Alexander Hamilton (172 page)

Read Alexander Hamilton Online

Authors: Ron Chernow

Tags: #Statesmen - United States, #History, #Presidents & Heads of State, #Political, #General, #United States, #Personal Memoirs, #Hamilton, #Historical, #United States - Politics and Government - 1783-1809, #Biography & Autobiography, #Statesmen, #Biography, #Alexander

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Dewhurst, John

Dexter, Samuel

Dickinson, John

Dipnall, Thomas

Directory, French

Discourses on Davila

Duane, James

AH’s correspondence with
Rutgers v. Waddington
in Senate race

Duane, William


AH’s opposition to
in Continental Army
Hamilton-Burr duel
in Nevis
outlawing of
of Philip Hamilton
political quarrels settled by

Duer, Catharine Alexander (Lady Kitty)

Duer, William

downfall of
Federalist Papers
in prison
SEUM and
speculation of
in Treasury Department

Dunlap, John

Dunmore, Lord

du Pont, Victor

du Pont de Nemours, Samuel

Dutch Reformed Church

Dutch West India Company

Dutch West Indies

duties, import

AH’s advocacy of
in New York

Eacker, George I.

Earl, Ralph

East India Company

East River


of American Indians
of blacks
of child laborers
in New York

Edwards, Esther,
Burr, Esther Edwards

Edwards, Evan

Edwards, Jonathan

Edwards, Rhoda

Edwards, Rev. Timothy


of 1789
of 1792
of 1796
of 1800
of 1801
of 1804
AH’s role in
George Clinton in
real estate requirements and

Elizabethtown, N.J.

Elizabethtown Academy

Elkins, Stanley

Ellis, John

Ellis, Joseph

Ellsworth, Oliver


against British
against French

(French frigate)


central bank of
French refugees in
public debt in
Scotland’s union with
see also
Great Britain; London


Episcopalians, Episcopal Church

espionage: in American Revolution

Essex Junto

Eustace, John Skey

“Examination, The” (Hamilton)

excise tax:

on whiskey

executive branch

AH’s views on
Franklin’s views on
Genêt’s views on
Jefferson’s views on
in Virginia Plan
see also
president, U.S.;
specific presidents and vice presidents

Fair Hill

Fairlie, James

“Farmer Refuted, The” (Hamilton)


banks feared by
uprisings of
in Whiskey Rebellion
see also

Faucette, Ann,
Lytton, Ann Faucette

Faucette, John, Jr.

Faucette, John, Sr.

Faucette, Mary Uppington

Faucette, Rachel

Hamilton, Rachel Faucette

Fauchet, Joseph

Faulkner, William

federal government:

Adams’s views on
AH’s vision for
Jefferson’s views on
Madison’s views on
Morris’s efforts at strengthening of
slavery issue and
state debts assumed by
in Virginia Plan
Washington’s views on
weakness of

see also specific branches

Federalist Papers, The

book form of
Jay’s work on
Madison’s work on
origins of
“Pacificus” essays in
Shays’s Rebellion in
survey of contents of
Washington’s views on


Jefferson’s views on
New York Ratifying Convention and
use of term

Federalists, Federalist party

AH as head of
AH’s death and
Alien and Sedition Acts and
army organization and
British seizure of seamen and ships and
Callender’s attacks on
demise of
electoral tie of 1801 and
“federal ratio” and
fracturing of
French Revolution and
Jay Treaty and
Jefferson’s deal with
judiciary and
legacy of
Louisiana Purchase and
Manhattan Company and
medicine and
Neutrality Proclamation and
origins of
Pamphlet Wars and
press freedom and
progressive landowner–former Tory alliance in
public debt and
Republicans’ violent clashes with
secession threat and
XYZ Affair and
see also specific elections

federal ratio

Fenner, Arthur

Fenno, John

Ferling, John

Fillmore, Millard

financial panic of 1792

Findley, William

First Continental Congress

Fish, Nicholas

AH’s duels and

FitzSimons, Thomas

Flavinier, Eliza

Fleming, Edward

Flexner, James T.

