Agent M: Testament (The Agent M Series Book 2) (49 page)

BOOK: Agent M: Testament (The Agent M Series Book 2)
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All things whether they be good or bad must come to an end. Michael had grown tired of his breath. With one mighty swing he slammed the solder into the brick wall beside him creating a small skull sized crevice in its wake. The screams instantly stopped. He flopped to the ground and collapsed onto himself at the whim of gravity.

Michael surveyed the damage. Not a single soldier remained in fighting shape nor would they even after waking up. He made sure to smash their fingers and break bones in their arms rendering their combat prowess useless. And to think the FBI agent had Davis to thank for opening up this opportunity.

Despite the gratitude he owed to the Paladin, Michael was still skeptical. His diversion plan would have produced similar if not the same results. It was as if Davis wanted to show Michael a display of power. Whether it was for a favor or a mark of intimidation remained to be seen.


The doctor slowly began to rise from behind his desk. The effects from the stun grenade had not spared him despite his distance and completely caught him off guard while sending him reeling. He peered back at the seen his eyes had not been privileged to witness. Carnage was the first word that came to mind. Bodies of his proud soldiers had been battered, beaten, and otherwise decimated in the span of a few seconds.

Confusion began to set in over his growing desperation. The last report the Colonel gave while he was still conscious was that two men were about to make contact with this base of operations. That statement must have been grossly underestimated. It would have taken an army to breach their defenses, something the government shouldn’t have or wouldn’t have access to given the circumstances of the day’s events. This didn’t make sense at all but a few things may be cleared up as two foreign targets began to set foot into the doctor’s territory.

The first looked more like a priest than a soldier. He was draped in a large white coat with a giant outline of a cross in shining silver. Upon further inspection, the suit appeared to be stitched together in sections or plates as if it were a piece of armor. That wasn’t any ordinary piece of attire, especially for a supposed member of the clergy.

Shin looked over to the next one and one glance at their face sent a dagger through his heart. The raven black hair and glasses were a dead giveaway. The doctor squatted back down and began tapping away at his keyboard and mouse. A few seconds later he found the piece of information he needed to confirm his suspicions. An email from his late employer Yegor Semyon sent on the day of his tragic demise. It contained no subject or text. The only thing that came across was a picture that was a dead giveaway for the second man in question.

Despite their parting of the ways, Shin was their best chemical engineer and still maintained a good relationship with the General. After all, he was the one that formulated the flu vaccine for children that created Yegor’s empire. This message was meant as a warning. Somehow, the General knew the reason why Shin had left the company and continued to offer him information anyways. That was just like the former General, he always had a backup plan for any potential problem that may arise. There was only one issue here. Doctor Shin didn’t possess his late employer’s intellect about the target in question. All he had was a name and unless saying it three times would make him disappear, Shin had a tragic disadvantage.

A loud and constant beeping sound stole the doctor’s attention. That was the sign he had been waiting so long for. Within a fraction of a second, the tables had been instantly turned. No longer did he cower behind his table. Shin walked proudly carrying the microphone in his hand and approached the window with a bravado and esteem that could not be matched.

“You’re too late Special Agent Michael Madison,” the doctor stated, “It will all be over before you know it.”


March 27th, 2013 4:00PM

The Oval Office

Washington, D.C.

Rhythmic beats occurring in one second intervals captured everyone’s attention. General Suh noticed his subordinate fidgeting with his watch and trying to silence it as best as he could so as not to appear rude. Or so he hoped.

“My apologies,” sighed Suh. “It is time for Bahn to take his medication.”

“Well by all means Mr. Bahn,” the President replied giving him the universal gesture to take care of anything he needs.

Bahn slowly stood up and approached the refreshment table. The clacking of his metal crutches though loud did not seem to dissuade the conversation from continuing.

The General continued to look over the terms of the treaty making sure to note anything that struck him out as important or worth questioning. If he was going to take his new role seriously, it would be in his best interest to learn from two of his newest supporters.

“When will the new integration initiatives begin?” Suh asked.

“We’ve been planning this for weeks General,” answered President Park. “Our logistics teams have worked hard developing a distribution network that will allow us to provide your citizens with all of the information and equipment they will need.”

“How did you do all of that?” The General inquired.

“That was easy,” the President replied. “We’ve been providing relief items: food, clothing, shelter since the end of the campaign. Our teams have been studying your population, monitoring what works and what hasn’t, and creating full-fledged plans to achieve each of our initiatives in a timely and cost effective manner. This isn’t something we had drafted overnight General Suh, we’ve been working one this since the moment our campaign ended.”

The General was at a loss of words. All of the efforts from both America and their former rivals South Korea have been carefully thought out and planned. This wasn’t some hostile takeover. Both sides had showed honest and genuine concern for their people’s well-being. If it was good enough for what everyone calls the greatest nation on earth, then the General would love nothing more than to bring a bit of that happiness to his people.

“I am grateful for your assistance,” Suh replied.

He looked over towards President Park with sincerity.

“And yours as well.”

“We’re working hard to build a better a better world,” the President stated. “And we’re very happy to welcome you to it today,” he finished with a smile.

“We’ve all been looking forward to this for a very long time,” said Park.

The General nodded.

“I agree. And I am looking forward to the time when –”

“Enough,” Bahn hissed as he returned.

The General’s subordinate refused to take his seat and just stood over Suh with an unfriendly expression painted on his face.

“Be quiet,” General Suh whispered with as much authority as he could muster without raising his voice.

This was not the time and place for an argument but Bahn was relentless.

