Read Alexandr's Reluctant Submissive Online

Authors: Ann Mayburn

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Romantic, #Romance, #Contemporary

Alexandr's Reluctant Submissive (23 page)

BOOK: Alexandr's Reluctant Submissive
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His wife wore a miniscule pink negligee, Catrin’s favorite color, and one of its thin straps had slid down her freckled shoulder. Her leg was thrown over both Nico and Catrin’s hips, the slender limb so pale against Nico’s dark flesh. Memories of nights spent sleeping together like this, in a satisfied heap, filled him and he marveled at how full his life was now that Jessica was back. He’d indulged in orgies while they were apart, but all the sexual excess in the world wasn’t as powerful as standing over the people he loved.

Catrin stirred, turning on her side so she was cuddled into Jessica. The women fit so perfectly together and he was tempted to run his hand up their thighs, to tease them awake. But he was unsure as to what his wife’s expectations were so he would let her set the limits.

That didn’t mean he wasn’t going to try to get her to decide in his favor.

The moment his hands hit the bed, Nico’s eyes flashed open, ready for battle, then mellowed as soon as his brain registered that Alex was a friend. He was gratified that he had such a good man guarding his woman, one Alex knew would die to save them. And he would do the same. 

“My cock is about to explode,” Nico hissed. “Thank fuck you’re home. Do you know what it’s like to have these two kissing and rubbing on your lap?”

“Actually, I do. Exquisite torture.”

Both men chuckled and the women stirred. When Catrin and Jessica slept together they always slept deep. They waited until the females in their arms relaxed, then started talking again.

Nico drew the sheet down the pronounced curve of Catrin’s full hip, also revealing the top of Jessica’s pert buttocks where her short nightgown had risen up. They were nicely red, and Alex moved out of bed long enough to get naked, then slowly pressed his body against his wife’s, the contact of her skin sending sparks of pleasure over his entire body. He shivered, aware of Nico watching him with a grin as Alex fit his aching cock between Jessica’s ass cheeks. Her bottom was slightly bigger now, and the new softness hugged his dick just right.

“Are you going to come all over her before you even get inside?”

“Fuck you, her ass is amazing.”

Nico let out his own small shudder as he grasped Catrin’s breast, the pale flesh and pink nipple looking so appetizing in his grip. Jessica began to stir as Alex did his best not to grind into her, and her sleepy mumbled words made no sense. He allowed his hands to roam up her body until he grasped her nipples, reveling in how nice and thick they were. She had the perfect nipples for clamps and his stomach clenched at the thought, his dick jerking against her.

Catrin moaned softly, then the men grinned while Jessica lifted her head from the pillow, looking over her shoulder at Alex. “Are you real?”

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, I am real.”

She frowned slightly, then looked back over at Nico and Catrin. “So you’re real too?”

“Yes, Jessica,” Nico said in an unexpectedly serious voice. “We are real.”

He leaned up on his elbow so he could watch Jessica’s face while her gaze slowly drifted down over Nico and Catrin’s bodies, her ass pressing back into him while her legs clenched. “May I touch her?”

Unsure who Jessica was addressing, Alex answered, “You may do whatever her Master desires, but only if you want it as well. Never will we do more than you are comfortable with, but know that nothing is off limits when it comes to your pleasure. Now ask Master Nico nicely if you can touch his submissive.”

With a low moan, Jessica shifted out of his arms and crawled to the foot of his gigantic bed. Once there, she knelt and spread her legs wide, revealing the swollen pink of her sex. She’d trimmed the auburn fluff over her mound at some point and the lips of her sex were shaved bare. Moisture glistened on her thighs, and as he watched, she clenched.

Lowering her head and placing her hands palms-up on her thighs, she whispered, “Master Nico, may I touch your submissive?”

Catrin’s pale-blue eyes were barely open at this point, but she smiled at the sight of Jessica. “When you touch me I am not your submissive, Jessica. I am your Mistress. Do I need to spank you some more to remind you?”

“No, Mistress.” Another clench from her exposed pussy, begging him to slide his cock in deep.

Nico slid the sheet completely off of Catrin, revealing her bare sex, already glistening with arousal. “But I am always
Master, my lovely wife.”

Jessica took in an audible breath. “I forgot how beautifully made your pussy is. Dusky rose, and your clit is deep pink when it’s begging for me to suck it.”

