Alexandr's Reluctant Submissive (4 page)

Read Alexandr's Reluctant Submissive Online

Authors: Ann Mayburn

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Romantic, #Romance, #Contemporary

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As the last of his climax left him, he managed to lift Jessica off his cock and onto the couch next to him. He then pulled her into his arms, her slight frame conforming to his while she panted against his neck. Sweat trickled down his temple and he rested his head back against the couch, his whole body surging with an electrical charge that made him feel reborn. Slowly, ever so slowly, his mind began to surface from the unthinking contentment that blanketed him and he opened his eyes, drinking in the sight of his lovely Jessica.

Fuck, his wife was alive and in his arms.

Up this close, the sight of her familiar freckles filled his vision and he let out a slow breath, then reached out and stroked his thumb over the high apple of her cheek.

“I missed you so much,” she whispered as her tears wet his neck and the collar of his shirt. “I’m so sorry I left you. More sorry than you’ll ever know. I thought Krom would come for me. I waited and waited for him to come for me.”

The sorrow in her words brought his attention into razor-sharp focus, chasing away the lingering relief his release had brought him. His woman needed him; he could lose himself in her presence later. It didn’t matter how crazy this situation was, or how much he was struggling to keep his volatile emotions under control, the pain in those words cleared his head. As he studied her face, he didn’t like the guilt that lay over her like a heavy cloak so soon after the pleasure of her orgasm. Of course his sweet girl would feel like she was to blame, and his earlier outbursts hadn’t helped the situation. It shamed him that he’d lashed out at her and he vowed to keep better control of his emotions.

She’d been so masterfully manipulated by his father that it was a wonder she was still sane.

“You humble me,” he murmured before he brushed his lips over hers. “Bravest, most selfless woman I have ever met. So loving, your light warms everyone around you. I cannot tell you how cold and dark my world has been without you. You have nothing to be sorry for. Nothing.”

“I felt dead inside.” She reached out and clutched her hands in his hair, bringing their foreheads together while she whispered in a harsh voice, “Every minute of every day I ached because a piece of my heart was missing. If it wasn’t for Tatiana I wouldn’t have survived.”

“I did not want to live,” he admitted, and ran his hands over her. “If it wasn’t for my brother and the people that needed me, I would have tried to join you in death.”

“Oh Alex.” She blinked back tears. “I’m so sorry.”

“Do not be. It is not your fault, Jessica.”

“If I had just…”

Hating his father more than ever, he placed his hand beneath her rounded little chin and met her red, swollen eyes. “You did what you were forced to do. You did what you had to do in order to save our daughter. Thank you, my brave, strong girl.”

She began to cry again and he held her, wanting her to find some kind of relief in her tears. Burying his face in her soft hair, he whispered to her in Russian how much he loved her, all the things he’d yearned to have the chance to say. Over and over he confessed his utter fascination with her, his appreciation for her kind nature, his thankfulness for the difference she made in his life. Eventually she stopped crying and he took a deep breath, then rubbed his hands gently down her smooth, soft arms, needing to somehow ease her grief.

Almost right away she responded to his touch, her body relaxing against him as she took in a deep, watery breath. He leaned back, keeping her close so he could rest on one arm and pet her with the other. The way she moved into his touch with a liquid grace reminded him of a cat, and he made a note to introduce her to pet play. The mental image of her with a black leather collar with a bell on it, a pair of black cat ears, and a cat-tail butt plug made his dick twitch and he tried to banish it from his mind. Right now his woman needed comfort, not sex, and her needs would always come first. She took a deep breath again and slowly let it out, her body melting beneath his.

After a few moments she wrapped her arms around him, stroking her fingers through his hair with a dreamy expression. Energy seemed to spark between them as he leisurely cupped her breasts then leaned down and captured her mouth. Their tongues rubbed against each other and pleasure rolled through him in a strong wave, helping to push back the darkness clouding this moment. His cock ached like he hadn’t just been buried inside of her and his craving for her grew with each beat of his heart.

