Agent M: Testament (The Agent M Series Book 2) (40 page)

BOOK: Agent M: Testament (The Agent M Series Book 2)
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“That is all good on paper Agent Fischer,” Lawrence replied with a sigh. “But how are we going to get him to admit to these charges by offering him a reprieve of a lighter stuff?”

“We don’t need him to admit to the charges,” Adrian replied. “We just need him to say that he knew about these accounts and personally processed these transfers.”

“This smells bad already,” the D.A. scoffed. “He’s bound to know something is up. And we can’t pin him on these charges without a solid confession.”

“That’s the point Mr. Smith,” Adrian replied. “This data we’ve collected is related to a new case we’re working on. Essentially, we’re asking him for his assistance and presenting him with a dismissal as a token of our appreciation.”

The D.A. leaned back in his chair and went over all of the information presented. After the presentation the S.A.C. gave, Lawrence suddenly knew why the L.A. office of the FBI had such a notorious reputation. This may have been deceptive but it was entirely by the book given the evidence. Adrian wouldn’t have it any other way.

“I’ll begin drafting the papers,” Lawrence smiled. “Logan’s due in court today at ten. I’ll be there as well. I should have these done within the hour. Give Mr. Logan and his lawyers our offer and if they all agree to it, we’ll present our findings to the judge and go from there.”

Adrian felt relieved to get permission but the harder battle was still yet to come. One little screw up and Charles Logan may end up walking without spending another second in jail. Knowing him, he’ll probably sue the FBI to add insult to injury.

“You better be sure to get this confession Agent Fischer,” the D.A. affirmed. “Putting him away for this would make my career. Letting him go would end it. And I can assure you, I won’t be going down alone. Is that clear?”

The S.A.C. nodded. He never knew the D.A. had such a commanding side to him as displayed now. It just goes to show why he was so good at his job. Both Agents left the D.A.’s office promptly with their minds locked on the task at hand.

“What’s the next step Adrian?” Thomas asked. “Are you sure you want to go through with this after hearing that?”

There was no turning back from this. Justice may be blind but there was no way the S.A.C. was going to look in the other direction this time. Adrian verified the data thrice over with Mark. Anyone else would have gone through with it without question. Charles Logan shouldn’t receive any special treatment due to his wealth or circumstances.

“Wake Logan up,” Adrian stated. “We’re going to make him an offer he can’t refuse.”


March 27th, 2013 11:30AM

Washington, D.C.

Meryl couldn’t stop looking at herself in the passenger side mirror. A few days prior she wore a gaudy outfit that many would have confused her for a depressed teenager. Now she looked like a totally different person. Her blonde wig was secured tight and locked in a ponytail. It wasn’t her favorite color but it helped sell the rest of the outfit. She was weary of all of the makeup they put on her but it was surprisingly appealing. The artists knew exactly what they were doing and accentuated some of the features Meryl didn’t even know she had after almost twenty-eight years of life. Though her own makeup collection was slim to none, the job these professionals pulled gave her good reason to increase her collection.

The car slowed down in front of the north lawn of the White House and pulled into the arched road leading to the back. Meryl could feel her heart speeding up in beats but it wasn’t for fear, it was anticipation. This was the opportunity of a lifetime. Meryl couldn’t believe this was happening to her. She’d only been an FBI agent for a year and already the honor of meeting the Commander in Chief was hers. Out of all of the fun her and Michael have had over the last year, this moment would be hard to top.

As soon as the vehicle stopped, Meryl exited and thanked the driver. He took off slowly and headed back towards Pennsylvania Avenue. She marveled at the structure before her. All of its rich history seemed to soak into her body with just one glance. Meryl took a deep breath and spoke.

“I’ve arrived.”

“Good,” said the voice in her receiver. “We ready you loud and clear Meryl.”

The device was safely resting deep within her ear canal and virtually undetectable by the naked it. Given the way it had to be installed came of no surprise to Meryl. Two doctors and a magnifying glass was what it took to conceal that device. Even though the President ordered no electronics or communications in the room, Meryl needed the extra support. Luckily it was from someone she grew rather fond of over the last few days. Despite the prank she pulled, things went very smoothly between the two of them for the rest of their time together.

“Proceeding inside,” she replied.

“No need to be so formal Meryl,” the Agent Yuan stated. “We can see and hear your every move. Relax and have fun.”

Having Shelly in her ear was a godsend. Not only would she be able to translate the delegate’s speech but at least Meryl had the satisfaction of knowing her friend was watching her back the entire time. She began walking towards the door where some armed Secret Service agents were waiting for her. She reached into her black suit jacket and procured her new identification badge from within. The agents took a quick look and waved her ahead without uttering a single word.

“Are all Secret Service agents like that?” Meryl whispered as she walked by.

“Some of them are worse,” Shelly replied. “Just be thankful they didn’t stop you and ask for a strip search. They like to think they can get away with that sort of thing with new employees. I’d pay to see them try that on you though.”

Small bits of laughter could be heard on the other end. Meryl psyched herself up for this and was able to walk through it without sharing her friend’s sentiments. Not that she didn’t want to but Meryl had to present an aura of professionalism from here on out.

Another eight agents filled the interior of the White House as Meryl walked passed. They were pressed against the walls with sunglasses tightly bound to the eyes. She was beginning to see why Michael was picked to hang out with these guys for the job. He’d fit right in.

Meryl turned the corner and headed towards the West Wing of the building. These were her instructions after all. Every effort was made to make Meryl appear like a normal employee. Higher ups at the Secret Service were made aware of her presence but the individual agents in the building were clueless. To them, she was the political liaison to the President of the United States appointed and cleared by their superior. As far as they were concerned, she didn’t need any other stamps of approval.

