All My Love, Detrick (9 page)

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Authors: Roberta Kagan

BOOK: All My Love, Detrick
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As Leah danced gracefully in his arms, Lewis came to a decision. This affair with Leah must end, but first he’d wasted far too much time not to seize the prize he’d worked
so hard for. Tonight, following the celebration, he planned to bed her.

He smiled as he looked down at her brown hair
; the golden highlights sparkling in the light of the chandelier. The music stopped and the couple finished dancing.

Lewis squeezed her just slightly. “I think they are calling us to dinner.”

Pushing away gently, she held his hand and they took their places at the table.

The dinner could not have been more scrumptious. The festivities, fine-tuned by Mrs. Shapiro’s experienced hand, went off without a hitch.

Following an evening of grace and finery fit for a princess in a fairy tale, Lewis escorted Leah back to his automobile.

Although it felt much later, Lewis’ watch read nine o’clock. He did not need to return Leah to her home until eleven. This gave him plenty of time.

On a side road, Lewis found a dark deserted area where he put the auto in park and turned it off. He reached for Leah and kissed her. She put her arms around him as one of his hands reached beneath her coat in search of her breast and the other slithered up her thigh.

“Lewis, no.
Please. I’m not ready.”

“And when do you think you might be ready? We’ve been dating for a long time and you always stop me.
Not tonight, sweetheart. It’s time we took the next step.”

His hand slid into her panties. She moved away quickly. He caught her with his other arm and pulled her back so roughly that she felt her neck snap.

“I said no, Lewis!” Although she tried to sound strong and firm, her voice cracked with indignation as she fought to hide the tears that threatened to betray her weakness.

“Who the hell do you think you are? You are more than lucky to be seeing someone like me. I guess you need to
be reminded that you are a nothing. A nobody. Just a girl with a pretty face. No class, no background. There are millions like you who would be more than willing to solidify a relationship with a fellow like me.”

“Date them, then. I will not allow you to talk to me in this manner, Lewis.”

“And what do you think you can do about it?” He grasped her slender shoulder and then tried to pull her toward him again. With all the strength she could muster, she shook herself free.

“Leave now. Get out of my car.”

And, she did. The car door squeaked open. Without looking back, Leah stepped out into the darkness. The freezing air slapped her face. Her heart sank as she looked down at her high-heeled shoes. Walking home would be difficult, but she could not, would not, get back into that car. She began to march towards home, trying not to slip on the icy patches, while Lewis, filled with fury, sped away.

Her anger gave her strength. The floor-length dress she wore now felt cumbersome as she fought the slippery, snow-covered walkways. Spots of ice lay hiding beneath the white powder. She slid and, catching herself, Leah looked around her.
Arctic wind rushed across the landscape, catching her hair and slapping it back from her face. A shiver ran down her spine as she realized just how difficult it would be for her to get home on foot. Gusts of snow began to fall from the dark, starlit sky. With Lewis’ car nowhere to be seen, and save for a few streetlights, the dark night enveloping her like a shroud, Leah felt completely alone, vulnerable and lost. Fear now obliterated her rage, and she bit her lip as tears froze on her eyelashes.

Some of the homes she passed on her way had dim lights shining safely within. Leah longed to be in her own house with her family beside her, instead of alone and abandoned on this unfamiliar street.


Walking a little further, the neighborhood park came into view. She felt some relief as she recognized the area. Only a few lights remained over the playground. The rest of the park lay covered in blackness, spreading out into an ominous empty and deserted area. The desolation all around her touched a nerve, and she hurried to turn the corner. A soft voice whispered in her mind, "Hurry, Leah, it’s not safe here." Her heart began to race. Sweat formed in her armpits. Now there were no more houses, only open fields. She walked faster and her heel hit a patch of ice. Stumbling and tripping, she fell. Fortunately, she’d fallen on a grassy surface. Nausea played havoc with her stomach as it accompanied the thumping of her heart in her eardrums. Something felt wrong.

Terror gripped her.

