Age Of Awakening: Unofficial Minecraft Adventures Series 3 In 1 (2 page)

BOOK: Age Of Awakening: Unofficial Minecraft Adventures Series 3 In 1
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Meet Intelligence


Herobrine spent the next month in the library
researching the very beginnings of his world, its ancient lore’s and legends. For weeks he found nothing. The tireless man continued without sleep to find something, anything that would hint at another creature as powerful as him that could help him kill Steve. It all seemed hopeless and without end, until one fateful night.



Out of anger and disgust at his own inability to uncover anything, Herobrine grabbed one of the bookshelves, throwing it to the floor with a growl of rage.


A hiss answered him back; a hiss of rushing wind from behind him. There, in the wall behind that ancient bookshelf was a passage. The dark prevented him from seeing where it led but the edges of the stone around the hole seemed to glow a faint purple.


Herobrine grabbed a torch from the wall and headed through the passage. Cobwebs coated every inch of wall in a thick blanket. The fire of his torch fought a losing battle against the bleak blackness of the short hallway. A set of stairs lead downward in a spiral, leading to the depths of the unknown. As many times as Herobrine had died and lived again he had never known this place existed.


The stairs lead to one more hallway, but at the end of this was a small room about the size of a cabin home. Statues of the mysterious Endermen adorned each of the four corners, holding up the roof as their blank stares all gathered in the middle of the room.


The only other things there were a chest and the skeleton of some long forgotten adventurer.


The chest glowed purple, stronger than the door had, filling the room with its radiance. Herobrine approached it slowly.


Surprisingly there seemed to be no lock upon the old chest, no means of keeping someone out. Surely though whatever was inside must be able to help me, thought Herobrine. Steeling his determination he kicked open to the chest and stepped back. A long moment passed as he waited for something to happen, but nothing did.


Herobrine peered forward, hoping to see a weapon of some kind tucked away inside the chest.


“What is this?” he said as he lifted a large purple tome out of the chest, inspecting it on either side.


“That, is the Book of The End” a voice filled the room. Herobrine spun, swinging his torch at the unseen enemy but finding no one behind him. “Over here you dim witted fool.”


Herobrine turned once more and saw that the skeleton had stood up off the floor, dusted himself off of cobwebs and was now, smiling at him?


“Who…what, are you?” Herobrine asked.


“You truly are dim witted aren’t you? Look at me, what do I look like boy?”


“You look like a skeleton, but the monsters that roam the mines of Overworld cannot speak.”


“True enough, but I was not always a skeleton. Not like your monsters.” The skeleton walked closer to Herobrine, the ancient chest stood open between them.


“Then who are you?”


The skeleton smiled “I was once the adventurer of this world, the first in fact, back when magic and sorcery were the means of survival. Now, I am merely the guardian of the book.”


Herobrine could hardly believe what the old pile of bones was saying. “You, were the first adventure of Overworld?”


The skeleton seemed to smile and the skull nodded. “Yes, you are not the only forgotten adventurer of this world. I know each and every realm that exists within and outside of Overworld.”


“Realms?” Herobrine asked “What realms?”


“Ah, what you hold in your hand my boy. That book will tell you all you need to know about The End; a dark horrid place filled with despair and hopelessness. There is the home of the Endermen and the Ender Dragon.”


Herobrine was struck silent. He looked down at the tome in his hands, inspecting the black markings upon its purple leather cover.


“Your eyes, you were cast away into the darkness, replaced by a new traveler were you not?”


Herobrine felt his anger rising again. “Yes, I was, and I seek an ally to help me destroy him, to take back my world!”


The skeleton laughed, a sound like dust falling down a long dried up well. “I will not be able to fight with you my boy, the spell I cast keeping these old bones together is weak, and I will not last much longer. But if you seek a truly powerful ally, then you must travel to The End and release the Ender Dragon from its prison!”


Herobrine nodded. “What do I need to do”



What Lies Ahead


The skeleton had followed Herobrine out of the hidden chamber and back up into the library. The markings in the tome were so old that Herobrine could not read them, but his new friend was more than happy to help translate.


“Hidden in Overworld, there is a stronghold buried far below the surface.” The skeleton began as he flipped heavy page after heavy page of the book. “Inside this stronghold is a portal, which leads to The End. But to activate it, one must have the Eyes of Ender”

Herobrine was excited to finally be on the right track, but his impatience grew. “Where do I find these Eyes?” he asked.


“They cannot be found, they must be forged from two items. Blaze Rods and Ender Pearls. The Ender Pearls you will gain from killing Endermen. The Blaze rods however, are another story. They will be very difficult and dangerous to find.”


“I will do whatever it takes, just tell me what I need to do” Herobrine said.


“Go and gather Obsidian blocks, you will need at least twelve. Do this and when you return I will have things prepared for your journey.”


“My journey where, exactly?”