Flint, Royal

Florida, Spanish

Folwell, Richard

Ford, Gabriel

Ford, Jacob

Fort Christiansvaern

Fort Lee

Fort Ticonderoga

Fort Washington

Fourth of July

Fox, Charles James


Adams’s peace initiative with
American Revolution and

France (

Church family in
Franklin in
Jefferson in
Monroe as minister to
Protestants of,
Huguenots, French
royal mint in
trade of
U.S. relations with
U.S. vessels seized by
see also
French Revolution; Paris

Franklin, Benjamin

Adams’s views on
AH compared with

at Constitutional Convention

in France
Lafayette promoted by
Schuyler family and
slavery and

Fraunces, Andrew

Frederick the Great

free blacks

Freeman, Joanne

free trade

Frémont, Jessie Belmont

French and Indian War

French Revolution

AH’s essays on
Directory in
end of
Jay Treaty and
Miranda’s views on
Quasi-War and

refugees from

September Massacres in

XYZ Affair and

French West Indies

Freneau, Philip

excise taxes and

Fries’s Rebellion

Frothingham, David

“Full Vindication of the Measures of the Congress

A” (Hamilton)

Gage, Thomas

Gallatin, Albert

as treasury secretary
Whiskey Rebellion and

Garrison, William Lloyd

Gates, Horatio

Conway letter to
Washington’s rivalry with

Gazette of the United States

“Pacificus” essays in
“Phocion” essays in

Gelston, David

Genêt, Cornelia Clinton

Genêt, Edmond Charles (Citizen Genêt)

privateers recruited by


George II, king of England

George III, king of England

New York City statue of

George IV, king of England


slavery in

German immigrants

Gerry, Elbridge

in diplomatic mission to France

Giles, William Branch

Gimat, Jean-Joseph Sourbader de



Glasgow Inkle Factory

Glassford, John

Goebel, Julius, Jr.

Goodenough, Ephraim

Goodhue, Benjamin

Gordon, William

Gorham, Nathaniel

government, federal,
federal government

Gracie, Archibald

Graham, Isabella

Graham, Joanna,
Bethune, Joanna Graham

Grange, the (castle near Kilmarnock)

Grange, the (Hamilton residence)

description of

dinner parties at

Grange, the (St. Croix)

Grasse, comte de

Graydon, Alexander

Great Britain

abolitionist proposals of
Adams’s views on
AH asylum tale and
AH’s imitation of
AH’s views on
Caribbean colonies of
colonists’ struggle against;
see also
American Revolution
constitution of
credit of
debt of
foreign loans of
French Revolution and
industrial secrets of
Jefferson’s hatred of
laws of
northwest forts of
shipping of
textile industry of
trade of
U.S. ships and seamen seized by
U.S. threat of war with
U.S. treaties with,
American Revolution, peace
treaty in; Jay Treaty

Greene, Nathanael

AH’s eulogy for

Greenleaf, Ann

Greenleaf, Thomas

Grenadine Islands

Griswold, Roger

Grotjan, Peter A.

Haarlem Linen and Dye Manufactory

Hale, Nathan

Hallwood, Thomas

(miniature frigate)

Hamilton, Alexander:

as abolitionist
administrative and organizational competence of
Alien and Sedition Acts and
ambition of
at Annapolis conference
anti-Tory bias contested by
appearance of
as artillery captain
authorized biography of
Bank of New York and
benefactors of
benevolence and generosity of
birth year and age reduction of
candor of
as capitalist prophet
charm, grace, and elegance of
as clerk
combativeness and headstrong nature of
in Continental Congress
as contributor to Washington’s farewell address
death of
debts of
depression of
education of
as educator
false death reports about
family background of
as father
as Federalist
feminine qualities of
feuds of,
see under
Adams, John; Burr, Aaron, Jr.;

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