Alien Overnight (16 page)

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Authors: Robin L. Rotham

BOOK: Alien Overnight
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Obeying without thought, she sucked the tip of his finger and knew the perversely arousing taste of her own body. Then his words finally sank in.
Alien invasion


This might be the wickedest thing he’d ever done. Of course, some people would consider reducing several of Narthan’s cities to rubble wickedness of the highest order, but that had been a matter of honor. And duty. And cold, personal revenge. Tormenting Monica—that was hot, unadulterated pleasure.

The dawning comprehension in her eyes was priceless, and fortunately, he’d charged Empran with storing the images of this claiming for his future enjoyment.

Monica probably wouldn’t be pleased to know about them, much less view them with him, which only tickled him more. He’d truly never realized his own potential for sexual iniquity until this hardheaded little Sparnite was sprung on him. Now he couldn’t wait to see how else he could shock her.

Of course, Shauss had a few nasty shocks of his own to deliver.

The thought made Kellen tighten with pained arousal and he smiled, anticipating her reaction to his next revelation. “Empran, enclose three, flare field image Caribbean beach.”

Monica’s eyes widened to comic proportions as the beach scene of her dreams appeared around them. “You pervert,” she hissed. “You touched me when I was asleep!”

“You were in pain,” he said simply. “It would be unconscionable of me to allow you to suffer when it’s within my power to ease you. Which is why,” he added, “I inserted the penetab. I’d never heard of such a thing, ‘til Ketrok enlightened me this morning. Feel free to thank him for his foresight the next time you see him.”


Robin L. Rotham

Shauss moved up behind her and caressed her buttocks with his hands, compelling a squeak and a reflexive jerk from Monica.

“What are you doing?” she asked, sounding breathless.

Shauss leaned forward to tug at her earlobe with his teeth and answered, “Easing the way for
alien invasion.”


He wouldn’t…

“Hey!” He’d separated her buttocks and was drawing moisture back from her dripping vagina with a gentle finger, pushing it little by little into her anus. “That hurts!”

“Hence the need for this.” His voice was dark with meaning, and suddenly the coldness of another penetab was breaching her tender flesh, with his thick finger right behind it. When she tightened against the intrusion, he informed her, “It’s going in whether you want it or not, so try pushing against it instead. That’s supposed to make the passage easier.”

“Goddamn it, Shauss, you said only if I wanted it!” she cried.

“That was before you slapped me,” he replied. “But I’ll make sure you want it.”

“Fat chance! Nobody really wants—”

Monica sucked in a huge breath as Kellen’s hot mouth latched onto one of her nipples. “Oh God. Oh shit! Please, please…”

Strange waves of cold, scarlet heat billowed up from her bottom as Shauss explored her there, the curious noises he made plucking at her over-amped senses like gunshots.

He started to stroke carefully, in a little, out a little, over and over, and Kellen’s strong suckling magnified those strange waves into a churning ocean of blood-red need.

“So, little Sparnite,” Shauss breathed against the side of her neck, taking a sucking bite of the delicate skin. “Let’s see how you like having the tables turned.”

Monica’s chest heaved with the effort to maintain control when one of Kellen’s hands caressed its way past her belly and over her pubis, down into the moisture that overflowed her labia. She didn’t have enough coherent thought left to ask Shauss what he was talking about.

“You’re about to lose your virginity to not just one, but two men who haven’t spilled their seed for twenty years between them,” he murmured as Kellen stroked her wet curls lightly.

“Kellen gets to fuck you first.” Electricity arced through her veins at the words.

“He’ll lay you back and spread your beautiful pussy wide and try to eat his way up to your throat from the inside. Then, when he’s swallowed all the delicious, musky cream he can, he’s going to stuff that quivering little slit with too many inches of rock-hard cock for you to take. And yet you’ll have to take them all so that when his spur is up, it will stuff your nook every bit as full.”


Alien Overnight

Monica trembled hard when Kellen treated her other nipple to the same forceful suction, leaving the first to the tweaking twists of his other hand.

