All Fired Up (3 page)

Read All Fired Up Online

Authors: Nikki Dee Houston

Tags: #Firefighter Romance, #Erotic Romance

BOOK: All Fired Up
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He took the glass from her hand and set it aside. Her heart was beating wildly, desire making a misty film of perspiration break out on her forehead.

“Well then. We better do some warm-ups.”

Powerful arms enveloped her and she felt his body against hers. He brushed her lips with his, then kissed her deeply, eagerly. Electricity shot through her as she returned his hungry, lingering kiss, willingly entering the passionate embrace. His tongue was warm, tasting of bourbon and salt, as he probed and met up with hers. He broke away from her mouth and bent his head, nuzzling her neck, and kissing her skin softly. Moving slowly around to the front, his lips caressed the little hollow at the base of her throat.

“Won’t your zumba group notice you’re missing?” As he spoke, his day-old stubble grazed her neck.

“I don’t care.” Her words were breathy and soft. With one quick movement, he removed her little T-shirt. He ran his hands up both her bare arms, softly, gently, deliciously, until they reached her shoulders. He inserted a finger under each of the black Lycra straps of her leotard, dragging them aside. He kissed her shoulders and tugged the top down, revealing her breasts, full, voluptuous, and begging to be kissed.

He caressed each breast, his fingers tweaking her already hardened nipples. She groaned as spasms of delight rippled through her, making her breath come in short, sharp gasps. He placed his warm, moist mouth on a nipple and sucked it gently, his tongue flicking the little pink bud. Then he moved to the other one.

Again, he lifted her with strong arms, and in one swift movement, he lay her down on the desk, reached down and gently tugged off her scant clothing, leaving her naked. She stared as he ripped off his white T-shirt and threw it, the sight of him causing her to draw in a loud gasp. The body of Adonis stood before her, much better, much more beautiful, than the calendar photo. The sculpted muscles rippled as he undid the zip on his trousers and dropped them to the floor, his huge cock springing out and standing ready for action. A surge, like volts of electricity, clenched inside her. She made a grab for his cock, wanting it badly, wanting it now!

“Not yet,” he whispered. He spread her legs and touched her wet pussy with his fingers, gently stroking all along the slit from top to bottom. Then he found the rosebud knob of her clit and softly but firmly applied pressure as he massaged it until she thought she would burst. Bringing his other hand up, he inserted a finger inside her, moving it about, exciting her.

“You’re soaking.”

She tried to speak, but just breathing was difficult. Her whole body was trembling with the sensations he induced in her. She wanted his cock inside her; she needed him to do it now. Just when she thought she could take no more, he bent his head down and licked her pussy. She nearly screamed out—the pleasure was so intense, like nothing she had experienced before. He sucked and licked her clit, then she felt his tongue enter her, probing her.

“Please, please. Now!” Ragged and breathless, she cried out for him. His tongue flicked, licked, and lapped at her. Never had she known ecstasy like this. With an explosion, she came, her orgasm making her whole body arc, her fingers and toes twitching as she held her breath, not wanting the sensation to end. He climbed on top of her, covering her face with kisses, then, finding her lips, kissed her ardently. She ran her hands over his smooth, firm back, reaching down to his buttocks. She cupped them, squeezing at the muscles, holding him tight.

Sliding her hands around, she reached between them, grasping for the stiffness that she could feel prodding her. He rose to his elbows, then drew his legs into kneeling position in front of her. She cupped his heavy balls in one hand, and held his cock in the other. The glint of a little precum sparkled on its tip, and she licked it away delicately, tasting the promise of more good things to come. She ran her tongue delicately all the way up his shaft, around it, back to the head, and then focused on the sensitive place at the base of the head. She flicked her tongue back and forward, hearing him groan.

Parting her lips, she took him deep inside her, gently at first, then started sucking, drawing on it. His body began to shake with the effort of holding on just a little bit longer. He pulled out of her mouth and, grabbing her shoulders, gently rolled her over until she was kneeling on all fours on his desk. Books, papers, and pens crashed onto the tiled floor of his office. He reached over to his desk drawer and took out a little packet, opened it with his teeth, and quickly rolled the condom onto his shaft. Coming up behind her, he used his fingers to find her wet pussy, then she felt his massive dick slide up into her. He began pumping, slowly, deeply. The spasms began again in her vagina, crushing his cock inside her with each clench.

