Agent M: Testament (The Agent M Series Book 2) (53 page)

BOOK: Agent M: Testament (The Agent M Series Book 2)
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It was hard to tell from this distance but Shin thought he saw the son of a bitch smile after he said that. The brave soul down below was about to be taught a lesson in humility. Too bad he won’t live to learn anything else.

“Your proposal is duly noted and rejected. I have twenty-five more soldiers ready to wreak havoc across this great nation of yours,” he scoffed.

There was a foul taste in the air when Shin said those words but he could not attribute as to why he felt that way.

“If you surrender now, I can offer you a quick and painless death which is more than everyone outside these walls will be getting in the next minute.”

The Paladin shook his head.

“I don’t believe I will be doing that either. This is your last chance Dr. Shin. Please surrender now and spare us this needless bloodshed.”

Those words lit a fire in the doctor the likes of which he had never felt before.

“The only blood that will shed is yours. My army will bathe in it.  They will terrorize every man woman and child that would dare stand in our way. The only trump card you had has left like the cowards that have built this nation. Your military doesn’t even stand a chance,” he jeered growing more confident by the second. “So who are you to defy me?”


Davis looked up at the sad soul mocking him from above. He had given him an opportunity for a peaceful resolution. Just like so many other past battles. Before he could answer his question, the Paladin took a deep breath and started to pray. The previous battle was won with some heartfelt help of his FBI ally. Now that he has left, Davis was calling forth a bit of divine favor. Unfortunately, given the circumstances, he will probably show up too.

The time for negotiations and peace has ended. This man, like hundreds before him, will get to bear witness to the mighty power of Testament’s greatest warrior. Light began to radiate off his body. White clouds of smoke poured from his eyes as they began glowing into bright yellow dots that shined like the sun. The ground began to quake. Walls vibrated and soon began to thrash about. The entire building was bending to the will of this young Paladin and it would be thoroughly tested as he opened his mouth to speak.

“I am Davis Tristan Leclair.”

His voice echoed throughout the empty walls of the warehouse. The commanding presence of his words appeared to even rattle the cages of the once arrogant doctor above.

“Warden of the flame. Guardian of the light. And…”

The Paladin looked up at Dr. Shin. Light swelled around him as the energy he controlled nearly enveloped him altogether. His last words had taken a darker turn and filled the room with terror and menace. His official title in Testament was one that was both respected and feared. The only one worthy to take this title was someone who portrayed all of the things that make someone a capable warrior and a model acolyte. No one has ever come close to challenge him for his title. Not one living soul.

“The Right Hand of God.”





March 27th, 2013 4:15PM

I-395 South

Washington, D.C.

The black Mercedes jetted down the freeway weaving in and out of traffic. Michael drove like a man possessed. At this time of day, the cars on the road would start piling up and he didn’t have time to sit and wait behind the wheel.  He slid between inches of other vehicles and he glided along the path and made certain nothing was going to stand in his way.

Just ahead about two miles northwest stood the target of his destination. Michael veered towards the next exit and gunned it prepared to break every single traffic law imaginable. Given the distance, the FBI agent estimated he had another five minutes to his estimated time of arrival. He reached for his phone and called the one man that he would normally never trust with this kind of information. Given the circumstances, he was Michael’s best shot and informing everyone about what was going on and to prepare for the legendary FBI agent’s arrival.

“Michael!” Adrian shouted in almost a shriek. “What’s your status?!”

“It’s a set up,” Michael spat back. “They’re not here for peace. They’re starting a war.”


The S.A.C. was nearly at a loss for words. If there’s one thing Michael wasn’t known for it was exaggeration. Any words that you could get out of his mouth you could take to the bank.

“What are you talking about?”

The need for information was dire but Michael couldn’t process those requests. His mission took precedence even above the orders of his superiors.

“They need to evacuate, now!”

His last words rattled the delicate circuits of the phone.

“Why? What’s going on?”

“They’re already inside!” Michael cried through his clenched teeth.

The pain coursing through his body had not subsided in the least but he continued to press on despite the dreaded pleas of his nerves.

“Inside where?!”

The S.A.C. was desperate for information but the FBI agent was processing thousands of scenarios a second and couldn’t be bothered with playing a game of twenty questions.

“Where do you think?!”

The line went silent. The seconds that passed were filled with dread on both ends. Whatever horrors the S.A.C. thought he knew, Michael knew them to be much, much worse.

“What’s your twenty?”

“En route to the White House. E.T.A., two minutes.”

“Stand down Michael,” the S.A.C. stated. Though he was once filled with as much anxiety as Michael, these words seemed calm and darker than before.

“What?!” Michael angrily stated.

“You no longer have any authority nor jurisdiction to proceed. I have received your official termination papers from the Director himself hours ago. If the Secret Service catches you they’ve been ordered to arrest you on site.”

Silence filled the air. Michael had no idea what to think at this point. Whether or not he was employed was of no consequence at this point. Something more pressing took his attention. He didn’t want to ask this question but he just had to know the answer no matter how terrible it may be.

