Aftercare: General's Daughter, Book 4 (28 page)

BOOK: Aftercare: General's Daughter, Book 4
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Michael walked into the house and gently pushed Jen towards
Scott. Even sitting in his big recliner, flipping through channels, the man
appeared intimidating. Jen looked at Michael helplessly before approaching him,
hands behind her back, and trying to appear sweet and innocent. Satisfied,
Michael left to help his father and sister in the kitchen.

“Hello, my dear. How was your day?” Scott asked, reaching for
a hug.

“It was fine until I had to interfere in someone else’s

“What did you do?” Scott turned the TV off. Jen sat heavily
on the couch and explained her interaction with Rich and how angry he made her
by not taking her seriously, ending with his order to tell the man about her

“I see. He frustrated you, huh?”

“Yes, sir. He is so… so… infuriating,” Jen blustered.

Scott chuckled. “Like me, huh?”

“More. You, at least, listen to reason. And you never laugh
at me when I’m being serious.”

“So tell me something – haven’t you and Rich taken on
the role of brother and sister? Why is it he didn’t deal with you if he felt it
was so bad?”

“Because you terrify me more?”

“I doubt that. He obviously didn’t think it was that horrid
of a sin. You trust him, right?”

“Yes, sir.”

“Me, too. Watch your mouth, okay? You won’t like the taste of
soap. Now, give me a hug.”

“Thanks, Scott.” Jen smiled, letting him pull her onto his
lap for cuddles. Sam came out and felt a surge of jealousy. The feeling was
foreign to her. She wanted to yank the girl off of her uncle’s lap and take
possession. How dare she? Rage started to fill her and, without a word, Sam
walked out the front door, unnoticed.

“Do you know where she went?” Dr. Quimby asked, noticing his
daughter’s absence about a half-hour later.

“Last I saw, she was here with us. She walked out for a
minute and that was it,” Michael answered.

“Can you feel anything?” Dr. Quimby asked.

“Not really. No danger. She’s already in a horrible mood, so
that usually spells trouble.” He sighed. He saw Jen on Scott’s lap watching TV
with him and nudged his father. “If she saw that, in her present frame of mind,
she might have taken off.”

“For someone who professes a lack of jealousy, that is not
the type of behavior I would expect,” his father remarked.

“She gets jealous, but she doesn’t usually act on it. But
after her issue with Rich and then this… She doesn’t like to share when she’s
out of sorts.”

“Yes, I know. Go find her please. Remind her to tell us when
she goes out.”

“I will. Where do I begin?” Michael sighed, grabbing his
keys. In the car, he tried to practice the technique Sam had been teaching him
about relaxing his mind. There, down the street… Dead end. He parked the car
and picked his way over the brush and saw her sitting on a rock, staring at the

“Hey, baby? What’s up?” he asked softly, joining her. She had
been crying.

“Nothing. Just needed some fresh air. How did you find me?” She
sniffed, allowing him to hold her.

“I used that mind relaxation technique you’ve been teaching
me. You saw Scott with Jen, didn’t you?”

“Yeah, so?”

“I know you. It’s okay to be jealous. I feel that way a lot
when I have to share you with so many people. You’re MINE, remember?”

“I’ve never had to share them with anyone but you before. And
Scott’s lap was MINE since you got too big.”

“I’m sorry, honey. You’re having a hard day, huh?”

“Yeah. I don’t like feeling this way. It’s ugly.”

“There’s more, isn’t there?”

“Rich gets jealous real fast when I flirt with the men. It
must feel awful to him. I never understood until now.”

“It’s no wonder he wants to hold you under his control, huh?”

“Yeah. It would be nice to be asked though. “

“Did you know Jen confronted him about that and almost got
herself into a heap of trouble because she started swearing? That’s why she was
talking to Scott. Rich made her.”

“I didn’t know that. He must have frustrated her, too.”

“Yep. Sam, I don’t know how to say this, but he’s the best
thing for you. He’s a power you need to function at your peak. I watched him
tonight with Jen and he impressed me. He’s like the perfect combination of both
Dad and Scott. I envy him.”

“You do? But you’re just like Daddy. I love that about you.”

