Aftercare: General's Daughter, Book 4 (25 page)

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The other three stripped off their shirts as all the
furniture was pushed to the far walls. Sam nudged Jen, “I’m going to get it for
this, but Daddy’s going to win.”

“They did say you needed more practice, right?”

“Yep. I’ll be subtle. They won’t even guess it is happening.”
Sam snickered. As she focused, she found it interesting that Rich seemed to be
able to ignore the illusions. Scott was completely confused, but it took both
Dr. Quimby and Michael to bring Rich down.

“She cheated again,” Rich accused, pointing at Sam.

“How? I didn’t do anything. I was just sitting here and
watching you guys,” the girl said innocently.

Rich stood up, brushing himself off. “We will talk about this
after work tomorrow, little one. Gentlemen, this is dangerous, what she is
learning to do.”

“I didn’t feel anything,” Dr. Quimby said.

Michael raised an eyebrow. “Me neither. What did she do?”

“She was throwing the illusions out again and I sure felt it.
Just like the first match. How did you break through?” Scott asked Rich.

“I don’t fight with my eyes; I fight with my senses. I was
trained blindfolded and in sensory deprivation units.”

“You’re kidding me!” all three said.

“Why do you think I was placed in Recon? I went through basic
assassin training.”

“Holy shit,” Scott announced. “I need to do some more
research on you, boy.”

“You’re not a spy, are you?” Jen asked timidly.

Rich laughed. “Even if I were one, I couldn’t tell you, could
I? But no, I’m not.”

“How do we know that?” Jen looked nervous.

“He’s not. The cetaceans can always sense deceit. I am
impressed, though. And a little turned on. Mike and I received a little of that
training, it was intense. I hated it,” Sam stated.

“That is because you are a little control freak and always
need to know what’s going on. Now, this is enough chatter. All of you, to bed. Rich,
are you staying here tonight?”

“No, Scott, I’m going back to my place. Thanks again for the
trip. I’ll see you tomorrow. Sam, walk me out,” Rich requested, hand out for
her. She obediently took it.

“Tried to swirl me, huh?” he tsked, walking to his jeep.

She shrugged. “I couldn’t let my father lose, could I?”

“Hmm, we had a deal about that swirling thing, didn’t we?”

“About the seduction, not sparring.”

“Same thing in my eyes. No, young lady, you will be paying
for this. Dearly,” Rich said sternly. “And if I want sex, then I’m taking it.”

“You wouldn’t!” She sounded shocked.

Rich reached to kiss her, feeling her buckle in his strong
grip. “I would. And you would not be able to resist me and you know it,” he
murmured in her ear, hearing her groan. Yes, she had power, but he had even
more. Sam was panting with desire by the time he released her and entered his
jeep. She watched him drive away, feeling a sense of emptiness, and then
shivered. What would the coming day bring her?

Chapter 16

“So, what did Rich say to you?” Michael asked his sister as
they sat at his desk the next morning, planning the agenda for the week.

“Nothing much. He was annoyed that I swirled him. He seemed
to think it was the same as when I seduce him. It’s not, you know.”

“Actually, I don’t. I want to try to break that down some
more this week. Do you know how you do it?”

“Not yet. All I can figure is that I’m touching different
areas of the brain to gain different results. Ton has been trying to teach me,
but our brains are so primitive, it’s frustrating to him.” She giggled.

Michael grunted. “Primitive? Jerk. If Dad could get us into a
C.A.T. scan, we could image what part of the brain is being used and directed. You
could do me as he shoots both of us.”

“That sounds good. You talk to him about it. How’s the weapon
detection going?”

“Your pod is not cooperating much. I need your help. They
seem to think everything is a game.”

“That’s dolphins for you. I’ll talk to the bull and see if I
can get his help. Ton refuses to test anything. He can be a real asshole.”

“Tell me about it,” Michael agreed. “We should win the Nobel
prize once we figure out how to get an eight ton killing machine with teeth to
do something it doesn’t want to do.”

“Yeah, he is a bit stubborn. But he is my little fishy and I
love him.”

Jen waved to them as she walked by the office, a huge smile
on her face.

