Against My Lips, Motorcycle Romance: AcesWild MC Series (3 page)

BOOK: Against My Lips, Motorcycle Romance: AcesWild MC Series
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I got up and grabbed my backpack, taking it into the bathroom with me. I brushed my teeth and took a shower, using the shampoo and conditioner to get the knots out of my hair. I used my dull razor to shave my legs and armpits. After drying off, I slipped into the only other pair of undies I had with me. Then I put on my jeans and a royal blue tank top, combed my wet hair, and applied some mascara and lip-gloss. My cheek was already turning a dark purple color, but I didn't have any cover up with me.  Knowing there was nothing I could do to hide it but try to cover it with my hair; I went back into the bedroom.

Jesse was awake and already dressed. Without a word he brushed past me like I wasn't even there and went into the bathroom. I packed my backpack and waited on the end of the bed. Five minutes later, we were out the door; he returned the key to the office, and we got on the bike. I wrapped myself around him and got ready for the long ride. I knew I should be afraid after he had hit me, but I wasn't. It probably had something to do with being used to getting slapped. Plus, Jesse didn't make me feel like Steve did. Not even for a second.

Jesse headed south from Nevada into New Mexico. I could feel the sun beating down on my bare shoulders, and I wished I were covered. The air was so dry that I felt like there wasn't enough water in the world to make me feel better. Plus, I hadn't had anything to eat or drink since the night before, and I was feeling lightheaded.

We pulled up to a stoplight, and I thought my nose was running. I reached up to wipe it away discreetly and my hand was suddenly covered in blood.

"Oh God."

"What's wrong?" Jesse turned around to see why I had spoken and saw the blood. "Shit, what happened?"

When the light turned green, he got us to the nearest gas station and pulled me into the bathroom with him. He was a flurry of activity, wetting paper towels and wiping my face. Then he told me to tip my head back to stop the blood flow. I felt like an idiot, but it was also kind of nice to be taken care of. No one had given a shit about me since before my mother left. I used to think she cared before she left me in hell all alone.

When I felt like the bleeding had stopped, I moved the paper towel away from my face, and Jesse took a good look at me. The look on his face quickly changed from concern to horror. Tears filled his pale blue eyes.

"I'm sorry about your bad dream last night, Jesse. I wanted to help you, but I didn't know how, especially when you got sick."

"Brooke. Oh shit. Look at your face. I did that to you, didn't I? Oh my god, I swear I didn't mean it. Please believe me, I’m not that kind of man. I wasn't sick from the dream. I was sick because I did this to you."

His hand was gentle as he stroked my bruised cheek, then he leaned in and place a light kiss on it. He no longer looked annoyed to be in my presence. I no longer felt alone.

When his mouth was still close, I turned my head and kissed him. When he responded by kissing me back, I let all of the feelings from the past two years pour out of me. Our tongues danced together, and he placed a hand on each side of my face, treating me like I was fragile. Like I meant something.

I eased his jacket off his shoulders and pulled at the hem of his t-shirt. I needed to have him again. I needed to reaffirm our connection and make him see that we could be something together.

He was not pulling away this time. I could feel him letting his guard down with each passing second. He undid the button on my jeans and eased them over my hips. Then he pulled my blue thong down, careful not to rip this pair. When I was bare, he lifted me up onto the sink and lowered himself onto his jacket on the floor.

His hot breath hit me first, and I moaned a little just from his nearness. He rubbed his hands up and down my inner thighs, and then he flattened his tongue and pressed it against my swollen clit. He gave it a nice, long lick before moving his tongue in slow circles around it. The boys I had had sex with before had tried, but they were never very good at this. 

Jesse was a man with experience, and I could feel it in every touch. He knew just how to caress and taste me. As his tongue worked my clit, he slowly slid one of his long fingers inside of me, hooking it upward to touch me in a place no other man had ever found. I was grinding against him and crying out, forgetting that we were in public and people could probably hear me.

"Jesse, please don't stop. I have never felt like this. Oh my god. Fuck! I'm gonna come!" I unraveled as he held me up, drinking every drop of the sweet juices that flowed from my body. I was still shaking with need when he freed himself from the confines of his jeans.

"You tasted so good, Brooke," to prove his point, he kissed me, and I could taste myself on his lips and tongue. It awakened more need inside of me. I reached between us and wrapped my small hand around his massive erection. I rubbed up and down, feeling his entire length and appreciating what he had to offer.