The door to the Oval Office was open. Meryl’s heart began racing again. Several men in various drab colored suits were seated on the couches inside. They were talking amongst themselves quietly. The topics being discussed were of the usual fare but nothing that directly concerned Meryl. As she reached the door frame, Meryl took one final deep breath, stood up straight, and gently tapped on the open door.

“Pardon my intrusion Mr. President,” she spoke. “My name is April Winters and I am here at your request.”

Suddenly dozens of eyes locked onto her body. The aged gentlemen in the room began to survey her from top to bottom. Some out of pure curiosity while others had a subtle lecherous look to them. With this group it couldn’t be helped.

Behind the desk, the President turned around. He was about average in both height and looks but carried himself very well for his age. Neatly trimmed white locks stood firmly on his head. They traveled all the way around his face forming a beard that was so sharp it could cut glass on contact. His pressed blue suit accented the soft tan skin of his face and hands. Steel blue eyes stared back at Meryl that screamed of power and confidence.

“Welcome Ms. Winters,” he called.

His voice was majestic and deep, like that of a king.

“Please come in and have a seat.”

Meryl puckered a quick but short smile and walked through the office. All eyes continued to follow her. This was a lot more intense than she imagined. The voice in her head kept telling her to be calm and professional and thankfully it was quickly translated in her posture and movements.

The President used on hand to pull out a chair right next to his desk and the other to shake Meryl’s.

“George Marshall. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

“The pleasure’s all mine Mr. President,” Meryl replied.

It was hard enough to believe she was shaking hands with the President of the United States. The fact that he was such a gentleman was extremely reassuring.

“Please, sit,” he directed.

His eyes looked up to the rest of the room as Meryl took a seat in the surprisingly comfortable piece of furniture across from the President’s desk.

“Gentlemen, if you please.”

The rest of the audience got up and left without so much as a second look back. That’s the kind of power wielded by that man. Moving missiles from one country to the next could be done at the push of a button. Moving the masses took a certain level of trust and respect many people were too shy to give.

The door was shut by the last man to leave the room leaving Meryl and the President all alone in the most powerful office in the world.

“Thank you for coming down on such short notice Agent Lewis.”

A rush of relief swept over Meryl. At least for the time being she could ditch the act though the disguise would take a bit more effort.

“I appreciate the opportunity Mr. President,” she replied.

“Please call me George,” he said. “Actually I’m very glad you agreed to this assignment. Your parents and I are old friends.”

Meryl didn’t directly respond. Her efforts were spent trying to hide her disappointment. Being the only heir to the Lewis Foundation came with a lot of baggage on top of the ever pushed responsibility. Most business people on this earth would kill for even a peak at her parent’s Rolodex let alone be a part of it. The fact that her parents knew and were friends with a President didn’t surprise all things considering. The fact that they still considered her as their daughter was an actual shock given the last time Meryl saw her mother. Exiting in spectacular fashion was the going rumor in their headquarters but was probably embellished considerably over the last decade or so. Being reminded that she even had parents only proved to sully her mood.

The President took his seat and continued.

“They were very adamant as well as generous with their contributions to my campaign. Actually, I’m supposed to have lunch with them next week.”

A black hole entered Meryl’s stomach. She got the feeling that the President was going to ask her to join them. Turning down the President’s offer would be a huge disrespect. If only he knew their history and why Meryl couldn’t face them again. Not like this and especially not now.

“But I digress,” the President calmly said.

He had no idea how much of a relief those words brought to Meryl.

“We need to make a good impression on our visitors. There is a lot riding on these meetings and we need to make sure everyone is on the same page by the end of it.”

“Yes sir,” she promptly replied.

“That’s what I like to hear Agent Lewis.”

The President then handed her a small file.

“Here is some additional information on our guests. I trust you’ve been briefed on all of the other details. This data details what you are allowed to know in their presence. I only ask that you treat them with the utmost respect and courtesy. The last thing we need is an international incident occurring in my office because of a misunderstanding.”

Meryl nodded but felt a slight pain tickle her ear. The way the President said that last part made her feel like he knew of that unfortunate accident a couple of nights ago. That kind of reputation will only go to prove everything she’s ever done in life was wrong. Despite the trail of success in its wake, one big screw up could cost her dearly. It was challenging to shut down her impulses when they had given her so much luck in the past. However, today she had to play by the rules. This moment in history will be one that would be forever told in textbooks for years to come. When people ask each other where they were on that day, Meryl will be one of the proud few that can say she was in that very room. She promised herself she wasn’t going to screw this up. Time to play nice and be a good girl. After all, there’s a first time for everything.


March 27th, 2013 8:49AM

Las Vegas, NV

The familiar bleach infused stench of the interrogation room was wearing on Charles Logan’s senses. It was bad enough he was forced to wear this hideous orange jumpsuit. The money he has spent on sunglasses could buy a whole factory’s worth of those things with enough left over to buy a nice outdoor lunch to enjoy them with. He didn’t even want to acknowledge the steel bracers binding his wrists. A gold Rolex watch should have been there but instead, he was chained up like a common thief. Charles Logan was no thief. He is a visionary and pioneer. The fact that the government can’t even comprehend the magnitude of his business only shows just how behind the times democracy sits behind the fast moving force of capitalism.

Standing next to his seated client was Miles Andrew Monroe, head of Monroe & Connelly law firm. He was aged, much like his client’s but a bit chubbier and paid good money for suits that hid that fact as much as possible. His stone cold blue eyes showed no weakness as he came here this morning with a plan to get his esteemed client out of this dungeon and back home where he belongs. No amount of force could waver his already steeled resolve. Justice was on his side.

BOOK: Agent M: Testament (The Agent M Series Book 2)
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