Alpha Doms Box Set: 9 Delicious Stories + 10 Sexy Heroes = 19 Reasons to Indulge (31 page)

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Authors: Christin Lovell

Tags: #werewolf, #werewolves, #menage, #erotic romance, #gay erotica, #bbw, #mm, #mf, #plus size heroine

BOOK: Alpha Doms Box Set: 9 Delicious Stories + 10 Sexy Heroes = 19 Reasons to Indulge
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Um, I think I should maybe
go.” I forced the words out before we did something he would
regret. I loved him too much to let him do that.

At some point, I remembered him telling me
about wanting to wait until we were married to be intimate. I
thought it was sweet at the time. I thought it meant he respected

But when he didn’t touch me for so long,
when he didn’t caress my curves in a hug or playfully tap my ass
when I teased him, my old demons returned. He was handsome; he was
downright sexy when he gave me that intense glare he was famous
for. That gaze melted my bones every time. That look sent me home
to my vibrator and a cold shower every time.

I’ll lose control if you
touch me, but let me help you.” He spoke through a tight jaw. He
took another deep breath before I finally felt him begin to

Um-“ I fidgeted, unsure of
how I would feel afterwards knowing that I’d been relieved and he

I want to.” He caressed my
cheek with the palm of his hand. “I want to make you feel good. I
want to watch you come apart in my arms.”

He gave me the penetrating gaze that always
weakened my knees. Bolts of awareness sizzled my insides in all the
right places, making me hypersensitive, overly conscious, of my
body’s cry for what he was offering.

I bit my lower lip hard, trying to push past
my craving.

He pursed his lips, narrowing his eyes as if
I’d challenged him. “Don’t touch me,” he ordered.

The moment I opened my mouth to respond, he
drew his fingertip along my lips. The way his rough skin slid along
my soft lips electrocuted me, killing my concerns.

I gasped when he abruptly stood and pressed
my lower back into the table. He reached around me, shoving our
plates away based off the noise. When his focus slid back to me, I
damn near came from his expression alone.

He didn’t hold anything back. He let me see
how badly he wanted me. He didn’t hide what he thought of me. That
single look told me that he thought I was smoldering hot. That
single intense glare told me he wanted to strip my clothes off and
fuck me hard and slow, enjoying every second of our bodies pressed

Oh, fuck.” The curse fell
haphazardly from my lips as he closed in on me.

Chapter Three


My wolf howled, leaping towards my surface.
I clamped down on my muscles, steeling myself against his

I watched Chel predatorily. I observed as
she swallowed hard, as her pulse raced at her throat. I narrowed my
eyes, my cock throbbing at the sight of her tight nipples pressing
through two layers of clothing. My mouth watered, the need to lave
her pebbled peaks humbling me.

She squirmed beneath my heavy gaze. I damn
near purred as another whimper escaped her.

I placed my hands on the table on either
side of her, my arms caging her in. As I leaned into her, she
leaned back, ever the smart girl I knew she was. I was no longer
her fiancé; I was a predator going after what he wanted. She sensed
that. Even though her body reacted to my moves, dancing around me,
I smelled her arousal; her desire was thick in the air. The only
fear she had was how good I was going to make her feel.

I claimed her lips, immediately thrusting my
tongue inside her mouth to taste her. Her flavor burst on my
tongue, igniting my need, causing pulsing pains in my groin. I
wanted her so fucking bad. These last fourteen months had been
agonizing. I’d been walking on eggshells, so afraid of losing
control. Even now, I didn’t dare touch her, in fear of surrendering
to my physical cravings and to my wolf.

As much as I wanted to trail my fingers over
her, skimming her rounded curves, teasing her hard nipples, I
refrained. Rather, I focused on my mission: to make her come. I
could do that without the extra. Her arousal was strong enough that
I didn’t need the extra, which was good considering I would
probably come in my pants at the sight of her breasts. I was that
close, wound that tightly.

Her lips met mine, danced with mine, with
fervor. She obeyed my order, opting to grip the edge of the table
rather than touch me. That only further excited me. I’d had a
feeling that she was slightly submissive, but this confirmed it.
Damn, I couldn’t wait to get her in the bedroom for some
no-holds-bar intimacy. The dominant alpha in me fucking roared with

I moved one hand over her crotch, sliding it
down over her clothes, across her pussy.

