Alien Romance: Arcturus Mates Complete Series (Book 1 - 9): Scifi Alien Abduction Romance (Alien Invasion Romance, Alien Romance) (17 page)

BOOK: Alien Romance: Arcturus Mates Complete Series (Book 1 - 9): Scifi Alien Abduction Romance (Alien Invasion Romance, Alien Romance)
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Vicky twirled.

"Perfect. You are the image of Lekan beauty."

"Off we go." Kroido turned and opened the door. Then he came back, and held her hand. "Come, let me take you on an adventure."

They walked through the door together holding hands.


After yesterday's mob the harbor seemed quiet. People bustled about but with purpose.  Voices called over the water. Boats of every size and shape bobbed on the water. Some were leaving for the ocean. Kroido led Vicky down to the royal dock.

"Here's my beauty," he said pointing to a ship made of wood. It looked like pictures Vicky had seen of Viking ships but rounder and broader. Both ends tipped up so the whole thing looked vaguely like a cantaloupe slice.

"You use oars?" she asked, surprised.

"Oh, this is our ancestral model. We don't travel this way anymore, but we have several regattas a year in celebration of our history. You met Cona, she and the women are my biggest rivals. They are very skilled and the team is astoundingly coordinated."

"The women sail?"

Kroido laughed. She was beginning to like the sound of his hearty laugh. It was spontaneous and deep.

"Of course, just because they can't have a child doesn’t mean they are feeble. You will see. In a week the next regatta starts right here at the harbor. We sail out to an uninhabited island quite a few..." he hesitated. "Miles, you call them miles. The island is far away. It is a great challenge. But we're not travelling this way on our tour of Leka. Come I'll show you my yacht."

They continued on down the dock to the very last boat.

"Oh!" Vicky exclaimed. "That is beautiful."

The yacht was long and sleek. The old style boat was round and wood, this one was sharp angles and some gleaming material. Vicky wondered if they had plastic on Leka.

Two opposing banks of solar panels were set on the top deck. Crewmembers were working here and there on the deck getting the boat ready. Vicky felt her heart quicken.
From bartender to adventuress
, she thought.

Kroido led her up the long gangplank to the deck. He showed her to their cabin, which was spacious and comfortable in muted beige and off-white tones. Then they went back up on deck. Kroido shouted a few commands to the crew. The yacht backed silently out of the slip and headed toward the sea.

The wind blew Vicky's hair as she gazed out over the water and then looked back at the city of Leka crawling up the hillside to the palace. From the water, the city looked calm and naturally part of the rocky landscape.

As they reached the open water she felt the movement of the silent boat as it cut through the water. She had a sudden though. "Will I get seasick?"

Kroido grinned. "We'll find out. Let's have some breakfast as we go to our first port, the town of Zema."

The chef brought them breakfast that looked pretty much like she had at home: fruit, hard-boiled eggs, milk, and to her surprise something that looked like coffee.

"The first part of my adventure," she said. "A breakfast picnic on a boat. I've never done anything like this before. My life has been pretty bland."

"Do you like it?" Kroido asked.

"Oh, yes! The boat is magnificent. It is so quiet, I can hear the water."

They ate in silence looking at the water. Vicky studied him as he ate. His face was chiseled with high cheekbones and a strong chin. His light eyebrows matched his almost white hair, which was moving as the wind blew off the water.

The wind blew his loose clothing against his body. She could see his hard pectorals beneath his shirt. The blowing sleeves outlined his hard biceps.
Damn! He is drop-dead gorgeous.

She was exhilarated by the entire experience, Kroido and his good looks, the sleek yacht, the wind and the magnificent blue ocean. She realized that his eyes were exactly the color of the water.

Vicky broke the silence. "I could grow to like this."

Kroido took his eyes of the sea and turned to her. "I love it! There's nothing better. Well, there is one thing that is better." He reached out to tuck back a strand of hair that was blowing over her face.

"I'm not ready to talk about that," Vicky said firmly.

"I'll show you the bridge. You will see how we get from Leka to Zema." He held out his hand. Vicky got up from her seat and took his hand. The feel of his strong fingers and the power of his arms jolted her body into desire.
Not now!

He led her up to the bridge. With windows all around, his room was filled with screens and gadgets. Lights blinked on the screens. One man stood alternating his glance from the screens to the ocean outside. He was tall and blond but not a light haired as Kroido. His physique was almost perfect.
Are all the men here good looking?
Vicky thought.

"Good morning, Prince Kroido," the man said without taking his eyes of the instrument panel.