“Into the Nether”


Hunter of Gift


It took Herobrine only a few hours to find the obsidian he needed. Placing it in a frame as the skeleton instructed he used a flint to send sparks flying into the frame. At first nothing happened. Then, it was as if the obsidian caught fire. A purple flame trailed up the inside of the frame. When the flame completed its circle a purple aura filled the inside of the obsidian.


“This will take you to the Nether realm.” The skeleton said. “You must find the nether fortress, slay the Blaze Creatures there and bring me the Blaze Rods. Then, you will be one step closer to reclaiming our world”


Herobrine looked to the skeleton. “My. World.” And with that he launched himself through the portal.



The portal into the nether brought Herobrine out in the middle of nowhere. Nether rock and lava surrounded him in an endless vista of hellish beauty. Herobrine walked to the nearest pool of molten magma and felt its heat rising, washing over him like a thick blanket. Each time his particles reformed after deleting his world, Herobrine’s senses were heightened. He could see farther, hear more clearly, but these gifts also came with a price. Pain was elevated, every sensation was double or triple what it used to be. Closing his eyes Herobrine cherished the burning heat of the lava.


After collecting a bucket of the lava for later Herobrine turned to face the Nether, searching with his unrelenting white eyes for the structures that held what he desired. Nothing, as far as even he could see there was only endless red rock, fires and more magma. But there was something else that changed within Herobrine. He grew stronger with each resurrection, gained more control over the world around him, became more of the god that the world deserved. Herobrine felt his body lift off the ground slowly, feet slipping away from the stone as he rose upwards.


Herobrine shot forward; flying through the Nether at full speed, searching for the fortress he knew would house the creatures known as Blaze. These fire beasts held one half of the critical items he needed to create the Eyes of Ender. His flight got the attention of the demon spawn dwelling in this realm. Their moans and shrieks filled his ears as he shot past them, paying them no attention as they tried to shoot him down. Arrows blasted past him left and right, each missing its mark as he moved too fast for them.


he thought, for in the distance he could see the massive bridges spanned over a lake of magma that made up the Nether Fortress. Not much longer now and he would be…


A fireball slammed into his back, forcing Herobrine out of the air as he slammed with great force onto the rock below. Pain seared his back as he rolled uncontrollably for a great distance, nearly falling off a cliff and into the lava below before he finally stopped.


War of Fireballs


Herobrine got himself to his feet, looking around for his sword but seeing it nowhere. A screeching sound caught his attention as he looked up above him. Two massive white creatures floated above him, one of them had shot him down and now both were moving right towards him. Several fireballs were already on their way towards him. Herobrine dove out of the way. Each of the projectiles missed him but not by much. The explosions when they hit the ground covered him in obliterated nether rock. Running for his sword Herobrine scooped it from the ground as he rolled. Coming back to his feet he swung just in time to bat another fireball back at the massive white Ghast.


The fireball hit its mark, exploding in the face of its creator. The ghast screeched in the throes of death and fell to the ground below. Taking flight again Herobrine dodged the second creature’s fireball and flew underneath it. Raising his sword with a war cry Herobrine rent the ghast completely in two as it also screamed.


“There will be more. I have to hurry.”


Herobrine picked up as much speed as he could, heading towards the nether fortress. He was not interrupted again until he found the bridges and the first of the blaze creatures. It was unlike anything he had seen before. Long rods floated in a pillar of fire, circling one another under a skull of flames. The creature took notice of Herobrine as he approached and opened its mouth, emitting a scream as it let out a gout of flame.


Herobrine launched his diamond sword at the creature, veering out of the flames path just in time. The diamond blade connected with the skull of the creature, but did not kill it.

“Wonderful” he said as he circled around the creature coming up behind it. The thing turned to scream at him again. When it did Herobrine grabbed the hilt of his sword, yanking it upwards as hard as he could and slitting the fire skull. It merely reformed as the creature screamed.


Herobrine flew off the bridge just as fire spilled over the place he had just been standing. He needed to try something else. He flew up to the thing at high speed; swinging his sword like a bat and knocking one of the rods form its body. This caused it to scream, this time in pain.


“Ha! Now I have you” he exclaimed as he circled it. He began to knock the rods away from its core one by one until finally the Blaze exploded with one last screaming ball of fire.

Burned and tired but victorious Herobrine gathered the rods from the creature and hurried through the fortress to find more of them.


Nearly three days had passed since Herobrine had entered the portal to the Nether. The old skeleton stood watch over it, waiting for the adventurer to emerge once more. He had all but given up hope when out of the purple portal emerged Herobrine, burned and bloody but very much alive.


“You made it back from the Nether. Well done, not many of us can say that. But did you get the blaze rods?”


Herobrine walked to the large wooden table and took out the rods from his inventory, dropping them down onto the table. “Enough to activate the portal and summon the dragon…you had better be right about all of this.”


The skeleton nodded but pointed to the forge in the corner of the room. “Go, eat something and regain your strength, we have no time to waste. Next you must hunt down the Endermen, and we will do that, on the way to the hidden stronghold!”


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