Alien Slave (31 page)

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Authors: Tracy St.John

Tags: #fiction, #erotica, #scifi, #scifi erotica, #new concepts publishing, #mild bdsm forced seduction multiple sexual partners, #alien slave

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He raised himself up to look down on
her, his smile wicked with hunger. “Now that you’ve revealed your
secrets, would you like me to bite you just for fun’s

Dani thought how the euphoric
intoxicant made her feel so soft and happy. “I’d love for you

Then I will. But you’ll
have to retain enough control to be quiet while we make love.
Krijero needs his rest.” A slight frown marred his perfect features
for an instant. “I’ll be so glad to have you somewhere safe, where
I can make you scream while you come for me.”

The heat in his eyes as he spoke turned
Dani’s insides liquid. “That day won’t come soon enough,” she

He bent to her breast, his mouth
hovering over the rosy nipple as his fangs descended. Dani
shuddered, feeling his breath hot there, seeing the needle-sharp
teeth ready to pierce her skin. Gelan’s tongue licked the tip,
pebbling it in an instant. His fangs touched just above the areola,
slow pressure dimpling her skin before they slid slowly into her
soft flesh. The pain of penetration made her exhale with a tiny
sob, but the bright stab numbed almost immediately. Gelan’s mouth
closed over her nipple as his fangs injected the intoxicant. She
moaned, and his Velcro-raspy tongue rubbed over the tightening peak
while his teeth remained imbedded.

When he released the bite, dots of
blood appeared at the tiny puncture wounds. Gelan sucked at the
pinpricks, and Dani writhed at the enthralling sensation of being
fed on as wellbeing cascaded through her body. Her senses hummed
with delight as the intoxicant took hold. She allowed herself a
happy sigh.

Gelan lifted his face, giving her upper
breast on last lick as he smiled. “How’s that, my little

Lovely,” she whispered,
coasting on bliss.

Good.” He regarded her
seriously for a moment. “I’d like to see that expression on your
face more often. You look happy much too rarely.”

I guess you could just bite
me until I’m a pincushion.”

Gelan chuckled. “That would hardly be a
satisfactory solution. We’ll have to find other ways.”

I know what would make me
happy right now.” She ran her hands over his beautifully molded
chest and shoulders.

One hand went between her legs to find
her wet. “Maybe a little of this?” He rubbed her folds and she
wriggled with the clutch of arousal.

A lot of that.”

He slid down, kissing his way from her
throat to her mound. “And a little of this?” His tongue ran up her
slit, and Dani arched as bright pleasure stabbed through

Oh please, a ton of

Well, since you said

Dani buried her fingers in Gelan’s
braids as he licked slowly, taking his time to sample every soft
petal of her womanhood, to collect every precious drop of her
honey. He lifted her thighs to drape over his shoulders, giving
himself complete access to her secret flesh. She undulated beneath
his deft tongue, biting her lips together to keep from crying out
her delight.

His tongue was raw silk, rough-textured
like a cat’s. It scraped the tender satin of her womanhood,
bringing arousal to a peak in short order. Dani’s head lolled from
side to side, shaking as if to deny such excruciating enchantment.
Her hips jerked upward in spontaneous reaction to every sweet

Gelan left off the long, measured
licking to thrust his tongue deep into her pussy. The feeling of
him inside made her groan as a whole new set of nerves ignited. In
and out his tongue plunged, the talented appendage fucking

Then it was back to a measured lick up
her slit, pausing just shy of her clit. She watched breathlessly as
the tip of Gelan’s tongue approached the erect nub. He flicked with
the lightest of pressure. A burst of heat seized her insides,
melting her lower parts. A slow convulsion tightened her sex for an
instant, a prelude to exaltation. Dani shuddered.

Gelan slid two fingers into her well,
wetting them thoroughly before pressing them into her anus. She
sighed as he filled her back passage, sending waves of pleasure
lapping through her. His tongue took up its deliberate tasting once

Gelan tasted her like a gourmand before
an exceptional delicacy. He took his time, pausing from time to
time to roll her flavor around on his tongue, his eyes hooded with
contentment. Dani hovered between wanting to beg him for release
and wanting this sweet devouring to never end.