She shuddered, her breath catching. She had
to retreat from our kiss for a moment.

The expression on her face squeezed my cock.
Her lips parted in the perfect ‘o.’ Her quiet gasp had pre-come
oozing from my tip as my wolf snarled at me, scraping my insides
raw. We wanted to be so much closer to her.

Unable to hold back, I cupped the back of
her head and captured her lips. The second I secured her lips, I
rubbed my hand up and down before pushing my fingers in tiny
circles over her heat, over where I knew her clit was.

She squirmed beneath me. Based off her
movements, I could tell she didn’t know whether to pull further
away from me or give in and push into my touch.

Damn. Her heat scorched my skin through her
clothes. I could only imagine what she would feel like around my

My wolf growled loud, chomping at my ribs
aggressively. He wanted out. She was right where we needed her to
be to claim her.

I beat him down, continuing my physical
assault on her.

My fingers threaded her hair, allowing me to
control the angle at which I kissed her. Tugging back on her locks,
I nibbled and kissed her neck.

She moaned.

I growled with delight, loving the power I
had over her; thoroughly enjoying watching what I could do to

I sped up my movements over her clit, using
the seam of her jeans to flick her little nub.

Oh, fuck.” She tried to
crawl up on the table, but my hand moved quickly to her shoulder,
stopping her. She shivered. Her eyes pleaded with me as she bit her
lips, another whimper escaping her.

Damn. I knew I was in deep when I suddenly
didn’t give a fuck about my own need. Her need consumed me. It no
longer mattered if I ever came again, as long as she was satisfied,
as long as she was happy.

I leaned into her ear, nipping the sensitive
flesh just beneath it. “Come for me, Chel. Let me see you come
apart in my arms.”

And just like that, she let go.

Her head dipped back, her lips parting as
she cried out. Her body shook beneath me as she gasped for air
between moans.

Look at me,” I

Her eyes immediately focused on me as she
rode the waves of pleasure rippling through her body. Her
expression was one of pained pleasure. I saw everything in the
depths of her eyes. She couldn’t hide in that moment. And that was
the point of intimacy.

At the height of pleasure, you couldn’t keep
your walls up. You were forced to let them all fall as you wrapped
yourself around someone else, as your soul swirled with your

She was so beautiful. Her skin flushed as
the last shudder worked through her. Her hair spilled out onto the
table beneath us. Her swollen breasts rose and fell with her heavy

And then suddenly she was blushing and
averting her gaze. She pushed on my chest, moving to get away.


Please let me go.” Her
quiet request broke my heart.

Damn it. How had I ruined it? What had I
done wrong? “What happened?” I was helpless. There wasn’t anything
I could do but grapple, attempt to coerce answers from her.

Please move,” she
repeated, pressing against my chest again.

I sighed, moving back, giving her room to
escape. I stuffed my hands in my pocket; the move pinched my jeans
against my throbbing cock.

She palmed my cheek. “I appreciate it, but I
think we shouldn’t see each other again until our wedding day.”

My head jerked up, my eyes seeking hers.
“That’s a month away.” I argued.

She gave me a small smile. “I’m not as
strong as you. Just like you know your limits, I also know mine.”
Something in her eyes told me that wasn’t it though. She was
pulling away too quick; she was hiding something.

No. That’s not it.” I
scrutinized her.

Her pulse kicked up at my challenge. Her
gaze dipped before returning to mine. She definitely wasn’t telling
me the truth. When she remained quiet, I pressed.

I grabbed her hand, pulling it from my face
to kiss her palm. “Hey. I’m supposed to be your best friend. I’m
the one person you can tell anything to and not have to worry about
judgment. Talk to me, sweetie.”

