All Fired Up (9 page)

Read All Fired Up Online

Authors: Nikki Dee Houston

Tags: #Firefighter Romance, #Erotic Romance

BOOK: All Fired Up
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She bounded up the stairs from the underground parking lot under her apartment building, taking them two at a time. As she put the key in the door, it pushed open easily. Hairs stood up on the back of her neck and she held her breath. Surely she hadn’t forgotten to lock up when she left that morning. Her muscles tensed as she carefully pushed the door open with her booted foot. It swung open silently, revealing her living room. She took a couple of slow steps inside, quickly glancing around the room, searching for anything—or anyone—hands at the ready in front of her in a karate guard stance, knees slightly bent.

The door slammed behind her, making her jump. She swung around on full alert, heart pounding in her chest. As soon as she saw him, she let out a roar and moved in, kicking high whilst she jabbed forward in a thrusting chop.

“Stop! Stop!”
Fear sounded in Pete’s high-pitched voice as he stared into the face of a woman hell-bent on preserving her safety, using every bit of training she’d ever had. The one-hand side chop connected with his neck, whilst the other went in low and pushed both his arms up and over his head. Her kick landed in his groin, causing his eyes to go cross-eyed and his body limp, collapsing to the floor like a soggy brown paper bag.

She grabbed one of his wrists and twisted him around, burying his face into the carpet, while she knelt on his back and pulled his arm up tight towards the nape of his neck. He didn’t make a sound. He’s probably fainted with fright, she thought, the anger in her making her feel super-human. With her spare hand, she reached into her trouser pocket and pulled out her cell phone, quickly dialing 911. After she’d spoken to the operator, she then dialed Dave’s number. As soon as he answered, she let out a long, deep sigh, the pent up tension suddenly released.

“Cindy? Are you OK?” His voice was taut.

“Yeah, I’m OK. Can you come over?”

“On my way.”

Sirens sounded in the street, but she didn’t move a muscle, holding Pete in a death grip, his face now poking out sideways on the floor, contorted and red with pain. Every time he moaned, even slightly, she pushed her knee harder into his back and pulled up on his arm. Heavy footsteps thudded up the stairwell, then entered her open door.


“Over here.” She called out to them from behind the door. Three big policemen wrenched Pete’s wrist from her tight grip, rolled him over and grabbed his other arm, then turned him back over face down, handcuffing him behind his back.

Her strength suddenly left her. One of the policemen helped her to her feet and led her to the sofa.

“You OK, ma’am?” He stared at her intently.

She nodded, and raised one trembling arm up to stroke back the stray hairs which hung over her face. “Better than him.” She managed a weak smile, and jerked her head in the direction of Pete, who lay on her carpet with his eyes closed, trussed up like a turkey.

“Cindy!” Dave’s voice gave her a start. She turned to see his anxious face as he strode across the room toward her. Then she was lifted from the sofa and into his arms. He crushed her to him, whispering soothing, soft words into her hair. All of a sudden, she felt her strength leave her body, her legs turn to jelly, and she began shaking.

“Sir. I’m Officer Wochinsky. We need to ask some questions.”

Slowly, Dave released her and helped her to sit back down on the sofa. When the officer saw Dave’s face, his eyes widened. “Captain Johnson? I didn’t recognize you at first.”

Dave nodded. “Hi, Ron. Good to see you again.” He glanced at her. “I’ll get you some water. You look a little pale.”

She rested back on the sofa and told Wochinsky what had happened. Dave came back with a glass of water and sat next to her. The policeman took copious notes as she spoke, then stood up and put his notebook away.

“We’ll take him down to the lockup now and see what he has to say for himself.” He took in the disheveled and dirty state she was in. “Are you sure you’re OK, ma’am?”

She smiled gratefully at him. “Yes, thanks.” She turned and looked into Dave’s eyes, his brows drawn together. “I’ll be fine.”

Wochinsky nodded, then spoke briefly to the other officers who picked up the sore and sorry Pete from the floor. Standing between them, he looked a pathetic excuse for a human being. As they passed her, Pete looked at her with half-closed eyes. His thin lips drew into a mean snarl.

“You know you wanted me, bitch.” He spat.

