Alaska, With Love Assassin-Shifter 02 - (15 page)

BOOK: Alaska, With Love Assassin-Shifter 02 -
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Neither am I.” Josh shot the wood beam Raoul was hiding behind.

The firing stopped and Josh waited for movement from down below. The wolves were circling trying to get the men in one area.

Where is Mark Patterson? I will take him and go. There is no need for further bloodshed.”

Josh laughed loud. “Oh hell no, there is need Raoul, like I said.” Josh stood up and aimed carefully. “You’re not leaving here alive.”

The shot rang out and Raoul ran from behind the beam. Gunshots were going off left and right and Mateo and Troy leapt from their positions running down the hallway as Raoul and his men ran out the front door of the lodge.

Don’t let them get away!” Josh ran down the staircase and stopped by the front door. Dakota trotted up next to him and Josh bent down to stroke his fur. A bullet whizzed by him and Josh backed up.

Wayne came running from the kitchen and hunched down with Mateo and Troy.

Go out the back and get on the roof, you’ll have a better vantage point.” Wayne looked at Dakota. “Follow the men outside Dakota.”

They split up, Mateo and Troy on the roof of the Lodge and Josh and Wayne on the ground in the forest. They spread out looking for footprints and stayed in the thick of the woods.

See anything?” Josh whispered into the radio.

Four of them just to the south of your position Josh, Troy’s up in the pines he’s got a visual. The wolves are moving them into the open. Keep your head down.” Mateo whispered back.

Josh peered around the massive spruce he was taking cover behind and caught a flash of movement in the trees. He signaled Wayne to go around and flank them. Moving quietly, he kept low and hid behind a large boulder. The men came out to the edge of the forest and Josh pressed ‘talk’ on his radio whistling Queens “Another one bites the dust.” A shot went off from the lodge into the trees across the way and the men came out into the open. Raoul, front and center. Josh chuckled softly. “He has no fucking clue.” Within minutes the air around them was filled with the smell of blood, the only sounds were soft muffled shots of silenced sniper rifles and grunts of dying men as Mateo and Troy made quick work of Raoul’s men until the man himself stood alone surrounded by his dead goons.

Josh made his way around the woods and came up behind Raoul. He stood behind the man with his hand on the gun in the waistband of his pants. “Hello Raoul, nice of you to come visit us out here in the great Alaskan wilderness.” Josh was aware of the wolves coming up behind him spreading out flanking him, all growling at Raoul.

I see I am at a checkmate as you say?” Raoul looked

at the pack of wolves behind Josh Montgomery. ”You are Mark’s new man? It makes sense you would protect him, he is quite delicious.”

Josh narrowed his eyes. “You piece of shit,”

The wolves all turned at once and it happened in less than a second. Mark ran out of the woods shouting and more men came out of the other side of the forest. In the confusion Josh’s eyes left Raoul for a split second, long enough for Raoul to get his gun out. Josh shifted, pivoting his boot in the snow and ducked out of the way of a bullet meant for his head. He rolled into the snow and took his shot. It hit Raoul square in the forehead. Raoul went down in a heap on his back and Josh stood up, Mark ran into his chest seconds later and Josh covered Mark’s body with his own. More shots went off above them and around them as Mateo, Wayne and Troy took out the remaining men. Josh held Mark to him, his whole body shook and Josh realized Mark was crying.

What were you thinking?” Josh pulled Mark out if his arms and grabbed him by his shoulders. “I told you to stay put!”

I’m sorry! I wanted to save you. We heard more men at the lodge after you left and I had to warn you!” Mark sobbed, he was pulled back into Josh’s arms and he rested his head against his strong chest hearing Josh’s heartbeat.

Josh held Mark to him close, if he had lost him… “You are what matters Mark, you are the only thing that matters.” Josh pulled Mark’s face up to his own and kissed him. Mark’s arms wrapped around his neck and his mouth opened to him willingly. Josh heard the radio crackling at his side and then Troy’s voice came through loud and clear.

Awww….damn that’s so fuckin’ romantic.” Troy chuckled softly.


Josh chuckled and looked up at the lodge flipping Troy off.


That’s not nice, Montgomery.” Troy laughed. “We are coming down to you, hang tight.”

Josh looked down at Mark’s face and caressed his cheek softly. “It’s over baby. You never have to worry about him ever again.”