“No, I meant that’s enough out of you,” Bahn retorted. “Wagging your tail like a dog while they dangle treats in front of you. You’re pathetic.”

In the back of the room, Meryl kept her eyes locked on and focused. The peace talks had appeared to temporarily halt while two of the North Korean delegates discussed something amongst themselves. Meryl may not have known enough Korean to understand what they were talking about but judging by their posture, body language, and tone it wasn’t anything good.

“Shelly,” Meryl whispered while continuing to monitor the situation.

“I read you Meryl,” she replied. “What’s going on? What’s the status?”

“Can you translate what they’re saying? I can’t tell but from the looks of it, they’re not having a pleasant discussion.”

There was a brief pause for only a second or two. Meryl felt her heart beat a couple of extra times in between.

“Negative,” Agent Yuan replied. “It’s too quiet. The microphone isn’t picking anything up. You’ll have to move in closer.”

That would prove to be difficult. Any movement on her part, be it completely unrelated may be deemed antagonistic and could blow her cover. After getting the General to agree and assist with everything the President had planned, it would be a terrible waste to have it all be thrown out because of one person’s impulsive and stupid actions.

“Negative on that,” Meryl replied.

Despite keeping the conversation amongst themselves, the General and Bahn were now becoming visibly angry as it progressed.

“They’re really getting fired up now. I cannot proceed.”

“We’ve accounted for these variables Agent Lewis,” the Director stated. “Do not proceed or engage unless there is a specific and hostile threat. Is that clear?”


Those words should have been soothing but it didn’t do anything to ease Meryl’s concerns.

“You’re completely out of line Bahn!” The General stated. “Now sit down and learn your place.”

“No,” Bahn said while shaking his head. “You learn yours.”

Both crutches slipped out of Bahn’s grip and dropped to the floor. The former soldier planted himself on both of his legs which now appeared to be rooted into the carpet like a century old tree. The General made a move to stand. He lifted from his chair and didn’t get a foot off the cushioned surface before Bahn’s leg exploded from its position and swung at the Suh’s head.

Bones cracked as the General let out a horrific but brief cry out in terror. His head was violently ripped from his neck and launched as if exploded from a cannon. It traveled across the room and smashed into bright white interior walls. Blood spewed forth and dragged across the carpet leaving a permanent trail of the destruction that had just passed. The General’s headless body slumped to the ground as more crimson goo continued to pour out and stain the historic ground of the President’s office.

President Park attempted to scream as Bahn raced over and clasped her throat shut with his outstretched arm. His fingers dug into the delicate tissues of her skin pinching the veins in her neck, ceasing the flow of blood to her brain and rendering her unconscious nearly instantaneously.

“Shhh,” he whispered not just commanding the President of South Korea but as a warning to everyone else in the room.

In less than three seconds, the entire course of the meeting had changed. Bahn reached into his coat pocket and tossed his pill case to the other men now under his command.

“Create a barricade. No one comes in or goes out. Is that clear?”

The men gave him a hearty salute. They cracked open the case and began taking their medicine as Bahn had done moments earlier. Within seconds they had the strength and vigor of ten men each as they began ransacking the West Wing for tables, chairs, and other furniture that will seal the entrance and prevent any unwanted guests from attending.

Bahn slowly turned towards the rest of the individuals in the room. He gave them a long toxic stare before locking his gaze on the President.

“This peace meeting is over,” he said sounding more demanding with every breath.

Bahn’s English was nearly flawless. Everything up to this point had been a complete deception and almost everyone fell for it hook, line and sinker. Almost everyone.

“FBI!” The President’s aid shouted drawing a short barrel .38 revolver from her ankle and locking the sights on Bahn’s skull. “Don’t –”

Her words were instantly silenced as Bahn seemingly teleported over to her position and locked his hand on her skull. The exposed FBI agent winced in pain as her mind continually tried to process what had just happened. Bahn lifted her off the ground and drew her closer. All of her yelps and cries were music to his ears and he wanted to savor every moment of it.

Soft whispers began to leave the young woman’s head but they didn’t come out of her lips. Bahn could hear someone talking to her. Upon closer inspection, he caught a glimpse of a hidden earpiece with his newly enhanced vision. It all made sense why some secretary had a gun and would dare to challenge him. Even after their defeat, the Americans still didn’t trust them.

Bahn slightly scratched the earpiece with his free hand and gave it a tap. He then pulled the device from her ear and before it could even bounce a second time, he crushed it under the weight of his mighty foot. He tossed the girl away with what appeared to be a gentle swing but instead sent her violently careening into the eastern wall. Her body cracked against the ancient framework. The hard stone masonry bounced her off like a rubble ball and she slammed back to the ground as gravity commanded. Consciousness still remained with her as Bahn could hear whines and yelps of pain but she had learned a valuable lesson not to challenge his power ever again. He didn’t want to kill a woman, as defiant and uncouth as she may be. That wasn’t his style.

Not even half a minute passed and the entire Oval Office was in disarray. Everything had gone according to plan. Bahn couldn't have been more pleased with his efforts but the mission was far from over. He walked over to the President who was still shaking over the entire ordeal. Suh's blood continued to drain all over his floor and some of it had even splashed on his otherwise stainless face.

The soldier took off his jacket and let it drop delicately from his hands. He started to remove his tie all while keeping his eyes locked on the President. No one else dared to move after seeing his initial display of strength. Not that it mattered anyways. Anyone who has ever dared to challenge him no longer had a life to call their own.

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