Against My Lips, Motorcycle Romance: AcesWild MC Series (2 page)

BOOK: Against My Lips, Motorcycle Romance: AcesWild MC Series
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"I think I'm gonna hang out for a while. I want to listen to the music and have some dessert."

"I don't think that's a good idea. I know what's going on in your head, but you need to forget it. For God's sake, let's go back across the street and get some sleep so we can get out on the road nice and early."

"Jim, I appreciate it but really, I'm just gonna hang out for a bit. I'll be ready to leave first thing in the morning."

"All right, but don't say I didn't warn you, honey," he tipped his hat to Sally and headed off in the direction of his truck.

I made my way over to the bar and sat two stools away from Jesse. He never even looked my way. This was not the type of establishment that asked for your ID, so I ordered a Bud Light and took a couple of swigs like a pro. This wasn't my first time in a bar. I sat there for another hour and drank three more beers without a word or a glance from Jesse.

Feeling annoyed and a little buzzed, I got up and went into the bathroom. I let my long auburn hair down so that it cascaded in waves down past the middle of my back. I put some lip-gloss on and pulled my t-shirt a little lower, exposing more cleavage than I should have. My jeans were riding extra low on my hips and I knew I was lucky to have the curvy figure most women wanted.  I was going to make Jesse Dalton take notice.

I decided waiting for him outside the bar might work better, then I might be able to catch him alone. I wandered out front and stood there, trying not to look too obvious. I didn’t have to wait long.

He walked out and saw me standing there alone and a look of concerned quickly crossed his face.

"Where did your dad go?"

"He's not my dad. He's just a trucker that gave me a ride here."

"Well, how are you gonna get where you need to go then?"

"You're gonna take me, Jesse."

"What the fuck are you talking about? I ride alone, and I don't need any company."

"We understand each other. I can see the pain in your eyes. I can feel it because I feel a very similar ache. I can make it better for a while," he took a good long look at my face and I knew he could see the barely faded bruise on my left cheek. My hand automatically went to cover it, so used to hiding the truth from the world.

"You know nothing about me. There is no way you've been through what I have. You are just a little girl who is probably running away because her daddy wouldn't buy her a new car. You should just go back home and make nice with your family. I don't need any more baggage than I already have."

It pissed me off that he seemed to be laughing me off, like I was some spoiled little rich bitch looking to have a wild time and get back at my father. Little did he know that if I had a family like that I never would have left.

"That's so far from the truth. You have no clue. My name is Brooke, and I don't have a rich daddy. No one is going to come looking for me because no one gives a shit that I'm gone.  I will give you anything you want if you'll let me ride along with you. I'll be your companion. I won't be any trouble," I placed my hands on his chest when I said this, and the look in his eyes turned to hunger. I licked my lips in response and could feel the heat between us; my heart was beating so fast as his hot breath touched my face. Every part of him was hard, maybe even his heart, and I wanted it for myself. He took my hand and started leading me around to the back of the building.

All at once, my back was against the wall and his tongue was in my mouth. His body pressed hard into mine. His hand went up my shirt and ripped one of my bra cups down so that he could pinch my nipple. I was no virgin, and I could take what he gave. Jesse pulled my t-shirt up and sucked one of my pebbled nipples into his mouth. His tongue swirled around the peak while his other hand roughly palmed my breast. I arched my back in response to his roughness. I didn't expect someone like him to be gentle. If this was what I had to do to be with him, then I was all for it.

His pelvis slammed against me, and I could feel how hard he was through the material between us. For a second I worried that I would not be able to accommodate him; any man with a cock that large might be a little much. But I had to take the chance.

With a quick flick of his fingers, my jeans were unbuttoned. He shoved his hand down inside my lace panties and started rubbing my swollen clit. I knew I was wet and now he did too. He moved his hand down further into my panties and slid two fingers inside me fast while he continued to work my clit with his thumb. He was playing me, and I was so very willing. I thought men like Jesse only existed in dark fantasies and late-night cable shows, but he was here. I could run my fingers up and down his perfectly sculpted stomach. I could feel his lips and teeth as they licked and bit my neck and earlobes. He was working me into a frenzy that I didn't ever want to come back from.