Mark heard the soft snort and the push of Dakota’s nose in his thigh and knelt down looking at the wolf he had come to love. “Thank you Dakota.” Mark hugged Dakota tightly.

Josh looked at the pack of wolves all sitting around and had to smile. He’d had an Army today and not just of humans. “Thanks guys.”


Fifteen minutes later Mateo, Troy and Wayne had joined Josh and Mark around the pile of dead men. Mateo stood looking at the mess of dead bodies on the ground and looked at Troy. “Well, this is a mess.”

Wayne ran a hand through his hair and sighed. “I’ll get on the horn with sheriff, he owes me one. I guess he’ll want to keep something like this quiet. I know I do, tends to scare the tourists when dead bodies litter the park.”

Mateo smiled at Mark in the arms of his best friend. “So you two finally figured it out huh?”


Josh pulled Mark’s chin up with his fingers gently. “Oh yes, we have it all figured out.”



A week later Mark was packed and looking around the cabin he had come to love. He would miss it here, but Josh had told him they could come back whenever they wanted to. Alaska was home in more ways than one now. Mark closed the door of the cabin and looked up at the sun high in the sky. It would only be there for a few more hours. Christmas was days away and he and Josh were going to spend it in Kansas with Josh’s Mother. Josh stood with Wayne by the snow mobile and as always Dakota was there, Mark swore Dakota was smiling.

I’m ready, got all the stuff. “ Mark knelt down and

Dakota trotted over to him. “I’m going to miss you ya know?” Mark ran his fingers through Dakota’s soft fur. “Josh and I will come back to see you and I’ll bring a nice big juicy steak.” Mark laughed when he got a lick up the side of his face.

Okay well, we better get a move on before it gets dark.” Josh took Wayne’s hand and shook it tightly. “Thanks for the back up, I don’t know how you got the whole pack behind us but I won’t forget what you did for me and Mark.”

I didn’t do anything.” Wayne smiled. “Dakota rallied the troops, ain’t that right Dakota?” Wayne winked at Dakota.

Bye Wayne.” Mark hugged him. “Take care of Dakota.”

Will do,” Wayne winked. He watched as Josh and Mark took off on the snow mobile and sighed. He opened the cabin door and took his pack off, he grabbed jeans and a t-shirt out of the pack and smiled at the man standing next to him that had just been in the form of a wolf. “You did good Dakota, I’m damn proud of you.”

Dakota smiled and grabbed the pants being offered. “Thanks Wayne.”


~~Chapter Ten~~

Mark was nervously watching the scenery fly by in the rental car. Well, not really scenery, Kansas was flat as a board. No mountains, just hills. It was cold too, the minute they had exited the airport in Manhattan the air had punched into his lungs. It wasn’t Alaska cold, but it was cold. The ground had a white dusting of snow as they drove down the freeway towards Milford Lake. Josh’s Mom owned a house out there and she had already been informed that Josh was bringing home a guest for Christmas. He just hadn’t said who.

Mark wanted to chew his nails he was so nervous and he hadn’t done that since med school. What if she hated him? Worse, what if she blamed him for turning her son gay? Mark let out a loud sigh and felt Josh’s hand on his thigh. A soft gentle squeeze had Mark looking at the gorgeous man next to him. “What?”

Stop it. I can hear your mind working a thousand miles

an hour. I don’t care what she thinks and I’m never giving you up, not for anything or anyone okay?”

Okay,” Mark watched as they merged off of 1-70 and onto highway 77. The road was a two lane highway and Mark watched all the bait and tackle shops fly by along with the occasional gas station. The lake came into view and Mark looked at the water rippling, the sun casting a shimmer off the water. They drove another few miles before going over a bridge and then Josh finally turned off. Mark’s heart was beating in his throat as they passed a residential neighborhood and the end of the line was finally coming into view. Josh turned down a long driveway and then the house came into view. Surrounded by trees, the older Victorian home had been remolded and looked crisp and fresh. “It looks like something out of a magazine.”

Thank you,” Josh smiled and took Mark’s hand. “I painted it a year ago.” They came around the circular driveway and Josh parked facing the way out. “Just in case you know,” Josh chuckled and took Mark’s face in his hands. “Don’t look like that, I was joking Mark. She’s going to love you.”

