Adina Falling (Threads of Fate) (11 page)

BOOK: Adina Falling (Threads of Fate)
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My solution had been to never get close to any man. I only allowed myself flings, casual dating that, most oftentimes were purely physical. My ways inevitably led to the demise of those so-called relationships. Because I never let myself emotionally invest, I always landed on my feet, ready to run into the next fling.

Standing there with Caleb, I wondered if it was time to start letting men in, and not just in my pants. Really let them in, for a real, adult relationship. I knew I was running short on time, my mother had already warned me that the Elders were close to getting involved in my personal life. I certainly wasn’t the type to be told what to do and who to do it with, especially not from a higher authority. The only thing I wanted from the Elders was to find out about this dream. Other than that, they could meddle in other vamps affairs and leave mine alone because I might actually end up doing just fine fixing myself up.

I was brought out of my thoughts when Caleb whispered into my ear, “I’m sorry?” I hadn’t heard him; I was too busy talking to myself. “I didn’t hear you.”

“Did you set your sights on anyone?” He looked back out into the crowd; I followed his line of vision over to a couple standing by the bar. They were stunningly human. The woman had a halo of blonde, shoulder-length curly hair which was draped across her face as she bent down to sip from the straw in her drink. The man was quite lovely, too. Similar stance to Caleb, his arm was tossed casually across the woman’s bony shoulders. They were there with each other, both on the same quest. To romp with the vampires.

“They’ll do just fine.” I whispered back, keeping my vision on the couple.

He took my hand and we headed over to them. In unison, they looked us up and down. I felt like a piece of meat, now I knew how humans felt when we assessed them before plunging our teeth into them, along with other parts of our bodies. I got it, though. There had to be an element of attraction from humans, they were doing most of the giving. It needed to be worth their while too.

It was apparent when we passed their initial inspection, their demeanor changed into instant warmth. Standing in a small, tight circle, we exchanged names. They were newlyweds, Sandy and Phil; they left out their last name, which in the scheme of things had absolutely no significance anyway.

She had one of those baby voices that made my teeth curl but his was pleasantly deep. It’s not that vampires are overly shallow, tones were important to us, our sense of hearing was enhanced and if a voice was grating, it was quite a big turn off. I could overlook her voice tonight though; her husband was the one I wanted to do naughty things with. I wasn’t sure about the whole newbie thing, though. I was too impatient to assume the teacher role.

We tried to have a bit of a conversation, to get to know each other but the band was playing and the bass was overpowering our communication. So, we just stood and smiled at each other while sipping our drinks. It was a somewhat uncomfortable situation but our options were limited.

Caleb reached across the bar, grabbed the nearest bottle of alcohol and nodded his head, signaling for us to follow. Like good puppies, we did as directed. Offering me his hand by wriggling his fingers, I grabbed on to him. He gave me a couple of squeezes, turned to me and smiled broadly. I liked the way his eyes danced when he looked at me. Maybe, just maybe, I had finally met someone I could be with for longer than a couple of months. My mom would be thrilled, although I did not know anything about this Caleb Locke aside from his name and raw hotness.

He led us back to the stairwell we had been in earlier. It amazed me again, the elaborate engravings on the bannister, the fine woods used to make up the steps and the lush carpet running up the center of the staircase. From the outside, it looked like a completely deserted warehouse but it was palpable that glamour was used to trick brains into believing something other than the truth. This was a mansion, not an industrial warehouse. I couldn’t believe I hadn’t even caught the shimmer that usually surrounds areas where glamour is used. I guess I hadn’t been paying enough attention.

Now that I was aware of the fact that my ex could pop up unannounced at any given time, I made a mental note to be more observant. Anything less could potentially cost me my life.


At the top of the staircase, we were met with an ornately engraved door. In front stood a man with glowing yellow eyes, he was a werewolf; I could smell canine through his cologne.

“Mr. Locke, welcome home.” He turned the doorknob and stepped aside, allowing us to pass. A low growl escaped his throat as he sniffed our human guests.

“Stand down, Eli.” Caleb ordered, shooting the doorman a grave look, “These are my guests for the evening, please don’t allow anyone in.”

“As you wish, Master.” He closed the door behind us as we followed Caleb through a sumptuously decorated foyer.

“You live here?” I asked, impressed.

“I own this building, along with some other real estate. The owner of The Blue Club rents space from me.” He showed us into a lovely living room, a leather couch wrapped its way around the wall that was flanked by a huge coffee table and a pair of decorative chairs. The entire room screamed money. “Please, won’t you have a seat?”

Taking a spot near the end of the couch, I crossed my legs casually and draped my arm on the smooth arm rest. “Very nice.” I purred approvingly.

Caleb’s place was tastefully decorated. It was masculine without being overbearing. A woman could still feel comfortable without having the urge to redecorate.

Sandy and Phil took a seat close to me with Phil being nearer. He looked at his wife who nodded as he placed his hand on my knee. They were so painfully new at this, it was blaringly obvious. We’d have to break them in slowly.

Turning to face the couple, “Have you ever been with vampires before?” I asked point blank.

They shook their heads, confirming my suspicions. Gazing at Caleb, I watched him fixing four drinks. “Caleb,” I grinned over at him, “We have virgins here.”

He strolled over to us, drinks balancing in his large hands, “We’ll be gentle.”