He pulled his hand out of my pants, and I immediately felt the loss of contact; I was already so close, and I think he knew that. He had a wicked smile on his face, and I knew he was enjoying teasing me. Jesse Dalton obviously liked to be in control and I was too far-gone to stop him.

He made short work of my pants and ripped my boy shorts off, leaving me naked from the waist down right out in the open. My bra was still ripped down and my 34D breasts were in full view. I didn't care if someone came around the corner. Let them see; all I wanted was to have him inside me. He stood there for a minute admiring my body. I swear I saw a flicker of something sweet in his eyes, but it was quickly covered by pure lust and need.

He still stood about a foot away from me when he reached down and undid his leather belt. Then he popped open the button and pulled down the zipper of his jeans. I was visibly trembling waiting to see what he had in store for me, and he was enjoying it. Finally, he reached into his boxers and pulled out the biggest, most beautiful cock I had ever seen. It was impressive; at least nine inches and thick as hell. He stroked it a couple of times as I watched it greedily, licking my lips again. Any trace of fear I had before was gone. Now I just wanted him to give it to me.

Jesse stepped closer and lifted me up with my back still against the wall; I instinctively wrapped my legs around him. With one hand under my ass to support me, he put the fingers to my lips that had just been inside me. I opened to him and when he put them in my mouth, I tasted myself. This pushed him over the edge. With one quick thrust, his huge member was buried to the hilt inside me. It was bigger than anything I had ever felt, and the pain only lasted a second.

I cried out with pleasure and saw the surprise in his eyes. He must have thought I would be afraid. This was meant to scare me away. But all I wanted was more.

"Is that all you've got, Jesse? Give me more. I need more. I'm so wet for you."

He growled and moved his hips so that he could pull out and plunge back into me hard. My hands were wrapped tightly around his shoulders and I caught his lower lip between my teeth when he kissed me. I was meeting his every thrust, and I could already feel myself losing control. He rolled his hips at just the right angle to hit spots inside of me that had been unknown until now. I was crying out and I didn’t care if anyone heard me. 

"You had no idea what you were in for, did you Brooke? You thought I might bring you back here and kiss you sweet and soft and tell you you're pretty, huh? But all I wanted was to fuck you, and look how much you love it."

"Yes, I love it. I don't need you to be sweet. I need you to fuck me."

His breath was coming hard and ragged now, and I knew he was getting there. I probably should have thought about a condom, but I wanted him to know I wasn't scared. I was on the pill anyway.

We were going at a hard and steady pace when I cried out in pleasure, squeezing him between my legs. A knowing smile crossed his lips as I came. He was probably just laughing about adding another number to his book. Not long after that, he pinned my ass to the wall as he shot several streams of hot cum into me. He growled from deep inside and sucked hard on my neck, crashing into his release while trying to keep some form of control.

When he was done, he set me on my feet and backed away quickly, buttoning and zipping himself back into his jeans. My legs were shaking badly, but I didn't want him to know. I picked up my jeans and slid them on, pretending not to notice my ruined panties nearby.

"I guess you can come with me. But this isn't a relationship. I’ll still do what I want, and you won't ask a lot of questions. You think you know me, but you don't. I have to settle some business in New Mexico first, so if you can't deal with that, I suggest you find your other ride and forget me. My bike is out front."

"Lead the way."

I threw my backpack over my shoulder and waited for him to climb onto his sleek black Harley with flames painted on both sides. If he looked hot before, this brought his hotness to a whole new level. I got close and threw my leg over so that I was straddling the bike. I moved close to him and despite feeling him tense up, wrapped my arms around his stomach. I tried very hard to steady my trembling hands so he wouldn't know how much what we had just done affected me.

The bike started with a roar and we quickly left Jack's Place behind. I knew Jim would be worried, but this was something I had to do. We were only on the bike for about 10 minutes when Jesse pulled into a parking spot in front of another cheap motel. He turned the bike off and got up, giving me his hand to help me off.

He grabbed a key out of his pocket and unlocked the door. The room consisted of a queen size bed, a table and two chairs, a dresser, and a television. There was a small bathroom with a shower stall, toilet, and sink. There was a half-empty bottle of Jack Daniels on the table and a few empty beer cans. The room smelled of old feelings and regret.