Josh got out of the car and before Mark could even get his door open, Josh was there opening it for him. He put his hand out to Mark and Mark looked up into emerald green eyes and felt his heart beating hard in his chest. Josh’s eyes said that no matter what happened he would be there, by Mark’s side come hell or high water. He took Josh’s hand and they walked up to the front door, fingers threaded together. Mark took a deep breath and steeled himself for the worst possible scenario, either way he would be leaving with Josh by his side. “Okay, here goes nothing.”

Josh knocked on the door of his Mother’s house and the door flew open. His mother’s eyes went wide with surprise and she looked over Mark. Josh held his breath as her eyes noticed their hands. “Hi Mom, this is my boyfriend Mark.”

Mark smiled and hoped this wasn’t going to be bad. “Um, Josh. Catch her.”

Josh grabbed his Mother before she hit the ground. “Christ Mom!” Josh picked her up and took her to the couch laying her down gently. Josh looked at Mark. “What the hell?”

She fainted, where’s the bathroom?”

Bathroom?” Josh looked incredulous.

Yes, you know where people go to pee.” Mark rolled his eyes at Josh’s open mouthed look.


Down the hall to the left.”

Mark found a washcloth in the bathroom and wet it with cold water, he made his way back out the living room and put it on Josh’s mother’s forehead. “What’s her name?”


Mark looked down at Rebecca Montgomery and smiled. “I can see where you got your beautiful looks.” Mark cooled her cheeks and took a magazine off the coffee table to fan her. “I think she’s coming around. Rebecca, can you hear me? Do you have any pain anywhere? Numbness?”

Are you a doctor?” Rebecca opened her eyes looking at the man her son had brought home.


Why yes, I am.” Mark smiled and helped her to sit up.


Rebecca looked at her son. “You landed a Doctor?”

Josh rolled his eyes. “Mom really? This isn’t the best time for this. Are you okay? I am sorry I sprung this on you but I figured a phone call was a shitty idea.”

Joshua Grant Montgomery! You watch your mouth.” Rebecca sat up and looked at the two men hovering over her.

Mark looked at Josh and mouthed

Shut up,” Josh smiled at Mark and winked. “You okay Mom? Do you want a glass of water or something?”

Rebecca sat back on the couch and smiled. “Yes, thank you that would be lovely.” Josh left the room and Rebecca turned her attentions to the man seated next to her. “My lord you are beautiful.” His eyes were a beautiful shade of blue and his skin almost looked like a porcelain dolls, the perfect shade of pink outlined his cupid bow lips. “No wonder my Joshua brought you home. He’s never brought anyone home.”

Mark smiled and took her hand. Josh looked just like his Mother, emerald green eyes looked him over and her hair was a beautiful shade of blonde. Tendrils fell around framing her face. Mark realized what she had just said. “He’s never brought anyone home? Ever?”

Rebecca smiled and took Mark’s hand. “I’m sorry if it looked like I didn’t approve. I was just a little taken aback when my son brought home a man. It never occurred to me that he would be gay, not with the lifestyle he’s led.”

Mark had to smile he had never thought it was even possible that Josh could be gay. “When I first met him I didn’t think he was either, but then I hoped,” Mark felt the blush creeping into his face. “I never thought for one moment he’d be interested in me when I first saw him. He just screamed manly.”
of water. He sat next to Mark and took his hand threading their fingers together. “So mom, now that you have met my other half what do you think of Mark?”

Why thank you,” Josh smiled bringing his Mom a glass

Rebecca looked at her son, he looked so happy. His face glowed when he looked at Mark and his eyes sparkled. “I approve honey. He’s just beautiful and a doctor to boot.”

He is isn’t he?” Josh caressed Mark’s cheek. “The second I laid eyes on him Mom, something changed inside me and I don’t know how to explain it but I knew somehow that I wanted Mark to be mine.”

And I am.” Mark felt Josh pulling him into his side and nestled into him. Josh’s strong arms encircled him keeping him close, and safe.

Well I’m glad you two are here for the holidays, are you staying for New Years?” Rebecca looked at her son and saw the smile on his lips. “I never agreed with your father on his views on gay’s honey, I just never argued with him about it. You could have told me you were a purple alien and I wouldn’t have batted an eyelash because I love you with all my heart honey. Nothing will ever change how I feel about you.” Rebecca took Mark’s hand and smiled at him. “I welcome you into our family Mark, you make Joshua very happy.”

BOOK: Alaska, With Love Assassin-Shifter 02 -
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