After the Sky Fell Down (40 page)

Read After the Sky Fell Down Online

Authors: Megan Nugen Isbell

BOOK: After the Sky Fell Down
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Kathryn had just finished putting Sarah to bed and Jace was waiting for her in the living room with a pizza he’d picked up on the way over.  Thankfully, Luke was gone.  She wasn’t sure if Luke planned it or not, but he was rarely home when Jace came over.  Kathryn knew it was better that way, especially knowing how he felt now. 

She sighed and sat down on the couch next to Jace.

“That was a loud sigh,” he said reaching up and stroking her cheek. “You okay?”

“Yeah, just tired.”

“I can go home if you’d rather go to bed.”

“No,” she said quickly. “I’m glad you’re here.  School’s just been crazy lately and Sarah’s been exceptionally cranky.  I need a night of relaxation.  That’s where you come in,” she said sitting up and picking up a piece of pizza out of the open box, which lay on the coffee table. 

“Glad I could be of service,” he l
aughed, taking a piece and leaning back next to her.

“Are you sure you want to watch this?” she asked holding up the romantic comedy she’d picked up at the Red Box.

“Whatever.  I’m just here to see you,” he said and Kathryn felt her cheeks flush.  She still couldn’t get used to Jace complimenting her.  She still couldn’t accept that she was his girlfriend, more or less.  They’d yet to designate any formal status to their relationship, but they spent most of their free time together and acted like a couple, so Kathryn just assumed they were a couple.  The term made her uncomfortable though, so she tried not to think about it. 

She just smiled at Jace and stood up and put the DVD in and returned to her sp
ot beside him.  As they watched, she inched closer to him, until they were both sinking in towards each other where the cushions met.  He curled his hands in hers and her eyes began to grow heavy.  It’d been a long week and now that she was finally relaxing, her body was ready to shut off for the night.  She could feel herself dozing off and tried to fight it, but after a few failed attempts she was out. 

She was woken by Sarah.  She was crying and Kathryn stirred awake, lifting her head from where it’d been resting on Jace’s shoulder and looked around, pushing herself to go to her, until she felt Jace’
s hand on her knee.

“Stay here.  I got this,” he said patting her knee.  He got up and went down the hall.

She leaned her head back and sighed with a smile. 
Stay here.  I got this. 
His words were like music to her ears.  She’d wanted to hear those words for so long.  As Sarah continued to cry, Kathryn smiled again.  While Jace’s gesture was sweet, she wondered if he’d be able to get Sarah settled again.  She wondered how long she should wait until she went in to save the day.  Surprisingly though, Sarah’s whimpers grew calmer and soon they were gone.  Kathryn held her breath as she waited for her daughter to begin crying again, but she didn’t and a few minutes later, Jace was back.

“Everything okay?” she asked once he was sitting beside her again.

“Yeah.  Her pacifier just fell out and she couldn’t find it,” he replied as if it was no big deal.

“And she was okay with you helping her out?” she asked with a grin.

“Of course,” he said shrugging. “She seemed a little startled to see me, but I think she was still half-asleep to be honest, so I found the pacifier and she was basically fine.”

“Thanks for taking care of her.”

“No problem.  You looked pretty content,” he said resting his hand on her knee.

“I was.”

“Well, you’re missing out on this wonderful movie you picked out,” he said with a sarcastic grin.

“That bad, huh?”

“It’s not terrible.  Just very predictable.”

“How much have I missed?”

“About half.”

“I’m sorry.”

“Don’t apologize,” he said turning to look at her with the dark eyes that made her stomach flip-flop with excitement and unease at the same time.  “Whatever I can do to make your life a little bit easier, I will.”  She blushed again and then she felt his hand on her cheek, stroking it gently as he leaned in slowly and kissed her softly, causing goosebumps to shoot up her spine.  He pulled back for a moment and smiled at her before kissing her again, this time with more enthusiasm. His arms wrapped around her and hers responded likewise.  Her head was practically swimming when the sound of someone fiddling with the doorknob interrupted.  They pulled apart abruptly and looked towards the door just in time to see Luke walking in.  A few steps behind him was a girl Kathryn had never seen before.  She was tall and thin, like someone you might see walking down a fashion runway.  She had long auburn hair that hung to her waist and even from her seat on the couch, Kathryn could see her piercing green eyes.  She was wearing tight jeans with an equally tight black sweater.

