Alcatraz (100 page)

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Authors: David Ward

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Conroy (inmate)

constitutional psychopath designation

contraband: definition of

disciplinary reports on

escape attempts and

making of

in other prisons

security issues of

smuggling of

as symbol of resistance

omnipresence of

convict code and culture: acceptance of

battle of Alcatraz investigations and

celebrity inmates’ loyalty to

comradeship of

description of

“Dutch route” (suicide) in failed escapes

on emotions

on homosexuality

inadvertent break in

on kidnapping children

local police concerns about

low level of violence and

maxims listed

refusal to talk in

situational context of

snitching absent in

solidarity in

unacceptable comments in

violations of.
See also
coping mechanisms

daily routines



Cook, Edgar

Cook County Jail

Cooke, Alistair

Coolidge, Calvin

Cooper, Courtney Ryley

coping mechanisms: for boredom

inmate violence as

“locus of control” theory in

plotting escape as

role of

in solitary confinement.
See also
psychological issues


corporal punishment: at British Columbia Penitentiary

eliminating inhumane forms of

types of.
See also
disciplinary measures

corrections: in penal philosophy

reform of state

use of term.
See also

correspondence courses.
educational courses

Corwin, Cecil: in battle of Alcatraz

criticized after battle

inmate’s contradiction of

Costner, Isaac

Costner, William

Cowley, Samuel

Coy, Bernard Paul: on Alcatraz conditions

in battle of Alcatraz

death of

named as participant

testimony concerning

Coyler, William

Cressey, Donald R.

Cretzer, Edna

Cretzer, Joseph Paul: in battle of Alcatraz

criminal activities of

death of

escape attempts of

Grove shot by

media on

named as participant

testimony concerning

criminal careers: assumptions about

concept of

effect of Alcatraz experience on

inside prisons

prison careers compared with

subculture of

western dynasty of outlaws in.
See also
gangster era


public enemies

specific criminals

criminal justice system: battle of Alcatraz trial

Giles’s prosecution

inadequacies of


murder trials

inmates not prosecuted

officer tried for contraband smuggling

perjury charges

1930s vs. present day.
See also
law enforcement agencies

penology and penal policy

U.S. Department of Justice

Crowe, Robert

Crowell, Zenus

cruel and unusual conditions or treatment: allegations of

constitutional prohibition of

inmate’s contradiction of allegations

in transportation of prisoners

Culver, Otis

Culver, R. O.

Cummings, Homer S.: on Alcatraz as prison site

Alcatraz toured by

challenges for

federal justice as envisoned by

Hoover’s instructions for

inmate’s letter to

public-enemy mythology countered by

public relations concerns of

security concerns of

on success of Alcatraz

super prison envisioned by

Curtis, George

daily routines: description of

different views of

focus on here and now in

function of


magazines and

other prisons compared with

privileges in

psychological effects of

punitive measures in

questions about

quiet, distraction-free time in

radio listening in

realities of

resistance as counter to

settling into

systematization of

unusual events in

weekend variations in.
See also
cafeteria and meals

educational courses

letters and letter writing




rules and regulations

silent system

work assignments

Dainard, William: behavior of

contraband smuggled for

criminal activities of

guns manufactured by

status review of

transfer of

Dallas County Jail



Darrow, Clarence

Davis, George B.

Davis, Lester

Davis, Volney: criminal activities of

fighting of

postrelease success of

sentence commuted for

transfers of

death penalty: for battle of Alcatraz murders

for Cole, set aside

federal kidnapping legislation and

for Parker’s kidnap and murder

Delaney, Delores

Delbano (inmate)

Delmore (deputy warden)

Dempsey (guard)

Dempsey, Jack

DeNevi, Don

desistance concept

deterrence theory

Detroit Free Press

Detroit’s Purple Gang

Deutsch, Albert

Devil’s Island

Devil’s Island (French Guiana): Alcatraz compared with

Alcatraz labeled as

escape from

as ideal exile

notoriety of

rejection of term for Alcatraz

DeVol, Lawrence

Dewey (criminal)

Dewey, John


Dillinger, John: associates of

context of

criminal activities of

escape of, emulated

fading from public view


disciplinary measures: BOP questions about

commission’s investigations of

good time forfeiture as

no-nonsense approach to

overview of

types excluded.
See also
corporal punishment

disciplinary segregation

good time forfeiture

solitary confinement

disciplinary segregation: activities in

cells used for

conversations recorded in

Coy and others chased from

director’s attention to

escape attempt from

gun battle involving

hunger strikes and force feeding in

interviewees in

lengthy stays in

permanent assignment to

protest in

quiet time in

remodeling of

security weaknesses in

shackles absent in

statistics on

types of

reasons for: “act of degeneracy”

battle of Alcatraz


escape attempts


inmate’s murder

misconduct and refusing to work

officer’s murder

protests and strikes.
See also
solitary confinement

Ditmer, Clifford

U.S. Department of Justice

Donnelly, Nell

Donohue, John

Dowd (FBI agent)

