Alien Overnight (11 page)

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Authors: Robin L. Rotham

BOOK: Alien Overnight
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“Fuck that.”

“Such profanity withers the flower of your mouth,” Shauss berated lyrically.

Monica rolled her eyes. “Fuck that, too.”

The Garathani officers looked at each other as if to say, “Well, we did our best,” and stood up. A frisson of panic slid down her spine, and damn it, continued right on down into her crotch. Jeez, she was getting more twisted every day!

“Empran, activate neural restraint, subject Monica Teague,” she heard Kellen order.

“Neural restraint activated,” a marginally feminine voice responded.

Monica gasped as she collapsed into a puddle of her former self. Her head sagged against the wall and her arms fell away from her legs to rest heavily beside her. She couldn’t move!

“Don’t be frightened, Monica. Your nervous system is working perfectly,” Kellen said gently. “Neural restraints only affect voluntary movement from the neck down.”

A wave of anxiety washed over her when the two huge males moved in to

rearrange her body. Her eyes darted wildly between them as Shauss took her shoulders and lay her down on her back while Kellen grasped her ankles and pulled her limp legs out flat. Shauss backed off then, but Kellen wasn’t so quick to release her. He smoothed his warm, dry palms up her shins and over her knees, her thighs…

Because her head had come to rest facing away from them, her whispered plea bounced off the wall. “Don’t look at me.”

His hands continued in their upward path as if he hadn’t heard her, taking her gown along for the ride. They slid along the sides of her hips, her waist, and carried her arms up alongside her head as he tugged the garment completely off her. Monica squeezed her eyes shut tight when he returned her arms to her sides and gently tilted her head to face them.


Alien Overnight

“You will learn to submit,” he murmured in her ear.

“You will be sorry for this, asshole,” she breathed back, disgusted at the tremor that stole much of the fervor from her promise. She was naked. Dear God, she was naked in front of the man who’d haunted her dreams and made her feel things she’d never expected to.

In that instant, the scent of pheromones whispered into her nasal passages and her eyes flew open.

“Brave words, for one so completely at our mercy.”

Monica gasped with fury at the amusement lacing Shauss’ taunt, then gasped with something else as both men pulled their tunics over their heads and dropped them to the floor. Their pheromones were thickening the air now, making every breath she dragged into her lungs a chore.

God, it
wasn’t fair how gorgeous they were! Shauss had left his hair hanging free, and the long straight fall of black and pale blue silk raining across his shoulders was enough to make her mouth water. His chest was impossibly wide, leanly muscled and liberally furred with silky black hair, and she wanted nothing more at the moment than to rub her face in it, to knead it like a cat and purr with the joy of it.

Who’d have thought neural restraints would be a good thing?

Kellen’s naked torso was deeper and browner, bulging with a leashed power that made her bones feel watery.

“You don’t want me,” she choked out, forcing her eyes to his face.

“I have an erection that says otherwise.” Kellen’s eyes glinted as he stood there, arms akimbo, and damn it, she just had to look. And then gape, heart pounding, at the ridge trying to fight its way out of his loose-fitting black pants.

“I’ll see your erection and raise you two blue balls,” Shauss quipped, causing her eyes to skitter to the left. God, she shouldn’t have looked.

“I’m deformed!” she gasped.

“In what way? You look perfect to me. Good enough to eat, in fact.”

Shauss’ deliberate words sparked a fire of confusion in her chest and cheeks; pleasure that such a beautiful male thought she looked perfect, embarrassed remembrance that she’d once said those very words to the commander, and oh God, yes, desire, thick and heavy, at the mental image his words evoked. When she’d said them to the commander, her intention had been purely innocent, but Shauss’ tone was far from that. Blood pounded in her head from the odor of their arousal, coursing downward through her veins to pool in her nipples and belly, and between her thighs.

Her palms and the soles of her feet were beginning to burn.

“My genitals,” she managed to squeak. “They’ve never been right.” And at the moment, the way they both smelled made her wish that wasn’t the case.