Jesse shut the door behind me and threw his jacket over one of the chairs. He was wearing a tight black t-shirt, but he pulled that off too. For some reason, I felt shy seeing him like this even though he had been inside me just 15 minutes earlier. Seeing him exposed was a whole different feeling.

He had tattoos all over his torso. There were skulls on both of his biceps, and his forearms had flames and what I guessed were tattoos that symbolized the AcesWild MC. His back had the words ‘Never Surrender’ in huge letters and a single rose beneath them. Jesse Dalton was by far the most beautiful man I had ever seen. I needed to know him, and I had to figure out a way to get to him to open up. I knew he would understand me better than anyone else could.

"Now that you've had a good look, you can stop staring. Use the bathroom to get ready for bed if you want. Don't worry about your stuff because I won't take it. I'm not perfect, but I'm not a thief."

I dropped my backpack on one of the chairs to prove that I trusted him and headed into the bathroom. I took one of the washcloths and washed away the mess from the fast fuck outside the bar. I felt a little ashamed for letting him do that to me, but I also felt more alive than I had in years. We fit perfectly together, and I could tell by the way he moved inside of me that he felt it too.

When I headed back into the room, Jesse was on the bed in only a pair of tight black boxer briefs. I could see the outline of the monster that was sleeping at that moment, and I felt hungry for him again.

"You can sleep in the bed with me under one condition. You need to be completely naked. Otherwise, I'll give you a pillow for the floor."

"I'm not afraid of you, Jesse. And I'm not a little girl."

I stood right where he could have a good view and stripped off my t-shirt. Then I unhooked my black lace bra and threw it to the side. My jeans were quickly off and I was naked in front of him. I saw him try to hide his growing erection while quickly adjusting himself. He didn't want me to see the effect I had on him. He nodded toward the bed, and I got in next to him but under the covers.

He got up and checked that he had locked the door and looked out the window like he was expecting someone to be there. Then he turned off the light and got under the covers with me.

I rolled toward him, expecting there to be more of what he gave me earlier. I knew he was hard again. When I put my hand on his stomach, he quickly moved it away. The TV lighted up his face, and he looked pissed that I had tried to make a move on him. He didn't speak, but rolled over and went to sleep. I was hurt, but too exhausted to get into it with him, so I fell asleep quickly. I was used to rejection.

I was awakened some time during the night to the sound of horrible screaming. The clock next to the bed said 3:05 am, and Jesse was thrashing around. He was crying out like a frightened child.

"Please don't! Don't fucking hurt them! Mac! Axel! Rob! Fuck! I didn't mean it!"

His face was covered in tears, and he was reaching for someone that wasn't there. He looked so lost, and it was breaking my heart.

I reached for him instinctively, and in the darkness he backhanded me across my face. I was too shocked to say anything, and I pulled far away from him, retreating like I used to when my stepfather came after me. Better to hide than to stay and take more of a beating.

Jesse flew out of the bed and I could hear him vomiting in the bathroom. I wanted to go to him, but I was frozen in my spot on the bed, naked and bruised. He came out shortly after that and grabbed a pillow off the bed.

"I'm sleeping on the floor the rest of the night."

"You don't have to, Jesse."

"Just go back to sleep."

The tone of his voice was a mix of anger and shame, so I knew it was best not to argue. I lay there awake for a while, listening to him breathe. He sniffled a few times, and I knew he must have been lying there haunted by the images that had just come to him. Was his dream about the night all of his friends died? How bad was he hurting inside? I wanted to get down on the floor and hold him. I wanted to tell him it would be ok; I eventually fell asleep with my head full of questions.

I woke up around 8:00 with the blankets only covering my lower half. Jesse was still asleep on the floor, so I took a few seconds to admire him. Damn he was beautiful. He actually had a peaceful look on his face and it made him look years younger. The muscles in his chest and stomach rose and fell with each breath, and I wanted to kiss every inch of them. I could also see that someone was up before him, and it took every ounce of will power I had not to go down there and pull it out. Even soft, his cock filled out an impressive portion of his boxers. I could easily see the vein pulsing on the top of it, and it jerked a bit in his sleep. I wanted to taste him. I knew I could give him plenty of pleasure and ease his tension with my lips and tongue, but maybe that was a bad idea. What if he woke up violently from another nightmare and hurt me even worse? I didn't need a matching bruise on the other cheek.

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