The officers tugged him out the door and marched him down the stairs. Wochinsky looked at her. “He won’t be annoying you anymore.” He extended his hand, and shook first hers, then Dave’s. “I’ll be in touch.” He turned and followed the others down the stairs.

Dave shut the door and locked it behind him, then went and sat down next to her, wrapping his big, strong arms around her. They hugged for a long time. His strength and comfort soothed her, calming her racing heart and frazzled nerves. When her trembling finally stopped, he pulled back and looked into her eyes, cupping her face with his hands.

“I’m gonna run you a hot bath. I’ll be right back, OK?”

She nodded, and his lips brushed hers gently. He stood and went into the bathroom, the noise of the water running into the tub sounding inviting. She felt incredibly grubby. Dave came back out and held out a hand to her, helping her up and into the bathroom.

“While you soak, I’ll prepare some dinner. I think we’ll eat in tonight.” He shut the bathroom door and left her. She looked at the thick layer of bubbles floating on top of the water, the faucets still filling the tub with steaming hot water. Slowly undressing, she climbed into the tub and relaxed, the water working its magic on her tense muscles and stressed mind.


* * *



They sat at the little dining table opposite each other. Dave covered her hand with his as it rested on the table. He had cooked a simple but delicious pasta dish, and opened a good bottle of pinot noir. His eyes mesmerized her, the color enhanced now as they looked at her, brimming with kindness and love.

“Feeling OK now?” His voice sounded gentle and caring. Her heart swelled as she soaked up the affection he bestowed on her.

“I’m still confused. What did Pete hope to prove? Why did he come here?” She shook her head, trying to understand what had happened.

Dave squeezed her hand. “Ron Wochinsky’s a good cop. He’ll sort it out.”

“Ever since I started at Hillwood, I seem to have upset people.”

“On the contrary. The guys have a lot of respect for you. They admire your courage and your ability.” He refilled their wine glasses and handed her one. “Warner just used you to air his own inadequacies.”

She knew he was right. The other guys treated her as an equal. Heck, even Warner seemed to these days.

“I’ll be back at work tomorrow. We should have some more information from the police by then. It’ll all work out OK, Cindy. I promise.”


Chapter Eight



Cindy woke early the next day. Dave stayed over but left before light, making her promise to get someone in to change the door locks on her apartment. After the locksmith left, she went down to her car and drove to the station.

As she passed Dave’s office, she heard him call her name. He sat at his desk, cell phone clamped to his ear. He beckoned her to come and shut the door. She sat on the chair and waited until his phone call finished.

“That was Wochinsky. Pete’s been charged with a whole string of offences.” He sat back in his chair looking refreshed. “Cindy, I spoke to Warner early this morning. It seems his son, Troy, and Pete have been close friends ever since they both dropped out of the academy. Pete’s not a tour guide. The two of them traffic drugs. They’re users as well. Warner hadn’t heard from his son for years. Had no idea where he was. Then, a little while ago, Troy called him. Needed money. Well, Warner refused. A few days later, when he was here at work, his house got broken into. Money—and keys to the station—got taken.”

She held her breath, knowing what he was going to say next.

“Cindy, it was the same week that photo was stuck in your locker. When I mentioned the photo to Warner, he had no idea what I was talking about.”

She lowered her head and stared down at the desk. “I…blamed him. Without a shred of evidence.”

“Maybe so, but Warner still acted inappropriately to you. It’s not surprising you jumped to that conclusion.” He reached over, tilted her chin up with his forefinger, and looked deep into her eyes. “I’ve been reading Sheldon’s reports. Seems some of the guys have reported that their lockers were opened too. Some money, iPods and stuff were taken. I’d hazard a guess that when they saw your name on your locker, they thought they’d plant the photo to get you into trouble.”

She drew her brows together. “But that means they would’ve had to make a second trip back there. A bit risky. Surely they worried about getting caught.”

“Troy grew up with a firefighter dad. He knew the routines. Don’t forget both Pete and Troy were in the academy for a while. They know that when there are a lot of call-outs, there’s often only one or two people here.”

He stood up and came around the front of his desk, sitting on the edge of it. He cleared his throat. “Wochinsky just told me that Pete believes you love him. He said you dropped him and that’s what made him quit the academy.”