He slid out of her, then gently helped her to roll over onto her back. He lay down on top of her, his face only inches away from hers, his emerald eyes glowing like neon lights in the dimness of the office.

“Now we’ll come together, eh?” His fingers caressed her wet clit and his cock slid smoothly inside her, deeply thrusting. They soon found their rhythm, and, breathing heavily, he pumped her hard, her body ready to explode with yet another massive orgasm.

She clung tightly as his back arched and his muscles went rigid. With a roar, he exploded inside her. A moment later the clenching in her grew to monumental proportions, and she let out a loud moan as she climaxed.

They lay there, exhausted, his cock still inside her. The only sound was their heaving, ragged breathing. He shifted and removed himself, then lay down next to her, kissing her, and wrapping an arm across her. He was the first to speak.

“Cindy? I just had to have you from the moment I set eyes on you.” His voice was full of emotion.

“And I knew I just had to have Fireman April the moment I saw him peeping out from under a pile of junk in the day room.”

His laugh filled the small office. “No. Seriously? I look that good?” He turned her face to look at him. “Maybe I shouldn’t have been so hard on Warner after all.”


Chapter Three



It was late when she turned her car into the underground parking lot of her apartment building. When she finally left Hillwood Fire Station, she went straight home, jogged up the stairs to her floor, turned her key in the lock, and let herself in.

Her cat greeted her with a heartfelt meow.

“Oh baby. You’re hungry aren’t you?” She fondled the old tortoise-shell tabby as he bent his head against her hand. “Oh Joey, you wouldn’t believe what happened to me today.” Soon, the cat was fed, and she went to the bathroom. As she removed her skimpy exercise gear, she laughed softly. So much for zumba class. She figured she’d probably had enough exercise for one day. The memory of their encounter in his office, still fresh in her mind, brought her to the point of wishing she was with him right now, feeling his hard, muscular arms around her. A swarm of butterflies flitted through her, exciting her.




Later, after a long, hot shower and wrapped in a towel, she lay on the bed, totally exhausted. Despite her enjoyment of the encounter with Dave, she had some misgivings. All the way home in the car, she’d chastised herself.
On my second day!
This had to be some record. But at least no one knew about it. She’d always had a thing about firefighters, and not just because she wanted to be one herself. Still, it shouldn’t have happened.

The sudden strains of a Beyonce tune blasted from her cell phone on the bedside table. She picked it up, not recognizing the number.

“This is Cindy.”

“Hi. Just checking you got home OK.”

Her heartbeat quickened when she heard Dave’s voice. “Sure. Of course.”

Silence from the phone. Pausing slightly to take a deep breath, she continued. “Look Dave. I think we both did something that was…unprofessional…and I want you to know that I’m sorry if it’s put you in a compromising position. It won’t happen again.” She bit her lip. There, she said it.

“Fine.” His voice sounded strained. “Good night.” The line went dead.

She looked at the phone for a second or two, then placed it back on the table. Already she regretted saying it, but it was best for both of them. Hell, she knew better than most the trouble it could cause.

She stared at the phone again, half-hoping he’d call back. Just the sound of his voice turned her on. If he was in this room, she thought, I’d…


* * *



The traffic was heavier than usual as she drove to the fire station. Or maybe it was just because she was running late. Sleep had taken a long while coming last night, and when her alarm rang, she felt fuzzy-headed and tired. As she pulled into the parking lot at the rear of the fire station, all the spaces were taken.

“Great. Just what I need.”

She turned the car and drove back out onto the street, eventually finding a spot a good fifteen-minute walk from work.

When she entered the day room to put her lunch in the refrigerator, the place was deserted. She looked at her watch.