, as a shiver ran its fingers across her shoulder blades, she saw them, a group of three men in their early twenties. Their voices echoed through the eerie, quiet streets as they sang the popular tune, “When Jewish Blood Spurts from My Knife.” A thin line of smoke followed the cigarette one of the men puffed while the others passed a bottle wrapped in brown paper.

they noticed Leah. One of them let out a catcall while the others laughed. It became clear to her that they’d been drinking for a while and they were now quite drunk. The one who’d made the vulgar sounds eyed her approvingly as if she would make a luscious meal. He nodded and motioned towards the other two, who followed behind him.

“Good evening,
Fraulein. What are you doing out alone in the dark…and all dressed for a party?” Clearly, the person in charge, he smiled; his eyes, glazed over with drink, glittered at her. Then he grinned back at his friends who offered support.

“She’s a pretty one, isn’t she?” he asked the other two.

“Yes, Reinhart, she’s pleasing to the eye.”

“We shall have some fun tonight, I think.

The others followed Reinhart’s lead as they circled her. Leah’s heart beat furiously, and in spite of the cold, the sweat now trickled down her face. With a confidence she did not feel, she pushed the smallest of the bunch out of her way and tried to elbow through. Reinhart grabbed her arm and spun her around. She lost her balance as her ankle twisted. As she tumbled over, Leah heard her dress tear. Then her palm scraped as it hit the cobblestone walk.

“Please,” she begged, knowing even as she did that they enjoyed her fear.

Like predators who had conquered their prey, the boys fell upon her. One ripped the slit of her gown to her waist. Another tore the buttons off her coat as he forced it open. With both hands, Leah tried to pull her coat closed. Angered by her resistance, Reinhart slapped her across the face. The sting of the slap caught her unaware. Instantly she let go to reach up and grab her cheek. As she did, the smallest of the boys tore the bodice of her dress open. He smiled, licking his lips as he revealed her modest white bra. Then Reinhart pulled until the hooks at the back gave way. Shame now mingled with her terror. Leah had never been naked in the presence of a man. The tears poured out of her control as she fought to free herself. But, this small girl proved no match for three strong men. At first, they found her struggle amusing. But as she continued, Reinhart became annoyed.

“Kill her when we’re done. We don
’t need her going to the police,” Reinhart ordered the two thugs who he knew would honor his wishes.

‘Police, you are not serious?
Look—” One of the men tore the Star of David from her neck “She’s a Jew. We can do as we please with her, and if she keeps giving us trouble, I will kill her - unless, of course, you want to kill her for the thrill of it.”

“No, Hel
mut. Not yet, first let’s have some fun. Both of you, hold her down, pull her legs apart and make sure she doesn’t move,” Reinhart said.

Fat and sweating, Reinhart took Leah’s coat, and using it to shelter his knees from the harsh stone walk he knelt above her. Leah fought, twisting against the force of the men, to no avail. With a single
motion, Reinhart unzipped his pants and pulled out his hard member. Leah felt she might vomit, as she smelled the alcohol mingled with his perspiration. She grew frantic and fought with her entire being, but the grip of the others grew tighter. Until now, she dared not scream. Being a Jew, if she were to alert anyone, she would surely be blamed for what was taking place, and worse would fall upon her and her family. However, lying in the snow, held down and about to be raped, she could no longer contain herself. A cry of fear escaped her lips. Then another even louder. She shook her head from side to side. The rest of her body remained captive in their grasp. Reinhart took a pocketknife from his pants and cut her panties. The shrieks of terror consumed her as they filled the street.

“Shut this fucking bitch up…
Stick something in her mouth,” Reinhart commanded.

, neither of the men could silence Leah, her head moved too quickly for them to gag her.

Leah clenched her fists bracing herself for the pain. Soon this disgusting pig would invade her body. Vomit rose into her throat. She turned her head away, unable to bear the sight of him.
But, she could not close her eyes. Then, there - across the street - she saw him. The familiar broad shoulders. At first, she feared she might be imagining it and thought that is what happens when one is dying. Then, he was illuminated by the streetlight, the golden hair falling over his left eye. She gasped, panting, her breath ragged. She must draw his attention. As loud as she could she, let out a final shriek.

