Alaska, With Love Assassin-Shifter 02 - (11 page)

BOOK: Alaska, With Love Assassin-Shifter 02 -
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I know,” Mark tried to regulate his breathing but holy hell. Every fantasy he’d ever had about Josh just got blown out the window by reality. Mark’s body was still processing what just happened. He’d had sex before but this, this was better than anything and they hadn’t even been inside each other. It’s was frightening and alluring all at the same time. Mark was starting to wonder if they’d explode when they finally did have sex. “Are you alright?”

Josh ran his nose through Mark’s hair and kissed his forehead. “I never thought it could be like that you know? I mean being with a woman just doesn’t compare to being with you Mark and for so many fucking reasons. With the women it was just fucking, mindless just getting off fucking but with you…” Josh lifted his head and looked into Mark’s eyes, eyes that at that moment understood everything Josh wanted to say without having to say it. He was going to say it anyway. “The second I saw you I don’t know…it was like a bolt of lightning hit me. I couldn’t think about anything else but you Mark.” Josh ran his fingertips over Mark’s forehead and down his nose then traced his lips. “I’ve never felt like this with anyone.”

I haven’t either and it’s scary but exciting at the same time. I always wondered if I’d know when I met the right guy. Like there’d be this Ah ha! Moment but when we met I was so worried I’d had that Ah ha moment for the wrong guy. I mean you were straight and I was…well not. That complicated things because I wanted you so much Josh, the night you kissed me I wanted so much more.”

Josh took Mark’s face in his hands. “I did want you then and I want you even more now. I don’t think I’m ever going to stop wanting you Mark. Not ever.”

Mark closed his eyes as Josh kissed him again. Soft gentle strokes of Josh’s tongue thoroughly licking the inside of his mouth. Mark felt like there were butterflies in his stomach. His palms were sweating as Josh pulled him in closer deepening a kiss Mark didn’t think could get deeper. His whole body was on fire as Josh’s hand slipped up Mark’s thigh and gripped his ass. Mark whimpered again and broke the kiss, breaths ragged, cock hard as a rock. “We have to stop, Jesus I’m going to cum again just from kissing you.”

Oh thank God it’s not just me.” Josh chuckled and dropped his head into the crook of Mark’s neck. Josh pulled the blanket over them and rolled Mark into his chest. He kissed Mark’s forehead and dropped a kiss on his nose. “Night Mark,”

Night Josh,


~Chapter Seven~

Josh didn’t know how hard it was going to be to take things slow with Mark until a week into their stay. He had arranged something to do every day just to keep his mind off of sex and at the same time showing Mark what Denali had to offer. As it was, it was the longest he’d ever been with anyone without jumping into bed with them. Josh was watching Mark outside playing in the snow with Dakota. Mark was grabbing Dakota’s tail then running and Dakota would give Mark a head start before grabbing a pant leg in his teeth and taking Mark down. As soon as Mark was down he’d wrestle Dakota onto his back and tickle his belly. Josh chuckled watching Dakota’s surprised face, if he had to take a guess Dakota wasn’t used to being tickled.

Josh’s radio was crackling to life and Mateo’s voice came over loud and clear.


Yo Montgomery,” Mateo chuckled.


Josh grabbed the radio and smiled. “Hey Mateo, got any news for me?”

You’re not going to like it. We found info on Raoul Rodriquez, James and I looked over countless hours of hospital video and guess who we saw sitting in the corner of the cafeteria watching Mark with his coworkers?”

Son of a bitch, I fucking knew it!” Josh grabbed the counter and squeezed. “He watched him, played him, Jesus Christ.”

Oh that’s not the worst part. That mansion you blew up in Peru, Manuel’s? Yeah, Raoul paid cash for it and put it in Manuel’s name.”

Josh felt the bile rising in his throat. Raoul had been responsible for everything Mark had endured and what was worse was Mark had told the man he was going to Alaska. “You get a fix on him now?”

We’re watching every means of travel. I’ll let you know as soon as I do.”

Josh could hear Riley in the background and Mateo was shushing him. Josh watched Mark outside and he knew he wasn’t going to hold out for long. Mark had been through enough though. Josh was going to have to bottom. “Um Mateo? Can I ask you something kinda personal?”


What does it feel like you know when… well you know?” Josh heard silence on the other end and thought they had been disconnected. “Mateo?”