I pushed him back away from me a little bit and climbed down from the sink. I got on my knees on his jacket, and I was up close and personal with his swollen cock. Gripping the base with my hand, I spit on the head and let it drip down. Then I leaned in and licked slow circles around his massive head. When I took the head into my mouth, he gasped and rested a hand on the back of my head. I started to move him into my mouth as far as he could go, letting him slide all the way to the back of my throat. I could only fit him about three-quarters of the way in, but I worked him with my throat while I continued to rub the base with my small hand. I used my other hand to cup and rub his balls. They were big and obviously full.

Suddenly, he pulled me to my feet and turned me around so I was bent over the sink. He placed one hand on my hip and used the other to guide his thick cock to my wet opening. He pushed inside me slowly this time. There was no intent to scare me away. He was healing me, and I think part of him knew it. One of his hands was caressing my back, and he was looking at me in the mirror instead of hiding his face. I could see my big breasts bouncing each time he pushed back into me.

He looked into my eyes in the mirror, searching for something, and I looked back. I could see that he recognized himself in my eyes as he made his version of love to me in a gas station bathroom. He could feel my pain, and he was matching it with his own with each thrust against me.

I held onto the sink as tightly as I could, refusing to break this moment, wanting him to last forever. Maybe it was just weakness from knowing he hurt me, but I didn't care. If he left me right now, this moment would sustain me for weeks to come. Knowing just for a moment that someone understood.

Every time his thick cock pressed into my soaking wet pussy, I could feel something building inside me. It was like he was made for me, and I never knew it could feel this good. I pushed back greedily, trying to find pleasure and to ease the pain that was consuming him.

I knew it was coming to an end when he started to push harder and his grip on my hips tightened. When he spilled into me, I came around him, my insides squeezing him as we came together.

We sat there in silence for a couple more minutes, catching our breath. I could sense that he didn't want to break our contact either. Someone started pounding on the door, and we had to come back down.

"Jesse, I-"

"Don't say it. Let's just let it be for now. I really am sorry I hit you. You're too beautiful to be marked like that. You deserve to be protected."

For the first time, he acknowledged me as more than an imposter on his mission. We dressed quickly and quietly, and when we went to leave the bathroom, I grabbed his hand. He looked at me with eyes full of questions, but he didn't pull away.

The guy waiting outside the bathroom gave us a knowing look, but it didn't bother me. I didn't think anything could get me down after what had just happened.

"What the fuck?"

I snapped out of it quickly as Jesse pulled his hand away and went running toward his beloved bike. It was not how we had left it. The bike had obviously been hit with a heavy object, and the metal was mangled. The leather on the seats was cut open and all of the lights had been smashed. The tires had each been slashed. There was no way it could be driven.

Jesse was screaming every expletive that existed, and when I got a closer look, I saw why.

The chrome had been carved, most likely with the same tool that had slashed the tires, and the word ‘SNITCH’ was in plain view. It appeared his past had followed us on our ride into New Mexico, and whomever it was believed that Jesse had been the one to bring his brothers down.

My adrenaline was pumping as I looked to Jesse to see what to do next. He was wild with fury, and when he stepped toward me, I flinched and backed away.

He immediately stopped screaming and a look of guilt came over him.

"I wasn't going to hit you, Brooke. That will never happen again. And I'll kill any man who even thinks about it. It's obvious that it's happened to you before," he took a minute to take my hand back in his to reassure me.

"But I am so fucking pissed right now. Who the fuck did this to my bike? Everyone thinks they know what went down that night, but no one has a fucking clue! I will never clear my name or get my brothers back. My life is totally fucked. I warned you to run far away. Fuck!"

Jesse sat on the curb at the gas station and pulled me down with him. I got as close and I could and wrapped my arms around him under his leather jacket. I knew how he felt. I knew all about running from a past that had broken you so badly you felt like you would never be whole again.

"It will be okay. I understand. I'm here."

"That's just the problem. I needed you to not be here. I needed to do this alone."

"But I want to be here. Let me be with you."

"You won't be saying that when you see why I'm in New Mexico. But now it's more than just my life at stake. Better get ready for more than you bargained for, Brooke."

I was ready for anything. Or at least I thought I was…

If you’ve enjoyed reading ‘Against My Lips’, Book 1; stayed tuned for Book 2 as things really heat up for Brooke and Jesse!

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Roxi Cooper, author


BOOK: Against My Lips, Motorcycle Romance: AcesWild MC Series
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