Alien Slave (22 page)

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Authors: Tracy St.John

Tags: #fiction, #erotica, #scifi, #scifi erotica, #new concepts publishing, #mild bdsm forced seduction multiple sexual partners, #alien slave

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Dani writhed as he touched her, biting
her lips against the pleased little cries that wanted to come out.
His clever touch drew sparks from her body so bright she thought it
might light up the night.

Much like how she’d mapped his body by
touch, he did the same with her womanhood. As if committing her to
memory, Krijero explored the folds of her sacred flesh, starting
from her outer lips and working in until he circled the rim of her
orifice. The almost ticklish sensations of his minute investigation
had Dani squirming uncontrollably.

Two fingers entered her. Dani shuddered
violently at the penetration. Krijero thrust in and out slowly,
searching the walls of her sheath with gentle pressure as he worked
her. Suddenly he found the nest of nerves that felt best. Quivering
heat blasted through Dani’s belly, and her jaws snapped shut with
an audible click to keep a cry from ringing into the night. Her
body went rigid.

That’s a good spot,”
Krijero chuckled, his voice low with satisfaction. His fingers
withdrew to the tips then thrust in again, pressing harder against
that eager flesh.

Dani moaned deep in her throat as her
sex swelled with pleasure. Her sheath flexed in a slow

She whimpered a protest when the Imdiko
pulled free of her clutching sleeve. He didn’t acknowledge her, his
fingers slipping back to tease her anus instead.

Dani made herself relax so Krijero
could easily penetrate the tight orifice. He was gentle with her,
taking the time to stretch the reluctant flesh, readying her for
his dual invasion. Truth be told, anal play with the Kalquorians
felt good. The pleasure started as a quiet echo of the G-spot
stimulation, building gradually as he spread her wider. Dani let
the growing arousal take her over. She made little movements up and
down over the questing digit, making it feel better and better. She
thought she might actually be able to climax from anal penetration
alone. The realization excited her.

Krijero pressed a second finger into
her, and glorious bliss suffused her. It did feel as good as G-spot
stimulation, bringing that swelling feeling into her lower parts
again, growing from easy pleasure to heady arousal to excruciating
need. Dani fought to

drive herself over those talented
fingers, to bring the explosion that wanted to come. Her legs
splayed so wide apart, she could only twitch and grind the least
little bit.

She keened between clenched teeth.
“Please, Krijero?”

Faster or


Can you come

I promise …

His fingers dove in and out, his palm
thudding quietly against her pussy as he worked her. The pressure
in her loins burgeoned, expanding beyond her ability to hold
together. Ecstasy burst through her, turning the black night into
the blinding center of the sun. Climax poured through her, a molten
river of bliss. She jerked in Krijero’s firm grip, tears streaming
down her cheeks as she fought not to scream.

The pulses gentled and slowed until
Dani could think again. Just when I think these aliens can’t
surprise me anymore, they do.

Good, Dani?”

You couldn’t

Krijero snorted laughter. His fingers
exited her, the emptiness leaving her bereft for a moment. He
shifted her on his lap, homing his sexes on their intended targets,
and Dani eagerly grasped them, wanting to be doubly filled, the way
only a Kalquorian could fill her.

The Imdiko pulled her down while
driving his hips up, the entry forceful. Dani grunted at the sudden
impaling. Only now did she realize how generous Krijero had been to
give her pleasure while his own needs had become

Slight growls punctuated each thrust.
His cock bumped her cervix with every plunge, sending heady sparks
of agonized pleasure through her body. Dani dug her fingers into
the alien’s shoulders as she re-awoke to implacable

Krijero suddenly shifted, bearing her
down so that she lay on her back with him covering her with his
weight. Dani was pinned beneath the huge Kalquorian, helpless
against him driving harder and faster into her. The rough use and
her vulnerability only made her wetter, hotter. Climax rushed at
her again, a speeding freight train that would crush her beneath
its force. A high, thin cry escaped her.