It took a bit of effort, but Alex managed to hide his shock at Jessica’s frank talk. When they were together before their separation, he’d had to coax filthy words from her. Now she said them with a confidence that threatened his self-control, making him want to fuck her cross-eyed.

No, he’d had her all to himself and she needed to renew this connection with Nico and Catrin. Hell, he’d missed the special bond they’d had, missed doing normal couples things together with his friends. They made Jessica so happy and, evidently, bold. They also gave her the confidence to extend her boundaries because she trusted them, and it made Nico and Catrin the best gift he could give her.

“You will suck her
,” Nico murmured, “but you will also put your delicate little fist inside of her pussy while I fuck her ass.”

Jessica’s neon-blue eyes widened and she almost toppled off the bed before throwing out an arm to steady herself. “What? That’s impossible. We won’t fit—we’ll hurt her.”

Catrin gave a sweet groan of pleasure while Nico pinched her nipples. “You’ve seen her fuck myself and Krom at the same time, one in her ass and one in her pussy. Do you think your little hand is bigger than my cock?”

“I-I don’t know.”

“Come here,” Catrin purred and rolled over so her ass pressed into Alex’s side. “Maybe you do not remember my husband’s lovely cock so well. Maybe sucking on it will help remind you of its size.”

Jessica gave Alex a quick look, some of the apprehension slipping from her face when he winked at her.

Nico scooted up, then reclined back on the padded silk headboard of the mammoth bed, his dark skin gleaming where the light seeped in around the edges of the bedroom curtains. “Come here,
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, and pleasure your Master.”

Jessica crawled forward, but Alex pulled her into a quick kiss then whispered against her lips, “Remember, you can say no at any time.”

She pulled back and gave him a look so sultry he had to bite his lower lip to hold back a groan. “Why would I do that when all I want to say is

Giving her still-pink buttocks a smack, he sent her over to a smiling Catrin, who was propped up against Nico’s chest. Alex moved up the bed and threw some pillows aside before he arranged himself next to Nico, the women’s mouths meeting in a decadent kiss over the tip of Nico’s cock. The sight turned him on and he fisted his shaft, pinching the base to try to control himself. He lived in the moment, celebrated the bounty of love in this room with them tonight. For so, so long he’d been starved for this kind of affection, but had denied it at every turn because nothing in the world was as good as Jessica when she let go of her inhibitions.

Soon he found himself kissing his wife while Nico began to finger-fuck Catrin, no doubt stretching her out to accept Jessica’s fist. The mental image was so hot that a spurt of pre-cum wet Jessica’s waist. She broke their kiss, her face rubbing gently against his as she said, “Will you fuck me while I pleasure Catrin and Nico, please, Master?”

“Anything for you,
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He teased her hard nipples, pinching the tips and squeezing them firmly enough to make her gasp. Abruptly she stiffened in his arms, her long legs spreading and tangling with Catrin’s plump thighs. Catrin had her hand busy between Jessica’s legs, tormenting his wife until she trembled in his arms and he growled with anticipation of the pleasures yet to come.





Warmth blossomed inside of Jessica, the indescribable joy of reuniting with loved ones filling her heart. She rubbed her face against Catrin’s soft cheek, reveling in her husband’s firm touch behind her. In this perfect moment in time she simply floated, drunk on the endorphins making her tingle from the inside out. Heat flushed her sex when Catrin’s smooth lips met her own, silken and slow kisses that drove her crazy.

Alex slipped his hand between her legs, his big knuckles barely grazing her labia. “So wet. You want to be fucked, don’t you?”

She broke her kiss with Catrin and looked over her shoulder, letting him see how much she wanted him. “Please, Master.”

His body tightened as he balanced himself over her, enclosing her completely with his much bigger frame while keeping most of his weight off of her. The heavy length of his cock twitched against her back, leaving a hot kiss of pre-cum. Beneath her, Catrin moaned while Nico slid his long, dark fingers through her golden hair, quietly worshiping her with kisses. Usually the lovely blonde was wild with desire by this point, but Nico had been tempering the evening to a gentler tone, making it about love instead of pure lust. Oh, Jessica was plenty hot and bothered, but every time she met Catrin’s gaze she couldn’t help but smile at the happiness she found sparkling in her friend’s blue eyes.

Alex swept her hair to the side, then reached past her to pinch Catrin’s nipple. “I will only fuck you when you’ve given your lovely Mistress what she wants, your fist in her cunt and her husband’s cock in her ass.”

