Age Of Awakening: Unofficial Minecraft Adventures Series 3 In 1 (4 page)

BOOK: Age Of Awakening: Unofficial Minecraft Adventures Series 3 In 1
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Book 2: Quest To Kill The Ender Dragon






Core Sky


“Just a few more and it’s done,” Steve said as he stood on the roof of his new home. He had just enough wooden blocks left to complete the angled roof. He had spent the last week trying to put this place together and make it look nice.


Down below on the ground were a few people from the nearby village. Stephanie and Carl had fast become Steve’s friends when he found the small town a month ago.


“Looks good Steve! Hurry up already so we can go eat, I’m starving to death here!” They all laughed at Carl who was always hungry and never patient when it came to lunch.


“There.” Steve climbed down from the roof and walked over to his friends. They all admired the house from a distance and Steve felt himself well up with pride.



“Now I finally have a home of my own,” he says before looking at the others.


Carl and Stephanie agree that it looks gorgeous and that he did a fantastic job. Carl however rubs his stomach and stares at them both with wide eyes.


“Ok ok don’t get all worked up.” Stephanie says with a chuckle. She kisses his cheek then looks to Steve. “Let’s get something to eat before Carl disappears.”


Steve can’t help but to laugh as he follows his two best friends away from his new home and back towards the village.


The Haunted Mind


Overworld’s adventurer walked with his friends towards the village but his mind was elsewhere. His memory felt fuzzy and if he tried to think too far back all he could remember was a fight; a fight between him and a strange man with blank white eyes. Every time he thought about this it hurt his head and made his vision blurry as if he wasn’t supposed to remember it at all. He tried to push past the pain this time, tried to force himself to remember what had happened. His vision began to shake, the world around him looked as if it was spinning and his head was splitting open.


“Steve?” Stephanie had stopped walking and placed her hands onto his shoulders.



Her voice brought him back to the present. Steve opened his eyes and realized they were now in town. Carl and Stephanie were staring at him with very worried looks on their faces. He stood upright and cleared his throat. “Sorry about that.”


“What was that all about?” Carl asked as he continued to stare.


“Just a headache…think I’ve gone too long without eating something…lets go,” Steve said with a smile as he tried to re-assure his friends that he was ok. In truth he wasn’t, he was disappointed that he couldn’t push past the pain and remember what had happened to him in the past. For now, he let it go and went to have lunch with his best friends.


That night Steve spent his first night alone in his new home. The place was perfect and he couldn’t have been happier with it. The stone floors and wooden walls were so warm and comfortable. A fireplace crackled in the living room and he had even dug himself a pool in the back yard. The sun dipped low in the sky and Steve decided to go to sleep early. Having tried to remember his past had really hurt his head and drained him of energy.


Time Revenge


The next day Steve was in a mineshaft, gathering coal when two bright white eyes glowed in the darkness. Out of fear Steve stepped back and held up his iron pickaxe in self-defense.


“You do not belong here!” the voice shouted at him. The voice was all wrong, it sounded like it was coming from everywhere all at once.


“Who are you?” Steve asked as he backed away.


The man did not answer, he simply attacked. They battled for hours, each of theme evenly matched until finally Steve outsmarted his attacker and set of a block of TNT near him. Steve approached the white eyed man with his bow and aimed it down at him.



“You cannot kill Herobrine!” the man shouted before Steve loosed the arrow into his head.


Steve sat upright in bed, breathing heavily and sweating horribly as he looked all around him. It had all been a horrible dream, but it felt so real. Steve got out of bed and dressed quickly. Equipping his armor he rushed outside and started to run. He did not need a compass or even his map; somehow he knew exactly where he was going. The sun was still down when he left but the skeletons and zombies were no match for Steve who simply cut them down on his way.


By midafternoon on the next day Steve had found what he was looking for; the site of his last battle with Herobrine. The hole in the mountain where he had been kicked through, the blast mark from the TNT and the fallen tree, all of it was real, right there in front of him. It had not been a dream after all. Steve had really battled Herobrine and after it was all over he had woken up in the middle of a field with nothing on him and no memory of the events.


Seeing it all right there before him caused Steve to fear the white eyed man all over again. He still knew nothing about Herobrine except that he hated Steve with a passion. However, remembering the events clearly made Steve feel a little more at ease because he remembered killing Herobrine at the end of their last battle.


He hoped that he could move on with his life then, never have to deal with the white eyed demon again.


Twinkling Pleasure


The journey back home took Steve a little bit longer than last time. He had taken the time to hunt for food and gather some supplies while he was out. Once he had arrived back home he found his best friend’s waiting for him with a basket sitting behind them.


