Alien Romance: Arcturus Mates Complete Series (Book 1 - 9): Scifi Alien Abduction Romance (Alien Invasion Romance, Alien Romance) (16 page)

BOOK: Alien Romance: Arcturus Mates Complete Series (Book 1 - 9): Scifi Alien Abduction Romance (Alien Invasion Romance, Alien Romance)
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Wedding Night



On the way back up the hill she felt his hand push against her back. Its touch felt comforting the same way his arms around her felt comforting and trustworthy. Everything was so new, everything so different, and yet, the same.

Kroido looked at her and laughed. "How do you like our planet? Does it feel like you want to stay?"

Vicky raised an eyebrow and said, "I'm here for the million dollars. That was our agreement and I'll be pleasant and friendly, but this isn't my home."

" You don't find me attractive?"

"That's not it," Vicky said archly. "Of course you are attractive. You are breathtakingly attractive."

Kroido grinned and pushed a little harder against her back.

Damn! This wouldn't be so hard if he weren't so drop-dead gorgeous.
Weird women. Strange customs. I don't belong.

As if he could read her thoughts, he said, "You are new. As my bride I will introduce you to more and more."

Vicky said, "It's so hot. I'm not used to this."

"On the water it is cooler."

Back at the palace Vicky stripped off the salty, clammy wedding dress. She saw a new dress laid out for her on the bed. She took a shower to cool down and wash off the salt water.

When she stepped out of the shower she was very grateful for the thick walls that kept out the heat. She tried on the new dress, which was just as beautiful as the wedding dress but not transparent. The fabric was soft and draped, blue-green with more intricate silver embroidery of ocean waves.

There was a soft knock at the door and then Kroido's voice, "Ready?"

"Come in."

"You look beautiful."

Vicky still couldn't get used to everyone thinking she was the essence of beauty. She turned in a circle. "Do you like it?"

Kroido looked at her and nodded his head. "You need shoes. My queen wears shoes."

Vicky tried to absorb "queen." She used looking for shoes as an excuse not to look at him. She tried the closet. No luck.

"At the foot of the bed," Kroido hinted.

Vicky blushed feeling very confused and stupid.

Again, as if he read her mind, Kroido soothed her, "You've been here one day, you will learn. Now it's time for the wedding dinner." He held out his arm. Vicky rested her hand on the firm muscle of his forearm and felt electricity course through her body.

The banquet was in a large hall filled with dignitaries. Zostug made a celebratory speech conceding his rule to Kroido in the near future. Vicky didn't understand a word and she couldn't communicate with most of the guests. She did a lot of smiling and nodding. She was emotionally exhausted.

Is this worth a million dollars? It's only one night. I can do this. This is easier than having a baby. Just keep smiling.

Late at night the celebration finally ended. 

Kroido took her hand and led her toward their wedding chamber. "At last," he said with a deep sigh. "I thought it would never end."

"Oh," Vicky laughed. "I thought it was just me. You have to teach me your language. I didn't know what to say. I felt dumb. A year is a long time." As they walked she realized what was coming next: the wedding night.

"I'll find you a tutor." He patted her hand. "Don't worry, you will learn quickly. Aha! Here we are. I read that on Earth men carry women over the threshold." He swooped Vicky into his arms. Her heart started pounding. She couldn't tell if it was fear or pleasure.

The room was large and simple. The bed stood against the far wall. A large chest stood against a side wall with a very large carved ship model on the top. As simple as it was, the masculinity of the room echoed his abrupt, strong style.

Kroido strode to the bed and gently laid down Vicky.

"Vicky, you are the perfect bride. I am so pleased I found you." He lay on the bed beside her. His strong arms came around her pulling her against his body.

She trembled at his touch. Her body awakened to desire. Her breasts were literally tingling as her nipples tightened. Her loin was a warm glow.

He touched his lips to hers. Then his lips kissed her firmly. She couldn't help but respond, parting her lips to kiss in return. She felt his shaft begin to grow against her side.

Vicky's first response was to reach out to touch his chiseled face. She ran a finger over his carved brow. The fingers of her other hand ran through his pale, blond locks, feeling the smooth softness of his hair.

Then her emotions ran riot. She pulled back.

"Kroido, stop. I'm not ready. I am overwhelmed."

Kroido looked hurt. His face became a dark cloud. "What do you mean, 'you can't?"

Vicky summoned up her courage and everything came out in a rush. "I'm tired. I'm on a far-away planet where I can't even understand the language..."

Kroido lightly touched her cheek. "I told you I will get you a tutor."

"It's not''s...everything. I think I made my decision in haste. The whole idea of agreeing to come here. I was so desperate. I didn't have any money. It felt as though my life was imploding. The million felt like a gift from Heaven. But now here you are and here I am. I'm not the kind of girl who just pops into bed. I need some kind of connection."

"We are married. That's a connection."

"That's just it." Vicky put her hand on his shoulder. "I feel very attracted to you but I don't

Kroido put his hand over her hand. "I'm trying to understand. You agreed to come here and have my baby. You don't even have to like me. Once the baby is born and you mother the child you can leave in a year. That is our agreement, right?"

Vicky felt pressured. "Yes, it is our agreement. But we just met yesterday. I feel like everything is going too fast. That's what I mean about the new planet, you, the incredible wedding ceremony. And the 'mating thing.' I..."

"Mating," Kroido responded. "That is why you are here. That is the purpose of your presence. Don't you like me?"