“And when he’s got your aching holes stuffed nice and tight, he’s going to ream them both, fuck them hard enough to make you scream, and the best part is, you’ll be so far out of your mind, you won’t even know if it’s pleasure or pain.” She screwed her eyes shut tight, moaning loudly when his finger sank deeper, twisting as it went. “And it could very well be pain, because there’s only so much a penetab can do to prepare a novice for a ride like that. But I doubt you’ll care by then.”

Monica was amazed to still be standing under the erotic onslaught. Shudders slid down her back and goose bumps rose on her arms and legs as the heat built inside the orifices they’d prepared. The soles of her feet were burning hot and her breath was huffing in and out of her like a steam engine.

“How do you like my dirty talk, Monica?” Shauss asked. “I studied hard, just for you.” When she could only whimper, he chuckled deeply. “She’s speechless, and I haven’t even gotten to my favorite parts yet.”

“You were slightly off on this detail,” Kellen commented as he released her nipple with a smacking suck and gripped her hips with both hands.

Monica’s eyes snapped open at the sound of him dropping to his knees and the image that greeted her was like a punch in the gut.

Her Caribbean beach had disappeared and in its place was a reflection of the three of them, decadent in its clarity. She was struck by the layers of flesh before her, Kellen’s wide, powerful back tapering into a narrow waist, her own unfamiliar face, arching neck and voluptuous breasts, and above her, Shauss’ face, angular and darkened by the flush of heavy arousal. As his eyes stared back at her, he slowly, deliberately pulled his finger out of her ass and shoved it back in hard, all the way up to his palm, propelling her right onto Kellen’s waiting tongue.


The hoarseness of her scream as he drove his tongue into her nook made Kellen glad he was already on his knees. He’d waited too long to hear it again, and lived an eternity for the taste of this moment, more exhilarating than a thousand hard-won battles, of this woman, so sensual and strong, and this fluid, as inebriating as the finest of wines.

Patience was a concept beyond his comprehension. Even as he opened his mouth wide over her trembling nook, laving her clitoris with each rough pass of his tongue, he plunged his two middle fingers into her vagina, fucked her with them until her wetness slid down his palm, and reveled anew in the screams that resulted. When his extended index finger brushed the back of Shauss’ hand, the surge of awareness almost took his head off. She was full of them…

He felt the tremors rocking her legs and knew her pleasure was at hand. Drawing back with regret, knowing he must indeed be insane, he uttered the one word he knew would enrage her.


Robin L. Rotham



Alien Overnight

Chapter Eleven

“You bastard!” Monica cried as Kellen stood up, the aborted orgasm tickling her innards like a backed-up sneeze. “You’re inhuman.”

She almost came when Shauss tugged his finger free of her. Almost.

Damn it!

Kellen grinned in her face. “I suppose I can’t argue with that.”

“I suppose you know I’m going to lay you out when you turn me loose,” she blustered, furious to have let them take her so far out of herself again.

“I look forward to it” was his smug rejoinder. “But first things first. I believe punishment should always come before reward, and you’re due quite a spanking.”

“What!” Her eyes bulged. “Like leaving me hanging like this,
, isn’t punishment enough?”

“Oh, not nearly enough,” Shauss purred.

“You guys are just twisted.”

“Objection noted. Now, Monica, listen to me very carefully,” Kellen advised.

“When I release your restraints, you will go directly to that chair and lean over the back.

If you refuse to cooperate, you’ll be restrained for the punishment, as well. Do you understand?”

She glared at him.

“Yes, Master,” she sneered. He looked inordinately pleased at her response and Monica had to roll her eyes. “I was being sarcastic, Einstein.”


“Hey, that’s not swearing!”

“It was an insult, just the same.”

“I called him the most brilliant man in history!”

“Implying exactly the opposite.”

“Shauss, you’d better watch your back,” she threatened in her most dangerous tone,

“because I’m never going to forget this.”

Her restraints were released abruptly and she crumpled into an undignified heap on the floor. “Thanks for the warning, asshole,” she muttered, swatting away Kellen’s helpful hands and climbing awkwardly to her feet. The long confinement had left her joints stiff, her fingers numb.