The Imdiko’s hand clapped over her
mouth. The added subduing heightened the thrill of his possession.
She was cresting … going over …

Her insides seized. Hot, sharp,
excruciating elation lit her from the inside out, bursting her into
a hundred thousand fireworks. Dani cried out against the muffling
hand, the orgasm’s voice refusing to be silenced. Krijero grunted,
his rhythm failing as her pussy clenched at him, fighting to draw
him in deeper, as if her body could consume his in its entirety.
Suddenly his face was burrowed in her neck, his fangs biting down.
A brief shiver of pain brought her again, and the Kalquorian
snarled around his mouthful of her skin as his cock jerked in her

He rutted hard against her as he poured
his rapture into her womb. A part of Dani’s mind knew she would be
sore later, but as the intoxicant injected by Krijero’s fangs sent
euphoria through her, she didn’t care. She loved this rough taking,
loved how he dominated her and left her helpless against his
passion. Feeling her vulnerability so keenly brought her anew, and
she sobbed in gorgeous surrender.

My enemy, one part of her mind

My master. My lover, another part said,
besotted with intoxicant and orgasm.

The second voice was the one she went
with. It felt too good not to.

Sated, Krijero rolled over, bringing
her with him so that she lay on top of his warm body. His arms
wrapped around her, cradling her in his strength. Dani snuggled
against him, wallowing in his warmth as if no Tragooms tracked
them. As if she wasn’t merely a slave, bought for his sexual
pleasure. As if she mattered to him the way a woman should matter
to a man.

Dani fell asleep with a smile,
Krijero’s heart’s bass boom lulling her.

Chapter 12

Krijero’s voice, whispering in staccato
bursts of his own language, woke Dani some time later. She blinked
at the tangerine-tinted sky as Gelan jumped up from his position of
spooning with her on the mushy ground. She’d slept through the
changing of the watch and switching of the Kalquorians.

Alarm coursed through Dani as Gelan and
Wynhod disappeared from their tiny clearing, dark blurs zigzagging
silently through the surrounding trees. She was on her feet in an
instant, her mouth opening to question Krijero. The Imdiko
immediately covered it with his hand, reminding her of their
lovemaking the night before.

His hushed words drove all thoughts of
carnal pleasure away. “Quiet, sweetness. Tragoom scouts are

Dani stepped close to the shelter of
his body and froze there, lest the least bit of noise alert their
trackers to their location. Seeing Krijero carefully scan the trees
around them, she did the same, her ears straining for the slightest

Apparently Kalquorian hearing was much
better than hers, because Krijero suddenly stiffened. His nostrils
flared, and his pupils widened until only the barest sliver of
blue-purple irises remained. He bared his teeth, fangs descending
in a feral display as he put himself between Dani and the woods in
front of them. The Earther’s heart galloped like a runaway horse as
Krijero pulled a long, gleaming knife out of his boot. She tensed
to run from whatever danger was poised to burst from the

A few yards away, the underbrush
rustled. Dani thought she heard a muffled squeal, followed by a
thump. Then a long silence spun out. Her breath sounded like a
hurricane to her own ears, accompanied by the booms of her
horse-hoofed heart.

Something blurred through the trees,
coming right at them. Before Dani was halfway through her turn to
run in the opposite direction, the running smears registered as
Gelan and Wynhod.

She had only a moment to see the
splashes of blood on their faces, chests and arms and the
percussion blasters they’d snagged off their enemies before Gelan
swung her into his arms. “We go. Now,” he said and took

The landscape blurred around her with
the speed of Gelan’s running, and Dani shut her eyes against a
sudden rush of nausea.

* * * *

The Kalquorians raced across the
landscape, getting deeper and deeper into the thickening forest and
leaving marshlands behind. Dani only parted her lids from time to
time to note their progress. Gelan’s unbelievable speed smudged her
surroundings, rocking her queasy stomach.

