After Dark (Between the Veils Series, Book One) (10 page)

BOOK: After Dark (Between the Veils Series, Book One)
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He forced his gaze to meet hers, regretting the decision when he saw the love reflected in her eyes. Whether she realized it or not, she wasn’t holding her emotions back, and he knew she was daring him to refuse her.

He couldn’t.

He sighed in defeat, knowing he’d never be the same, never be the man he was before she’d taken him inside her. Temperance seemed to sense his vulnerability, dropping kisses along his jaw as she whispered how much she wanted him…needed him.

He clenched his jaw once, then claimed her mouth, dragging his cock back through her walls before plunging in, hilting his shaft in one firm thrust. Her voice sounded beside his ear, a raspy combination of his name and a word he couldn’t make out. Her heels flexed against his tailbone, silently begging him for more.

He reared back again, slamming home as the wet sound of his entrance vibrated off the headboard. She growled in his ear this time, urging him on, begging him to take her harder, faster. He kept moving, pounding into her, shuffling her across the mattress, thankful no one was around to hear the bed crash against the wall. Her channel spasmed, and he knew she was close.

Avery lowered his body, rubbing his skin against hers as he licked her neck, ending it with a firm bite to the hollow below her shoulder. She arched her back off the bed, shouting his name as her body tensed, then climaxed, warm cream coating his cock as her sex convulsed along his shaft, the rhythmic pulses sending him to the edge. He gritted his teeth, pushing through her clenching channel, fighting against the tight grip of her pussy until the fire shooting down his spine ignited, and he came, his cock jerking inside her as spurt after spurt of seed shot from the tip, leaving him breathless.

He collapsed, aware that he was squishing her into the mattress, but too exhausted to move. Her arms settled on his back as a warm breath feathered across his shoulder. He smiled against the soft skin of her neck, finding the energy to plant an open-mouthed kiss on her collarbone before easing back slightly.

She pulled him down, snuggling her head into his shoulder. “Don’t go.”

He chuckled, lifting his head enough to stare at her. “I have no plans on going anywhere, I simply didn’t want to suffocate you beneath me.”

“I like having you on me. It makes me feel…”


A shy smile lit her lips. “Safe.”

Her reply humbled him, and he kissed her, long and deep, rolling off her and dragging her onto his chest once he was done. She nuzzled into the crook of his shoulder, kissing his chest once before closing her eyes.

He inhaled, loving the hint of coconut shampoo on her hair. “I really should grab us a cloth or something.”

“Later,” she said, her voice already thick with sleep.

He sighed. “And you said you wouldn’t be my first anything.”

She scrunched her face into a furrow, looking at him with confusion etched across her brow.

“Like I said, I’ve never gone bareback before, darling.” He kissed her forehead. “You are the loveliest of surprises.”

Something flashed in her eyes, but he didn’t try to read her, too caught up in the feel of her fingers resting across his heart. He smiled at the sensation, wondering if she’d be up for another round, when the soft sound of her breathing drifted through the air, the steady rhythm telling him she’d already fallen asleep.

Avery gathered her close, drinking in the combined scent of woman and sex. Though there was no denying the musky aroma of their deed, there was a fruity edge to it that was all her. He sighed. He’d almost lost her. Almost allowed that
to take her, even after she’d risked her life to save him. And all because he’d been careless. Allowed his curiosity to outweigh his good sense. If he hadn’t regained consciousness in time…

Not again.

“I won’t let that bastard touch you again, darling. Not a bloody hair on your head.”

Once they’d quenched the raw edge of their desire, he was going to learn everything he could about their evil friend. Then he was going to send it back to Hell, even if he had to show it the way.

* * * *

Temperance squeezed her eyes closed, a distant thrum tempting her senses. She blinked through the foggy haze, allowing her vision to adjust to the muted light. The room was dark with only the light from the half moon casting a hazy glow across the floor. She lifted her head then realized she was still draped across Avery’s chest, his firm muscles rising and falling beneath her fingers as her arm curled across his ribcage. The spicy scent of his cologne wrapped around her, spreading a smile across her lips.