“Where’s Meryl?”

“Don’t you get it Michael?” Adrian responded with a growing fever. “It’s over! They’ll kill you if you try anything.”

That statement didn’t even warrant a second of the former FBI agent’s attention. He continued with his previous line of question with more anger and resolution than his previous superior has ever heard his career.

“Where is she?!”

The S.A.C. didn’t respond immediately. In his infinite hope, Michael wanted to believe it was just Agent Fischer checking his data. He knew it wasn’t the case. Adrian always had every major aspect of any operation he is a part of fully memorized. He wasn’t looking for anything. He was just stalling. The S.A.C. didn’t know how Michael was going to react. In some ways, he didn’t want to know but even so, he still had a job to do.

“She’s in the Oval Office.”

Michael clenched and crushed the phone with his hand. He tossed the remaining chunks of plastic and metal in the seat next to him and hit the gas. It may have been Davis rubbing off on him but for the first time in his life, Michael did the closest thing to praying one could imagine. This wasn’t going to happen. Not again and especially not now. The only thing he cared about was the hope that he wasn’t already too late.


March 27th, 2013 4:18PM

The Oval Office

Washington, D.C.

“Surrender?” The President scoffed. “You're insane!”

“Insane?!” Bahn barked.

His voice pitch increased with every spoken letter.

“No, what I did to that traitor General is insane. The fact that I can walk again after one of your cowardly military drones bombed my unit and destroyed my legs is insane.”

He leaned in close and the warmth of his breath caressed the increasingly nervous President's face.

“The very idea that I broke through your security, cut you off form every viable means of escape, and now hold you, the most powerful man in the world hostage is insane.”

The soldier pulled back and folded his arms across his chest.

“Given everything you've seen and experienced with your own eyes, asking you to surrender is the most reasonable thing that's happened to you in the last fifteen minutes.”

He watched the President sulk back into that hideously depressing shell of his. There was no denying the situation he laid in. Bahn completely outclassed any army at their disposal. The only remedy they may have is to nuke the city as they have been so fond of doing in times of war. However, that's where North Korea had the upper hand. There is no way they were going to sacrifice the President and every major leader in the country by dropping a nuclear weapon. That is what made this operation all the more important. Even cockroaches eventually die when their heads are cut off.

The clock kept ticking but Bahn did not want to show his impatience. According to his calculations, sirens should be blaring and chaos raining from the skies. The fact that it was quiet was a bit unnerving but no matter. Even without their army of enhanced soldiers, Bahn still held the ultimate prize within his grasp.

“All finished sir!” One reported back.

Bahn took a glance at their work. They had piled up most of the office furniture in the north wall completely blocking access to the mansion. These men may have looked professional enough on the outside but they were still soldiers through and through. One small dosage is all it took to turn them into indestructible killing machines.

“Good,” he nodded. “Have your men posted along the hallway. Kill anything that breaks through. Is that clear?”

“Yes sir!” They all said with a resounding grunt.

As long as no one could get in, they had all the time they needed. Even if they were ousted, America wouldn't risk any operation to retake their leader back if it could cost him his life. And it would indeed. Bahn couldn't wait until all eyes were on him and when this broken visage of a man fell to his knees and surrendered this land to him, he would take his head clean off for all the world to see.

America will die and from the ashes of its charred remains will rise the glorious nation of New Korea. Nothing could top that. History was being written as they stood and the whole world would bear witness to it.


Meryl inched herself closer to the weapon. She timed her movements perfectly. Any and all distractions were in her favor and she exploited every one she got.

After hearing that maniac's plan for this country there was no way Meryl was going to lay down and let it happen. Even if they took her life right here and now it would be worth it just to deny them that pleasure. Meryl had no plans on dying but she wasn't going to go down without a fight either.

The man turned away. Meryl took another inch towards her gun. It was almost within her reach. She paced her breaths and silenced the pain with the rush of adrenaline flowing through her nerves. The short fibers of the carpet scorched against her skin as she gently approached the goal. Her fingers began to tremble as her arm extended out. Slowly her hand slithered on the ground gaining inch after inch. The revolver was a right at the tip of her fingers.

“SAY IT!” The Korean yelled followed by a mammoth crash.

Wood chips and splinters began to rain down all over the vicinity and a few chunks of debris fell on top of the fallen FBI agent. Meryl pulled her arm back quickly and tucked it back underneath her chest. She peaked one eye out to survey the damage.

The President had been forcibly shoved into his desk. It was nearly split in two. George looked much better than his furniture did at the moment but the velocity he had been traveling at must have rattled a few internal organs for he remained silent save for a few coughs and winces.

“You will surrender old man,” cursed Bahn as he approached his victim.

He slammed his hands on the chair’s armrests and pressed his forehead against the President’s.

“Say it!” He spat.

Tiny drops of saliva fell from his maw and he grew increasingly frustrated with his victim’s resistance.

“I’ll never surrender,” the President wheezed.

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