Kellen’s reply immediately made her wish she’d kept her mouth shut.

“Maybe we’d better take a look.”


Robin L. Rotham


reflect full
body image
station one

At his nod, Shauss stepped to the head of the bed and took Monica’s tousled head between his palms, turning it so she looked directly up.

Her eyes widened in shock as the flare field solidified overhead, reflecting her naked figure.

“What is that?” she gasped.

“That’s you.”

“That is
me! I don’t look like that.”

“You do now,” Kellen told her.

“I don’t know what you’re trying to pull, but there’s no mirror up there. It’s a trick.”

“You’re right, as it happens. That’s not a mirror, but a molecular flare field, like the one we used to transport you up here. And the white field we used to confine you.” At his silent prompt, Empran momentarily switched the field to white mode before restoring her image.

Kellen tried to see her as she would be seeing herself for the first time. Her hair, having grown more than a foot since she’d last seen her reflection, was now a motley tangle of brown and ash-blonde, with chalky black ends. Her face had become long and hollow and her eyes, away from the yellow cast of her home planet, looked nearly purple, their sockets deep and dark.

Tendons stretched in a neck as long and fragile-looking as a sumiswan’s, and her collarbones, ribs and hipbones stood out in stark relief against her sunken torso. Her limbs, already long, were now the stuff of Terran stick-figure legend, and it would take many weeks of supplemented feedings to return her to her previous healthy plumpness.

Her breasts, however, were remarkably lush and Kellen could see she was having difficulty drawing her gaze away from them. Even in her supine position, they were round and firm-looking. Their overnight appearance hadn’t yet allowed her skin to stretch out enough for them to spill to her sides.

“Ketrok says your breasts will eventually soften and settle more naturally onto your frame,” he told her. “Although with the difference in Garathan’s relative gravity, they will never hang quite as they would have on Earth.”

They were beautiful, no doubt exquisitely tender from their rapid emergence, and the mere thought of that was enough to spark an inferno in his veins. Already he could hear the impassioned cries that would burst from her as he suckled their virginal nipples, the same cries he’d drawn when he’d fondled them in their immaturity. She had been confused at first, then perturbed by her raging response to the light pain of his pinches and tugs. If he hadn’t been wary then of waking her too fully, he would have latched on and sucked until she screamed for release.


Alien Overnight

Towel or bucket

Kellen glanced at Shauss, puzzled.

For the drool

He narrowed his eyes.
Keep it up
and she

ll be a grandmother before you see her
breasts again

Shauss barely managed to disguise his snicker as a cough, keeping his face out of Monica’s line of vision.

Kellen had to turn away himself, fighting a smile. Peserin, but it was a job being the disciplinarian when lust and humor joined forces to chisel away at his resolve. Then his gaze landed on her newly furred mons and humor fled in the face of aching desire.

Determined to stay on track, he ran a hand down her thigh, and disregarding her involuntary jerk, pulled her knee outward until it rested against his abdomen.


A quick glance told him her eyes had closed once more, her face flushed. With shame, he realized. She truly thought herself malformed.

He looked at Shauss and felt a different sort of smile creep over his face. Surely between the two of them, they could think of a variety of pleasant ways to clear up that little misconception for her.


“One of the cruelest ironies of this disaster which has befallen our race,” Shauss murmured, his measured breaths loud in her ear, “is that Garathan’s males, who are unable to attain satisfaction by our own hands, emerged unscathed.”

“While our females,” continued Kellen, as if on cue, “who could and quite often did pleasure themselves and each other while we waited on them for our relief, nearly died out.”

Warm fingers trailed up her inner thigh and paused to trace the valley where it joined her pelvis. She should be freaking out. Really, she should. Any minute now, she would.


Oh God, she was feeling good. Tickles were flaring out from her abdomen, making her nipples stand up and beg for attention, making her toes curl reflexively. Every deep breath she took chilled her out further, and paradoxically wound her up tighter. This was kind of what she’d thought to experience in high school, back at the girls’ home, where she’d gotten lonely enough to try smoking pot with a couple of wacked-out roommates and wound up paranoid and puking for six hours instead. She’d never tried another consciousness-altering chemical again, but if their effect was anything like this, it was no wonder people became addicted.