“Oh shit!” She was late for the weekly parade. Her
weekly parade. She burst through the door with a rush, then froze. All the men were lined up, facing her, standing stiffly as the flag was hoisted and the national anthem played. Knowing she’d been caught out, she quickly placed her hand on her chest as the last strains of the Star Spangled Banner played through the loudspeaker system. Across from her, Dave glowered at her, his cold green eyes glaring from a face like granite. Heat crept up her neck and infused her face. She blinked, unable to hold his gaze.

The music stopped and the men stood at ease.

“Reece, fall in.” Dave’s curt, clipped tone stung. She felt the gazes of a dozen firefighters on her. To her left, Warner let out a couple of noisy breaths and a soft, mocking laugh. She glanced at him, unsurprised to see a suggestive smirk on his mouth.

Dave continued addressing the team. “And as I said earlier—before Reece arrived—this morning we formally welcome our new graduate, Officer Cindy Reece.” The group applauded. “I’m sure you’ll all…”

A deafening siren sounded shrilly through the loud speakers, followed by an announcement: “
Code one, code one
”. The men scrambled, taking to their positions with the ease of well-practiced professionals. In under a minute, two units sped out of the fire station with sirens wailing and lights flashing, those on board still buckling on their helmets as they set off to the emergency.

She followed the remaining crew back inside the station, adhering to the procedures during an emergency. Like the others, she would ensure she maintained the communications should the team require backup. Entering the locker room, she went to get her helmet and protective gear from her locker should she be required to go to the emergency on another unit. To her surprise, she found her locker door open an inch. She frowned, wondering if the lock was faulty. She was positive she’d locked it last time she used it. A vision of Warner, crass and disgusting, flashed across her mind. She’d deal with his insulting innuendo after the emergency. She put her hand on the locker door and pulled it open, holding her hand to her mouth as she stared at the color photo crudely taped to the inside.

A hard, cold mass formed in her chest as she stared at the picture of her with Pete. Disgust caused her to feel sick. Naively she’d thought that now she was out of the academy, this harassment would cease.

Footsteps sounded loudly behind her. She spun around to see Dave glaring at her. “Reece, this is not a high school. You are a professional firefighter. I will not tolerate tardiness from any of my officers. Never be late for parade again.”

His words made her flinch inwardly, such was the sharpness of their delivery. Her head spun all of a sudden, and she felt faint.

“Are you sick? You look very pale.” His tone, still obviously angry, was just slightly more gentle. She couldn’t speak, and looked down at the floor as she felt tremors begin to creep up her body, making her shake. He took a step toward her, and pulled open the locker door that she was holding onto. His face darkened as he gazed at the photo of the two naked people engaged in a sex act.

“Sonofabitch!” He growled as realization hit. “That’s you!” He reached in and tore down the photograph, and ripped it into little pieces. Then he turned on his heel, marched out of the locker room, and disappeared from sight.

With shaking hands, she closed the locker and sat down on the bench seat behind her. She put her hands up to her face and bent her head, resting there. After what seemed like ages, she heard the two fire units return. Noisy chatter and the sounds of cleaning the trucks and checking equipment filled the fire station. She slowly got to her feet and went out to take over her job of refilling the onboard water tanks.

The men chatted amongst themselves as they worked. “Nasty car accident. Two hurt quite badly. We had to use the jaws to free ’em.”

“Yeah Jerry, they were sure lucky. They nearly bought it.”

She listened to Jerry and Curren talking, trying to clear the hazy fog in her brain. One of these men—these nice, upstanding and heroic men—was an asshole, trying to discredit her. Her thoughts zipped through her head. Why? Why would they do this?

The image of her, naked with that jerk from the academy, seared her brain. How did it come to end up in her locker? Heck, she didn’t even know anyone here at Hillwood. And she wasn’t at all sure who took the photo that horrible night. A chill shot up her spine. What if there were more photos? Maybe someone was not content with just embarrassing or discrediting the new officer—maybe they were trying to blackmail her!

The end-of-shift horn couldn’t come soon enough, but when it did, she finally let out a loud sigh, slowly grabbed her things and headed down the corridor toward the exit.

“Reece. Can you come in here please?”

Damn! Dave was the last person she wanted to talk to today. She entered his office and stood just inside the doorway, her backpack slung over one shoulder.

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