Yeah, I’m sorry I thought I heard one of my best friends ask me what it felt like to have a dick in his ass.”

Jesus Christ Mat,”

Look, it fucking hurts like hell the first time, like someone is shoving a bowling pin up your ass fat end first. Then the need to shit takes on a whole new meaning.”

Josh rolled his eyes. “That’s just great Mat, thanks.” Josh could hear Riley fighting for the phone and then Riley was on the line.

Josh, don’t let Mateo scare you okay? Look Mark has done it before so he would know how to make you feel comfortable.” Riley lowered his voice. “If I were you though I would start fingering my own ass with as many fingers as I could take.”

Gee thanks Riley, I’ll remember that.” Josh sat down and looked at the bottle of vegetable oil on the counter. Would that work as lube? “Any other thoughts you’d like to share?”

Yes, if Mark is as good as I think he is you’ll get a rim job.”

Okay, what the fuck is a rim job? How did we go from sex to cars?” Josh heard Riley’s high pitched laugh. “Dammit, what is so funny?”

Never mind Josh, Mark will take excellent care of you. Mateo says he’ll call back when they have a fix on Raoul.”

Okay, thanks Riley talk to you guys later.” Josh switched the radio off and turned to see Mark looking at him. “Hey.”

What about Raoul?” Mark sat down at the table and looked at Josh.


Mateo and James are tracking his movements.” Josh tried to look anywhere but at Mark.


Why would they be tracking him? He’s an ex.” Mark narrowed his eyes at Josh. “Tell me Josh.”

Josh pulled Mark into his lap and took Mark’s face in his hands. “Raoul is behind everything. I’m so sorry Mark.” Josh saw Mark’s face go pale and then he was up in an instant running for the bathroom. Josh ran after him and found Mark shaking over the toilet. “Oh god, there’s just no way to sugarcoat it.” Josh grabbed a wash cloth and wet it running it over Mark’s forehead. “He watched you Mark, all your movements, where you went, what you did. He knew where you were going in Peru.”

Just stop,” Mark took a deep breath and gripped the toilet tighter, knuckles white. “You think he’s coming here don’t you?”

Josh sat down on the bathroom floor and pulled Mark to sit between his legs. He put his arms around Mark and kissed his neck. “I won’t let anyone hurt you, you know that right? I’ll kill anyone that comes near you.”

Mark closed his eyes and leaned back into Josh’s warmth. “I know. I trust you Josh. I just feel so stupid, he conned me and I fell for it. Now I’m damaged goods because of Raoul.”

Josh turned Mark’s face to his. “Don’t you ever say that again, you are not damaged goods Mark,” Josh ran his hand across Mark’s silky skin. “You are the most

beautiful caring man I’ve ever met.”
And God help me I’m
falling for you.
Josh could see the tears just under the
surface of those big blue pools just waiting to cascade over the lashes and fall. “Make love to me, Mark.”

Mark pushed Josh away and stood up. God he didn’t need this, some pity fuck because he was sad and felt used. “Don’t do this Josh,”

Don’t do what?” Josh stood up and took Mark in his arms. “What am I doing? I want this, don’t you want me?”

Jesus of course I do, I don’t want some pity fuck from you.” Mark turned and left the bathroom, he hadn’t even made it to the kitchen when Josh grabbed his wrist.

You think that’s what this is?” Josh pulled Mark into his chest and put Mark’s hand on his cock. “Feel that? That’s what you do to me, just you, the way you are how you kiss.” Josh brushed his lips across Mark’s. “Your lips, your hands,” Josh slid his tongue across the seam of Mark’s lips. “I want you because you’re beautiful, I wanted you the second I saw you. So stop—”

Josh moaned as Mark gripped his hair and hauled him into a kiss that had his knees buckling and his cock leaking. He had never had his mouth fucked by someone’s tongue but Mark was doing one hell of a job. Mark pushed him on the couch and stripped off his own shirt and pants. Josh was trying to get his clothing off and then Mark was on top of him. Wet searing kisses went down his chest as Mark practically ate him like a damn meal “Fuck. Mark.”

Anything I need to know?” Mark licked a path down Josh’s chest.


Me too.”

So we’re good.”

Yep,” Mark took Josh’s cock in one fluid movement sucking him to the back of his throat.