Dreyfus, Alfred

drug use and abuse

Dunbar, Walter

dungeons: S. Bates on

Bennett’s tenure and

description of

Johnston on

rumors about

testimony on conditions in.
See also
disciplinary segregation

solitary confinement

Dunnock, William

Durrill, Grover

Eastern State Penitentiary (Philadelphia)

Eastin, Oscar

Eastwood, Clint

Eaton, Ruey

educational courses: English

to finish high school

for later employment

math and sciences

variety available

Edwards, Willard

El Reno (OK) federal prison

employees and staff: alleged escapee shot by

on arrival of first inmates

carelessness of

changes in

classification and parole duties of

control of

convict code and

on daily regimen

as demoralized

on escapees

expectations of releasees

FBI’s relationship with

on foiling escape attempts

gas billies and blackjacks (“saps”) of

on good time forfeiture board

guns discovered by

hiring of

as hostages

inmates’ assaults on

inmates’ names for

inmates’ testimony on

interviews with

living quarters of

meals of

organization of

papers and memorabilia of

personal concerns of

positions of, summarized

secrecy expected of

on solitary confinement

suspended after Walters’s escape

training of

trial for murder of

undercover investigations of

Waley’s threats against.
See also
inmate-staff relationship

escape attempts and escapes: advice on

convict code on

from Devil’s Island

downplayed by warden

embarrassment of

first serious

flotation devices for

investigations after

items acquired in

lessons of

local concerns about

maximum sentence for

notes about

period of

planning for

reports and recommendations after

security concerns due to

sensationalization of

solitary confinement for

suicides after

transfer to Alcatraz for

trusty’s killing of inmates in

tunnel plot in.
See also
battle of Alcatraz (1946)

escape attempts and escapes, by name: Bayless


Cole and Roe



Hamilton and others

Limerick, Lucas, and Franklin

Morris and Anglin brothers

Quillen and Pepper


Stamphill and others


Escape from Alcatraz

Factor, Jake “the Barber”

Fallon, J. L.

families: assumptions about

letters to

releasees encouraged by

support from

visits from

Farmer, Herbert

Faulk, Isaac

Faulkner (attorney)

Federal Bureau of Efficiency

Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI): access to records of

agents of, murdered

Alcatraz report by

Alcatraz visited by

battle of Alcatraz investigated by

BOP relationship with

Capone investigated by

Cole/Roe escape and

Cole sought by

escapees recaptured by

G-men of

inmates questioned by

Karpis’s case and

kidnapping cases of

letters read by

pop culture images of

prisoner transport and

prison investigations by

prison personnel standards of

public relations campaigns of

security concerns of

shootouts of

Federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP): administrative concerns of

Alcatraz inmates selected by

Alcatraz investigations by

Alcatraz management’s tensions with

Alcatraz operations overseen by

allegations against

budget of

Capone family’s appeal to

cooperation of

expectations of inmates after release

FBI investigations of

FBI relationship with

FBI security concerns about

Gardner’s book allowed by

good time forfeiture and

inmates categorized by

job security with

letters read by

official statements of

on policies for maximum-security, minimum-privilege

progress reports for

public relations concerns of

records of

rehabilitation goal in

reorganization of

secrecy about Alcatraz.
See also
federal prisons

specific facilities

Federal Correctional Institution (Milan, MI)

Federal Correctional Institution (Seagoville, TX)

Federal Medical Center.
Medical Center for Federal Prisoners (Springfield, MO)

federal prisons: commission’s investigations of

corruption and scandal in

differences among

policy on staff held as hostages

problems in

security concerns in

shift in uses of

state prisons compared with.
See also
Administrative Max (ADX, Florence, CO)


Alderson (WV) Federal Women’s Prison

Atlanta (GA) federal penitentiary

El Reno (OK) federal prison

Leavenworth (KS) Penitentiary and Annex

Lewisburg (PA) penitentiary

Marion (IL) federal supermax penitentiary

McNeil Island (WA) Penitentiary

Medical Center for Federal Prisoners (Springfield, MO)

Terminal Island Federal Correctional Institution (Los Angeles)

Terre Haute (IN) federal penitentiary

federal probation offices

Federal Reporter

Fish, Clifford

Flag Association

Fleisch, Louis: battle of Alcatraz and

media on

on personnel’s response

Purple Gang and

Fletcher (FBI agent)

Florence (CO) federal supermax penitentiary

Florida: Capone compound in

prison in

Floyd, Charles “Pretty Boy”

Fontaine, Harold

Foucault, Michel

Franklin, Rufus “Whitey”: battle of Alcatraz and

on convict code

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