“Oh, hey,” Luke said closing the door behind them. “I didn’t know you’d be home.”

“Where else would I be?” Kathryn asked, unsure if her voice sounded snotty or not.

“I thought you guys might have plans,” he replied.

“Nope,” she said shortly. “I do have a daughter.”

“Is Sarah sleeping?” he asked and she nodded. 

Luke and the girl walked into the living room and they sat down on the loveseat.  Kathryn felt herself staring at the obviously attractive girl next to Luke and wondered who she was and why Luke had never mentioned her.

“This is Jessica, by the way,” he said looking in the red head’s direction.

Jessica smiled and Kathryn was surprised to see her smile was shy and nervous.  She never would’ve guessed someone who looked like that would ever be shy.  Kathryn assumed she would exude confidence and even arrogance, but she seemed the complete opposite. 

“This is my roommate, Kathryn and that’s Jace,” Luke said, introducing them, but Kathryn noticed how Luke never looked at Jace. 

“Hi,” Kathryn said, trying to sound relaxed, even though she didn’t like the way Luke had barged in on her and Jace and if she was being perfectly honest with herself, she didn’t like seeing Jessica sitting so closely to Luke or the fact that his hand was resting on her thigh.  He’d never brought a girl to the apartment.  Logically, she knew he probably hooked up with girls, but she’d never given it much thought.  She wasn’t sure if this was done subconsciously or not.  She didn’t want to think of Luke with girls.  He was hers.  Luke.  Faithful, reliable, dependable Luke.  He didn’t go out with girls.  He wasn’t like that.  He went to school and came home and hung out with her and Sarah, at least that’s what she wanted to believe.

“So,” Luke said looking around. “What are you guys doing tonight?”

“Uh…watching a movie and eating pizza,” Kathryn said sarcastically pointing to the pizza box on the coffee table. “I thought that was pretty obvious.”

Luke stared at her and the longer the look lingered, it was apparent he was taken aback by her reaction.

“Yeah, I guess it is Kate,” he said with a smirk.

Jessica was looking between Luke and Kathryn curiously, which made Kathryn cringe.  If Jessica was picking up on it, then she knew Jace was too and she couldn’t let that happen.

“So what are you guys doing tonight?” Jace finally asked a few moments later.  Kathryn was grateful he said something because she couldn’t stand the quiet, but she didn’t know what to say either. 

“Not much.  We were just hanging out with some friends and decided to come over here.  I thought it might be a little quieter here,” Luke said and Kathryn found herself shuddering at his implication.  Why’d he want to take Jessica to some place quieter?  Why’d they need a quiet place?

“Sorry we interrupted your plans,” Kathryn said, trying to sound as if she was joking, but she guessed it came across more as annoyance.

“No, you guys are fine,” he said meeting her gaze with the same smirk as earlier.

Sarah began crying again, and everyone’s attention turned to the hallway, toward her bedroom. 

“I guess I didn’t work my magic after all,” Jace joked.

“You were great,” she reassured him with a smile. “I’ll go take care of her.”

She rose from the couch and walked quickly to Sarah’s room.  She was still lying down in her crib, and just like before, the pacifier was laying a few inches away.  With her eyes still shut, Sarah’s little hand was searching desperately for it, but it was always just out of reach.  Kathryn picked up the pacifier and place
d it back in Sarah’s mouth.  She began sucking away eagerly and looked as peaceful as could be, now that her little world was right again in the soft glow of the dark room, the only light coming from her butterfly nightlight.  Kathryn stared down at her daughter and smiled.  There was nothing better than seeing Sarah happy and content.  It didn’t matter what was happening in her life, as long as Sarah was alright, that was all that mattered.  Kathryn rubbed the top of Sarah’s head gently, and then turned to get back to Jace, but she jumped when she saw a silhouette in the darkness.  Luke was standing only a few feet from her.