“Where were you?! And why are you wearing your armor??” Stephanie said as she ran to him. Apparently they had found him missing and waited for hours for him to return home.


Steve un-equipped his armor and sword and hugged his friend when she got to him. “I’m sorry, I had to go and see something. I had a dream and…don’t worry about it, I’m home now.”


Carl just stood there with his arms crossed until Stephanie dragged Steve by the hand over to the basket. “We got you a present for your new house.” She said excitedly, dropping the issue with him being gone rather quickly.


“Oh?” Steve looked at the basket when Carl moved aside and saw the young baby wolf sticking out of it. It looked to Steve and barked a few times.


“Surprise!” Stephanie shouted with a giggle. “There's a man who lives in the woods nearby who raises them. He will be loyal and keep you safe.”



Steve could not help the smile that spread across his face. “Oh wow! You guys shouldn’t have!” he picked up the grey wolf pup that licked his face happily. “Thank you both, he is amazing.”


“What are you gonna name him?” Carl asked.


Steve thought about it for a moment then smiled again as he held up the pup. “Scoundrel.”


Thorn In The Dreams


After his dream Steve spent the next month trying to forget about Herobrine, but something never felt quite right anymore. Whenever he mined he made sure to place torches all about. The darkness hid things from him and the very thought of Herobrine still being out there made his skin crawl. However the adventurer did take some comfort in having his wolf with him. Scoundrel was very good at barking and growling at any predators nearby. Already the wolf had saved Steve’s life when a creeper got too close.


Steve could not get rid of the feeling that he was once again in grave danger. But what he did not know was that the danger was not hidden in the shadows but flying high above him in the clouds of Overworld.


Steve and Scoundrel were at home, tending their simple garden when an explosion more powerful than Steve had ever felt shook the ground beneath his feet. Looking around he tried to find what had happened as Scoundrel barked madly to the west. Steve looked and saw a pillar of black smoking rising into the air, right over the village.


“Stephanie! Carl!”


Steve equipped his best armor and sword, running as fast as he could towards the little village where his best friends in the world called home. What he saw when he arrived was heartbreaking and terrifying all at once.


The entire village had been destroyed. The buildings were rubble and ash, bodies littered the ground all over, charred and smoking from the intense heat. A crater the size of a small mountain gaped in the middle of the village, smoking profusely.


“This was your doing Adventurer!” A voice older than time itself and far more demanding filled the air.


Steve felt his heart stop as the voice invaded his every fiber. No idea who or what said it as he looked around desperately.


“Herobrine?! Show yourself you coward!” Steve shouted at the sky.             


The voice returned but this time in a laugh. The sound was like many great boulders sliding down the side of a mountain, destroying everything in its path. Whatever this creature was, it was powerful.


“Herobrine I am not, but it was he who unleashed me! It was he who sent me to devour you!”


Before Steve could utter a single word more the powerful creature that had destroyed the village and killed his friends revealed itself to him.


A mighty black and purple dragon burst through the black smoke rising from the village and landed on the ground right in front of Steve. The landing caused the ground to shake and Steve was forced off of his feet and into the dirt. Looking up at the mighty beast Steve could only stare in awe, unable to move or fight.


The dragon let out another horrendous laugh before looking down at Steve. “You pathetic little creature! I fail to see how anyone could ever fear you!”


Steve bolstered his courage and the fear left his eyes.


“You will learn to fear me once I stab you in the heart!”


The dragon looked down at him and let loose a hell raising roar, deathly hot breath washed over Steve as it did. The dragon lunged its head down to devour the adventurer but Steve rolled out of the way at the last second and got to his feet. Quickly grabbing his sword he readied himself but the Ender Dragon was just too fast.


The dragon’s massive tail came swinging around behind Steve and slammed into him with all the power of an avalanche. The adventurer was sent flying across the landscape and smashed hard into the side of a mountain.


Steve was destroyed, his body was broken and his vision darkened as the life was getting ready to leave him completely. The world around him slowed as the dragon landed before him again. The mighty beast stared down at him and growled as smoke rose from its nostrils.


“Your end has come.” The dragon spoke. With one last look at the broken hero the Ender Dragon lunged its massive head forward and in one bite devoured Steve, snuffing out his life as if he were an ant.


Steve not only sat up out of his bed but jumped straight out of it in a cold sweat, looking around his bedroom as if he expected to see the dragon hiding in one of the dark corners. His breathing was borderline hyperventilating as he tried to calm himself down. Scoundrel got out of his bed in the corner worriedly and licked Steve’s hand.


“Another dream?” he said out loud to himself.


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