Alexander Hamilton (173 page)

Read Alexander Hamilton Online

Authors: Ron Chernow

Tags: #Statesmen - United States, #History, #Presidents & Heads of State, #Political, #General, #United States, #Personal Memoirs, #Hamilton, #Historical, #United States - Politics and Government - 1783-1809, #Biography & Autobiography, #Statesmen, #Biography, #Alexander

BOOK: Alexander Hamilton
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Clinton, George; Jefferson, Thomas; Madison
James; Monroe, James; Washington, George
field command search and
in fight for Constitution
financial concerns of
financial reforms proposed by
financial sacrifices of
as foreign policy theorist
French proficiency of
French refugees and
French Revolution and
guilt of
health problems and injuries of
heroism of
as homebody and family man
homoerotic attachments of honor of
honors received by
illegitimate birth of
impoverished boyhood of
inheritance of as inspector general
integrity of
intelligence of
Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions and
as King’s College volunteer
land purchased by
legacy of
libel suit of
as major general
Manhattan Company and
marriage of,
Hamilton, Elizabeth Schuyler
medical interests of
mentors of
military promoted by
mixed-race allegations about
monarchist leanings of
musical interests of
nationalist vision of
nepotism of
in New York Assembly
New-York Evening Post
New York gubernatorial candidacy rejected by
New York Ratifying Convention and
as New York tax receiver
nicknames of as orator
orphans helped by
outdoor recreation of
in paintings and sculpture
as polemicist
political influences on
political mistakes of
popularity of
presidential candidacy denied to
as pro-British
reading habits and books of
religious beliefs and behavior of
reputation impugned
see also
Reynolds, Maria, AH’s affair with romantic side of
secession threat and
self-assurance of
in sex scandal (Reynolds affair)
social advancement of
Society of the Cincinnati and
theatergoing of
as treasury secretary,
Treasury Department
vanity of
West Indian background of
Whiskey Rebellion and
will of
wit of
womanizing of
work capacity of
Yorktown siege and

Hamilton, Alexander, writings of

early pieces
French Revolution in
Jay Treaty in
Jefferson in


style of
see also Federalist Papers, The
specific works

Hamilton, Alexander (cousin)

Hamilton, Alexander (son)

birth and childhood of
education of
father’s death and
on mother

Hamilton, Alexander (uncle)

Hamilton, Alexander, laird of Grange (grandfather)

Hamilton, Allan McLane (grandson)

Hamilton, Angelica (daughter):

birth and childhood of
education of
father’s death and
mental breakdown of
musical interests of

Hamilton, Eliza (daughter),
Holly, Eliza Hamilton

Hamilton, Elizabeth (aunt)

Hamilton, Elizabeth Pollock (grandmother)

Hamilton, Elizabeth Schuyler (Eliza or Betsey; wife)

AH’s correspondence with
AH’s death and
AH’s dependence on
AH’s first meeting with
AH’s hymn for
Angelica Church’s correspondence with
appearance of
Burr’s first meeting with
death of
domesticity of
education of
family background of
farewell address and
French refugees and
Grange and
Hamilton-Burr duel and
health problems of
inheritance of
Jefferson’s correspondence with
marriage of
in Morristown
Philip’s death and
portrait of
pregnancies and childbirths of
religious beliefs of
Reynolds affair and
slavery and
on Washington
as widow
widows and orphans helped by
will of

Hamilton, James, Jr. (brother)

AH’s correspondence with
AH’s relationship with
death of

Hamilton, James, Sr. (father)

AH’s correspondence with
AH’s lapsed relationship with
AH’s loan to
as black sheep
death of
family background of
family deserted by
immigration of

Hamilton, James Alexander (son)

birth and childhood of
education of
on father
father’s death and
on mother

Hamilton, John, laird of Grange (uncle)

Hamilton, John Church (son)

birth and childhood of
on Burr
education of
on father
father’s death and
health problems of

Hamilton, Philip (eldest son)

birth and childhood of
duel and death of
education of
health problems of

Hamilton, Philip (Little Phil; youngest son)

Hamilton, Rachel Faucette Lavien (mother)

adultery and imprisonment of
AH’s latent hostility toward
AH compared with
childbirths of death of
divorce of
flight of
inheritance of
marriage of
as shopkeeper

Hamilton, Robert (cousin)

Hamilton, Walter (uncle)

Hamilton, William (supposed mulatto child)

Hamilton, William (uncle)

Hamilton, William, Dr. (possible relative of James

Hamilton, William Stephen
Hamilton-Burr duel
Burr’s flight after
Church-Burr duel compared with
Cooper letter and
coroner’s jury and
election of 1804 and
farewell letters and
grand jury indictment and
negotiations in
Philip Hamilton–Eacker duel compared with
Philip Schuyler letter and
pistols used in
preparations for
public statement in
shot thrown away in
who fired first in

Hamilton College

Hamilton Free School

Hamilton-Oneida Academy

Hammond, Abijah

Hammond, George

Hammond, Judah

Hancock, John

Harison, Richard

Harlem Heights

Harper, Robert G.

Harrison, Robert H.


Hawley, Elizabeth

Hearts of Oak (the Corsicans)

Hemings, Eston

Hemings, James

Hemings, Madison

Hemings, Sally, Jefferson’s relationship with

Hemings, Tom

Henry, Patrick

Hessian mercenaries

Heth, William

Hickey, Thomas

Higginson, Stephen

History of the United States for 1796, The

Hobbes, Thomas

Hoffman, Josiah Ogden


industrial secrets of
U.S. loan from

Holland Company

Holliday, Robert

Holly, Eliza Hamilton (daughter)

birth and childhood of
father’s death and

Holly, Sidney Augustus

Holt, John

Holy Ground, the

Hopkinson, Francis

Hosack, David

Hamilton-Burr duel and

Houdon, Jean Antoine

House of Representatives, Pennsylvania

House of Representatives, U.S.

AH’s reports to
AH’s views on
assumption plan and
bank bill and
Beckley as clerk in
in Connecticut Compromise
Constitutional Convention and
electoral ties settled by
Giles’s resolutions in
Jay Treaty and
manufacturing and
in New York City
in Philadelphia
Republican control of
residency requirement for
titles considered by
Treasury Department investigations by

Howe, Lord Richard

Howe, Sir William

Hudson River

Hudson Valley

Huguenots, French

Hume, David


Hylton v. United States

immigration, immigrants

AH as archetype of
AH’s views on
Alien and Sedition Acts and
Constitutional Convention debate over
of French refugees
Jefferson’s views on


of Chase

implied powers, doctrine of

industrial espionage

infant and child mortality inflation

Ingram, Archibald

interest rates Irving, Peter


Jackson, Andrew

Jackson, James

Jackson, William



Jay, John

AH offered New York Senate post by
AH’s correspondence with
background of
at Continental Congress
election of 1796 and
as envoy to England
as Federalist
on Gouverneur Morris
as governor of New York
Manhattan Company and
real estate investments of
slavery and
as Supreme Court justice

Jay, Peter

Jay, Sarah

Jay Treaty (1795)

AH’s defense of
protests against
signing of

Jefferson, Jane Randolph

Jefferson, Martha Wayles Skelton

Jefferson, Peter

Jefferson, Polly

Jefferson, Thomas

Adams’s relationship with
agrarian vision of
AH compared with
AH’s correspondence with
AH’s death and
AH’s feud with
alleged atheism of

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