His fingers matched the slow feast,
pressing unhurriedly in and out her tightest sleeve. Her hips rose
to meet his deepest plunges. Tiny cries escaped her lips as he took
her higher and higher. Gelan’s open mouth occasionally engulfed as
much of her straining pussy as it could to suck hard on the tender,
trembling flesh. The muscular sound of him swallowing the fluids
pouring from her font made Dani gasp.

He released her and flicked his gaze to
her face. “Quietly now, Dani,” he whispered, his voice low, almost
a growl. He bent back to her rioting flesh. His mouth closed over
her clitoris. He sucked on it, his tongue whipping over it, lashing
it from side to side with rapid force.

Dani’s lower body clenched hard. Her
back bowed off the ground with the force of the climax that
thundered from the base of her spine to the top of her head. Her
mouth gaped open but her throat locked tight around the scream that
wanted out. The swell of elation that ballooned then burst over her
was too intense to allow conscious thought. It was as if an atomic
bomb had gone off within her body, the climax a mushroom cloud of
mind numbing exhilaration.

She hung there like that for exquisite

The pulse slid from stratospheric
heights, allowing for a sobbing breath before another cataclysm
erupted. Again she was suspended forever on that blinding point of
brilliance before descending once more.

Smaller detonations shivered her world,
dwindling down in force until at last her body settled into tiny
aftershocks. Gelan left her quivering flesh with one last gentle
suck on her swollen clit.

I hope that was
satisfactory,” he said with a smug leer.

Dani didn’t answer. She couldn’t
remember how to talk.

Gelan’s chuckle had more than a hint of
animal growl in it. He gently lowered her legs to the ground and
crawled up so that he crouched over her. He looked like a wolf,
ready to assert his rights over the alpha female of the pack. His
front cock curled to his belly, thick with arousal.

My lovely little Dani,” he
breathed, staring down at her.

She could only twitch, her body still
stunned motionless by the climax he’d given her. He chuckled again,
and arranged her legs so that she was spread wide for him. The
Dramok took his slick cocks in one hand and arranged himself to
enter her.

He did so in one smooth stroke, sighing
deeply as he filled her. Gelan’s thrust found her still sensitive,
still swollen, still convulsing slightly. A high-pitched cry left
Dani’s throat as passion flamed with new life.

Easy,” Gelan whispered, his
pupils growing to turn his eyes nearly black. “Relax, my sweetling.
You will take me with you, and I want to enjoy your warmth for a

So good,” Dani said, the
medium of speech available to her once more. “Feels so

I’m glad, little Matara.
We’ll go slowly so that I may have all the pleasure I

* * * *

Gelan rocked his hips with deliberate,
leisurely thrusts, bringing Dani back to arousal without knocking
her over the precipice. He stretched his body over her, as if doing
a pushup, allowing his greedy gaze to drink in the sight of filling
her over and over. Seeing his front cock parting her pussy, dark
mocha skin slipping in and out of rosy pink flesh, was delightful.
The wet sounds of their joining composed the sweetest tune ever

How he loved the sight of her lying
beneath him! Her pale body shimmered in the firelight like an
ethereal dream, and her face worked with need and pleasure. Her
delicate fingers ran over him with the lightest of touches, tracing
muscles as if in worship.

And the warmth of her intimate flesh,
so tight and yet giving, were perfect sheaths for his dual manhood.
The snug velvet contours wrapped him in bliss, gently convulsing
from time to time to give him heartstopping tugs.

Ooh,” she sighed as he hit
the sweet spot, her lower body jerking in reaction. Uttering the
sound made her lips purse prettily, and he lowered to capture that
luscious mouth with his.