"Kroido, you are the most beautiful man I have ever seen. And, you have been kind to me since I arrived." That was pushing it with all those commands, but she let it right to make her point. "But, I don't know you well enough to tell you if I like you."

"I will be gentle." He reached out and began to gently stroke her breast. "You have done this mating before, yes?"

Vicky nodded her head. Her nipples responded to his touch, poking up and hardening. Her womb began to warm and she felt her labia tingle and swell. Tears started creeping out of the corners of her eyes.

"What is it?" Kroido asked, touching a tear as it ran down the side of her cheek.

"It''s...just too fast. My body is responding but my heart feels nothing. I know I agreed. I have no right to make you stop. I want...I need the money."

"Yes, I will take what the agreement states. I want that child."

She could tell he was angry now and that she was the cause. Vicky felt the tears flow in earnest. They streamed down her cheeks. Her heart felt empty. "It's just so far from what I've always dreamed."

"Dreamed," he scoffed.

"Just the way you dream of having a child and becoming king." She put her hand on his chest to calm him.

His face changed. "Yes, that is my aspiration." She could tell he was thinking.

"I've had an aspiration since I was a little girl. I dreamed of having a perfect wedding. With a white dress and flowers, and friends all around. I feel like I've sold out on my dream. But, it's more complicated than that.

My dream is to have a husband who loves me. The reality is so different." She sniffed and wiped her tears.

"Our wedding was incomprehensible to me. The droning of the priest, getting dunked in the water. It was so the opposite of my dream."

Vicky looked into his clear blue eyes. "Could we try to have a loving relationship? Could we go beyond a contractual agreement to caring?"

The pupils of his eyes contracted and then opened. His chiseled face seemed to go through a range of emotions from anger to skepticism to...what was it? Vicky couldn't tell.

"There's no need for you to do something you don't want to do," he began. "I promised my father I would mate on the first night. The way the customs are if we don't mate we are both at risk. Refusing the custom puts us both at risk, and you, especially. If you do not mate you will be considered disposable and replaceable."

Vicky saw the million dollars flying away.

"By disposable I mean the dignitaries would have you killed. I would jeopardize my position as prince and future king. So, I have a proposal."

Vicky wiped away more tears.
Could there be a way out of this?

"From the moment I saw your image I felt something, a resonance...I don't know what to call it. I don't want to lose you."

"You don't want to lose me...or the throne?" Vicky asked.

"Both...but in different ways. Of course, I want to be king. I've been groomed for it all my life just the way you have dreamed of a wedding and a loving relationship."

"Oh," Vicky gasped, understanding more.

Kroido touched her cheek, wiping away stray tears. "One thing I've learned is how to make a plan and follow through. It's the same as setting a course on the water in my boat."

"A plan?" Vicky asked as she touched his hand. His words calmed her and she was ready to listen.

"We will pretend we have mated. We will live like a real "husband and wife" just like your dream. To the world, especially my father, we will be mated. I think that is what you are wanting. A man and a woman who understand each other and help each other."

"Kroido, you would do this?"

"Yes. Let's see if we can learn about each other. If we can't, I'll figure out a way to send you back to earth without letting Zostug or anyone else know that the mating did not happen."

"Oh," Vicky started crying again but this time she shed tears of relief. "Oh, Kroido, yes. Yes, I will agree to that."

Kroido sat up in excitement. "I have an idea. Tomorrow I will take you out on my cruising boat to show you Leka. Here the mountains are so rough and high that the easiest way to get from town to town is by sea. We'll go out on the water with only the crew. You will get to know Leka. I'll be happy on the water. And we can do just what you want...get to know each other."

"A boat! I've never been on a boat. Is it safe?"

Kroido burst into laughter. "Oh, Vicky. Being on a boat is my favorite activity. If it weren't for being a prince and training to rule, I would spend all my time on the water on a boat.

The's like you and the wind and the water. Safe? No, it is never safe. Being on the water is always a life and death situation. is exhilarating. You'll see. It is the best way I can introduce you to my world."

"We'll be together in an adventure. Is that right?"


"Oh, that is part of my dream."

They talked into the night and fell asleep in each other's arms.














When Vicky woke it was early in the morning and Kroido was gone. She lay in bed thinking about their conversation. She'd seen a side of Kroido she hadn't known.

Where was he? Had he reversed his thinking? Was she slated for death? She knew she could keep her promise. Last night she learned that she liked him. Well, at least his conversation.

Kroido burst into the room. "You're awake. Good. I've been out getting the crew to ready the boat. I had a meeting with my father to tell him all is well." He smiled at her. "Good so far?"

Vicky felt a wave of relief at the sight of his sturdy body and the news that he had talked to his father and that the plan was implemented.

Kroido threw some clothes on the bed. "The women gave me these. They are packing a bag for you now. Get dressed. I'll show you Leka."

Vicky was encouraged by his friendly tone and his eager enthusiasm for their journey. She grabbed the clothes and went to the bathroom to take a shower. Out of the shower she saw slipped on the loose, long-sleeved top and the loose pants with a mid-calf hem.

When she went back in the room, Kroido looked her up and down. "The picture of a woman made for me," he said.

"Barefoot?" Vicky asked archly.

"Barefoot for now." He tossed a pair of light shoes, almost like sandals except the toes were covered. "The best shoes for boating."

"You like me like this?" Vicky asked, looking at the loose white garments and the sandals.

"Turn around, I can't decide," he said teasingly.

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