"Captain Zolat, thank you for responding so quickly. Meet Vicky, my wife."

Zolat turned around. He gasped. "Vicky, you are more beautiful up close than you are from a distance. I watched you yesterday. So like Neani."

"A pleasure to meet you, Zolat. You speak English," Vicky said pleased.

"Yes, I have been on several journeys to your planet. We stock Zema from Earth."


Kroido interrupted. "You will see when we arrive. All of these instruments are calibrated to the yacht's dimensions, the displacement of water, and the weight. We keep track of the energy supply from the solar generators to make the best speed over the water."

Vicky nodded her head but it all sounded very technical. One thing she knew, she might not understand all the physics, but she was enjoying her first time on the water.

"Thank you, Zolat," Kroido said. "We'll leave you to it." He took Vicky's hand again and led her out. They walked down the steps and onto the deck.

"I'll show you my favorite place on the yacht. It's my favorite on any boat." He led her across the deck and out to the front of the yacht. The wind blew Vicky's hair. Even though the day had heated up, the wind was refreshing.

They stood side by side at the bow, looking out at the water ahead.

"Oh, it's exhilarating. You are right. I see why you have always liked this. It's as though you are going forward into an unknown adventure."

"Yes," Kroido answered. "You've described it perfectly. I'm so glad you understand. The motion of the yacht strengthens the wind. It's like being regenerated by the wind and the water." He put his arm around her waist and drew her next to him.

Vicky felt his strength surge through her body. She had that feeling of comfort that seemed to come each time he puts his arms around her.
Well, Vicky
, she said to herself,
this is a first for you. No man has made you feel like

Kroido looked into her eyes and smiled. The wind blew their clothes and their hair. His white-blonde hair waived around his face like a halo. Vicky wondered if she had been foolish last night. She had made an agreement and he
sexy as hell. But she wanted her dream.

So far, today, she was feeling good about him. Maybe this could all work. She might even have a baby. That thought stopped her short and she realized she had been right last night.

She leaned against his broad chest. "Kroido, I really like this. I had no idea I would like being on the water."

He kissed her forehead, a kiss light as a feather. She felt as though the imprint of his lips would stay on her forehead. Even the wind couldn't blow it off.

"Does everyone on Leka know how to run a boat?"

"Almost. It's how we get things done. Did you see those big ships in the harbor?"


"Goods and food are carried on those ships and distributed to all the towns. Leka is the only city. The settlements on Leka are spread out and separated by those rough mountains. For centuries, people here have used the water for exploration and transport."

"And there is only one land mass?" Vicky asked, trying to imagine a planet of mostly water.

"We have found three small islands, where the ocean floor pushes up out of the water. They are just as rough as the mountains of Leka and too small and far away to be habitable. Legend has it that Neani and Koger are the only ones who sailed completely around this world."

Vicky rested her head on his broad shoulder, drinking in his manliness and protection. "Why don't you do it now? This boat is very sophisticated. Couldn't you do it?"

Kroido looked down at her with surprise. "I suppose I could. I never thought of that. There's nothing out there, though. And, even though the sea is calm today, it can be unpredictable, rough, and unforgiving in a storm. I think I'll stick to sailing around here."

"I'm liking this so far," Vicky said. She continued. "Thank you for understanding last night. I was so frightened and..."

"I want to make you happy. You are so beautiful. I'll tell you a secret. You are the first woman I have liked. Does that make sense?"

"Liking. Yes, it makes sense. Just spending this time today, I'm getting to know you more. I'm beginning to understand why you love the water."

She pulled away from his arm and stood back to look at him. "I hadn't thought of it before, but I think you are the first man I have liked. On Earth they say,
be friends first
. I never really understood that. Now I'm getting a sense of what that means."

Kroido put out both arms and reached for her hands. They stood facing each other holding hands. Vicky thought,
Yes, I like far

Then Kroido pulled her close to him and put his arm around her waist again. He pointed ahead. "Look land. We'll soon be in Zema. You will see the richness that sustains us. Especially when we take the best of what earth has to offer and bring it here."

"What?" Vicky laughed. "You are a space pirate?"









As they sailed toward Zema Vicky saw it was nothing like the city of Leka. The mountains went back from the sea and below them was a wide valley. Even from the water she could see it was lush green. The town itself was small. She saw the buildings clustered around the harbor. Several of the large ships were docked there.

Zolat guided the yacht expertly into what was obviously the royal slip.