She bucked against Alex, her hips tilting up in a silent pleading gesture. Just when she was sure he couldn’t shock her any more, he’d say something so raw that it was as if he was already filling her pussy. The crisp hair of his body rubbed over hers and she writhed beneath him, her torso pressing into Catrin’s.

“Do it, sweet girl,” Catrin murmured between kisses with Nico.

She licked her lips, hesitant to hurt her friend even as the wild part of her that had been sleeping for so long hungered for the experience. “Are you sure?”

“Very,” she purred. “Normally it makes me orgasm hard, but with you it will likely kill me with pleasure.”

“But Nico’s so…not small.”

Nico chuckled. “Catrin’s body, for whatever blessed reason, was built to take big dick.”

The mattress dipped as Alex leaned over and opened the drawer next to the bed, pulling out what she guessed was lube. Her suspicion was confirmed when he began to pour it onto his fingers, but she was quickly distracted by Catrin rubbing her thumb over Jessica’s hard clit with a slow, steady touch. A gasp of pleasure was torn from her throat when Catrin began to play with the hood of her clit in a way that made her toes curl.

“Mmmm, you respond so nicely.” She gave Alex a glance as he passed the lube to Nico, then returned those dreamy blue eyes of hers to Jessica. “I would like to make you come all over my hand like the filthy girl you are, but then your Master would take away my fun.”

Little bolts of excitement tightened her nipples to the point that she wanted to rub them on something, anything, to ease the ache.

The scruff of Alex’s beard brushed over her skin as he feathered kisses along her back. “Play with Catrin’s pussy while Nico takes her ass.”

Still braced against the headboard, Nico helped his wife crouch above him while Jessica knelt between his legs, with Alex behind her. She took in the amazing sight of the beautiful Catrin, her face suffused with want and passion, slowly easing the pink-tipped head of Nico’s dark shaft into the small ring of her anus. With a low growl, Alex lifted her hand and used their fingers to gently pet Catrin’s swollen, dusky sex. Her clit was a hard line and her creamy arousal already coated Nico’s slick shaft.

At the first good rub of their fingers, Catrin arched and said in Russian, “Permission to come, Master?”


Jessica tried to hide her grin at Catrin’s snarl, knowing all too well how it felt to be denied the need to do what her body wanted.


When Nico was halfway in, and Catrin’s thighs were shaking, Alex took his free hand and wrapped her hair around his fist, directing her mouth to Catrin’s quivering sex. “Her greedy
has dripped all over Nico’s dick and balls. Clean them.”

“Oh God,” Catrin moaned out, sliding down farther on Nico’s cock and making him groan. “Yes, clean him, my sweet girl.”

It wasn’t like she had much of a choice; Alex’s firm grip on her hair made her his puppet to do with as he wished. With a low rumble in his voice that was unbearably sexy he said, “Stick your tongue out.”

The taste of Catrin’s pussy, Nico’s musk, and the vanilla-flavored lube all hit her tongue at once and she moaned hard enough that Nico’s long thighs clenched repeatedly.

Alex released her hair once he deemed Nico cleaned, only to grab her hand instead. “I’ve seen you finger-fuck her with three fingers in her cunt. Get them in there, now.”

She blinked, taken aback by his harsh tone, but she noticed his gaze was on Catrin. The other woman seemed to be in heaven and she stretched her arms back and braced them on Nico’s broad chest, her breasts thrust out as she gave herself to them completely.

Biting her lip, Jessica did as her Master ordered and slid three fingers into the groaning blonde, marveling at how she could feel Nico’s erection in her friend’s ass. The skin separating the two entrances to Catrin’s body was incredibly thin and she wondered if guys got off on the fact that their cocks were rubbing together while inside a girl. It must feel amazing…for everyone involved.

“Now four,” Alex ordered. “Bring your fingers together a bit, like this, so goes in on a point instead of wide. Work it in slowly. Stretch her as you go. You are doing so well,
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She copied the way he shaped her hand and began to slowly thrust her fingers in and out. While she was doing that, Alex had begun to play with her pussy again, his knowing touch driving her to distraction, making her want to climax so damn bad. The release would be big, she could tell already by how tense her body was, and the thought of doing it with her husband inside of her was bliss. He kept her safe while she abandoned herself to hedonistic pleasure.

BOOK: Alexandr's Reluctant Submissive
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