That’s just it, Bryan.
You’re perfect. You’re always in control. I guess I just thought
that I would be marrying a guy whom I brought to his knees with my
curves, someone that I had such an affect on that he couldn’t help
himself. I thought I would be marrying someone who isn’t perfect,
but is perfect for me. You’re not. You weigh every option, every
decision carefully. You make the best choices for the pack. The
pack’s steel business hasn’t suffered a loss since you took over.
Your…” She stumbled, overwhelmed. “Even your hair is a perfect
mess,” she exclaimed. “You’re intimidating.” Her features twisted
as she shrugged her shoulders. “It’s hard to accept that I’m
marrying someone who I will always feel slightly less than. I guess
I just need time to adjust and accept that.”

Pain ricocheted through me. Her words were a
knife to my gut, cutting deep and burning. My lungs struggled to
expand as I gazed into her eyes, awash with sadness. I didn’t know
how to show her that she humbled me without caving.

She jerked her hand away, taking a step
back. “Please don’t do that, Bry. I’m not blaming you. You’re an
amazing guy. I’m really lucky to be with you. I just wish I could
have the same confidence in myself when I’m with you.”

I thought back to the first night I’d met
her. She lit up like the sun, radiating with confidence and grace
as she mingled with potential customers at her art exhibit. The
gallery had dedicated the night to her work alone, and rightly so.
Her paintings were realistic, yet had an air of whimsy, had a
breath of emotion that splattered across them and brought her
landscapes to life. It was one of the things that I loved about

As a werewolf, I lived, I existed, extremely
close to nature. Out of all the humans I’d met in my time, she was
the first to understand, to truly grasp the energy, the life that
flourished in nature. She wasn’t merely a pretty canvas; nature was
alive, bursting with spirit and emotion all around us. Michelle
understood that. She captured it beautifully.

The moment I approached her and engaged with
her, I fell in love. She was this self-assured, sexy woman who
spoke with passion. She didn’t grow shy around the models who
frequented the gallery; she walked right up to them and greeted
them with an air of equality. She didn’t view anyone as greater
than or less than herself; everyone was her equal.

She was beautiful, smart, talented, and
confident and somehow, I’d been lucky enough to attract her. She
was everything that I desired in a mate and then some.

But somehow, I’d killed her light. She
wasn’t the woman I’d met; she was a shell of the blazing spirit I’d
fallen in love with.

I shoved my hands back in my pockets and
averted my gaze. I didn’t know if I could look her in the eyes and
let her go. “I want you to be happy. The woman I met was happy; she
practically glowed.”

My wolf frantically attacked my insides,
raging and roaring.

I sighed in frustration. I couldn’t think of
the right words to say. My wolf was irritating the crap out of me,
distracting me. I huffed, smacking him down. “You’ve just made it
clear that you’ll never be happy with me, Michelle. I love you
enough to let you go. So go find a man who can make you happy,
someone who doesn’t put out your light, alright?” I couldn’t keep
the anger from my tone. I couldn’t hide my hurt, not with my wolf
making me hyper aware of what we were both losing.

When she didn’t move right away, I snapped.

I mentally kicked myself when tears streamed
down her face.

She looked away, slipping off the ring. She
placed it on the table, grabbed her jacket and purse and scurried
for the door. She didn’t bother protecting herself from the cold
with her coat though as she opened the door. She stopped, with one
foot over the threshold. “For the record, Bryan. You made me happy.
I was only upset because I couldn’t seem to make you happy.”

Then the door closed behind her, and my
heart shattered into a million fucking pieces.

Chapter Four


My pulse echoed in my head. My heart was
pounding into my chest walls as my lungs refused to expand. Tears
poured down my face as I tried to contain my sobs, at least until I
was out of earshot.

My hands trembled as I struggled to unlock
my car door. The freezing temperature didn’t help. I lazily glanced
at my jacket in my arms, knowing I should put it on. I didn’t care
though. Something had finally snapped inside me.

When I finally got the car open, I
practically threw my items inside and slid in, slamming the door
shut behind me. I immediately started the engine, cranked the heat
and sped off. It was only then that I allowed myself to fully break

Sobs wracked me as I fought to see the road
through my waterlogged eyes. I was forced to slow down, to drive

I was almost off pack property when
something jumped out in front of me. I slammed on my breaks,
lurching forward into the steering wheel. Momentarily stunned, my
tears halted.

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