Kroido grinned at her. "This is more like where you were on Earth. Come on, I'll show you around." He took her hand and led her down the gangplank to the ground.

Vicky's legs felt strange. "What's happening? It feels like the earth is moving."

Kroido laughed his big laugh. "Vicky you got sea legs. It feels like that when you first get off the water and onto land. You'll get used to it."

"Well, at least I didn't get seasick."

They both laughed.

"Here's our vehicle," Kroido said. He led her to the end of the dock. A sleek vehicle was parked at the entrance to the dock, dark green and low to the ground. "Jump in. I'll give you a tour."

He lifted up a door like a gull-wing vehicle on earth.

Vicky looked back and saw three men get into another vehicle behind them. The prince had bodyguards, or watchers, at least. What a different world than her old life: yachts, security, a very handsome man, wild wedding ceremony.
I could get used to this.

When she turned around she saw a group of people approaching.

"Ah, the mayor," Kroido sighed. "You are famous. Look! People are coming to see you."

Vicky saw people streaming in from side streets headed toward the harbor.

"What do I do?" She asked. This was a part of being the prince's bride that she would have a hard time adjusting to. She was used to being private. Now she was a public figure.

Kroido saw her concern. "Just do what you did yesterday. Smile and look beautiful. We will greet them and then be on our way." He put his arm around her waist and turned to greet the mayor and his party. The watchmen moved closer.

As Kroido talked with the city fathers the crowd grew. Vicky heard the same whispers she'd heard yesterday. Neani. Neani. She felt less glamorous than yesterday. Her simple yachting clothes were certainly not as eye-catching as a see-through wedding dress.

She smiled and smiled.

Finally the greetings were over. Kroido and Vicky waved at the crowd. He helped her into the car. A watcher opened his door and he jumped in.

"I don't know if I can do this," Vicky said.

"The greetings?"

"Yes," she was once again glad he had read her thoughts. "I have always been a private person. Here I am on display."

"Just smile. It is a responsibility of the royal family."

"I guess I'm not used to being
." Vicky looked at him with doubt. He looked back and gave her his big grin.

Kroido reached over to pat her thigh. Vicky felt the sparks fly inside.
Damn! He was handsome
. Just a touch and she responded immediately. How did that fit with being royal? She chuckled.

"What?" he asked.

Her thigh was hot under the touch of his hand. She giggled. "I just had this absurd thought. You are so devilishly good looking I can't help but respond. How does "royalty" deal with that?"

They were driving out of the town now. Vicky could see prosperous farms as far as her eye could see. Depending on the field, crops were in various stages of growth from just planted to harvest.

"I don't know," Kroido answered. "You are the first woman I have known."

Vicky was astounded. This good looking man was telling her he hadn't been with other women.
Was he...a virgin?
No, impossible

"What do you mean? That's not possible," she replied. She gazed at his strong profile as he watched the road.
It's just not possible

"The women here. They are mutants. They do not respond. That doesn't mean I haven't tried." He took his eyes off the road just long enough to glance at her.

Vicky had a new picture of him.
The virgin prince. Unbelievable.

"When I was younger," he continued, "my male relatives took me to Earth. They found me a woman. She came to our hotel suite. I liked the sex. It felt wonderful. Ever since then I've dreamed of a woman who wanted that with me."

Not a virgin prince.
Vicky was on an emotional roller coaster. His physical presence sent shivers down her spine. His hand on her thigh now burned with heat. The way he had kissed her last night had instantly started reactions. He seemed so assured and experienced.

"I'm not much more experienced," she admitted. "I had a wild teenage crush, but nothing really happened except some heavy petting. There were two men. One was brief...a month. The other was in college. We lived together for a year. Then he found someone else and it was over."

"A year. That's how long you will be here," Kroido reflected, more to himself than to her. He took his hand off her thigh and she felt a longing.

They drove in silence for a while. The watcher car followed behind. Farms rolled by, crops as far as the eye could see.

He broke the silence. "I want to show you Leka's wealth."

They were almost at the head of the valley where it came up against the mountains. Vicky saw the first trees of the planet edging the line between the valley and the steep mountainsides.

Toward the head of the valley they took a small road that threaded past small farms. Dairy cows gazed quietly from behind fences of low rolling hills. Kroido stopped the car in a grove of trees.

"It's a walk, but it's worth it." He took her hand and led her toward a path through the trees. The watchers followed at a discreet distance.

Vicky breathed in the fresh air. Under the trees the heat was not as brutal. She could smell the soil and the fresh scent of tree bark. Kroido glanced at her to see that she was handling the trail. He squeezed her hand gently.