She tossed her head back. “What? He was kicked out because he didn’t make the grade. He wasn’t fit enough for starters. He just wasn’t good enough.”

“Why the hell did you…get involved with him then?”

She took a deep breath and looked down at the floor. “I was eighteen. He was cute back then. Cute and charming. There was a party and I can only imagine someone spiked my drink. I’d only had one before I felt really light-headed. Next thing I knew, I was kissing Pete in the back of a car. It was pretty full on. Someone else was driving, and we ended up back at the academy. I finally started to realize what was happening just as he…began to fuck me.” She looked up to see his face impassive.

“A camera flash brought me back to reality, and I fought him off. I felt sick at what he was doing. What
were doing.

Dave reached over and grabbed her, wrapping his arms around her tightly. His strong arms made her feel safe—protected. She never wanted to leave the haven of his arms.

She heard a breath catch in his throat. “Darling Cindy.” His voice sounded tormented. “I’m so sorry. I promise I’ll never let anything like that happen to you again.”

He bent his head and kissed her gently. She felt herself melt into the shelter of his embrace. “I love you, Dave. I don’t want you to ever let me go.”

“Don’t worry. I won’t.” He buried his face in her hair. “I’ve finally found the love of my life.”


* * *



That night, they lay together in bed, hugging tightly.

“Can I stay at Hillwood? I mean, considering you’re the Captain…”

He shifted and rose up onto one elbow, resting his head in his hand. “Well, I had a long—and frank—talk with Sheldon. I asked his opinion. He’s always very level headed and I trust him. He said that providing we act professionally during work hours he didn’t see any problem with it. He usually has his ear to the ground for any gossip at the station. He said there’s not even a whisper about you and me.”

Relief swept through her. She loved her job—loved working at Hillwood. A mischievous smile crept over her face. “You mean, I don’t have to choose between you and Hillwood?”

His head cocked to one side as he looked at her. “So, which would you choose if you had to?”

She reached up and placed her hand tenderly on his cheek. “That’s a no-brainer.” She kissed his mouth. “I love you more than anything, even Hillwood.” She kissed him again. “So, by acting professionally, I guess he means no sex on your desk, or in the shower, or wherever else we can think of?”

His eyes twinkled as he looked at her. “That’s right. None of that.”

“Pity. It was a real turn on.”

“Yeah? Well, I’ll just have to think up some other ways to turn you on.” He slid his hand down her naked body, stopping at her breasts. He flicked her nipples until they were hard, then moved his hand down to the sensitive part of her belly, his fingers tracing feather-like over her skin, sending shivers through her whole body. Then he gently moved them down further, past the small strip of fuzz. She gasped as he lightly fondled between her legs, then found her clit, and felt moisture fill her as he touched it with his magic fingers.

He shifted his body, moving down, and opening her legs wide. He pushed her knees up and folded them outward, his head going down on her, and began licking and sucking her clit with his tongue. She felt delirious as tremors of ecstasy flicked over her body and up through her, making her vagina spasm. He moved down, inserting his tongue deep inside her. She called out, her breath coming in short, sharp gasps, as he excited her to the pinnacle of her tolerance.

He gently rolled her over onto her front, resting her shoulders on the bed. She got into kneeling position, making her ass stick up high, and rested on her elbows. He caressed her butt cheeks, then slid his hands underneath her, again playing with her clit. She felt his rock hard cock nudging up against her, then he guided himself into her. Exquisitely, he slid slowly inside her, deep and strong. He filled her—she could feel every inch of him inside her. Slowly, gently, he began to move. Backward, then forward. Deliciousness coursed through her, her toes curled and jumped, her fingers tingled. He ran his smooth hands up her body and cupped her breasts and hard, sensitized nipples.

He picked up pace, his long, rhythmic thrusts going from the tip of his cock until his balls slapped her. Harder, longer, stronger…she couldn’t take any more. Crying out, she signaled she was about to come. He pumped her hard and fast, his balls smacking hard on her. With a burst of intensity, he came, his cock stiff and hard inside her, pulsating. She felt the muscles inside of her grabbing his cock tightly with her own spasms, and holding it in a vice-like grip. They rocked together, neither of them breathing, enjoying each excruciatingly wonderful moment.

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