With a low moan, she began to unbutton his shirt. By the time she got to the fourth button he’d tensed, and when she finished they were no longer kissing. The look she gave him was confused, but he reached up and cupped her chin, stroking her lips.

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, my body has changed as well. Prepare yourself.”

“Prepare myself?” She frowned, the passion clearing from her gaze. “You’re bigger than you were before—seriously, you put on like sixty pounds of pure muscle—and you’re older, but you’re still the sexist man I’ve ever seen.”

He sat up then shrugged off his shirt then turned to face her fully, shoulders back, and he braced himself for her reaction.

“What…what…” She knelt before him where he sat on the couch, her hands frantically running over the thick mass of scars from the iron burn, the long slicing cuts done in neat lines down his abdominals, a new bullet wound, and various other testaments to violence that now decorated his body.

“I did not know of your…death until five days after the fact.”

Confused, she looked up at him, searching his face. “What happened?”

“I will tell you, but not right now.” She frowned, and he flashed back to how often he’d had to say that to her during their marriage and quickly amended his statement. “Not because I wish to hide it from you, but because I need to fuck you again. I understand why Maks does this now, why he is driven to seek the reassurance of sex. Nothing proves to me that you are alive more than to be buried deep inside of you, to feel your life.”

After studying him for a long, tension-filled moment, she leaned forward and placed a gentle kiss to his chest over her name, her lips rubbing against the hair on his right pectoral. “You have some new tattoos.”

Relief filled him as he realized Jessica wouldn’t push him. He’d almost forgotten how generous her nature was, how just being around her was a balm to his broken soul. He took her hand in his own and ran it down his chest, her gaze following their fingers until they got to the roses. “This one is for you and Tatiana.”

Her trembling fingertips traced the entwined roses over his heart, one in full bloom and one just a bud.

“Alex, it’s beautiful. Thank you.”

Leaning forward again, she placed a kiss over the tattoo, then slowly trailed her mouth over to his nipple and latched on, sucking hard and making his whole body seize. Just like that, she released the beast inside of him that had an endless craving for her. With a low growl, he wrapped his fist in her hair and pulled her head back, then captured her jaw with his hand and kissed the hell out of her. She responded with equal lust, their teeth clicking as they ate each other alive, her hands stroking him, even as he controlled her every move with the tight grip he had on her hair.

They broke apart long enough for Alex to kick off his shoes then pants and he fell back onto the couch, his cock so swollen with need that he was afraid that he would come the moment he was in her. With a deep exhalation that carried the edge of a growl, he pulled her up so she was straddling him and almost spurted when her soaking-wet, hot center rubbed over his shaft.

Before he could move, Jessica lifted enough to grab his dick then sank down on him, her body fighting his intrusion as they both gasped in unison.

“Look at me,” he barked, and was rewarded with her glowing blue eyes, filled with lust, focusing hazily on his.

Gripping the edges of her bra, he jerked it down, freeing her breasts for his greedy mouth. The moment he took her nipple between his teeth she began to orgasm, with his cock not even halfway inside of her. The strong ripple of her inner muscles had him yelling out, then thrusting his hips up into her while she arched back, shoving her breast into his mouth. Hunger ripped through him and he grabbed her nipple and pinched it hard, his nostrils flaring as her pussy clenched on him. One more thrust and he was buried deep inside of her still-rippling sheath, each tweak of her nipple bringing a new shiver and moan.

She lay limp against him but he didn’t care, more than ready to take what he wanted from his woman.

He pulled out then flipped them over so she was on her knees with her hands braced on the back of the couch, the colors of the sunset painting her skin in rose and gold, turning her into a creature of light.

She looked so ethereal, so sensual and feminine.

It made him want to defile her in the best possible ways.

With a grunt he slammed back into her, his balls drawing up tight as he fucked her through another orgasm. By now his body was slick with sweat and her hips bore red marks from his grip that would no doubt turn into bruises tomorrow. He loved that his marks would be on her and as he stared down at the gentle curve of her lower back, he wondered if he could talk her into getting a tattoo denoting his ownership on her, like Gia and Rya had for their men. He could see it now, his name in Cyrillic on the top curve of her left ass cheek.