Had the Kalquorians known how she
struggled against increasingly wobbly guts the next two hours, they
would have been impressed. Dani was well aware of the danger of
dehydration in the humid atmosphere and how getting sick would sap
her of needed resources. The chasing Tragooms were another
consideration. She had no way of knowing how close they followed,
so she fought with grim determination. Her internal battle was
herculean in scope.

She finally realized she couldn’t fend
it off any longer. Her stomach was angry, roiling soup, and it was
ready to spill over in every way it could.

Stop. Gelan, I’m going to
be sick!” she cried between clenched teeth.

Gelan halted, the other two coming to a
stop beside him as he set Dani down. She immediately crouched and
waved her arms around wildly to keep them back out of the line of
fire. Then she lost it, her stomach and bowels straining to empty
her out of what little they contained.

Even after nothing was left, Dani had
difficulty getting her stomach to unclench. She shuddered all over,
chilled despite the climbing heat. Her fingers had dug into the
soft dirt. It took a moment to realize someone held her hair back;
more hands stroked gently up and down her back.

Krijero sounded concerned. “She’s
clammy all over. What did you eat yesterday besides the bugs, sweet

Dani blinked back tears. Her eyes
always spouted when she puked, and her nose always ran when she
cried. Leaking from everywhere, she thought. Only her ears remained
dry. She would have been utterly humiliated by her grossness if she
didn’t feel so bad.

She answered Krijero’s question.
“Nothing. It was probably the water I drank when I first ran from
you. I didn’t get a chance to boil it.”

There was a moment of strained silence.
They knew as well as Dani how dangerous bacteria running loose in
the body could be.

You gave her bacterial
medication,” Wynhod said.

Krijero’s voice was strained. “So many
hours later that the effects would have been

A small bottle of water appeared before
her face. “This is purified,” Gelan said.

I’m afraid I’ll just sick
it up again.” Dani’s voice was thick with the sobs that announced
how weak and worthless she felt.

Drink it, little fighter,”
Wynhod coaxed. “Even if you vomit, a little will stay in your

Dani nodded. She sipped cautiously
while the men set about cleaning her up. She cried harder still
from both the kindness they treated her with and the humiliation of
her condition.

Try to calm down, sweet
girl,” Krijero soothed as they wiped her off with fabric torn from
their formsuits. “Take deep breaths. You’re using up energy and
losing more fluids this way.”

Dani made herself settle down. Once
they cleansed her as best they could, Krijero lifted her shaking
body in his arms and pressed a kiss to her forehead.

Wynhod glanced back the way they’d
come. His brow furrowed deep. “We really need to get to the ship as
fast as we can. Not only is her health in danger, but the main
Tragoom party would have found their scouts by now. They’ll be
coming as fast as they can.”

Gelan looked at Dani. He caressed her
cheek with the back of one hand. “She can’t handle the journey. We
have to find a place to hide for her to recover.”

Dani expected Wynhod to argue. Instead,
he pulled his handheld off his belt and tapped commands. “Give me a
moment to sync up with the ship’s computer.”

Gelan nodded and took a few steps away,
watching and listening for pursuit. Krijero murmured to Dani in his
own language, his words soothing nonsense in her ears. God, her
guts hurt. She felt a fresh wave of nausea and tamped it down. She
had to keep the water down.

Wynhod spoke up. “There are a couple of
caves eight miles to the west.”

Gelan went to the Nobek’s side to study
the handheld. “It will have to do.”

Wynhod re-attached the mini-computer to
his belt. “I’ll stay behind to throw our pursuers off your trail
and meet up with you tonight.”

Be careful.”

They were leaving him? Dani protested,
“No, the Tragooms will kill you. Go with us.”

Wynhod’s fierce face softened at her
weak cry. He stepped close, gathering her hands in his, bending
down to kiss them. “I will be all right, little fighter. They won’t
catch me, and I’ll rejoin you in a few hours. Be a good girl for
Gelan and Krijero. Do what they tell you so you can regain your

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