Though she’d had a handful of lovers in her life, she’d never experienced anything like the passion she’d shared with Avery…Avery Smith! The same man she’d cursed just a few short days ago, so certain his only redeeming quality was his choice in cars.

And now, here she was, curled into his side, her thighs still sticky with their release, her heart thundering at the prospect of loving him again. God help her, she’d lost her mind. Perhaps that demon had actually killed her, and this was some weird kind of existence. Maybe she was really the one caught between the veils.

Avery mumbled something in his sleep, the gravely tone of his voice sending a shiver of longing straight to her sex. She was wet…again…maybe still. So unless spirits engaged in sexual activities, she was definitely alive. Alive and ready to have her turn at tasting him. She frowned. She wasn’t generally a passive lover, though from the moment he’d stripped her down, praising her body as he touched and tasted every inch of her, she’d barely had a chance to explore him. In fact, she’d hardly touched him at all. Okay, she’d taken him inside her…bareback…for the first time ever, but that wasn’t really her idea of touching.

Bareback…god, what had snapped inside her head to encourage him to take her naturally? She’d never trusted any of her lovers enough to bypass that one, simple barrier, yet with him, the mere thought of having something, anything, between them had seemed unbearable.

She sighed. Whatever the reasoning, it was the best sexual experience of her life. And they hadn’t even gotten kinky. What would it be like to have him satisfy her fantasies? To feel him move within her as her hands pulled against restraints? Or allow his thick cock to take her other ways…ways she’d only thought about, but never experienced. She had no doubt he’d be keen to try anything she had in mind, and with his penchant for reading her thoughts, there’d be little she’d be able to keep from him.

He had powers…real powers.

The immensity of the previous day settled in the pit of her stomach, tempering some of her scorching arousal. They’d barely made it out of the tomb with their lives. Who knew what would happen if that demon caught them by surprise? Or worse…if it gained enough energy to take its true form, and come after them with real weapons.

Avery’s arm tightened around her shoulder and she glanced up at him, smiling at the blue eyes that greeted her. He was breathtaking. His tousled hair and slightly tanned skin. His easy smile and raspy voice. Coupled with a body that sent her pulse skyrocketing, he was the perfect male specimen. And for now, he was hers.

Avery sighed, shaking his head as he stared up at the ceiling. “Rather serious thoughts for the middle of the night, Temperance. Doesn’t that brain of yours ever rest?”

“Does yours?”

He chuckled. “Are you sure you’re not a psychiatrist or something? You seem to enjoy answering my questions with another question.”

She laughed, swatting him on the stomach, groaning at the firm bands that twitched beneath her fingers. Demons and ghosts be damned. They could haunt her ass tomorrow… Tonight, she was busy with another kind of investigation.

Temperance drew her fingers along his body, feeling each rippling muscle give against her hand. They contracted in series, accentuating the strength hidden within. He wasn’t bulging or massive, but lean and strong, with a physique that catered to speed and agility. Hell, even after being tossed against the wall, he’d still been able to half carry her out of the damn crypt, a feat she knew she never would have accomplished alone.

Her stomach clenched, but she couldn’t tell if it was from fear or arousal. Part of her wanted to live every moment they had together, discover every ounce of pleasure they could beat out of the next few hours. The other part wanted to find shelter in his embrace…curl against his chest and stay there.

“You don’t have to choose, you know.” He squeezed her arm. “You can have both.”

“And you should stay out of my head.”

“Occupational hazard. Now that I’ve gotten a taste of you, I can’t think of a place I’d rather be, than inside you.”

She glanced down his body, smiling at the way the sheet tented against his erection. “Inside me I can work with.” She grabbed the top of the blanket, holding his gaze as she slowly pulled it down, exposing long lean thighs and a thick, erect cock. “Especially if you’re planning on using that.”