Feeling savage, he slapped that creamy cheek hard, instantly rewarded with the sensation of his cock being milked.

“Do you like that?” he growled.

“Master,” she whimpered and reared back at him.

The heat blasted down his spine and his balls tightened until he was slamming into her, his head thrown back and his body tensing hard enough that his muscles shook. For one long moment he hung suspended there, hovering on the verge of orgasm. Jessica’s cry of release pushed him over into his own climax and he crashed down on top of her, his hips pumping mindlessly into her as he came and came, each release scouring him from the inside out. By the time the last shudder worked through him, a peace had sunk into his bones that left him exhausted.

After pulling gently out of her, he turned her unresisting body around. Jessica’s makeup had smeared, her hair was a mess, and her face was puffy from crying, but he’d never seen anyone more beautiful. It took some effort, but eventually he stood and managed to stumble over to the phone. After talking with security, he made sure they would be undisturbed. No one was allowed in until late tomorrow morning. He didn’t care if the world burned down; they were to be left alone because he wasn’t sharing his wife with anyone. To get his point across, he let them know that he would geld anyone foolish enough to test him.

As soon as he was done Jessica gave a soft, sleepy laugh. “I forgot how scary you can sound when you come.”

His heart thumped hard. “You fear me?”

She blinked at him. “Of course not. You’d never hurt me.”

Seeing that she meant that, he made his way back across the room to her, then picked her up in his arms by the hips so she was suspended above him. Laughing softly, she looked down at him, her hair falling forward in a dark curtain around his face as he slowly lowered her. “Glad you told everyone to leave us alone, though threatening to cut their balls off was a bit extreme.”

He frowned, sure he’d spoken in Russian on the phone. “How did you know what I said?”

Her plump, warm lips pressed against his neck as she whispered, “I learned how to speak passable Russian with a private tutor. After spending all that time with you and your men, I’d picked up a lot of it already so it wasn’t that hard to figure out.”


He was carrying her out of the sitting area now but he scarcely noticed, too busy staring at her, drinking in her beauty. He almost didn’t want to blink just in case this was some come kind of intense dream brought on by one of his drinking binges. Unable to help himself, he paused for a moment to lift her closer so he could give her a slow, lingering kiss that brought him a bone-deep satisfaction.

Her voice was breathy when he broke their kiss, then continued walking. “Why what?”

“Why did you wish to learn Russian?”

Her nails dug lightly into his back and she looked away. “I wanted Tatiana to know her heritage. I hoped that someday, maybe, Krom would come for us and I wanted her to be ready. I wanted to be able to talk to you in your own language, to tell you
ya lyublyu tyebya fsyei dushoj.

The sorrow in her voice as she told him that she loved him with all of her soul in Russian tore at him. He somehow managed to keep his emotions in check while he took them into the bathroom together, determined to be strong for his woman. They were silent as they both washed up and Alex left first to get his bed ready for them. Jessica had always loved it when he turned down the covers for her then tucked them both in. His hands shook as he tossed decorative pillows into the corner, then drew back the thick pale-green and beige comforter and cream sheets. By the time he was done, Jessica had wandered into the bedroom, watching him as she meandered and explored. The simple sight of her towel-drying her hair entranced him.

“There’s not much of you here,” she murmured while examining a blue glass vase that complimented the dark waves beyond the floor-to-ceiling windows. “It looks like a bedroom you’d see in some magazine spread.”

Despite their perfect view, no one could see into the house thanks to the special coating on the windows, so he kept the curtains back, letting the last of the setting sun illuminate her beauty. As soon as they got back to Russia, he was going to have an appointment made with the best colorist in Moscow to return her dark hair to its former burning glory. When she raised her eyebrows at him while returning the vase to its spot on the dresser, he realized she’d made a comment.

“No, there is not much of me here. It is merely place to sleep. Not my home.”

She paused in her examination, her gaze focused on the pale wood floors before she closed her eyes. “Where is home?”

“I have not had a home in five years.”

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