“Is she okay?” he asked quietly.

“She’s fine,” Kathryn said softly and then brushed past him to get back to the living room, but felt Luke’s grip on her arm before she could leave the bedroom. “What are you doing?” she asked, glaring down at the hold he had on her arm.

“You can’t deny it
,” he said loosening his grasp, but not letting go completely, knowing she’d just walk away.

“Deny what? What are you talking about?” she whispered gruffly.

“I’m talking about you and me.”

“You’re delusional Luke.”

“No, I’m not,” he said keeping his voice so low she could barely hear him, but she knew exactly what he was saying by the intensity in his eyes.

“Drop it,” sh
e spat quietly tearing her arm from him.

“You can’t deny it,” he whispered again, stepping so close she could feel his warm breath on her cheek. “You seemed pretty upset over Jessica being here.”

“Why would I be upset that you’re hanging out with someone like that?”

“Someone like what?” he asked

“Where’d you meet her anyway?  On a stripper pole?” Kathryn
sneered. “Because that’s where she looks like she belongs.”

He didn’t answer her question or address her attack on Jessica.  Instead he said, “You’re jealous.”  The left side of his mouth rose a little higher as a smile spread over his face.

She started laughing quietly, hoping not to wake Sarah.

“I’m not jealous.”

“Yes, you are,” he said stepping even closer and she could feel her heartbeat starting to quicken. “You’re jealous.” He reached his hand up and cupped her cheek, allowing his fingers to fall slowly down a few moments later, leaving a trail of tingles behind. “You don’t like seeing me with another girl.” The smile on his face was irritating and she shook her head, trying to keep the tears at bay. His mouth was only inches from her ear now and then whispered, “Well, now you know how I feel every time I see you with him.” His lips brushed her cheek a moment later and lingered there, causing her breath to quicken.  “Just remember this.  Remember this feeling and know that’s what I have to feel every day.” His voice was soft, yet so determined and when he pulled back and stared at her, she couldn’t say anything in return.  He just continued gazing at her, with the intent smile and pleading eyes until he finally stepped away and left the room. 

“Yeah, she’s fine.  Sarah’s just being a little difficult,” she could hear Luke say when he’d rejoined Jace and Jessica in the living room.  She quickly wiped her eyes and tried to regain her composure.  Her heart was still pounding and her stomach was almost nauseous from his lingering presence.  She was practically shaking, thinking of him being so close, causing her to react in a way she didn’t expect, and all the while Jace, wonderful Jace, was just down the hall.  He could’ve walked in.  He could’ve seen everything.  Luke could’ve ruined everything. 

She walked back over to Sarah’s crib and looked inside.  She was still sleeping peacefully, but Kathryn couldn’t return just yet.  Jace couldn’t see her frazzled like this.  Instead, her eyes drifted towards the silver-framed picture of Ben above the crib.  In the shadows of the darkened room, she could barely make out his face, but it didn’t matter that she couldn’t see his eyes.  She knew how he was looking at her.  She knew he was disgusted by her, disappointed in what she was doing…leaving him behind for Jace and even worse, the complications of her relationship with his brother.

“I’m sorry,” she whispered, staring up at the photograph, and then gently scooping Sarah up out her crib.  She stirred for a moment, but once Kathryn held her to her chest and began rocking back and forth, she was sound asleep again.  Kathryn held her tightly, never wanting to let go…wanting to feel everything about Sarah that was Ben.  “I’m sorry you’re dad’s not here with us and I’m sorry for messing everything up.  You deserve more.  You deserve better than me,” she whispered to her sleeping daughter as the tears fell from her cheeks.

“Is everything okay?” Jace’s deep voice interrupted quietly from the doorway.  She looked up, hoping he couldn’t see the tears in the dimly lit room.

“Yeah, everything’s fine,” she lied, trying to sound alright.

He stepped into the room and walked over to her side.  He stroked Sarah’s back for a minute, before turning to Kathryn, who couldn’t bring herself to look at him.

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