“I’ll let that one slide, since we didn’t catch you,” Shauss conceded.

“Thanks for nothing.”


Robin L. Rotham

Anxious to get it over with, Monica didn’t even bother trying to get away, but marched right to the upholstered chair and leaned over the back. It was just high enough that when her head and elbows hit the seat, her toes left the floor.

“Well, get on with it,” she sighed into the odd, slithery fabric.

The first blow wasn’t what she expected. It landed immediately, sharp and painful, and she jumped, screeching, “Hey, watch it!”

The second was worse, this one on the other cheek, and she instinctively reached back to shield her rump, only to have Kellen grab her wrists and hold them with one hand in the small of her back. Refusing to act like a wimp, Monica bit her lip and took it, flinching but not making a sound as Shauss’ hard slaps rained down on her ass.

Trying to tamp down her anger, she chanted silently with every strike,
I stabbed Shauss
deserve this
I stabbed Shauss

When the count reached thirteen, her entire ass was on fire. At fifteen, she noticed the blaze was working its way down toward her thighs. At twenty, she inhaled sharply.

The pads of his fingers landed in her wet, tender folds, evoking a starburst of sensation that she couldn’t quite decide was good or bad. Two more like that finally had her whimpering, though the jury was still out on the good-bad thing.

Shauss moved around to the side of the chair, and the resulting change to the angle of his next slap was enough to make her scream. His palm had landed right on the crease between her buttocks, his fingers on the lips below, and when he smacked her again, the reverberation through her swelling tissues was intolerable.

“You can’t do that!” she cried hoarsely, straightening her dangling legs and squeezing them together in an effort to head him off. Kellen’s fingers pinched her hamstring, and when her body jerked into a defensive curl, they slid around her thigh and pulled it out to the side, holding her wide open to the other man’s ruthless attentions.

“Who’s going to stop me?” Shauss growled.

He came at her again, two, three, four more direct strikes on her stinging clitoris, and she stiffened at the tightening knot of lust in her belly.

“Oh Jesus,” she choked. “Not like—”

His rhythm went into double-time, and then a wave of sensation more intense than anything they’d made her feel before sizzled through her body. It burst like thousands of rolling pinpricks under her skin, deep in her muscles, cascading outward from her belly in a rush so incredibly dense she couldn’t even breathe, much less scream.

The jury was in and the verdict was disastrously, humiliatingly


“So it’s true then,” Kellen commented gruffly as he pulled her upright. He’d let her lie there for several minutes to catch her breath, but now it was his turn. And he wanted her fighting. He
her fighting.


Alien Overnight

Shauss backed away and sank into the opposite chair, his hands shaking visibly as they lay over his tented pants. He let his head fall back against the upholstery, watching the two of them, his eyes glittering slits in his face. Kellen hadn’t mated in front of a witness since his ceremonial claiming of Dendriin nearly eighteen years in the past, the supposed breaching of an innocence she’d long since bestowed on another. That had been a mere formality, performed in the detached presence of their mothers, but this…

The intently involved carnality of Shauss’ observation was truly electrifying.

“What’s true?” Monica asked languidly, using both hands to brush her hair back from her face.

“Earth girls

His taunt landed with deadly accuracy as her eyes whipped to his, her jaw clenched and her cheeks reddened.

“I told you,” Shauss rumbled, amusement rife in his voice.

“Yes, you did,” Kellen grinned. “And here I thought your devotion to Terran cinema was such a waste of time.”

Monica’s gaze slid away, no doubt in an effort to shield her from his probing.

“A century’s worth of quality American films to choose from and you watched that one?” she sneered. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Shauss’ hand slide along the ridge of his erection with lazy frankness, no doubt for Monica’s benefit. The hiss of her indrawn breath almost made him laugh. The man was an absolute genius at riling her.

“The title suggested it was pertinent to our situation,” Shauss was saying. “Though I must confess I was disappointed by the lack of sexual content. If I’d known enough to look for an X-rating in those days, I might not have watched it.”

“Why am I not surprised you’re into skin flicks?”

“How else are we to learn what pleases Terran females?”

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