"It's so peaceful here," Vicky said. She stopped to breathe in the earthy scents of the woods. Light dappled the ground with leafy patterns.

"Long ago when I was a child my father, Zostug, brought me here to introduce me to the planet; very much like I'm doing with you today. It stays in my memory. I think of it whenever I want to feel calm."

"I can see why," Vicky said as they started an ascent up the side of a hill.

Under the canopy of trees they pressed up the side of the mountain. Vicky felt her breasts sway as she hit a steady stride.

Just when she thought it was time for a break, Kroido said, "This way."

He helped her over a boulder. The lush valley spread out before them. She could just make out the town of Zema in the far distance and the ocean beyond.

"It's beautiful," she cried.

"My favorite land view," Kroido said. "Now we go up a little more."

Vicky heard a whisper from the hillside as they climbed. The higher they went, the louder the sound.

Suddenly there was a break in the trees, and a long waterfall splashed down the steep side of the mountain.

"This is it," Kroido said, pointing to the water. "This is Leka's wealth. Without it we could not feed everyone. It is the king's responsibility to make sure that everyone has enough to eat. It's very different than your Earth where people go hungry and even starve. Neani said that abundance for people is the responsibility of royalty, without it, people become resentful and rebel."

"I'd never thought about that," Vicky admitted. "I've been so caught up in my own small world of just trying to make a living, abundance never entered my mind. I like what your goddess Neani says. Why should people suffer?"

"So much is complicated in your world. I thought you would think it was too simplistic," he said.

They stood quietly side by side, listening to the waterfall and looking out over the valley.

Vicky was entranced by the beauty and the delightful sound of the water pouring down the mountain.  This view was a wealth that a million dollars could not supply.

She reached out to touch his cheek, feeling the soft skin over his chiseled bones. "I just learned something about myself, thanks to you. If I had a million dollars, I would not have thought of finding a place like this. I would have spent it on...I don't know what, but you are teaching me that there is more to life than just having enough."

"Vicky," he said. He reached up with his hand to take hers. "That," he kissed her little finger. "Is," he kissed her ring finger. "The sweetest," he kissed her middle finger. "Thing," he kissed her index finger. "Anyone has said to me," he kissed her thumb.

Vicky's body went wild. Her breasts tightened and her nipples perked. Inside her womb began to heat and throb. Her labia swelled.
It's just a kiss
, she thought.
Lighten up, Vicky.

"And that," she replied, "is the sweetest thing any man has done for me."

They looked at each other in surprise. Each of them drawn by their sexual desire and an emotional warmth.

Kroido put his arms around her, pulling her up against his strong torso. She felt the hard pectorals and was lost under his broad shoulders. At the same moment they both sought each other's lips, kissing with passion.

Vicky was sure she had never felt this way about any man--either the overwhelming physical attraction or the warmth of feeling. It was like trusting herself to trust him.

She felt his tongue explore her lips. She parted them opening to his probing. She put her hands against his chest exploring the broad expanse of his muscles and the nipples, which seemed just as hard as hers felt.

She pushed the tip of her tongue against his. A sensation of tastes rolled on her tongue as she explored, the breakfast and something distinctly him. He had a taste and it was sweet.

Kroido's hands ran across her buttocks stoking the fire that already burned in her womb. She felt his powerful thighs move against hers. As he pushed her against him his cock pressed against her abdomen and she wanted it inside her. She wanted him, Kroido, inside.

He moaned into her hair as she gasped in pleasure. She felt lost in the sound of the water careening over the rocks and the power of his presence. She moved her hips gently against his pelvis. All of her sexual encounters had been at night, inside, in bed. She was stirred by the wildness of the place and his gentleness.

She heard crashing on the trail. Kroido looked around. One of the watchmen appeared behind the boulder. "We just heard from the captain. A storm is coming. Time to return to the boat and head for Leka before it hits."

"Mmmm," Kroido acknowledged.

Vicky started giggling in embarrassment. She had to get used to having eyes on her whenever she was out, even when she thought it was a private moment.

The watchman looked embarrassed. "I'll tell the others, you will be heading back shortly."

Kroido cleared his throat. "Thank you."

Vicky stopped giggling. "Oh, I've never had that happen. You and Leka are filling me with first time experiences."

Kroido gave her one of his big grins. "That should help with the rumor that we have mated. Vicky, I didn't mean to disrespect your wishes. I was carried away."

Vicky looked into his clear blue eyes. "I was carried away, too...but I liked it."




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