with each ot
her. It would be good for Lizzy to have some stability in her life. Her nose twitched at the luscious scent of pine wrapping around her reminding her that there was another issue to deal with. Mimicking Marcus she folded her arms, tilting her head, waiting.

“So, out with it what’s got you in a foul mood?” she snapped.

As quick as lightning he had her pulled onto his lap, locking his arms around her, his nose tucked into her neck sending sparks down her spine. Her core burned with a need to be filled completely by this man, a primal urge started to take root. His teeth grazed her skin, before biting her neck, harder than yesterday. She knew he was marking his territory, staking his claim and that had her wolf yapping and chasing her tail, so carefree. Eventually he pulled back, pushing her hair out of her eyes.

“My foul mood began the moment I realised my headstrong mate left pack territory without any protection. Brianna, you know the fuckin risks out there at the moment, what if thi
s wolf cult managed to get their hands on you?”

Brianna snorted, before realising how inappropriate it was.

“I wish they would then I could find where they were hiding your pack women and kick the shit out of the kidnappers”

Marcus grabbed her chin with his strong fingers. His heated stare, had her swallowing hard. She knew she was being a bitch but she did not know why, this man had been nothing but kind and attentive.

“Do not joke about that Brianna, you are not to take them down, your job is to locate, like I said my men and I will bring them to justice”

Growling she squirmed to get off his lap, which rewarded her with a large pulsing bulge pressing into her. He groaned, kissing her temple.

“You are temptation and sin baby”

And you are going to let me do my job, which by the way, my plan is better”

His soft laugh warmed her, such a contrast to the growling dominant wolf moments before.

“Your plan is best up until a point”

“Oh, and which point would that be?”

“The point where you try to be the bait, that I cannot allow baby, you must see how hard that it would be for me?”

Brianna exhaled loudly, she knew he was just being protective but she never had to take anyone else’s feelings so personally before in such an intimate way it was unfamiliar territory to her.

“Marcus, you have to understand, I live the lone wolf lifestyle, it has made me who I am today, stronger and independent. In all my years I have never had to answer to anyone. If I died tomorrow at least I would not be a burden to someone’s memory…………….”

His mouth was on hers fast, crushing his lips to hers, passionately. When he pulled back he nipped her bottom lip, a soft rumble echoed in his chest.

“Never, ever speak like that again Brianna, it breaks my heart that you think you would be a burden and you never talk about you dying, that’s another thing I will not allow”

“Oh here we go again, if we are to have a go at this mating thing we need some rules”

Marcus suppressed a chuckle at such a crass way of describing such a beautiful and gifted ancient practice.


“Yes rules. One you cannot boss me around demanding that I practically bow down to you……2…”

She never got to two.

“Oh you will bow down to me several times, because in the bedroom baby, you will submit, have no doubt”

“Ok caveman, you can try, but you will fail”

“I never fail, especially where my mates pleasure is concerned”

To emphasis the point he ground his hips into her, a shudder passed through her, her face heated with passion.

“You do realise we are in the middle of a coffee shop”

Marcus looked around at the few patrons, nodding again at Justin.

“And? Let everyone know I have my mate aroused with a burning need to have her mates cock inside of her, claiming her”

Brianna had not realised she had moaned aloud at his words, before an elderly shifter rolled his eyes, shook out his paper and got back to his reading.

“We need to continue this elsewhere” she laughed.

“I could not agree more” Marcus winked.

Taking out her purse to pay, Marcus shook his head, before paying for her drinks. She smiled politely as he had a quick discussion about pack business with Justin. Taking the opportunity she thanked Katie.

h no problem you are welcome here any time. If you are staying here a while we could have a girls night at the local bar”

Both men stopped conversation.

“No darling, not until these kidnappings have stopped, you stay on pack lands”

“Justin, it’s the local bar for god’s sake!”

“I know, but the answer is still no, I need you safe”

Brianna looked to Marcus, to open her mouth.

“No Brianna, we need to know the women are safe, especially our mates, end of story”

Looking back at an also exasperated Katie she winked.

“Ok, then how about Katie comes to amber woods for a girls night in then, would that be to alpha standards”

Marcus gave a lopsided grin as he approached her, pulling her against him.

“So we agree on something baby, at last. To answer your questions yes that would meet alpha standards!”

Katie clapped her hands together.

“Excellent it is so long since I had a decent night out”

Justin placed his arms around his mate
’s shoulders.

“I will come with you, I need to speak to Marcus and his beta anyway and it could take a while, how about tomorrow night?”