Jesus!” Josh’s head went back hitting the pillow and his fingers white knuckled the sheets. Mark’s tongue was sliding through his slit dipping in deep.

Oh God, Oh God,” Josh squeezed his eyes shut and fought his orgasm back.

Mark sucked the head of Josh’s dick flicking his tongue under the sensitive rim all while his fingers played with Josh’s heavy sac. He coated his finger in spit and played at Josh’s puckered hole. Mark smiled as Josh let loose with some curse words as his fingers played at the bundle of nerves around Josh’s opening. More long drags on Josh’s cock and Mark took him in swallowing him whole. He dragged his teeth lightly on his way back up. “Fuck you taste good.”

Oh shit, shit, shit, shit,” Josh tried to hold onto

something, anything to anchor himself as Mark continuously sucked his brain out of his fucking body. The fingers played and Josh felt one slide in his ass. Heat seared up his chute as Mark’s finger broke through

the barrier of
that’s not right
and then it became
oh my
fucking God so good
as Mark found Josh’s spot. “Fuck
yes, right there.”

Mark twisted his finger up rubbing Josh’s sensitive nub until Josh’s legs were shaking and Mark felt Josh’s sac draw up closer to his body. He slid his finger out gently then pushed Josh’s legs up by his ears. “Hang onto to something.”

What? W—” Josh almost flew off the damn bed as Mark swiped his tongue across his hole. “Oh Fuck!” Josh was watching Mark as the man basically ate his ass like he was starving. It was the single most erotic thing he’d ever seen, not to mention naughty. The sensation of Mark’s hot tongue gliding over his hole had Josh breaking out in a fine sheen of sweat. He couldn’t stop watching, Mark’s tongue was fucking talented. He’d had chicks lick his ass before but Mark was a goddamn expert. Josh’s cock was screaming for release. Mark looked up at him just then, pupils blown, lips red.

I’m going to make you scream.” Mark growled.

O-okay…” Josh swallowed hard and nodded his head. Somehow he’d managed one word during the fantastic ass licking. Josh watched as Mark’s thumb rubbed across his hole then the tip slid in and out. Josh sucked in a breath as Mark brought his other thumb into the mix, both thumbs spreading him out. Mark’s tongue did a slow circle around Josh’s ass before Mark spread his asshole open and speared his tongue inside. “Oh fuck, fuck, fuck,” Josh thought he’d pass out from Mark fucking his ass with his damn tongue, sharp strokes in and out followed by Mark biting and sucking his ass. Just when Josh thought he was going to pass out Mark grabbed his aching prick and started stroking him turning him into a desperate babbling idiot. “Oh God please, please, please Mark.”

Not yet sweetie, have to stretch you out more.” Mark let Josh’s legs down and kept stroking in long even drags on his cock as his fingers kept their even stroke in Josh’s ass. As soon as Mark felt Josh relax around one he added another one. Josh’s ass clenched around his two fingers and Mark slowed down his rub. “Feel good baby?” Mark leaned in to kiss Josh licking his lips letting Josh taste himself. Josh moaned and Mark twisted his fingers scissoring them back and forth then angling and pushing up.

Gunna come, oh God no, not yet.” Josh shook his head back and forth. He needed to come, Goddamn he
to come. His dick hurt so much he knew if he could
just release that…oh shit. Josh felt his balls draw up and his stomach rippled.

Let it go Josh.” Mark rubbed his fingers upwards again hitting Josh’s prostate and stroked Josh’s cock upward twisting his hand around the crown and squeezed. The loud howl that left Josh’s mouth could be considered a scream in Mark’s book as Josh shot cum in arcs all over the bed and Mark’s chest.

Ohhh,” Josh’s body was still jerking and he swore he was still coming. Mark’s fingers were still buried in his ass and then Mark was over him kissing him and then the burn came. “Oh Fuck!”

Mark stopped and waited, he had his dick in Josh up to the crown. Shit, he was going to need lube. “Hang on a second.” Mark pulled out slowly then got up and looked around the kitchen.

Vegetable,” Josh blurt it out.


Huh?” Mark looked on the counter and saw the
vegetable oil.
Fuck it
. Mark brought the bottle back and

covered his cock in Vegetable oil as well as Josh’s quivering hole. Mark grabbed the shaft of his prick and slowly pressed in Josh’s tight ass. “You okay?”

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