Her arms wrapped around his neck as she
kissed him back, her silky tongue twining with his. If she
continued to have reservations about belonging to his clan, they
had been left behind for the moment. Dani showed no reluctance at
all as her legs crept up to circle his buttocks. She tightened her
long, sinuous limbs, seeking to drive him harder into

Gelan could see interesting
possibilities in Dani’s enthusiasm. Before she knew what was
happening, he rolled them both over, putting her on top.

Dani blinked in surprise to find
herself straddling him. A slow, naughty smile spread over her face,
and she sat up straight. “I think I like this.”

Gelan grinned at her. “Show me how much
you like it,” he invited.

A mischievous light in her eyes warned
him he might be in for more than he expected. To his delight, he
was right.

Dani propped her hands against his
chest, leaning forward. Her body slid wetly back and forth, swaying
over him with slow grace. Her breasts enticed him, and Gelan
covered the delicious little mounds, squeezing gently to make her
shudder. They fit neatly into his palms, as if made just for such
activity. He alternated enjoying this perfection with flicking his
thumbs over the pert tips, inciting small moans of pleasure from
his Earther.

She added slow, grinding circles to the
up and down motion, clenching educated muscles inside her sheath to
increase the friction. Gelan went very still, a low growl trickling
out between clenched teeth.

You like that?” Dani asked.
Her tone turned teasing. “Remember, you have to be quiet. Your
Imdiko is sleeping.”

She was making his lower parts heavy
and tight. Gelan could feel his guts coiling in on themselves as
her flesh worked his with less and less mercy. It was heady stuff,
letting her direct the lovemaking, but he was having to fight the
urge to take control and fuck her senseless. His sexes were
definitely starting to do his thinking for him.

Dani leaned back, never missing a beat
as she propped herself up with her hands on his thighs. Her head
fell back, her eyes fluttered, and she gusted a sound that was
half-moan, half-sigh. “Oh yes. Right there,” she told him, her face
suffusing with euphoric pleasure. “That’s exactly where I need

She was moving a little faster now,
riding him a little rougher as she stimulated the sweet spot in her
sheath. The change in angle stretched her body back, giving Gelan
an unimpeded view of her gorgeous body. Her breasts bounced as she
drove herself over his avid flesh. His cocks disappeared and
reappeared as she used him for her own eager need.

Gelan growled almost continually as he
watched and felt the luscious Earther work him so delightfully.
Only with the barest control did he keep the volume low. She was
bringing the primitive part to the fore, working him into a frenzy
that demanded not just his climax, but hers as well.

He reached for her. His forefinger and
thumb closed over the slippery nub of her clitoris, capturing it.
Dani gasped and fucked him faster, her buttocks slapping against
his thighs, her mouth opened in a soundless scream. Gelan rubbed
the taut flesh, rolling it within his grip, insisting it make her
do what he wanted.

Dani’s entire body stiffened, and her
insides convulsed around him in glorious seizure. And here it was,
the wrenching ecstasy that roared from the depths of his body,
rushing through his larger cock, blasting out to fill her womb with
a flood of juices.

Her sheath clutched at him, milking him
of every drop his body contained, wringing him out from the inside.
His universe shrank to a pinpoint of heat and spasm and release. He
had a very dim sense of Dani writhing over him, whisper-sobbing his
name as she drove one last time against his flesh, swallowing all
of his jerking cock. Then she wilted like a flower battered by a
storm, her light frame drooping limp over his torso.

As the last spasms trembled through
Gelan’s loins, he tucked Dani’s head beneath his chin, wrapping his
arms around her fragile body. She snuggled against him, murmuring
something he couldn’t quite make out in a wan voice. Gelan didn’t
ask her to repeat it. The laxness of her limbs, her deepening
breath told him that the long day of running for help, ending in
exuberant lovemaking, was sending her straight to sleep. He let her
sink into slumber, one hand stroking her hair, the other tracing
the line of her spine.

He’d pushed to make her his slave, with
the hope Dani would be compatible enough to make a lifetime mate.
Gelan hadn’t hoped for more than an agreeable woman to give his
clan children. Had Dani turned out just tolerable, that would have
been fine too.

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