“No problem, I will have my guards expect you”
Marcus responded.

Taking Brianna’s hand they said their goodbyes, leaving an excited Katie behind.



The afternoon sunshine was partially obscured by clouds, the cooler air welcomed by Brianna, her whole body was a furnace at the moment. Marcus led her down next to the stream, patting the grass he gently lowered her down to sit next to him.

“So, Brianna, where were we?”

“I believe you were making some noise about submission or words to that effect”

Marcus rolled her under him, grabbing her wrists above her, locking them in one hand. His green eyes roamed over her face. So softly, his mouth locked onto her, gently coaxing more and more groans of pleasure out of her. Her hips rose to meet him, legs wrapped around his body. Driving his tongue into her mouth
, he ground his aching bulge into her mound, syncing the two actions perfectly. Her nipples were rigid brimming with sexual vibration, every caress of his chest against hers had her burning up for more.

Removing his hands he smirked down at her.

“Are you going to be a good she wolf and keep your hands above your head?”

“Of course not” she challenged.

“Wrong answer baby”

His hands moved up her shirt, claws ripped the material of her bra, before his mouth sucked a nipple into his mouth, biting down. The sensations was both pleasure and pain
, gasping she grabbed his head to encourage him to give the same attention to the other nipple. But the annoying alpha pulled out of her arms, straddling her, arms folded grinning.

“Oh you are not going to build me up like that then leave me hanging” she snapped.

Her arms went to grab him but he moved out of her hold.

“Like I said baby, I take control where your pleasure is concerned, now submit to me and I will give you what you want”

“Fuck you, I do not submit to anyone!”

Oh you will be fucked, have no doubt Brianna” he laughed.

He stood and stretched his long body, just at the right angle so that she was practically drooling and panting with need.
Very well, if he was going to play the game then she was going to up the stakes. Stretching out lazily she smiled.

“Oh well, if you won’t give me what I want then I will have to find a shifter that will, are there any good clubs around here where I can find one?”

He curled his lip, before growling loudly, his body covered hers so quickly, pressing her into the ground.

“You are
, my mate, you will only have my body against you, my cock fucking you and my seed filling you, mine!!”

Brianna had never felt such a possessive energy before, even in her work she
dealt with overbearing male wolves all the time but this was different. She should be kicking him where it hurts right now but all she felt was an intense emotional pull towards him. The swirling dark amber eyes fixed on her, and in that moment she could see the other half of her soul reflected in his eyes. Reaching up she stroked his face. His mouth kissed her palm gently.

Yours” she whispered.

The tension left his body as he kissed her passionately. Pulling back he stroked her hair off her face.

“I will claim you as my mate tonight baby, you ran from me two years ago, you are never going to run again, you place is at my side as my equal”

“I won’t run Marcus, I want to be with you, but it’s pretty scary territory for me to take a mate”

“Please baby, tell me, why you left your pack?”

Sighing, she bit her lip unsure where to start.

“My pack was the best, traditional values, respect, there was never any trouble. My parents had died when I was young, so I was raised by my brothers, Nick and Sid. Eventually as time passed they were mated and they left out family home. I was still young, only eighteen. I was out back one day, when I scented an awful burning peppery aroma, aggressive energy seemed to come with it. Following the trail, as I turned the corner I saw the alpha and his enforcers fighting with a rival pack. The females and cubs ran to the pack house, but some never made it. The rival pack overpowered us somehow, and took some of the women. They were mated. I can still see the pain in their mate’s eyes as they screamed for them to be released. But they were knocked out cold and taken, just after they witnessed their mate’s throats being ripped out. I ran and never looked back”

Brianna had never spoke about that
day in a long time, only Lizzy and Luke knew and even then it was the watered down version. A stray tear slipped down her cheek. Tenderly Marcus licked it off her skin.

“I am so sorry for the pain that you went through, I wish I could have taken that away for you. I will never let anything like that happen baby, you are mine to protect,
we will never be separated”

“How do you know? Our pack was like amber woods now, well organised, close
, a well oiled machine. In one hour it was ripped apart by some fuckin thugs!”

“I know because I feel it in my heart Brianna, I feel it in every breath I take around you. We will be together for a long time, even when we are old and watching our grandchildren learn the ways of the wolf, we will always be there for each other, in life and death, our souls will depart this world together”

“You better be right caveman because if you lie I am coming back to haunt your furry backside”

Laughing he kissed her firmly. Brianna noticed the
temperature was getting cooler and she shivered. Marcus noticed the slight tremor, offering her his hand he pulled her to stand.

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