“I know I am. To be honest, I wouldn’t want to have the
Jenkins’ temperament, but it has its value, too. You aren’t afraid to take
risks and you trust your instincts. I second guess too often. If you had a man
like me, or Dad, without those same characteristics, you would find yourself
fighting all the time to try to make him harder. Don’t you see? This sparring
match you’re in with Rich is unbalanced – he’s stronger and you need that
to improve. Anything less and you’d be bored. You need to make things right
with him. He will not do what we do.”

“No new shoes?” she asked, smiling through her tears.

“Nope. I’ll tell you what, you can take my car and go see


“I’m trusting you. I want you to be happy, little sister. Even
if it means risking my Jag,” Michael said. He was serious.

Sam thought about it. This was a miracle. He had never
allowed her to touch that dumb car without being present. It was tempting, but,
“I don’t want to go tonight. I’m really mad at him.”

“Exactly the reason you should go. Weren’t we taught to
resolve issues immediately so they wouldn’t fester?”

“It’s different.”

“Don’t let your pride ruin this, Sam. You’ll regret it until
the day you die,” Michael said softly.

She stared out at the ocean again. “Did he put you up to

“No. In fact, he told me to trust him and let him work things
out with you his way.”

“Do you think we’re in trouble?”

“No, not at all. But I do think that you could get into a
habit of this if you don’t stop it now. I might not always be there when you
need some sense talked into you.”

“How about if I call him after dinner?”

“Do what you want to do, baby. I’ll support you whatever you
decide. Now, let’s get home before Dad starts to worry.”

“All right. Mike? Thanks. You’re the best. Jen’s really
lucky.” She hugged him tightly.

Michael kissed her forehead. “You will always be my number
one, I promise. Twins?”

“Twins.” She touched his knuckles with hers. Taking her hand,
he helped her back to his car, smiling as she refused to take the keys.

Dr. Quimby was outside as they drove up, and embraced his
daughter warmly as she exited the car. “What’s wrong with my little girl today?”

“I had an attack of the little green monster. I’m sorry,” she
said, hugging him back.

“It happens to the best of us. Hungry? Dinner’s ready.”

“I guess. I love you, Daddy. So much,” Sam said, leaning
against his strong chest.

“I love you too, my sweet. I know today’s been rough for you,
but things will get better. I promise.”

“I hope you’re right.” She sighed, walking inside of the
house. She was instantly grabbed from behind by Scott.

“There you are! Where are my cuddles today?” he demanded,
lifting her high in his arms before holding her in a death grip against his

“I can’t breathe, Uncle Scott,” she gasped. He loosened his

“You know I’m always here for you, right? You’re my girl,” he
whispered into her ear.

She nodded, kissing his rough cheek. “I know. I’m just being
stupid. Um, do you mind if I skip dinner? I need to make a phone call.”

“Come eat when you’re done, sweetheart. I’ll keep it warm for
you,” Dr. Quimby said gently, patting her knee. Scott put her down and she
turned to Jen.

“Jen? I’m sorry I got jealous. Thanks for facing up to Rich
for me today.”

“No problem, little sister. I love you.” Jen hugged her
tightly. Sam returned it.

“I love you, too.”

Sam sighed as she plopped on her bed and dialed Rich’s

“Hello?” his deep, warm voice vibrated.

“Hey, it’s me.”


“I’m sorry. Please forgive me.” She started to cry.

Rich smiled, cradling the phone. “Of course I do, I love you.
Can you tell me what got your panties in a knot?”

“Besides what you did the other night?”

“Well, yes. That wasn’t enough to get you this pissed. I need
to know so I don’t unintentionally pull your triggers.”

“I guess I was feeling like you didn’t respect me. You know,
how you order me around like I’m brainless or something. It’s my stupid pride.”

“I understand. You know I have nothing but the deepest
respect and honor for you, don’t you?”

“Yes. It just didn’t feel that way.”

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to make you think I didn’t regard
you. I’ll be more careful in the future.”

“I need to be less sensitive to it, too. I know you like
taking command. It must be hard on your ego to have me rank over you.”

“Not really. We both know who wears the pants in this

“You do, because I let you.”

“Exactly. I mean—” She started laughing. Rich sighed,
letting it go. “I will never try to make you into something you are not. I’m
trying to help mold you into what I know you are, that’s all. I have a


“Would you like to go out on Sunday? I hear you have
mandatory training, but we could go somewhere after that.”