After he passed the drinks and we were all sipping happily, he took a seat next to Sandy. I couldn’t help but feel a little pang of jealousy; I almost wanted Caleb to myself. Hunger, however, needed to be satiated. Although, Vamp Tramp virgins weren’t exactly my favorite, it was typically awkward.

Chatting a bit to break the ice, we made small talk. Phil was a stockbroker and Sandy was in medical school and they had only been married for a couple months. They were hardly the trashy type, which made taking their virginity a little more appealing. Both were highly educated and classy, I wouldn’t be lowering my standards very much. I wasn’t sure how high my standards were anyways.

“Can I ask you something personal?” I was a curious person, it was it my nature. It had to do with the whole writing thing.

“Sure, of course.” Phil responded; his hand went back to my knee. His thumb rubbed up and down on my kneecap until it became grating. I put my hand down on top of his so that he would be forced to keep still.

“What made you decide to hang out with vampires?” I sincerely wanted to know.

“Your kind fascinate us, especially Sandy. We have friends that are, what you call Vamp Tramps and they can’t get enough of it. So, we thought we’d give it a try, see what it’s like.”

“Fair enough.” I finished off my drink.

Caleb had been quiet; he seemed to be taking everything in. I wondered what he was thinking but I didn’t want to ask. Not yet. I had a feeling there would be plenty of time to get to know him better.

“Another drink for you, Adina?” He grabbed my glass to refill it without waiting for my answer, which would have been a resounding ‘yes’ anyway.

He handed me back the cool crystal of liquid and returned to the couch, this time even closer to Sandy. I watched him in fascination as he murmured in her ear causing her to blush. He made his way from her ear down her neck while his hands reached over to remove her shirt, exposing tiny yet perky porcelain breasts.

Her arousal was evident in the way her skin flushed. I glanced at Phil, gauging his reaction. He seemed just as turned on, simply by watching his wife. I sipped my drink in amusement. To me, there was something almost comical about this pair; their insecure awkwardness was endearing. I decided to make a mental check list so that I could use it as fodder for a future book. Perhaps I would dabble in paranormal erotica someday.

I wasn’t feeling anything yet, except hunger. Desire for anything other than Phil’s blood was evading me. The bulge in his pant, however, proved he was getting in the groove. I was beginning to wonder if something was wrong with me, parties like this were one of my guilty pleasures. I usually enjoyed being with more than one person at a time. There was something about Caleb, however, that was preventing me from getting lost in this moment. I just wanted to be with him, my body ached for his touch.

Since I was a visual person, maybe just watching Caleb and Sandy go at it would be enough stimulation to get things going for me. Like sport spectators, Phil and I viewed them. The only thing missing were binoculars. Our eyes traveling as though they were attached to Sandy and Caleb’s hands; they moved and explored bodies, unchartered territories waiting to be claimed.

Caleb stood up and took off his own clothes, exposing washboard abs and fine pecs. His arms were chiseled and his ass, taut and firm within his boxer briefs. He looked as if he spent a lot of time in the gym, he was an Adonis. If I had a heartbeat, it would have started pounding.

When he pulled down his briefs, we all gasped. His cock was perfection. I had been with quite a few men, all with very nice penises. Caleb’s was spectacular. I couldn’t help myself; I flew up off the couch, startling Phil. I had to move closer to Caleb, to feel the ridges and to touch the sensitive tip.

Phil, following suit, got off the couch and took off his clothes. At this point, I was the only one still fully dressed but I was confident that wouldn’t be the case much longer. I had a not-so-little something to take care of first.

Planting his face between his wife’s legs, Phil began pleasuring her orally while I stood staring at Caleb and his magnificent sex which was hardening more under my scrutiny.

“It’s beautiful.” I said to him in awe.

He grinned devilishly, “Do you want it?”

“Oh, do I.” I stood facing him and I cupped my hands around his balls, squeezing them ever so gently. Then, I traveled up his shaft slowly; every ridge of his cock sending sparks through my hand down between my legs.

Caleb closed his eyes in response, enjoying my desire. He turned me around to unzip my dress, pulled it off my shoulders and let it slide down around my ankles. Still in my shoes, I was just a little shorter than him. When I kicked them off, it put me closer to the object of my fixation.

Turning my face up to him, “You’re taller than I thought.”

“Well, you aren’t as tall as I had thought.” He kissed the tip of my nose, “From the moment I saw you walk into the club tonight, I wanted you.” His voice softened as he placed his hand over where my heart was.

Giggling as I thought about his ‘good in bed’ comment, “You sure had a strange way of trying to impress me, Mr. Locke.”

“I don’t think I’ll ever live that down, but I’ll try my hardest.” Rubbing his knuckles along my cheek, he bent down and kissed me until I was breathless. Figuratively, of course.

“With those types of apologies, I’m sure that, in time, I will completely forgive you.” I responded, kissing him back.

Suddenly, the Vamp virgins were no longer significant, they were for feeding. We were for each other.

Our kiss gained momentum. It was more passionate than any I had ever known and sent me into a frenzied spiral, I was lost in this abyss that only Caleb could rescue me from. He wrapped his muscular arms around me, covering me in security and strength. Our bodies molding perfectly together, an embrace sealed so tight that even air couldn’t separate us. I hadn’t realized that this was what I had yearned for until now, while I was encompassed in this instant. I clung onto him, not wanting anything to shatter this perfect moment.

BOOK: Adina Falling (Threads of Fate)
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