“She likes working here,” Michael commented. “How’s she

“Great. She’s attentive to detail, never complains and is
always ready to learn something new. I’d like to keep her onboard after school
starts. She’s a huge help and the crew really enjoys her.”

“Let’s ask Dad about it. He might be able to make this into a
GS position instead of an internship. Think you could stand not being the only
woman in the outfit?” Michael teased.

“As long as she remembers I’m her boss, no problem.”

“And when are you going to remember that I’m yours?”

“That’s different. I’m the birthday present. Speaking of

“I don’t know. It’s my 23
. You’d think the folks
would really have to accept my adult status by now.” Michael laughed.

Sam shook her head. “Don’t count on it. You know they never
will. Do you think we could talk them into going more low key this year? I’m
way too old for party hats. I’ve always hated the things.”

“The only reason they did that is because Mom loved them. Especially
making Scott wear them.”

“To harass him?”

“Probably.” They were both quiet for a minute. “You know that
day is coming up too, don’t you?”

“Yeah. I hate when it does. It’s always so sad,” Sam
answered. “I’m the lucky one, I don’t remember her at all, so I don’t feel it
like you guys do.”

“I have some memories, but, like you, Dad and Scott have been
my parents. It’s them that really hurt. Scott always gets shit-faced too. I
hate that.”

“Maybe this year, with Rich and Jen, things will be
different. He has something to look forward to and more people to annoy.”

They quietly watched the lab’s activities for a while, and
then returned to their planning.


Rich frowned, going over the diagrams given to him by the
engineering designer for the portable sonic device. He had trouble
concentrating, thinking about the previous night’s sparring match and his
ability to break the imaging his bratty girlfriend tried to distract him with. Even
with sensory deprivation, what gave him the advantage? He recalled Dr. Quimby
saying something about REM sleep, and how the older man could easily disrupt
the pattern. He picked up the phone.


“Doc? I have a question. What chemical is responsible for the
REM state?”

“Well, a better question is what happens chemically. The
monoamines shut down the neurotransmitters. Why?”

“More please.”

“Serotonin, adrenalin, those are monoamines. The
neurotransmitters are dependent upon those.”

“That’s in the pons of the brain, right?”

“Yes. What are you thinking?”

“I’m thinking that your kids might have increased levels of
monoamines which they can alter at will. You too, possibly me as well. Can we

“Yes, but why?”

“You commented on how the swirling felt like REM sleep. What
if Sam is virtually inducing a dream state? If so, we can find out how to
reproduce it or dissuade it chemically.”

“Hmm, okay. Then how does she do it?”

“Not sure, but that would explain their twin powers. They
engage on the same synaptic course.”

“Very interesting. What you are suggesting is that Sam might
be emitting chemicals from her body into the environment, which affects certain
individuals differently. Specifically, those with normal levels…”

“Yes. That would also explain why I would react to the
pheromone issues, not you guys. Isn’t dopamine a monoamine? The pleasure
stimulator? Genetically, they would not be compatible, therefore, nonreactive.”

“Brilliant. Okay, let’s do this. I’ll have to look into how
to capture environmental serotonin. It might take a while.”

“How is she during Santa Anas?”

“I’ve never noticed specifically. However, she never really
sleeps and tends to be hyperactive on windier days and very sluggish on hot,
still ones. High winds over the dry terrain is believed to inhibit serotonin
breakdown, hence, when most people get cranky, she gets excited.”

“Do you have any familial mood disorders that you know of?”

“My mother was psycho. Manic-depressive, OCD and a bitch. I’ve
not witnessed anything unusual from anyone else. Scott’s like his dad, a good
man with the grumpies. My father was very quiet, kind and soft spoken. The kids
have never shown any problems either, but then, they’ve always been so active.”

“Which would stimulate their endorphins and counter anything
if it was there. My mother had severe depressive disorder, plus her addiction. I
think it’s worth looking into,” Rich commented.

“I agree. Speaking of which, have you seen my little lab rats

“At the unit, probably arguing over the week’s agenda.”


“Well, that was easy,” Michael commented, sending the agenda
to the crew via computer. “Are you feeling okay?”