From where he
stood, Detrick could not determine the goings-on. The sound of a tortured animal reached him. He did not see the girl, only the group of men.

Crossing the street, he approached to investigate further.

To his horror and disbelief, his eyes beheld his beloved Leah. Filled with the fury of a hundred men, he ran toward the attackers. On the side of the walkway, he saw a large tree branch. It would make a good weapon. Wielding it, he hit the leader firmly across the stomach. The wind knocked out of him, he toppled over like the fat punching dolls they sold at the children’s store. With his pants down around his knees and his limp penis hanging unsatisfied, Reinhart rolled over, still in too much pain to stand up. When the confrontation turned violent, the others of his gang fled, leaving him to fend for himself. For a moment, Detrick considered going after them. He would have liked to make them pay. Instead, he turned to help Leah.

Ignoring the chill, Detrick removed his coat and covered her. Then he turned to the culprit who lay on the ground in shock, still trying to catch his breath.

“Get out of here before I kill you.”

The man did not hesitate. His eyes grew wide. Stumbling he got up. Then, as quickly as he could, he scampered away, all the while trying to pull his pants back up.

Detrick turned his full attention on Leah.

“Are you all right?” Detrick took his hand and gently smoothed the hair away from her face.

“I think so.” She clutched his coat where it covered her nakedness. “I’m so glad you were here.”

“So am I. Here, can I help you get up?” Detrick looked at Leah’s coat. It lay smashed in slush where Reinhart had used it. The dirt
would never be cleaned from the material; best to leave it where it lay.

She nodded and he lifted her to her feet. Then he put his arm around her back and under her arms to offer support as helped her home. Leaning her head on his shoulder, she inhaled the scent of peppermint. From this day forward, that fragrance would remind her of Detrick.

When they arrived at Leah’s home, he escorted her in.

“Goodnight.” He could not meet her eyes, afraid she might see how filled with emotion he was.

“Please give me a moment. I would like you to have a cup of tea or hot chocolate to warm up. I didn’t realize it, but I guess I used your coat all the way home. You must be freezing.” Leah handed Detrick his coat.

“No, not really;
I’m all right, but I would love a cup of tea.”

“Sit, please. It’s the least I can do.” She smiled at him. “I’ll be right back.”

He nodded as he sat on the couch.

When she returned, she had washed her face and changed into a simple day dress. Even with the bruising that had begun on her cheek, he still found himself in awe of her beauty.

Detrick stood as she walked in, placing the cup of tea on the coffee table. He towered over Leah by a foot. Gently he reached down and touched her cheek with his thumb. “Does it hurt?”

Leah allowed her eyes drift up to him. “Yes.”

The tenderness she felt towards him came rushing upon her unexpectedly.

“I’m sorry. I wish I could take the pain for you.” He looked down at her, his heart beating like a tribal drum hammering out a tale of love.

“I can never express how grateful I am that you were there tonight. They would have killed me.” Tears filled her eyes and they glistened in the soft light of the lamp.

You’re safe now.” He wrapped her in his arms, burying his face in her hair. “And…if you will allow me to, I will keep you safe forever.” His voice came out hoarse. Detrick found himself shocked by his own boldness. He could not tell her, he must not tell her, least he scare her away, but he knew at that moment… beyond a doubt, that he loved her.

She did not back
away, as he feared she might. Instead, she continued to look up at him, her lips slightly parted. A bolt of magical energy shot through them both as their eyes held fast. Then his hand found its way behind her head. Tenderly he caressed her hair and gently pulled her towards him. In awe and disbelief, Detrick thanked God that he held this jewel in his arms. Their lips met, and all of the yearning they’d fought against for so long overtook them. Passion sped through their blood like a fast and wild wind. One kiss and then another…magical…sweet.

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