“Yes, I would like that. Thanks for asking.”

“We could spend some time together on Saturday, too.”

“I took duty, remember?”

“Yes, but I’ll stay at the BOQ and can come hang with you at
the guard shack.”

“You’d do that? I thought you were totally against it.”

“For you, I’ll make some exceptions. I realize I need to slow
down and learn to relax more. Your family is teaching me this.”

“They do know how to relax, that’s for sure. Okay, then, yes,
I would really like that. Thanks.”

“I need to ask you something, Sam. Do you mind?”

“Anything. I have no secrets from you.”

“Good, I don’t want us to have to ever hide who and what we
are from each other. Who do you fear the most in your family?”

“What do you mean?”

“Who scares you the most?”

“I’m not afraid of any of them, Rich. What they can do; yes,
but not them. Scott is the strictest and the most consistent; Daddy is
reasonable, although when he’s angry, he matches Scott; and Michael is, well,
Michael. He knows me best. I fear for the pain Scott can bring, the
disappointment from my father, and the trust of my brother.”

“That is a fair statement. I want to bring all three of those
things to our relationship. They are vital for you and important for us. That’s
why I am the way I am.”

“Rich, I love you for who and what you are. I respect you for
that, too. I’m still finding my own way, so I get confused sometimes about
wanting what I need verses needing what I want.”

“I forget you’re still a kid sometimes. I’m sorry.”

“I am not a kid… well, maybe I am. I should take that as a
compliment. Thanks. Will I see you tomorrow?”

“I don’t know. It depends on how busy the boss man keeps me. Scott’s
coming into the unit in the morning, too.”

“I understand. I love you.”

“I love you too, honey. More than you know.”

Sam rejoined her family at the dining room table where Dr.
Quimby handed her a plate of food. “Here, baby. Is everything better?”

“Yes, thanks. We’re good now.”

“Excellent. I hate seeing you mope. Catch,” Scott said,
tossing her a roll.

Michael caught it, mid-flight and took a bite. “Thanks. She’s
as bad as you when you mope, you know.”

“I wanted to say thanks to all of you. I appreciate it. I’m
feeling a little sorry for Rich, having to deal with the worse pride and temper
inheritance known to mankind,” Sam said quietly.

“Why do you feel sorry for him? We’ve had to deal with it for
18 years,” Scott grumped.

Dr. Quimby laughed. “True, but don’t forget that Michael and I
had to deal with both of you.”

“I’m glad I’m like Uncle Scott,” Sam said, smiling warmly at
her uncle. “He’s your best friend, so he couldn’t be all that bad.”

“He has his good qualities,” Dr. Quimby admitted. “Those
alone outweigh that temper.”

“I love you, guys,” Sam smiled, tears in her eyes.


“Excuse me, Sam? Do you have a moment? I need to speak with
you out—” Rich was interrupted by her lips pressed firmly against his. The
crew clapped loudly, knowing she would be in a much better mood for the rest of
the day. Rich shot them the bird, leading her to the landscaped courtyard
surrounding the building entrance.

“What do you need?” Sam asked as he led her behind a tree.

He captured her face in his hands, kissing her. “You. I miss
you. I hated you not talking to me.”

“It was only eight hours.” She giggled as he covered her neck
with kisses. “I guess you didn’t like the peace and quiet.”

“That was mean of me to say that. I didn’t know it would hurt

“I’m very sensitive about things like that. Remember, I didn’t
grow up with sarcasm or nasty insults. My family never insulted us beyond
gentle teasing. Neither of us ever felt like we were unwanted either, even in
play. I’ve only been sent away once in anger, and that was when Scott got mad
at me recently and overreacted.” She sounded sad, remembering the incident not
too long ago.

“I forget that sometimes. I’m sorry. Here, I got you
something.” He handed her a bag he had hidden behind the tree. She looked
inside and squealed, pulling out a pair of purple leather boots.

“What cute boots! My size even, and Italian, good eye. Wow,
thank you!” She hugged him tightly.

Rich was pleased with her response. “Most girls get flowers. Now,
don’t think that every time we argue, you’re getting new shoes. I just followed
your dads’ advice this one time. I even got them where the folks take you. Needless
to say, I couldn’t afford to stock your closet.”

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