“Yeah. Why?” Sam asked, putting her files back into her

“We didn’t fight over the work for this week. You were very

“I’m trying. Plus, well, I might as well tell you. The more
sex I get, the calmer I feel. I had a LOT this weekend.” She grinned.

Michael wrinkled his nose. “I’m not sure how to take that.”

“As a scientist, not my big brother. I got laid and it makes
me happy. I can’t get enough.”

“Do you swirl while doing it?”

“Only the first time, and I think we had help because we were
on the boat. This time, no. In fact, I thought he had swirled me, I felt so

“Hmm, maybe the endorphins are helping your mood a bit.”

“What about you? You fight me just as much.”

“Come to think of it, I’ve felt less argumentative since Jen
came on the scene. I wasn’t unhappy before, though.”

“Me neither. Think it’s physiological instead of

“Quite possibly, but not something we can really approach our
father on to study now, is it?”

“No way. It would explain the dolphin sex thing, though.”

“You and your dolphin sex.”

She smiled, winking. “You should try it sometime with Jen. It’s

“If you don’t mind, I will take a rain check on that. I don’t
need outside help to satisfy my lover, thank you.”

“Are you sure?” Sam teased, dangling the bait.

Michael grabbed it, hook, line and sinker, “Why? Did she say
something? Sammi, tell me. What did Jen say to you?”

“I’m not going to say anything. Remember, you are the one who
insists you don’t need any help in the sex department.”

“You’re a little bitch, know that, sis?”

“Thank you!” Sam smirked, knowing that he would be plagued
with questions and doubts for the rest of the day.


“Doc? Do you mind
if I bring Sam home later tonight? I’d like to take her out for dinner,” Rich
asked later that afternoon.

“Go ahead. Try not to make it too late though, tomorrow’s a
work day.”

“She could stay here for the night,” Rich hinted.

“No, we don’t need to invite gossip on the base. Home by
midnight, no later.”

“Yes, sir,” Rich sighed. He then called the labs.

“Carter here, how can I help you sir or ma’am?”

“Hi Jenny, it’s Rich. Is the boss lady around?”

“Hi Richie. She’s in her office. Hold on. Sam?” Jen hit the
intercom, “Rich for you, line 3.”

“Hi Rich, what’s up?” Sam asked, kicking her foot up on her
desk and taking her hair out of her ponytail, letting it fall in long, heavy
waves down her back.

“You and I have a date tonight after work,” he informed her.

“No hello? No asking me if I’m available?” she teased.

“Is there anyone listening?”

“No. What’s with you?” Sam asked, sitting up straight.

“Answer me properly, Samantha,” he ordered in a low voice,
making her immediately shudder.

“No, sir, Rich.”

“Come to engineering after work to get me. I’ll take you home
after our date.”

“Okay.” Silence. She swallowed. “Yes, sir,” she forced out in
a whisper.

Rich felt a little smile on his lips. Might as well start
training her now. “Do you have a change of clothes on hand?”

“Yes, sir. Some jeans, a top and sandals.”

“Put them on before you come here. We’ll go out to eat, then
spend some time together.”

“That sounds nice, thank you.” Sam smiled lovingly at the
receiver, relaxing.

Rich couldn’t resist. “It will be for me. I love you, bye.”

She stared at the phone, wondering what he was up to. She
shivered again in anticipation. He stimulated every nerve of her body – excitement,
fear, desire, dread. He had become her addiction. That was it! BSR!

“Michael! Brain Stimulation Reward! We’re addicted to the
dopamine response. That’s why we’re so relaxed,” she yelled through their
adjoining doorway before barging into his office. “It’s the same thing when we
don’t get assignments or have anything stimulating us. We get cranky and
irritable. Our fighting stimulates the chemical and allows us to access deeper
neurothresholds. We are addicted to fighting, too!”

“Slow down. You’re trying to tell me that we have to fight to
think clearly?”

“That or have very good sex. I’d rather have good sex with
Rich then fight with you. Obviously, you have been getting it, too, because you
aren’t so disagreeable all the time.”

Michael blushed, seeing Jen sink in her chair. Their doors
were open and the whole lab heard his sister clearly. The men were laughing,
elbowing Jen.

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