Robin L. Rotham

She felt those wandering fingers brush over to her other thigh and push it gently outward and knew she really,
should be objecting, trying to draw away from their prying eyes. But it was just too much trouble.

“Monica.” God, she loved the way Kellen said her name in his slightly stilted accent. It was thicker now, like he had marbles under his tongue. “Look at yourself.”

Obeying without thought, she opened her eyes and had only an instant to stare at the strange woman who hovered above her, thighs fallen open like a stringy, over-baked chicken’s, before the image mysteriously morphed into…

Hardcore porn?

Holy shit, that was a close-up of her whole new fur-lined package, ten times larger than life and way too personal. She squirmed inwardly as fingers the size of baseball bats loomed in the view and gently spread her labia open for an excruciating inspection.

“You, my dear doctor, have a
little Garathani vulva,” Kellen purred appreciatively from somewhere out of her sight.

“As flawless and sweet as any I’ve seen,” Shauss agreed. Without warning, his face was over hers, still trapped between his palms, and his full lips were brushing hers upside down. Electricity arced between them as the delectable roughness of his tongue stroked her lower lip, leaving it wet. “And I’m going to taste it before I fuck it,” he promised before he pulled away.

Something curled hard in her abdomen at his words and washed down into her wide-open pubis, making her gasp and whimper and arch uncontrollably on the bed.

“This…” Kellen’s finger stroked lightly up her cleft, drawing her splintered attention back to the image once more. It looked like there might be, oh Lord, not another… “This, Monica, is your spur nook.”

“My what?” She tried to blink away the pheromone fog that enveloped her. “What are you talking about?” The term rang a bell, but she just couldn’t think.

“That part of you that houses the center of all your pleasure,” Shauss murmured.

“That part that will receive the fullness of our spurs.”

Their spurs. Spur nook… Her eyes widened. She had a spur nook?

“Does that mean I won’t have to…”

How to ask this delicately?

And at this point, was delicacy even a possibility?

“Take it in the ass?” Shauss supplied helpfully.

Okay, no delicacy. She resisted the urge to ask where he’d learned such a phrase.


“No, you definitely won’t.” Kellen sounded pretty firm about that and she sighed in relief.

After a strangely expectant pause, Shauss appeared right in her face again and added in a silky tone, “Unless you want to.”


Alien Overnight

“Oh man, you’re the wild child, aren’t you?” she snorted, vaguely disgusted, highly amused and, damn it, disturbingly intrigued. “Gotta try everything, no matter how gross, at least once, right?”

He kissed her again, this time sliding his tongue between her lips, grazing her teeth.

Monica couldn’t help it, she really couldn’t. She opened up and sucked him inside her mouth before he could get away. God, if she could only move her hands, she’d have them twisted so tight in that beautiful hair, he’d never get away. Yummy, yummy, yummy…

Shauss pulled away, breathing harder than she was.

“I’ll do anything you let me get away with,” he answered in a tone so deep, it was almost inaudible.

Chills broke out on her skin. He wanted her bad, any way he could get her, and she really should make things harder for him than she was.

“Don’t hold your— Aaah! What are you

Shauss draw back once more, allowing her to see the magnified view of Kellen’s shiny-wet pinkie finger advancing slowly into that strange new opening.

“You didn’t think you had a clitoris, did you?”


Robin L. Rotham

Chapter Eight

Kellen halted his invasion at the first knuckle and began to rub against her in light circles. Satisfaction roared over him as her back immediately arched off the mattress and a shout burst from her throat. Shauss looked equally pleased at her responsiveness, leaning down once more to join his mouth with hers. She latched onto him fiercely, and he grunted with approval as he plumbed her recesses with his tongue. Intriguing.

Kissing wasn’t an activity his people normally indulged in.

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