“How about I make you a deal? We start with option one, then spend the rest of the night with option two.”

She pursed her lips together. “Agreed, but…” She pressed her hand against his chest when he tried to sit up. “It’s my turn to discover your body. I barely got to touch you last time, and it’s only fair.”

“Aren’t you the one who told me life isn’t fair that first night?”

“True, but…”

Her voice keened into a cry when he levered off the bed, rolling her onto her back as he hovered over her, his arms cording from the effort. She stared up at him, loving the way his gaze swept down her body, pausing in all the right spots.

“Sorry, darling, but one must learn to live by their words.” He shushed her when she opened her mouth. “Don’t worry. I plan on granting your every wish, but first.”

He shook a finger at her, silently warning her to stay put as he eased off the bed, grabbing the bowl of water off the small table before disappearing into the adjoining washroom. Water splashed in the background followed by the squeak of the taps turning off. He reappeared, the bowl still clasped in one hand, a new cloth in the other. The bed dipped as he sat on the edge, placing the bowl back on the table.

“I should have taken care of you before, but…” He sighed. “I think we were both beyond exhausted. Between the adrenaline rush from facing that demon and the heart-pounding sex, I know I couldn’t have moved if you’d begged me.”

She dropped her gaze to his groin, groaning at the sheer sight of him. He was long and thick and just remembering him tunneling into her sent an electric charge tingling through her body. “You seem to have
just fine.” She drew her tongue slowly along her upper lip. “I don’t suppose you’d like to bring that up here and give me a taste?”

“All in good time. Right now, I’m taking care of my lover.”

His sensuous tone clenched her heart and she opened her legs when he probed her mound, drawing the warm cloth between her legs. The soothing motion felt good, and she relaxed her head against the pillow as he cleaned the sticky patches off her skin, brushing the soft terry across her clit.

Sparks spread along her skin, bringing a rush of new moisture to her sex. Damn, if he didn’t stop touching her, he’d have a new mess to clean up. She pushed onto her elbows, fascinated by the play of emotions across his face. “Avery. I think I’m clean, unless you’re planning on making me come with that thing.”

“The thought had crossed my mind, especially with the way you’re reacting to it. I can smell how hot this game is making you.”

“I thought you were tending to me?”

“I am. Are you saying you’re not enjoying yourself?”

She released a long breath. How did he always find a way out of her arguments? “You know I am, but—”

“But you were hoping for something different.” His lips hinted at a smile as he reached for the drawer in the side table.

Her heart slammed to a halt. Surely he couldn’t know she’d placed her vibrator in there. She held her breath, heat creeping into her cheeks when he opened the drawer and removed her toy, turning it over in his hands as if assessing its quality. The smile that had been threatening curled his mouth, and he raised an eyebrow at her as he held it above her waist.

“Now this is a vibrator. It’s not flashy, with a lot of extras that really don’t accomplish much. No, this bad boy is all about simplicity. Getting the job done, and in mighty fine fashion, I assume.” He swiveled the base, chuckling as it whizzed to life, the low buzzing noise filling the room. He tested the end against his hand, nodding as he rolled it back and forth along his palm. “Good frequency without being too rough.” He turned it higher. “And for when that impending orgasm just won’t cooperate…extra motivation.” He turned it off, peering down at her. “I applaud your choice of toys, darling. I’ll be sure to allow you free rein in choosing any future appliances for us. Now I don’t suppose you have any erotic novels for me to read to you?”

Temperance tried to remember to breathe as he sat there, holding her vibrator, staring at her as if she was his next meal. God, how could a man be so fucking hot holding a woman’s toy? It should have looked ridiculous in his large hands, the light purple color adding to the illusion. But it made him appear sexy and dominant, as if he held her very pleasure in the palm of his hand.

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